9 inpatients and 6 staffs infected with Influenza
85 years old woman died of cardiac insufficiency on 20 Feb
onset of flu: 18 Feb
her disease: severe heart disease
diagnosis: Influenza A
85 years old man died...
No announcement yet.
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makoto started a topic Japan - Influenza nosocomial infection in Hyogo college of medicine's Sasayama medical center, Hyogo prefecturein JapanJapan - Influenza nosocomial infection in Hyogo college of medicine's Sasayama medical center, Hyogo prefecture
Japan - Fukui to lease storks from Hyogo for breeding
Fukui to lease storks from Hyogo for breeding
FUKUI (Kyodo) -- The Fukui prefectural government said Monday it will lease a pair of storks from Hyogo Prefecture for breeding and the eventual release of the offspring into the wild.
Japan - 206 persons afflicted with food poisoning at 3 schools in Hyogo prefecture - Nishinomiya city
23 Feb., Nishinomiya city board of education announced
9 schools complained on 22 to 23 Feb
Shumai of lunch gives off a stench
"rubber smell or chemical smell"
*shumai http://en.wikiped...
makoto started a topic Japan - Avian influenza from Great Crested Grebe in Hyogo prefecture - Nishinomiya cityin JapanJapan - Avian influenza from Great Crested Grebe in Hyogo prefecture - Nishinomiya city
24 Feb., Hyogo prefecture announced http://translate.google.co.jp/transl...F000173703.pdf
H5 subtype...
Japan - H5N1 from Mute Swan in Hyogo prefecture - Kato city
Laidback Al started a topic Japan - Maps of prefectures with avian species confirmed with H5N1, updated February 26, 2011in JapanJapan - Maps of prefectures with avian species confirmed with H5N1, updated February 26, 2011
A map of Japan below shows prefectures with confirmed avian cases of H5N1 since mid-December 2010. Not shown are Kochi and Hyogo prefectures which are still waiting for confirmatory testing. Note that H5N1 has been widely confirmed in Japan recently....
Japan - Avian influenza Confirmed in Little Grebe in Hyogo prefecture
25 Jan., Hyogo prefecture announced http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fweb.p ref.hyogo.jp%2Fcontents%2F000172401.pdf
dead Little Grebe(Dabchick)...