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Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease has been diagnosed in White tailed deer - Northampton County, PA (USA)
Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease HAS been diagnosed in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Although the diagnosis was made using samples from a captive deer, there have been numerous reports of dead free-roaming wild white tail deer in the same area....
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Rapid evolution of disease resistance is accompanied by functional changes in gene expression in a wild bird
[Source: PNAS, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Rapid evolution of disease resistance is accompanied by functional changes in gene expression in a wild bird...
- Camille Bonneaud<SUP>a</SUP>,<SUP>b</SUP>,<SUP>1</SUP>,
- Susan
The Great Epizootic of 1872
from wikipedia:
"The Great Epizootic of 1872" was an 1872 outbreak of equine influenza in North America that brought the entire US economy to a virtual standstill, precipitated the Panic of 1873, and was the "most destructive...