04:26 JST 07 Mar 2012 40.6N 142.0E 50 km M4.0 Aomori-ken Toho-oki
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Japan earthquake - 04:26 JST 07 Mar 2012 40.6N 142.0E 50 km M4.0 Aomori-ken Toho-oki
Japan - Nagano Prefecture has lowest death rate in Japan: gov't survey
Nagano Prefecture has lowest death rate in Japan: gov't survey
The people of Nagano Prefecture are alive and kicking: According to the results of a 2010 government survey released on March 1, the prefecture has the lowest death rate of...
Japan earthquake - 11:25 JST 27 Feb 2012 40.5N 142.9E 10 km M4.5 Aomori-ken Toho-oki
11:25 JST 27 Feb 2012 40.5N 142.9E 10 km M4.5 Aomori-ken Toho-oki
makoto started a topic Japan - Influenza mass infection in Long-term care health facility, Aomori prefecturein JapanJapan - Influenza mass infection in Long-term care health facility, Aomori prefecture
41 aged persons and 14 staffs infected with Influenza
*a name of long-term care health facility is not open to the public
80s woman died of respiratory failure caused by congestive heart failure etc on 21 Feb
onset of flu: 38...
Japan earthquake - 10:59 JST 18 Feb 2012 41.9N 142.5E 60 km M4.2 Urakawa Oki
10:59 JST 18 Feb 2012 41.9N 142.5E 60 km M4.2 Urakawa Oki
Japan earthquake - 04:22 JST 09 Feb 2012 41.2N 140.3E 160 km M4.1 Aomori-ken Seiho-oki
04:22 JST 09 Feb 2012 41.2N 140.3E 160 km M4.1 Aomori-ken Seiho-oki
Japan earthquake - 04:43 JST 10 Dec 2011 46.8N 145.1E 400 km M5.7 Southern Sea of Okhotsk
04:43 JST 10 Dec 2011 46.8N 145.1E 400 km M5.7 Southern Sea of Okhotsk
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/1/2011...91-100443.html
makoto started a topic Japan - Once extinct in wild, Oriental white storks making slow comeback in Japanin JapanJapan - Once extinct in wild, Oriental white storks making slow comeback in Japan
Once extinct in wild, Oriental white storks making slow comeback in Japan
Oriental white storks, a special protected species in Japan that once vanished from the wild in the 1970s, are making a gradual comeback, with some 1,000 sightings...
Japan - Micro-organisms found in 460,000-year-old seabed layer
Micro-organisms found in 460,000-year-old seabed layer
Japanese researchers say they have confirmed the existence of a community of micro-organisms thriving in a seabed layer formed more than 400,000 years ago in northern Japan.
Japan earthquake - 17:03 JST 21 Oct 2011 43.8N 142.6E 190 km M6.2 Kamikawa-chiho Chubu
17:03 JST 21 Oct 2011 43.8N 142.6E 190 km M6.2 Kamikawa-chiho Chubu
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/1/2011...91-211703.html...
Japan earthquake - 19:39 JST 18 Sep 2011 42.0N 142.4E 60 km M4.9 Urakawa Oki
19:39 JST 18 Sep 2011 42.0N 142.4E 60 km M4.9 Urakawa Oki
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/1/2011...91-181939.html
M4.9 earthquake jolts northern Japan
TOKYO (Kyodo)...
Japan earthquake - 07:27 JST 07 Sep 2011 42.2N 142.5E 10 km M4.3 Urakawa Oki
07:27 JST 07 Sep 2011 42.2N 142.5E 10 km M4.3 Urakawa Oki
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/1/2011...91-070727.html
M4.3 quake jolts southern Hokkaido
TOKYO (Kyodo)...
Japan earthquake - 02:36 JST 01 Aug 2011 41.7N 143.0E 40 km M5.4 Urakawa Oki
02:36 JST 01 Aug 2011 41.7N 143.0E 40 km M5.4 Urakawa Oki
jma http://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/1/2011...91-010236.html
M5.4 quake jolts southern Hokkaido
Giuseppe started a topic Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan (WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information Database, March 16 2011), wild birds: Shimane, Aomoriin JapanHighly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan (WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information Database, March 16 2011), wild birds: Shimane, Aomori
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Japan (WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information Database, March 16 2011)
[Source: OIE, full page: <cite cite="http://web.oie.int/wahis/public.php?page=single_report&a...
makoto started a topic Japan - suspected Avian influenza from falcon in Aomori prefecture - U.S Misawa basein JapanJapan - suspected Avian influenza from falcon in Aomori prefecture - U.S Misawa base
10 Mar., Aomori prefecture announced http://www.excite-webtl.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pref.aomori.lg.jp%2Fnatur e%2Fnature%2Ftori-infuruenza-jouhou.html%3Fref%3Dticker&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
dead falcon was positive...