Spanish to Eng. translation
Peru is not able to reduce TB cases
Failure detection. More than 32 000 patients and 1,800 are multidrug resistant. Lima and Callao for 80% of the total population of patients. Most live in poor areas near the coast.
Luis Neyra O.
"Eduard, Eduard called." That is the name of the lawyer mentions Nidia G?mez Alc?ntara special feeling to remember the man who searched all of Lima Cercado can not find it until now.
"I looked for several months but I put every effort to see it again was unsuccessful," he adds storing important details of the person you met over a year in San Sebastian Health Center, located at Jr. Ica, where she works, and where he would receive treatment for tuberculosis (TB).
But ten times that Nidia went looking for does not mean the scene of a lovely woman, but a professional commitment to Eduard worried again to resume his treatment for a disease that consumed his body and reduced their ability to live every time coughing.
"I know that not attending to other hospitals because to do so and I would have known," says Eduard upset because a patient is not anyone, is a multidrug resistant. That is, a person with TB that resists drugs and that without adequate attention can die quickly. Unfortunately, before that, let his bacillus enters the lives of people beyond their misfortune.
Peru, a country that coughs
And that is why the work that this nurse and the specialist group of San Sebastian are doing is valuable.
They point out that if a TB patient is absent for 24 hours, they're going to find his house to take his eleven tablets and injection is applied.
"We can not leave the daily treatment, otherwise we can not slow the progression of this disease," he adds Arzapana Rosario Romero, executive director of the network of Health in Lima City. But when you look closely at the figures around this problem, the efforts of people like Nidia is diminished.
Oswaldo Jave, head of the National Health Strategy for Tuberculosis Control, Ministry of Health (MoH), said that after Brazil, Peru is the second greatest number of people with tuberculosis.
"Brazil has 70 000 and Peru has 32 thousand patients, in terms of rates, which is that as we compare countries worldwide, we are after Haiti and Bolivia, is that we are in a severe situation," he said.
In Lima and Callao
In cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TBMDR), Peru, across America, is the country with major problems. "In simple we have 32 000 TB patients and TBMDR 1,800. 60% of cases of TBMDR is concentrated in Lima and Callao. 70% of the TBMDR is on the Coast ", says Jave.
But what is going wrong so that TB remains valid and increasingly threatening?
"Our problem is detection. Should detect as many TB patients to decrease as in the 90's, which was decreased by 10%. We are currently at 3.5% but we need to decrease 6% annually, "said an official with the firm commitment to reach the set goal. And how do you succeed? Well, more money and improving the strategies, but above all, with people like Nidia who are willing to spend the soles of their shoes to prevent patients leaving treatment and spreading deadly cough up more people.
Diagnosis and treatment is free
In recent years, the budget to fight TB has been slowly increasing. In the 87 years the budget was $ 60 thousand a year and up to $ 250 000 until 1990. In 1991 rose to U.S. $ 3 million annually. By 2000 it became difficult to know how much was the budget that was intended to combat this evil. According to experts, in that year joined the funds which made it impossible to know how much of that package was designed to combat TB.
The treatment, including the disposal of TB, is carried out in all centers of the Ministry of Health for free. You should not pay for a medical history or by other tests that are related to detect this disease.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that it is detected, at least 70 percent of TB cases existing in a country and to cure 85 percent of those cases.
Peru, according to the Ministry of Health, is on the verge of detecting 70 percent nationally and nearly 90 percent of cure.