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CIDRAP FLU SCAN: WHO confirms H7N9 case; H7N9 transmission; H7N2 in Australia

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  • CIDRAP FLU SCAN: WHO confirms H7N9 case; H7N9 transmission; H7N2 in Australia


    Avian Flu Scan for Oct 16, 2013
    WHO confirms H7N9 case; H7N9 transmission; H7N2 in Australia
    Filed Under:
    H7N9 Avian Influenza; Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

    WHO confirms new H7N9 case in China

    The World Health Organization (WHO) today confirmed an H7N9 avian flu case in a 35-year-old man from Zhejian province that was reported yesterday by Chinese health officials and also confirmed a death in a previously reported H7N9 patient.

    In addition, the organization said that three patients remain hospitalized with the disease. Its global H7N9 count now stands at 136 cases and 45 deaths.

    The WHO statement afforded no new details on the recent case. The Zhejian man was hospitalized on Oct 8 and is in critical condition. His is the first H7N9 case since Aug 11.

    The patient who died was from Hebei province, the WHO said. The only H7N9 case-patient confirmed in that province was a 61-year-old woman whose case was announced by the WHO on Jul 20. At that time she was listed in critical condition.

    Today on Twitter, Gregory Hartl, WHO head of public relations, said that new H7N9 cases are to be expected as the weather turns colder. "Don't be surprised if we see more," he tweeted.
    Oct 16 WHO update
    Jul 22 CIDRAP News story "Chinese woman critical with H7N9 infection"
    Gregory Hartl Twitter account

    Study reports possible human-to-human H7N9 spread

    An analysis of a six-patient cluster of H7N9 avian flu in Shanghai likely linked to live-bird markets revealed that two cases may have involved human-to-human spread, according to a report in PLoS One yesterday.

    Shanghai researchers examined the epidemiologic and clinical data from patients in the Minhang District of Shanghai who were referred to the same hospital during 2 weeks in February and March. All the patients were men.

    Their ages were 27, 41, 63, 67, 74, and 87. Only the 41-year-old had no underlying conditions. The 27-year-old, a pork butcher, had hepatitis B, and the four oldest all had hypertension. Three of those with hypertension also had two or more additional conditions.

    Three of the patients had a history of contact with poultry, but all six lived near two food markets where H7N9 was later detected in chickens and pigeons. All patients were treated with oseltamivir (Tamiflu) 3 to 8 days after symptom onset, and four died of acute respiratory distress.

    The 87-year-old and 67-year-old were a father and son who lived in the same house. The father died from his infection, while the son was discharged after 15 days. The father's other son had similar symptoms and died from severe pneumonia without H7N9 confirmation.

    The authors said the two cases "indicated that human transmission may be involved in the spread of this infection" and added that the two markets were the likely source of the virus.
    Oct 15 PLoS One report

    H7N2 avian flu kills 18,000 chickens in New South Wales

    Highly pathogenic H7N2 avian influenza has been confirmed in free-range and caged layer hens on a poultry farm in southeastern Australia, reports a World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) notification today. An investigation is under way to find the source of the infection.

    H7N2 cases, all of them fatal, number 18,000 to date. The number of susceptible birds is listed as 435,000. The infection manifested as clinical disease, and diagnosis was by polymerase chain reaction and gene sequencing over the past few days.

    The property, in New South Wales, has been put under quarantine, with a 10-km-diameter control area surrounding it. All movements of birds, people, vehicles, and eggs at the farm are being traced. Stamping out and disinfection of the premises are planned as further control measures.
    Oct 16 OIE notification