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Ecuador: 2022 Monkeypox

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  • #16

    Ecuador reports 243 infections of monkeypox
    Fernando Soto Estevez
    October 26, 2022 10:03 am

    The Ministry of Health reported that it has identified 243 people infected with the disease known as monkeypox. In a press release, released on October 25, 2022, the entity detailed that Pichincha, Guayas and Azuay maintain the highest number of confirmed cases: 97, 79 and 19, respectively.

    Of the total number of patients, 89 have already been discharged, while 315 contacts remain in an epidemiological fence, and there are also no hospitalized people, according to the Ministry of Health...


    • #17

      December 07, 2022 4:20 PM
      Monkeypox cases rise to 405 in Ecuador
      Oñate and EFE (I)

      In a month and a half, the cases of monkeypox (MPox) in Ecuador went from 243 to 405, an increase of 162, according to the report of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) updated on December 6, 2022.

      Like the report from last October, Pichincha is the province with the highest number of cases and registers 155, followed by Guayas with 136. Cotopaxi is far below with 31, Azuay with 22 and Tungurahua with 12.

      Other provinces with fewer cases are: Imbabura (10), Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas (8), Chimborazo (6), Manabí (5), El Oro (4), Santa Elena (4), Esmeraldas and Loja 3 infections in each one, Carchi (2) and one infection was registered in Cañar, Sucumbíos, Los Ríos and Zamora Chinchipe, respectively.

      During epidemiological week 48, five new cases were confirmed in Pichincha, three in Guayas, two in Cotopaxi, and one in Azuay, Tungurahua, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, and Chimborazo.

      The information from the MSP details that of the 405 confirmed infections, 159 were discharged and 262 contacts remain under epidemiological siege.

      In addition, 62.2% of the confirmed cases (252/405) occur in men who have sex with men (MSM) and 38.8% (157/405) have comorbidity with HIV.

      As of December 6, there were no people hospitalized due to the disease and 244 patients were in isolation.

      Compared to the countries in the region, the MSP report shows that Ecuador is below Argentina, which has 944 infections. The United States is the one that accumulates the most cases, with 29,432. Next is Brazil with 10,100, Colombia with 3,861 and below is Chile with 1,312....

