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Planning, surveillance, and reporting for pandemic influenza: A briefing for advanced practice nurses

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  • Planning, surveillance, and reporting for pandemic influenza: A briefing for advanced practice nurses

    Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

    Volume 20 Issue 1 Page 11-16, January 2008
    To cite this article: Danielle F. Hoffman MS, RN Staff Nurse, Angela Nannini FNP, PhD Assistant Professor (2008)
    Planning, surveillance, and reporting for pandemic influenza: A briefing for advanced practice nurses
    Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 20 (1), 11?16.
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    Planning, surveillance, and reporting for pandemic influenza: A briefing for advanced practice nurses
    • <address>1 Exeter Hospital, Exeter, New Hampshire
      2 School of Nursing, Bouv? College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts</address>
    <address class="author_address">Angela Nannini, PhD, FNP,
    Bouv? College of Health Sciences,
    Northeastern University,
    106D Robinson Hall, 360 Huntington Avenue,
    Boston, MA 02115-5000;
    Tel: 617-373-3112; Fax: 617-373-8675;

    Purpose: To provide advanced practice nurses (APNs) with information necessary to participate in pandemic influenza planning and response. Key epidemiological terms and pandemic alert designations are reviewed. Influenza surveillance activities at the local, state, and national levels are summarized. Responsibilities of the APN are discussed, and resources are provided.
    Data sources: Review of the published literature, epidemiology text books, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) Pandemic Influenza Plan, state pandemic influenza plans, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and USDHHS Internet resources.
    Conclusions: Recent public health emergencies have brought to light the need for APNs to become educated regarding emergency planning and response. APNs should be familiar with terminology, current activities, and potential responsibilities.
    Implications for practice: Resources presented in this article will help prepare APNs to participate in planning and response activities for pandemic influenza.
