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Israel & Hamas War - Not a political thread - Reports of hundreds dead on day one - October 7, 2023

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  • #61

    There are reports of drones and other projectiles launched directly from Iran toward Israel.

    Apparently Israel and Jordan have closed their airspace. Also reports that Egypt has air defenses on alert.

    Is this a regional escalation?

    These happenings are on every news channel so we are not going to carry it here in detail.


    • #62
      Press Releases

      Statement by PM Netanyahu

      The 37th Government

      Publish Date

      Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening :

      "Citizens of Israel,

      In recent years, and especially in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran.

      Our defensive systems are deployed; we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong.

      We appreciate the US standing alongside Israel, as well as the support of Britain, France and many other countries.

      We have determined a clear principle: Whoever harms us, we will harm them. We will defend ourselves against any threat and will do so level-headedly and with determination.

      Citizens of Israel, I know that you also are also level-headed. I call on you to follow the directives of IDF Home Front Command.

      Together we will stand and with G-d's help – together we will overcome all of our enemies

      This page was last updated on 14.04.2024


      Press Releases

      Prime Minister's Office – Mossad Statement

      The 37th Government

      Publish Date

      It has been over a week since the Cairo meeting – Hamas has rejected the outline that was tabled by the mediators.

      The rejection of the proposal by the three mediators, which included the most significant flexibility on Israel's part, proves that Sinwar does not want a humanitarian deal and the return of the hostages, is continuing to exploit the tension with Iran, and is striving to unite the sectors and achieve a general escalation in the region.

      Israel will continue to strive to realize the objectives of the war with Hamas with full force, and leave no stone unturned to return the 133 hostages from Gaza forthwith.

      This page was last updated on 14.04.2024


      • #63
        U.S. Department of Defense


        Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Iran's Strikes Against Israel

        April 13, 2024 |

        At the direction of President Biden, U.S. forces in the Middle East on April 13 intercepted dozens of missiles and UAVs en route to Israel, launched from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Our forces remain postured to protect U.S. troops and partners in the region, provide further support for Israel's defense, and enhance regional stability.

        We condemn these reckless and unprecedented attacks by Iran and its proxies, and we call on Iran to immediately halt any further attacks, including from its proxy forces, and to deescalate tensions. We do not seek conflict with Iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of Israel.

        I am grateful for the professionalism and the skill of the brave U.S. troops who took part in today's actions and who continue to stand guard to prevent further conflict or escalation. I will continue to monitor the situation closely and to consult with our allies and partners.​


        • #64
          News reports are saying that Israel has made some type of direct missile(s)? hit on in Iran.

          Security Alert U.S. Embassy Jerusalem (April 19, 2024)

          Home / News & Events / Security Alert U.S. Embassy Jerusalem (April 19, 2024) Location: Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza

          Event: Security Alert

          Out of an abundance of caution following reports that Israel conducted a retaliatory strike inside Iran, U.S. government employees and their family members are restricted from personal travel outside the greater Tel Aviv (including Herzliya, Netanya, and Even Yehuda), Jerusalem, and Be’er Sheva areas until further notice. U.S. government personnel are authorized to transit between these three areas for personal travel.

          This is provided for your information as you make your own security plans.

          The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem reminds U.S. citizens of the continued need for caution and increased personal security awareness as security incidents often take place without warning. The security environment remains complex and can change quickly depending on the political situation and recent events.

          In response to security incidents and without advance notice, the U.S. Embassy may further restrict or prohibit U.S. government employees and their family members from traveling to certain areas of Israel (including the Old City of Jerusalem) and the West Bank.

          U.S. citizens are encouraged to consult the current Travel Advisory and Country Information for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, which advise U.S. citizens to be aware of the continuing risks of travel to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza due to the security situation and heightened regional tensions and warns against travel to Gaza.

          U.S. citizens can find additional information regarding steps to take in case of mortar and rocket fire in the Country Information for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza:

          Mortar and Rocket Fire: In the event of mortar or rocket fire, a “red alert” siren may be activated. Treat all such alerts as real; follow the instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately. Know the location of your closest shelter or protected space. U.S. government personnel and their family members may be restricted from traveling to areas affected by rocket activity, sirens, and/or the opening of bomb shelters. For additional information on appropriate action to take upon hearing a siren or explosion, see the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command website (available on devices within Israel) or view the Preparedness Information PDF. U.S. citizens may also wish to download the free Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command application on Android or Apple devices to receive real-time security and safety alerts. Free commercial applications, such as Red Alert: Israel, are also available.

          Actions to Take:


          U.S. Embassy Jerusalem
          14 David Flusser St.
          Telephone: +972-2-630-4000

          U.S. Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv
          71 HaYarkon St.
          Tel Aviv
          Telephone: +972-3-519-7575

          State Department – Consular Affairs
          888-407-4747or 202-501-4444
          Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Country Information
          Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Travel Advisory 


          • #65
            UN atomic watchdog confirms no damage to Iranian nuclear sites after alleged Israeli strike

            ​Today, 9:16 am

            The watchdog adds that it is closely monitoring the situation.

            Square profile picture
            IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
            IAEA can confirm that there is no damage to #Iran’s nuclear sites. DG
            continues to call for extreme restraint from everybody and reiterates that nuclear facilities should never be a target in military conflicts. IAEA is monitoring the situation very closely.

            12:41 AM · Apr 19, 2024
            Last edited by sharon sanders; April 19, 2024, 11:21 AM. Reason: format


            • #66
              (Columbia University in the City of New York)

              Columbia rabbi warns Jewish students to go home, don’t come back to campus because of ‘extreme antisemitism’

              By Doree Lewak and Isabel Keane
              Published April 21, 2024
              Updated April 21, 2024, 12:47 p.m. ET

              A prominent rabbi at Columbia University took the drastic step Sunday of warning Jewish students to go home and not return to campus because of “extreme antisemitism” at the Ivy League school.

              The dire directive followed yet another night of virulent anti-Israel protests on campus — which included one protester holding up a sign suggesting that students waving Israeli flags should be the next target of Hamas terrorists.”

              The events of the last few days, especially last night, have made it clear that Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy,” Rabbi Elie Buechler told students Sunday morning over WhatsApp.

              “It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved.


              Columbia to hold classes virtually as Jewish leaders warn about safety amid tensions over pro-Palestinian protests

              The university's president said school leaders would be coming together to discuss a way to bring an end to “this crisis.”

              April 22, 2024, 12:54 AM CST / Updated April 22, 2024, 11:07 AM CST
              By George Solis, Dennis Romero and Yasmeen Persaud

              A growing number of leaders and organizations have called on Columbia University and its president to protect students amid reports of antisemitic and offensive statements and actions on and near its campus, which has been the site this week of a pro-Palestinian encampment and protest.

              Statement from Columbia University President Minouche Shafik

              April 22, 2024
              Columbia University in the City of New York

              Dear Members of the Columbia Community,

              I am deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus. Our bonds as a community have been severely tested in ways that will take a great deal of time and effort to reaffirm. Students across an array of communities have conveyed fears for their safety and we have announced additional actions we are taking to address security concerns. The decibel of our disagreements has only increased in recent days. These tensions have been exploited and amplified by individuals who are not affiliated with Columbia who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas. We need a reset.

              There is a terrible conflict raging in the Middle East with devastating human consequences. I understand that many are experiencing deep moral distress and want Columbia to help alleviate this by taking action. We should be having serious conversations about how Columbia can contribute. There will be many views across our diverse community about how best to do this and that is as it should be. But we cannot have one group dictate terms and attempt to disrupt important milestones like graduation to advance their point of view. Let’s sit down and talk and argue and find ways to compromise on solutions.

              To deescalate the rancor and give us all a chance to consider next steps, I am announcing that all classes will be held virtually on Monday. Faculty and staff who can work remotely should do so; essential personnel should report to work according to university policy. Our preference is that students who do not live on campus will not come to campus.

              During the coming days, a working group of Deans, university administrators and faculty members will try to bring this crisis to a resolution. That includes continuing discussions with the student protestors and identifying actions we can take as a community to enable us to peacefully complete the term and return to respectful engagement with each other. I know that there is much debate about whether or not we should use the police on campus, and I am happy to engage in those discussions. But I do know that better adherence to our rules and effective enforcement mechanisms would obviate the need for relying on anyone else to keep our community safe. We should be able to do this ourselves.

              Over the past days, there have been too many examples of intimidating and harassing behavior on our campus. Antisemitic language, like any other language that is used to hurt and frighten people, is unacceptable and appropriate action will be taken. We urge those affected to report these incidents through university channels. We also want to remind everyone of the support available for anyone adversely affected by current events.

              We are a caring, mature, thoughtful and engaged community. Let’s remind ourselves of our common values of honoring learning, mutual respect, and kindness that have been the bedrock of Columbia. I hope everyone can take a deep breath, show compassion, and work together to rebuild the ties that bind us together.


              Minouche Shafik
              President, Columbia University in the City of New York



              • #67
                Translation Google

                The Ministry of Communications shut down Al Jazeera's activities in Israel

                Following a real violation of the state's security, and after the Israeli government approved the decision, a team of inspectors from the Ministry of Communications, accompanied by the Jerusalem District Police, closed the network's offices in Jerusalem and confiscated the communications equipment there. In addition, the network's broadcasts on the cable and satellite companies were stopped, and access to its websites was blocked. The instructions entered into force upon their signing and were carried out immediately

                Type: Spoken messages

                singularity: barges

                Topic: Communication services
                Iron swords

                Date published: 06.05.2024

                The Minister of Communications, Dr. Shlomo Karai: "We acted immediately against those who use the freedom of the press to harm Israel's security and IDF soldiers and incite terrorism in times of war. There will be no freedom of speech for the Hamas mouthpieces in Israel. Too much time has passed and we have faced too many legal bumps to get to this moment but it is good that it has come. "God will fight for you and you will be silent" - silence the enemy's whistles of incitement."
                I thank Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his determination and support against all odds.

                The director general of the Ministry of Communications, attorney Einval Meshash: "The activity of the ministry's inspectors to implement the instructions of the minister and the government was carried out in accordance with their authority and immediately to prevent further harm to the security of the state. I thank the Jerusalem District Police and the prosecutor's office for the accompaniment and assistance in the process."

                After the approval of the government and the signing by the Minister of Communications Dr. Shlomo Karai of the orders ordering the termination of the Al Jazeera network in Israel which went into effect immediately, the team of office inspectors from the Supervision and Enforcement Administration of the Ministry of Communications together with the Jerusalem District Police closed the offices yesterday (Sunday) Al Jazeera network at the Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem.

                In addition to the closing of the channel's offices in Israel, equipment used to deliver the channel's content was seized, the channel's Arabic and English broadcasts on the cable and satellite companies were stopped, and access to its websites was blocked.

                The closure of the network's activity in Israel comes after it was determined that the content broadcast on Al Jazeera, which broadcasts in Israel, actually harms the security of the country.

                The instructions regarding the Al-Jazeera channel were given under the Law on Preventing Foreign Broadcasters from Harming the State's Security (Shoret-Iron Swords Order), 2024, which was submitted by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Communications and approved by the Knesset; the instructions were signed by the Minister of Communications after receiving the consent The prime minister and the approval of the government and with the unequivocal backing of all the security forces in Israel.


                • #68
                  WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing – 8 May 2024

                  8 May 2024

                  Good morning, good afternoon and good evening,

                  First, to Gaza, where we are deeply concerned about Israel’s increased military activities in Rafah, where most of Gaza’s people have fled for safety.

                  An estimated 30 to 40 thousand people have left Rafah for Khan Younis and Deir al-Balah, but more than 1.4 million people remain at risk in Rafah, including 600 thousand children.

                  Already, one of Rafah’s three hospitals – the An-Najjar hospital – has had to shut down. Its patients have moved elsewhere, and hospital staff are removing supplies and some equipment to safeguard them.

                  The Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza remains closed, which is a major access points for supplies into Gaza.

                  Fuel that we expected to be allowed in today has not been allowed in, meaning we only have enough fuel to run health services in the south for three more days.

                  WHO has pre-positioned some supplies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into Gaza, we cannot sustain our lifesaving support to hospitals.

                  WHO has no intention of withdrawing from Rafah and will stay and deliver alongside our partners.

                  WHO is coordinating the work of 20 Emergency Medical Teams in Gaza, comprising 179 internationals from 30 countries, working alongside 800 local staff.

                  These teams are embedded in 10 existing hospitals, and have established five field hospitals.

                  They have provided almost 400 thousand consultations, performed more than 18 thousand surgeries, and added more than 500 additional hospital beds.

                  They are working at all levels of care, in the north and south, providing trauma stabilisation, delivering babies, supporting early warning for disease outbreaks, and so much more.

                  With support from WHO and hospital staff, Emergency Medical Teams have cleaned up Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis following an attack and siege earlier this year.

                  They have recruited health workers and the hospital is ready to start receiving dialysis patients today.

                  A ceasefire is needed urgently for the sake of humanity.

                  WHO calls for the removal of all obstacles to the delivery of urgent humanitarian assistance into and across Gaza, at the scale that is required.



                  • #69
                    WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing – 21 May 2024

                    21 May 2024
                    Now to Gaza, where the situation remains beyond catastrophic.

                    In north Gaza, the Al-Awda hospital remains under siege since Sunday.

                    Inside, 148 hospital employees, including administrators, health workers, cleaners, and volunteers, along with 22 patients and their companions, remain trapped.

                    This is the second time Al-Awda Hospital has been besieged since the beginning of the conflict.

                    During the war, the hospital has suffered significant losses, including the deaths of 14 employees and injuries to dozens more.

                    Intense hostilities near Kamal Adwan hospital have compromised its ability to provide care and made it harder for patients to reach.

                    As these are the only two functional hospitals remaining in northern Gaza, ensuring their ability to deliver health services is imperative.

                    In Rafah, heavy military attacks are continuing and casualties are increasing.

                    People have been given an impossible choice of staying in a place that is being attacked or moving to another place, which is also not safe.
                    Over 800 000 people have now fled but many hundreds of thousands remain.

                    Rafah’s hospitals were overwhelmed and the An-Najjar hospital has had to shutdown, meaning there are 220 fewer hospital beds for the injured and the sick.

                    Crossings from Egypt into Gaza have remained closed for two weeks, cutting off the primary pipeline for emergency health supplies into Gaza.

                    All over Gaza, the impact of the incursions and evacuation orders are being felt.

                    Six hospitals and nine primary health centres have been impacted. Over 70 shelters have now lost access to their medical points.

                    Daily consultations have fallen by close to 40%, and immunization by 50%.

                    Approximately 700 seriously ill patients, who would have otherwise been evacuated for medical care elsewhere, are stuck in a war zone.

                    At a time when the people of Gaza are facing starvation, we urge Israel to lift the blockade and to let aid through.

                    WHO has pre-positioned some supplies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into Gaza, we cannot sustain our lifesaving support to hospitals and the population.

                    WHO and partners have managed to deliver small amounts of fuel to hospitals in recent days, but this falls far short of the 50-to-60 thousand litres of fuel that are needed each day for health operations.

                    Without fuel, ambulances can’t reach patients, and life-saving services like dialysis can’t continue.

                    What is needed now more than ever is a ceasefire and to get aid flowing into Gaza.

                    Today marks the start of World Immunization Week – a time to celebrate some of the most powerful inventions in history – vaccines. Thanks to vaccines, smallpox has been eradicated, polio is on the brink, and many once-feared diseases can now be easily prevented, including measles, cervical cancer, yellow fever, pneumonia and diarrhoea.


                    • #70
                      WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing – 10 July 2024

                      11 July 2024

                      Finally, to Gaza.

                      Since the conflict began in October last year, more than 38,000 people have been killed, 88,000 injured, and about 10,000 are missing.

                      More evacuation orders issued by Israel are further threatening the health of people who have already suffered so much.

                      The Al Ahli and Patient Friendly hospitals in northern Gaza are the latest that are unable to function because of fighting nearby.

                      Patients from Al Ahli have been evacuated to the Indonesian Hospital, which is now operating at three times its capacity.

                      Over 10 000 patients still need medical evacuation for treatment that cannot be provided in Gaza.

                      Multiple evacuation corridors are needed urgently, to the West Bank, Egypt and Jordan.

                      And almost the entire population of Gaza now faces high levels of acute food insecurity.

                      Almost one in four are facing starvation, and another one in three face an emergency level of food shortages that can lead to a high rate of acute malnutrition.

                      At the same time, very few supplies are getting into Gaza.

                      Only five WHO trucks were allowed into Gaza last week.

                      More than 34 trucks are waiting at the Al Arish crossing, and 850 pallets of supplies are awaiting collection. A further 40 trucks are waiting at Ismailiya in Egypt.

                      WHO calls for the restrictions on supplies entering Gaza to be lifted immediately.

                      The people of Gaza who have nothing to do with this conflict must not be the ones who pay the price for it.

