02 Mar., Iwate prefecture announces
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Takizawa, Iwate district, Iwate pref 39.791919,141.072421
*4 small farms(under 30 birds)within a radius of 3 km, no mortality...
No announcement yet.
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5 results in 0.0939 seconds.
Japan - H7N1 Avian influenza from dead duck in Iwate prefecture
Japan - Satellite transmitter reveals spotted seal activity
Satellite transmitter reveals spotted seal activity
A satellite transmitter placed on a spotted seal found in Hokkaido has revealed more about the migration patterns of the animal, scientists at Hokkaido University said.
Japan - NOT - Avian influenza from dead swan in Miyagi prefecture
5 Jan., Miyagi prefecture announces
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Ichinojo, Toyomuro, Kakuda city, Miyagi prefecture 37.967664,140.74988
*19 farms within a radius of 10 km, no massive fatalities...
Japan - WHO names Hokkaido Univ. as cooperative center for zoonosis control
WHO names Hokkaido Univ. as cooperative center for zoonosis control
SAPPORO (Kyodo) -- The World Health Organization held a ceremony at Hokkaido University on Monday to designate the Research Center for Zoonosis Control at the national...
Japan - Shimadzu, Hokkaido Univ. Develop Cancer Cell-Tracking System
Shimadzu, Hokkaido Univ. Develop Cancer Cell-Tracking System
Kyoto, Nov. 16 (Jiji Press)--Japanese precision equipment maker Shimadzu Corp. <7701> and Hokkaido University said Wednesday that they have jointly developed a general-use...