Spanish to English translation
Puerto Rico Today
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February 26, 2011
Slow but steady, increasing AH1N1
Has now confirmed 26 confirmed cases of this strain of virus
By Marga Par?s Arroyo /
The H1N1 influenza continues, slowly but surely spreading its contagion. With five confirmed cases this week, now totaling 26 people infected with this strain of virus so far this year and 41 hospitalized.
The Epidemiology Division of the Department of Health is closely monitoring the course you are taking the flu this year, issuing weekly reports Epidemiological Surveillance for Influenza.
Margarita Casalduc, press spokesman of the Department of Health, told El Nuevo Dia and the agency which has confirmed 116 people infected with this virus during 2011. Of these, 88 were infected with the strain AH3N2, another 26 with the H1N1 and two with the B.
These data confirm that although the H1N1 reappeared after failing cases reported since June last year, remains the dominant strain AH3N2.
However, in the last five weeks, H1N1 appears to have taken an unexpected turn because, while this week confirmed five cases in the past three weeks were confirmed six cases a week.
According to Health, the most affected population of children under four years, followed by children from five to nine years and aged 20 to 24 years. The agency urged the public to get vaccinated.