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AFD - Preparedness Materials Including Videos & Comic Books

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  • AFD - Preparedness Materials Including Videos & Comic Books

    Seattle - King County: No Ordinary Flu

    Covering Pandemic and Seasonal Flu, H5N1 `Bird Flu, Emerging Infectious Diseases, public health, community & Individual preparedness, and anything else that piques my admittedly eclectic interests

    # 2174

    Public Health Seattle-King County has been on the forefront of pandemic education and preparedness for years. I've highlighted some of their efforts in the past, including this excellent video:

    Business Not As Usual:
    Preparing for a Pandemic Flu

    Watch a streaming video by Public Health - Seattle & King County and download resources. Free DVD copies available.

    Today they have launched something truly unique, a 12-page comic book on the 1918 Spanish Flu, with several pages of preparedness information for the next pandemic.

    This comic book is freely available for download in different 12 languages. Residents of King County can order these comic books at no charge.

    A hat tip to Big Critter on the Flu Wiki for posting this link.

    No Ordinary Flu"

    To promote pandemic flu preparedness, Public Health - Seattle & King County has developed a 12-page comic book on pandemic flu.
    Targeting readers of all ages, this story tells the tale of a family's experience of the 1918 influenza pandemic. It also explains the threat of pandemic flu today, illustrates what to expect during a pandemic (such as school closures), and offers tips to help households prepare.

    View comic book in 12 languages.

    In a press release today, hosted on the website, we learn the story behind the creation of this comic book.

    Local comic book artist tells the story of 1918 pandemic Comic book illustrates new way to reach immigrants and youth about pandemic flu
    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON - A local comics artist with a personal connection to the great influenza pandemic of 1918 has teamed up with public health officials on an vivid new comic book about pandemic flu. The comic book No Ordinary Flu reaches out to immigrants and young people with information about the pandemic threat, then and now. Starting today, Public Health ? Seattle & King County is making No Ordinary Flu available to order for free through the Public Health website.

    The comic book follows the fictional account of a young World War I veteran and his family as their world is transformed overnight by the arrival of the deadly flu virus. No Ordinary Flu also describes the current threat of a flu pandemic and includes information on how to prepare.

    Artist David Lasky brings a personal connection to his work on the comic, as his great-grandmother died during the 1918 pandemic that killed over 675,000 Americans. Her grieving husband left three of his children to be raised in an orphanage, including Lasky?s grandmother.

    ?The 1918 pandemic left such a mark on my family, but until this project, I never really knew much about the pandemic itself,? commented Lasky. ?I was completely surprised to learn how deadly it was, and how quickly it had spread.?

    ?A severe pandemic would affect the lives of everyone in our community, and this comic book helps people to visualize pandemic flu?s speed and impact, which can be difficult to grasp,? explained Dr. David Fleming, Director and Health Officer for Public Health ? Seattle & King County. ?Everyone needs to prepare for the health and economic impacts of a pandemic, so we?re delivering the message in a way that reaches diverse communities.?

    The idea for No Ordinary Flu came from requests from local immigrant groups for emergency preparedness materials that use pictures to communicate. Public Health educators chose the comic book format because comics are widely read by people of all ages in parts of Latin America and Asia. The comic book has been translated into 11 languages to make it accessible to many of King County?s immigrant populations. All language versions are available from the Public Health ? Seattle & King County website.

    (Continue . . .)

    Frankly, this is the kind of innovative thinking (and action) we need more of in order to get the word out to the public about the pandemic threat.

    Hopefully other health departments, civic groups, schools, churches, and even private businesses will see the value in this sort of outreach and make copies available in their communities.

    As for the Seattle-King County Health Department, Kudos once again for going the extra mile.

    posted by FLA_MEDIC @ 1:29 PM

  • #2
    Re: AFD - Preparedness Materials Including Videos & Comic Books

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    <!-- Begin .post --> Video: Ethically Rationing Scarce Resources In A Pandemic

    # 2188

    Via CIDRAP (Center For Infectious Disease Research & Policy) we get this link to two seminar videos from the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health website on a seminar on the ethics of rationing scarce resources during a pandemic.

    This seminar was sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Health and the University of Minnesota Center for Public Health Preparedness, and was held on June 5th, 2008.

    Specifically, addressing the difficulties of rationing:
    • Antivirals (Prevention/Treatment)
    • N95's (PPE)
    • Masks (PPE)
    • Vaccine (Prevention)
    • Ventilators (Treatment)

    The recommendations in the video are advisory, and are not mandates. They are also provisional, as they intend to get public input before putting a final version out.

    The two videos run about 2 hours total, and require Real Player.

    Ethics in the Worst of Times: Rationing to Protect the Public's Health during a Severe Influenza Pandemic

    This event took place on June 5, 2008.

    Who should be first to receive scarce health-related resources in a severe pandemic? How should scarce resources like antivirals, masks, vaccines, and ventilators be rationed? How will you communicate a public health perspective to your community, supporting rationing strategies to further our common good? How will you educate them and enlist their support of a state-wide plan to ration these resources in ways intended to save the most lives, preserve public safety and order, and be fair?

    Ethicists in Minnesota have worked with state and local public health agencies and a diverse community panel to develop an ethical framework to guide the Minnesota Department of Health's decisions in the midst of a severe pandemic, for the statewide rationing of a range of critical health-related resources for prevention, treatment and personal protection.

    In this session, they will present their ethical framework, consisting of principles, goals, and strategies. They will engage you in the vexing ethical issues associated with deciding which groups should be prioritized to receive these vital resources when everyone is, in varying ways and to varying extents, at risk.


    To watch the streaming video, your computer needs:
    • Internet connection with a 56K modem or faster.
    • Sound card with speakers so you can hear the audio portion of the course.
    • Real Player Software - if it isn't installed on your computer, download it for free at
    Click below for videos from June 5, 2008


    Debra A. DeBruin, PhD, is Director of Education in the Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota.
    J. Eline (Ellie) Garrett, JD, is the Assistant Director for Health Policy and Public Health for the Minnesota Center for Health Care Ethics in Minneapolis.
    Angela Witt Prehn, PhD, is a Center Associate for the Minnesota Center for Health Care Ethics and an adjunct professor, University of Minnesota.
    Mary Faith Marshall, PhD, is Associate Dean for Social Medicine and Medical Humanities and Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota Medical School.
    posted by FLA_MEDIC @ 8:48 PM


    • #3
      Re: AFD - Preparedness Materials Including Videos &amp; Comic Books

      Sept 27, 2008

      U.S. State Dept: Pandemic Resources For Travelers

      # 2340

      When it comes to pandemic information, we invariably think first of the CDC or the HHS as sources for good information. has become the most popular portal of government sponsored pandemic information, but it is by no means the only place to get good information.

      For Americans who travel abroad, however, the U.S. State Department has copious amounts of important information and advice. Their avian flu fact sheet (updated Sept 2008) gives the U.S. policy on returning Americans during a pandemic.

      (A hat tip goes to Treyfish on Flutrackers for posting these updates)
      Once the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms a severe pandemic ? defined as the emergence of a sustained, efficient human-to-human transmission of a new influenza virus that kills at least 1-2% of the people it infects ? American citizens (including non-emergency government employees, their dependent family members and private citizens) residing or traveling overseas should consider returning to the United States while commercial travel options (air, land or sea) are still available.

      Americans will be permitted to re-enter the United States, although the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS/CDC) may quarantine or isolate incoming travelers, depending on their health status and whether they are traveling from or through an area affected by pandemic influenza.

      Obviously good news for travelers. But of course, being allowed to return home and being able to are two different things.

      The State Department warns that if a serious pandemic erupts you may be forced to . . .

      Remain in Country During a Pandemic.
      (reformatted for readability)

      Health professionals are concerned that the continued spread of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus among animals (mainly poultry) in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe has the potential to significantly threaten human health.

      If highly pathogenic avian influenza, such as the H5N1 subtype, mutates and spreads easily from one person to another, influenza could break out globally, and lead to a pandemic.

      While there are no reports of sustained human-to-human transmission of such a virus, the U.S. Government and international health agencies are advising Americans living, working and/or traveling overseas how to prepare for a pandemic, should one strike.

      Private American citizens should be aware that it may not be possible to travel during an outbreak. Governments may close borders suddenly and without advance warning; commercial air, land and sea carriers could curtail or cancel service; and restricting travel may be the best way to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus.

      These developments could impede a return to the United States or travel to another country or region. Therefore, Americans who are overseas during a pandemic may need to remain where they are until conditions improve, a situation which could last several months.

      Private American Citizens Living and/or Working Overseas: Consider local conditions and evaluate your ability to maintain adequate supplies of food, water, and medication should a pandemic result in borders closing or disruptions in international travel.

      Decide on your optimal location in a pandemic and plan accordingly. Ask your doctor in advance about obtaining appropriate medication for treatment if you become ill, keeping in mind it could take many months to develop and produce sufficient quantities of a vaccine during a pandemic.

      Remember that U.S. embassies, consulates and military facilities lack the legal authority, capability, and resources to dispense medications, vaccines or medical care to private American citizens overseas.

      If you are a private American citizen (e.g. living, working, touring, studying overseas) you will need to rely on local health care providers and locally-available medications since U.S. government facilities will not be able to provide medications or treat you.

      Short-Term Visitors, Tourists, and Students Abroad: Consult with your doctor before you travel and ask about medications you should take with you.Research the availability and quality of medical facilities at your destination.

      Be aware that hotels may cease to provide housekeeping and food services during a pandemic. Consider changing your travel plans or returning to the U.S. once there is evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission, since commercial air transport may become unavailable at an early point.

      Plan to Remain in Country: If the WHO declares a pandemic, Americans who are overseas should be prepared to remain in country for an extended period.

      You should avoid non-essential travel beyond your home and workplace and you should limit activities that could expose you to others who may be ill.

      Based on varying conditions abroad, Americans should prepare contingency plans and emergency supplies (non-perishable food, potable water or water-purification supplies, medication, etc.) for the possibility of remaining in country for at least two and up to twelve weeks.

      Visit to see examples of comprehensive planning checklists for individuals, businesses, schools, and other groups.

      (Continued . . .)

      The State Department also has a page of frequently asked questions, along with their responses.

      Frequently Asked Questions about Avian Influenza A (H5N1) and Pandemic Influenza

      <hr align="center" size="2" width="100%">

      I know of no other nation that is providing this much good information to its citizens about the difficulties they may encounter during a pandemic. While it may require a bit of searching to find, the information is out there.

      If you are planning to travel abroad it would be well worth your time to visit the State Department's website.

      Another resource International travelers should consult before traveling is OSAC, the Overseas Security Advisory Council, which provides the latest information about security threats around the world.


      • #4
        Re: AFD - Preparedness Materials Including Videos &amp; Comic Books

        RACGP: Pandemic Toolkits For General Practitioners

        # 2354

        In the lexicon, Pandemic `Toolkits' are informational packets, usually comprised of posters, letters, and reference materials that the recipient can print out and are often made available for download or provided on CD or DVDs.

        The RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) has released a toolkit for doctors to help them, and their staff and patients prepare for a pandemic.

        According to an article appearing in Medical News Today:
        The pandemic 'flu' kit consists of a CD with the education modules and five practice posters. A copy of the pandemic 'flu' kit will be sent to every general practice in Australia.

        Here is the link to the RACGP page where you can review these materials.

        Pandemic resources for general practices

        The following resources will help GPs and practice staff plan a response to outbreaks of infectious diseases in their area. This page will be updated regularly, with more resources as they become available.
        For further information or to provide feedback please contact
        racgp, royal, australian, college, general, practitioners, pandemic, resources
        Practice support posters

        Posters for practices relating to infection control and pandemics.
        Educational resources

        Educational resources relating to pandemics.
        Links to useful websites

        Links to web sites with pandemic information.
        Current resources

        Resources for practices in the event of a pandemic.

        An example of one of the posters provided, designed to be placed in the waiting room of a doctor's office, is this one telling patients to inform the staff if they have a potentially infectious disease.

