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Japan - Man dies from Legionella bacteria in bath at Gunma hot spa inn
Man dies from Legionella bacteria in bath at Gunma hot spa inn
MAEBASHI -- A man in his 60s has died after being infected with Legionella bacteria in the bath of a hot spa inn in Gumna Prefecture, the prefectural government said. ...
Germany: Outbreak of Legionella infections (legionellosis, pneumonia) at the city of Ulm and the district of Neu-Ulm: 56 cases, 4 deaths
Since about January 4, 2010, a total of 56 cases of Legionella pneumophila infections have been confirmed by health authorities in the city of Ulm and the district of Neu-Ulm (German federal state of Baden-W?rttemberg).
Legionella bacteria in patient room at Shands Cancer Hospital, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Hospital takes precautions after bacteria detected
Published: December 10th, 2009
Representatives from the University of Florida College of Medicine and Shands HealthCare confirmed on Tuesday (Dec. 8) the presence...
J Clin Microbiol. Detection of 11 common viral and bacterial pathogens causing community-acquired pneumonia or sepsis in asymptomatic patients by using a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR assay with manual (enzyme hybridization) or automated
Detection of 11 common viral and bacterial pathogens causing community-acquired pneumonia or sepsis in asymptomatic patients by using a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR assay...