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Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: Novel Biomarker Correlates of Clinical Outcome
Full text at link.Interesting to me was that the paper points out that no significant correlation between hemorrhage and death has been found in outbreaks...
Study: Camel milk and urine inhibits inflammatory angiogenesis in mice via downregulation of proangiogenic and proinflammatory cytokines (LB499)
N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) inhibits virus replication and expression of pro-inflammatory molecules in A549 cells infected with highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza A virus
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Interferon induction of IFITM proteins promotes infection by human coronavirus OC43
[Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Interferon induction of IFITM proteins promotes infection by human coronavirus OC43
Emily started a topic α-Tocopherol (vitamin E) stimulates cyclic AMP production in human peripheral mononuclear cells and alters immune functionin Immunityα-Tocopherol (vitamin E) stimulates cyclic AMP production in human peripheral mononuclear cells and alters immune function
J Infect Dis. Cytokine and Chemokine Levels in Patients Infected with the Novel Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus in China
[Source: Journal of Infectious Diseases, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Cytokine and Chemokine Levels in Patients Infected with the Novel Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus in China
Ying Chi 1,a, Yefei Zhu...
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Efficient influenza A virus replication in the respiratory tract requires signals from TLR7 and RIG-I
[Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Efficient influenza A virus replication in the respiratory tract requires signals from TLR7 and RI...
Virology. Simvastatin and oseltamivir combination therapy does not improve the effectiveness of oseltamivir alone following highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza virus infection in mice
[Source: Virology, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Direct journal homepage:
Simvastatin and oseltamivir combination therapy does not improve the effectiveness of oseltamivir alone...
Chest. Statins Reduce Lung Inflammation by Promoting the Clearance of Particulate Matter From Lung Tissues
[Source: Chest, full page: (LINK). Extract, edited.]
Correspondence | July 2013...
Statins Reduce Lung Inflammation by Promoting the Clearance of Particulate Matter From Lung Tissues
Thorax. Novel insights into immune and inflammatory responses to respiratory viruses
[Source: Thorax, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
<CITE><ABBR>Thorax</ABBR>2013;68:108-110 doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2012-202291 </CITE>...
<CITE></CITE>Chest clinic / Basic
Emily started a topic Inorganic arsenic impairs proliferation and cytokine expression in human primary T lymphocytesin ImmunityInorganic arsenic impairs proliferation and cytokine expression in human primary T lymphocytes
Virol J. Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 controls type I IFN induction in chicken macrophage HD-11 cells: a polygenic trait that involves NS1 and the polymerase complex.
[Source: Virology Journal, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 controls type I IFN induction in chicken macrophage HD-11 cells: a polygenic trait that involves NS1 and the polymerase complex....
PLoS ONE. Cytokine Profiles in Sepsis Have Limited Relevance for Stratifying Patients in the Emergency Department: A Prospective Observational Study
[Source: PLoS ONE, full text: (LINK).]
Cytokine Profiles in Sepsis Have Limited Relevance for Stratifying Patients in the Emergency Department: A Prospective Observational Study...
by Virginie Lvovschi, Laurent Arnaud,
JAMA. Immunosuppression in Patients Who Die of Sepsis and Multiple Organ Failure
[Source: Journal of the American Medical Association, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Immunosuppression in Patients Who Die of Sepsis and Multiple Organ Failure...
Jonathan S. Boomer, PhD; Kathleen To, MD; Kathy C. Cha