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Study reveals urban smoke absorbs sunlight, exacerbating climate warming rather than cooling as erroneous climate models predicted
Global Warming Pause (slowing, actually) Will Last Another 10 Years, New Research Suggests
Emily started a topic "Iron-dust trial to foster sea life in B.C. waters arouses hope, horror" (but few questions about the content of 100 tonnes of material dumped by a California businessman into Canadian waters)in Pollution"Iron-dust trial to foster sea life in B.C. waters arouses hope, horror" (but few questions about the content of 100 tonnes of material dumped by a California businessman into Canadian waters)
...Last edited by Emily; June 20, 2014, 12:20 PM. Reason: Replaced 'broken' link on recycling mineral processing waste
Science. Massive Phytoplankton Blooms Under Arctic Sea Ice
[Source: Science, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
<CITE>Published Online June 7 2012 - <ABBR>Science</ABBR> 15 June 2012: Vol. 336 no. 6087 p. 1408 - DOI: 10.1126/science.1215065 </CITE>...
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Estimating the sources of sea level rise
[Source: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Estimating the sources of sea level rise [Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences]...
Hay, C. C., Morrow, E., Kopp, R. E., Mitrovica, J. X.
Nature. Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways
[Source: Nature, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways...
Nature 481, 7379 (2012). doi:10.1038/nature10705
Authors: James Morison, Ron Kwok, Cecilia Peralta-Ferriz,
Japan - 'Hybrid' plankton could solve world's food problem, global warming
'Hybrid' plankton could solve world's food problem, global warming
A type of microscopic plankton, which has features of both animals and plants, as well as containing nearly all essential nutrients for human beings, and absorbs carbon...
Global warming hitting Africa especially hard
Global warming hitting Africa especially hard
Africa, with its hodgepodge of nations, emits only about 4 percent of the world's greenhouse gases. Yet, global warming is making its presence felt in a big way across the continent.
Japan - Table coral thriving in warm waters off Izu Peninsula
Table coral thriving in warm waters off Izu Peninsula
A species of table coral that is common to warm waters of southern Japan has been found in the sea off Shizuoka Prefecture.
<iframe width="300" height="233"...
Japan - Top of Mount Fuji helping the study of global warming
Top of Mount Fuji helping the study of global warming
Observations being made atop majestic Mount Fuji are helping to map a clearer picture of global warming......
New USGS Study Documents Rapid Disappearance of Antarctica?s Ice Shelves
New USGS Study Documents Rapid Disappearance of Antarctica?s Ice Shelves
Possible Forecast for Continued Antarctica Glacier Loss and Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change
Antarctica's glaciers are melting more rapidly than previously...
WHO | The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbes (by WHO Director-General Margaret Chan)
WHO | The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbesAddress at the 23rd Forum on Global Issues...
Berlin, Germany
18 March 2009
The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbes
Giuseppe started a topic WHO | The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbes (by WHO Director-General Margaret Chan)in WHO (OMS)WHO | The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbes (by WHO Director-General Margaret Chan)
WHO | The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbesAddress at the 23rd Forum on Global Issues...
Berlin, Germany
18 March 2009
The impact of global crises on health: money, weather and microbes
Rubber Duckies to Help Track Speed of Melting Glaciers
Challenged to probe under Greenland's glaciers, NASA robotics expert Alberto Behar wondered what mechanism might endure sub-zero cold, the pressure of mile-thick ice and currents that sometimes exceed the flow rate of Niagara Falls.