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Pakistan: 2023 Congo Fever - three doctors have died + one paramedic

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  • Pakistan: 2023 Congo Fever - three doctors have died + one paramedic


    May 3, 2023
    Under treatment female Congo virus patient dies at govt hospital of Quetta
    By Staff Report

    QUETTA: A woman affected of Congo virus and under treatment at government hospital of the provincial capital expired on Wednesday after which toll in the said hospital due to the disease during last two weeks climbed to two.

    According to details, a lady shifted to Fatima Jinnah Hospital two weeks earlier was diagnosed with Corona virus and admitted for treatment...

    ...According to administration of Fatima Jinnah Hospital Quetta, five more including two women affected of the Corona fever were still under treatment at the hospital.​

  • #2
    hat tip @vinodscaria

    Karachi records year's first Congo virus fatality

    28-year-old deceased patient was a butcher by profession working at meat shops in Liaquatabad, officials said
    Sameer Mandhro

    May 07, 2023​

    The Sindh Health Department has confirmed this year's first case of the life-threatening Congo virus in Karachi. The patient died during treatment at a private hospital, officials confirmed on Sunday.

    According to health officials, Muhammad Adil, a 28-year-old resident of Liaquatabad, visited Ziauddin Hospital as an outpatient on Thursday this week.

    Qasim Siraj Soomro, the parliamentary secretary on health, told The Express Tribune that the health facility took samples from the patient and sent them to Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), where the laboratory results confirmed that he had contracted the Congo virus.

    The Health Department said the deceased was a slaughterer, meat processor, and seller (butcher) by profession. He worked in meat shops in a supermarket located in Liaquatabad. On April 30, the patient developed fever and headache, for which he took paracetamol tablets at home.



    • #3

      Six deaths from Congo virus alert health authorities in Balochistan
      By Web Desk
      | June 3, 2023

      QUETTA: At least six people including women and children have lost their lives due to the Congo virus in different Balochistan districts in the ongoing year, ARY News reported on Saturday.

      According to provincial health authorities, 35 cases of the Congo virus have been reported in Balochistan, out of which six people have died.

      This is not the first time that an epidemic of Congo virus has broken out in Balochistan, but dozens of people have died from this epidemic in the late 80s and mid-90s.

      Last month, a 28-year-old man, who emerged as this year’s first case of the life-threatening Congo virus in Karachi, died during treatment at a private hospital in the metropolis...​


      • #4

        Congo patient dies in Quetta bringing death toll from tick-borne virus to 8
        A total of 20 people have been infected in the province this year
        web-desk Web Desk
        10 Jul, 2023

        Another congo virus patient in Quetta died on Monday, taking the total number of deaths from the virus in the province to eight.

        The patient has been identified as 35-year-old Mansoor who was brought to the Fatima Jinnah hospital three days ago.

        Meanwhile, two more people infected with the congo virus have been admitted to the same hospital taking the total number of cases in the province this year to 20...​


        • #5

          Two Congo virus patients being treated in Quetta hospital
          18 July,2023 03:37 pm

          QUETTA (Dunya News) - Another patient was brought to the Fatima Jinnah Chest and General Hospital on suspicion of Congo virus on Monday, Dunya News reported.

          Fatima Jinnah Chest and General Hospital sources said the patient had been shifted to isolation ward of the hospital and his blood sample had been sent to laboratory.

          According to the Balochistan Health Department, at least 23 people contracted the Congo virus this year. Two Congo virus patients are currently under treatment at the hospital...


          • #6

            Updated 20 Jul, 2023 10:16am
            Alarm as Congo fever claims life in Peshawar
            Ashfaq Yusufzai

            PESHAWAR: Alarm bells have started ringing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after the death of an Afghan national from Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever and the rising incidence of the tick-borne viral disease.

            Health officials told Dawn that eight Congo fever cases had been reported in the province with three of them under treatment at Peshawar’s Hayatabad Medical Complex and one at the capital city’s Khyber Teaching Hospital.

            They claimed that the HMC, a medical teaching institution, didn’t have any isolation ward for people infected with Congo fever, who were being “managed” in a private room.

            Medical director at the HMC Prof Shehzad Akbar Khan denied the claim and said it was incorrect that the complex had no isolation facility for such cases.

            Officials say eight cases of viral disease reported in province

            “All arrangements are in place to manage Congo cases. We [HMC] have got just one [Congo fever] patient, who is admitted to a separate private room in line with the guidelines,” he said.

            Meanwhile, a report from the health department said an Afghan national died of Congo fever at the Khyber Teaching Hospital on July 8, while another patient of the viral disease was under treatment at the hospital.

            It added that three virus victims had been admitted to the HMC with each of them under treatment in a private room, an emergency room and a medical ward.

            The report said that eight people aged from 22 to 65 years, including one woman, had so far been diagnosed with the fever in the province.

            Health officials claimed that a Congo fever case left the hospital against the doctors’ advice as he was kept in a private room along with another patient.

            They said no one knew about the whereabouts of that patient of the tick-borne viral disease...​


            • #7

              Congo fever claims four lives since Eidul Azha
              Ashfaq Yusufzai Published August 6, 2023 Updated about 9 hours ago

              PESHAWAR: With Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever infecting 14 people and killing four in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the last one and a half months, health experts have called for preventive measures against the tick-borne disease.

              The cases of Congo fever have been reported after Eidul Azha at the end of June, according to a health department report.

              It said two people killed by the infection were Afghan nationals, while the other two belonged to Khyber tribal and Charsadda districts.

              The report said three of the confirmed Congo fever cases were Afghan nationals, while five were the residents of Peshawar district, two of Lakki Marwat district and one of Charsadda, Khyber and Kohat districts each...


              • #8
                Two more suspected Congo virus patients brought to FJCHQ

                Our Staff Reporter August 09, 2023
                Regional, Gwader, Quetta, Newspaper

                QUETTA - Two more suspected Congo virus pa­tients have been admitted to Fatima Jinnah Chest Hospital Quetta FJCHQ as the number of positive cases reported this year is 25.
                According to the administration of FJHQ, Akhtar Muhammad, 20 res­ident of Ziarat district was shifted to the hospital last night in a critical condition due to the complaint of bleeding from the nose and mouth. Separately, an eight-year-old Mu­hammad Saleem from Chaman dis­trict was also admitted to the hos­pital last night.

                QUETTA   -  Two more suspected Congo virus pa­tients have been admitted to Fatima Jinnah Chest Hospital Quetta FJCHQ as the number of


                • #9

                  Another Congo virus patient admitted at Quetta hospital
                  By Web Desk
                  | September 6, 2023

                  QUETTA: Another Congo virus patient has been admitted at a hospital here, citing hospital administration ARY News reported on Wednesday.

                  “Naimatullah 25, was brought to the hospital and found positive in test for Congo virus,” Fatima Jinnah Hospital officials said.

                  “Naimatullah has been an Afghan national from Kandahar.”

                  “This year 31 Congo viral fever patients have been reported in Balochistan till now,” officials shared.​..


                  • #10

                    Quetta reports another Congo virus case
                    October 06, 2023
                    National, Regional, Quetta, Newspaper

                    QUETTA - A new case of Congo vi­rus was reported in Quetta on Thursday, the hospital sources confirmed. Fati­mah Jinnah Chest Hospital Quetta officials told APP that 30-year-old Muham­mad Ismail, a resident of Ghausabad, was brought to the hospital with symp­toms of the Congo virus in­cluding bleeding and fe­ver. A blood sample, sent for report, was later diag­nosed him Congo virus. As many as 37 cases of Congo virus have been reported in Balochistan since Jan­uary 2023 while 13 peo­ple have so far died of the deadly CCHF virus.​..


                    • #11

                      Congo fever claims another life in Quetta
                      Death toll reached to 15 this year

                      ​QUETTA (Dunya News) - Congo fever cases are increasing in Quetta as one more patient succumbed to the virus during the last twenty-four hours.

                      Hospital sources said that 22-year-old old patient of Pishin was brought to the Fatima Jinnah Institute of Chest Diseases. The blood test of the patient confirmed that he was suffering from the Congo fever...


                      • #12

                        Congo virus patient admitted at Quetta hospital
                        | October 14, 2023

                        QUETTA: Another patient diagnosed Congo Virus and admitted at the Fatima Jinnah Hospital here, ARY News reported on Saturday.

                        A resident of Kuchlak was admitted to the hospital after found Congo Virus positive in medical test, health officials said.

                        “The tally of Congo viral fever patients has reached to 41 in Balochistan with another patient found positive of the disease,” officials shared.

                        A patient of the Congo Virus was died at the Fatima Jinnah Hospital recently. This year 15 patients have died by the Congo Virus fever in Balochistan...


                        • #13
                          Eight new cases of Congo virus reported in Balochistan

                          Nadia Zahra
                          November 4, 2023

                          In a recent development, Quetta has seen the emergence of eight new cases of Congo virus, five of whom are physicians. In addition, an unidentified disease epidemic has spread inside the ICU of a government hospital in Balochistan’s capital.

                          According to a spokesman from the Balochistan Health Department’s Integrated Health Monitoring and Emergency Response Unit, this pathogen epidemic has affected sixteen healthcare personnel at the ICU of Civil Sandeman Hospital in Quetta. Individuals afflicted have been moved to a different ward for treatment....



                          • #14
                            Five doctors among 8 new cases of Congo virus in Quetta

                            Outbreak of unknown pathogens spread in ICU of government hospital in Quetta
                            | NOOR UL ARIFEEN
                            Nov 04, 2023

                            Eight more cases of Congo virus have been reported in Quetta, out of which five are doctors.

                            On the other hand, an outbreak of unknown pathogens has spread in the intensive care unit of a government hospital in the Balochistan capital.

                            According to a spokesperson for the Balochistan Health Department Integrated Health Monitoring and Emergency Response Unit, sixteen medical staff members have been affected due to the outbreak of the pathogens in the ICU of the Civil Sandeman Hospital in Quetta. Those affected are being treated after being shifted to a separate ward.

                            According to the spokesman, the symptoms of the pathogen include the sudden onset of severe pain in the body. A high fever with stiffness and chills are also among its symptoms.

                            In addition, mild respiratory symptoms, decreased platelet count, and lymphopenia are also among its symptoms.

                            According to the spokesman, the pathogen is highly contagious, and teams from the health directorate are working to control the situation, and samples are being tested in labs to identify the pathogens...



                            • #15
                              From May 2023 -

                              Two deaths from Congo virus reported in Karachi-Quetta​

                              ​​​​​​QUETTA : Health authorities were alerted on Sunday after two deaths from the Congo virus were reported in Karachi and Quetta.

                              The first victim was a 20-year-old pregnant Afghan woman, according to the health authorities. Gul Naz was brought from Kuchlak with symptoms of the virus and admitted to Quetta’s Fatima Jinnah Chest Hospital.

                              She was bleeding from mouth and nose and her blood samples were sent to a laboratory, which confirmed the disease.

                              She couldn’t survive and died Sunday morning, Dr Zubair Ahmed of the hospital told Dawn.

                              He confirmed that this was the third death from the virus in the last 10 days
                              The Sindh health department also confirmed the death of a 28-year-old man in Karachi. T
                              he deceased, Mohammad Adil of Liaquatabad, was a meat seller.

                              “Initially, he developed a headache and fever on April 30, which intensified two days later. He was taken to a private hospital where he remained under treatment for a day,”

                              Last edited by sharon sanders; November 4, 2023, 04:05 PM. Reason: fixed link, added comment at top


