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Czech Republic - Whooping cough outbreak 2024

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  • Czech Republic - Whooping cough outbreak 2024

    Translation Google

    Whooping cough makes a comeback: 700 cases diagnosed since the start of the year in Czechia


    An extremely contagious disease which represents a risk in particular for unvaccinated children and the elderly, whooping cough is making a strong comeback in the Czech Republic: since the start of the year, 89 cases have been recorded in Prague, compared to 86 cases recorded in the Czech Republic. 'entire year 2023, said the hygiene service of the city of Prague in its report published this Friday.

    In total, the National Institute of Health (SZÚ) has recorded almost 700 cases of whooping cough in Czechia since the start of the year, compared to less than 500 last year.

    According to January statistics, the Central Bohemian region was the most affected with precisely 96 cases recorded, particularly among young people aged 15 to 19, followed by Prague (54) and the Vysočina regions of South Bohemia (53). .

    Magdalena Hrozínková

  • #2
    Translation Google

    The whooping cough epidemic continues to grow. 374 cases were added in a week

    February 27, 2024 12:43 p.m

    Epidemiologists' predictions that whooping cough will spread across the Czech Republic like a whirlwind this year are coming true more and more convincingly. Last week alone, 374 sick people were added, which is the most since the beginning of this year and almost as many as in the whole of last year. Doctors may not know about others, because many people with mild symptoms do not seek help.

    "From the beginning of this year until Sunday, February 25, 1,217 cases of pertussis, which is whooping cough caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, have already been reported to the infectious diseases information system. Last year, we registered 494 sick people for the whole year," Kateřina Fabiánová, an epidemiologist at the State Health Institute, tells that at least three to four thousand people may fall ill this year.

    Epidemics of whooping cough return cyclically about every five years, but this year's is almost certainly the strongest in ten years. In the time of covid, pertussis almost disappeared, only dozens of people got sick. Before that, the highest incidence was in 2014, when 2,521 people fell ill. If the infection continues to grow at the current rate this year, we will reach the same values ​​already in mid-March.

    According to Kateřina Fabiánová, whooping cough (also whooping cough) occurs in all age groups, but most often in teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19, but also in infants, whose disease can be life-threatening. "We are already registering 30 infected children under one year of age," says the epidemiologist.

    Kateřina Fabiánová also pointed out that, unlike most infected people who are treated at home, the smallest children often lie in hospitals and need intensive care. "Home care for infected infants is risky in that the further development of the disease cannot be well estimated. The child's condition can deteriorate very rapidly," explains the doctor.

    According to her, no patient with whooping cough has died in the Czech Republic this year. In previous years, however, it did - since 2014, five elderly people and one infant have died.

    The most infected are in the south and the center of Bohemia

    The South Bohemian region reports the most cases of whooping cough this year, where 246 people have fallen ill so far. It is followed by the Central Bohemia region with 211 cases, the Vysočina region with 180 and the Pardubice region with 161. Conversely, the Karlovy Vary region has the fewest cases, where only three people have fallen ill with whooping cough so far.

    Epidemiologists in the most affected regions agree that they have not yet detected any outbreaks of the disease. Sometimes no more than two or three relatives or even schoolmates have a mutual connection, but the whole family or team never gets sick.
    "In our country, the most infected are among high school students, who gather together most often. And then among school children between the ages of 10 and 14. Most of them were vaccinated in childhood and it is possible that they no longer have sufficient antibodies. But if it was just that, most of the class would get sick, which doesn't happen. And not even everyone in a family typically gets infected, where one or two members get sick," Hana Bendíková, director of the anti-epidemic department of the Regional Hygiene Station in České Budějovice, tells

    According to Bendíková, people with weakened immunity are apparently more susceptible to the disease. She reminded that the infection can be protected by vaccination and later revaccination.

    Vaccination is also recommended by the gynecological society, especially for pregnant women in the third trimester; this is to protect newborns, who are the most vulnerable.

    "Otherwise, the same prevention applies as for other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract: compliance with hygiene principles and strengthening immunity with enough sleep, movement in the fresh air, a healthy diet and vitamins," adds the head of the South Bohemian epidemiologists.

    Předpovědi epidemiologů, že černý kašel se letos bude šířit Českem jako vichřice, se naplňují stále přesvědčivěji. Jen za minulý týden přibylo 374 nemocných, což je nejvíc od začátku letošního roku a téměř tolik jako za celý loňský rok. O dalších přitom lékaři nemusejí vědět, protože řada lidí s mírnými příznaky pomoc nehledá.


    • #3
      Translation Google

      Pertussis (whooping cough), dg. A37.0 in the Czech Republic from 1/1/2024 to 3/3/2024

       A total of 1,666 cases of pertussis were reported to ISIN in the period from 1/1/2024 to 3/3/2024; of which in 9
      449 new cases were registered during the calendar week; table No. 1, chart No. 1.

       The disease occurs in all age groups; chart #2.

       The disease occurs at the age of 0-96 years, the median age is 35 years.

       In 2024, 36 cases of pertussis were already reported in children under one year of age.

       The most cases of disease and the highest morbidity are in the age group of 15-19 years.; chart #2, chart #3.

       The regions with the highest number of pertussis cases in 2024: South Bohemia (357x) and Central Bohemia (258x), followed by Vysočina
      (253x) and Pardubický (216x), the fewest cases are reported by Plzeňský (18x) and Karlovy Vary (5x).

       The highest morbidity up to the 9th calendar week is in the regions: Jihočeský, Vysočina, Pardubický; Chart No. 4.

       The regions that recorded the highest increase in the number of cases this week are: Zlínský (by 214%), Ústíky (by
      120%), South Moravian (by 78%); table no. 2.


      Stručný přehled o aktuální epidemiologické situace ve výskytu černého kašle 3. 3. 2024 (9. KT)​​


      • #4
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        • #5
          Czech Republic struggles to contain surge of whooping cough

          1 day ago
          By Rob Cameron,
          BBC News, Prague

          Whooping cough is on the rise across Europe, and the Czech Republic is no exception. However, a week marked by confusion surrounding official guidance and a controversial public appearance by Prague's mayor has left some wondering if anything was learned from Covid-19.

          In the first week of January, say the Czech authorities, there were 28 registered cases of whooping cough.

          That figure now stands at 3,084 – a number not seen since 1963.

          Sufferers include the 80-year-old mayor of Prague, Bohuslav Svoboda, who is an MP as well as an eminent gynaecologist.

          Coughing and spluttering his way through a parliamentary health committee meeting, a clearly irritated Dr Svoboda questioned why he had to be there in the first place.

          He said he was recovering from whooping cough, but was on day six of an antibiotic course "so I'm no longer infectious… or at least that's what they taught me at school".

          Most colleagues in the room chortled. One, however, said he could at least have worn a face mask.

          Prague's elderly mayor coughs and splutters during a public meeting as authorities battle increase.


          • #6
            Translation Google

            There are already over five thousand cases of whooping cough this year, the last time there was more in a year was in 1960

            ČTK, ktr
            2 hours ago
            | Source: ČTK , ČT24

            According to data from the State Health Institute (SZÚ), there were 5,297 cases of whooping cough this year by the end of March. Data from health yearbooks show that the most cases for the whole year were only in the three years just after the start of vaccination in 1958, in 1960 there were 5,568.

            There were 1,044 new cases per week, less than the previous week. "The slight decrease in the number of newly infected compared to previous weeks was probably due to the two days off in the 13th calendar week, when there were no school classes," SZÚ spokeswoman Štěpánka Čechová explained in a press release.

            Of the regions, the most cases are in South Bohemia (917), Central Bohemia (768) and the Vysočina Region (620). The highest morbidity per population is in the South Bohemian Region, the Vysočín Region and the Pardubice Region.

            Doctors have recorded two deaths of seniors infected with whooping cough this year, and there were no more deaths in the previous week. The patients are in all age groups, a third are young people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. 85 children under one year of age, who do not yet need to have the complete mandatory vaccination that protects against whooping cough, were also infected.

            Případů černého kašle bylo podle údajů Státního zdravotního ústavu (SZÚ) letos do konce března 5297. Z dat zdravotnických ročenek vyplývá, že více případů za celý rok bylo jen ve třech letech těsně po zahájení očkování v roce 1958, v roce 1960 jich bylo 5568.


            Pertussis (whooping cough), dg. A37.0 in the Czech Republic from 1/1/2024 to 31/3/2024

            Total numbers and weekly increase

             A total of 5,297 cases of pertussis were reported to ISIN in the period from 1/1/2024 to 31/3/2024
             Of this, 1,044 new cases were registered in the 13th calendar week*; chart #1.

            Note The slight decrease is probably due to two days (Thursday, Friday) when there were no school classes and there was
            public holiday.
            Pertussis by age groups

             The disease occurs in all age groups; chart #2
             The disease occurs at the age of 0-96 years, the median age is 26 years.
             In 2024*, 85 cases of pertussis were already reported in children under one year of age.
             The most cases of disease and the highest morbidity are in the age group of 15-19 years.; Chart No. 3.



            • #7

              Czech Republic reports nearly 5,300 whooping cough cases in 2024
              08:50, 03 April 2024​

              Nearly 5,300 cases of whooping cough, or pertussis, have been reported in the Czech Republic so far this year, according to data from the Czech State Health Institute (SZU), Xinhua reported.

              In its epidemiological situation report published on Tuesday, the SZU said 1,044 cases of whooping cough were recorded in the 13th week (March 25-31) of this year, bringing the yearly total to 5,297. Local media reports that this year's outbreak in the country has been the most severe since the 1960s.

              The Czech Republic has seen rising whooping cough cases in the 12 weeks since the start of the year. Last week's caseload is slightly down from the previous week's 1,151 infections, which the SZU attributed to school closures during the Easter holidays.​..


              • #8
                Translation Google

                There are almost 6,400 patients with whooping cough in the Czech Republic, an increase of 1,100 in a week

                CTK ,CT24 ,Alena Pondelíčková,oh​day
                8/4/2024 20 hours ago | Source: ČTK , ČT24

                There were 1,100 new cases of whooping cough in a week, the second highest weekly increase this year. In total, doctors have registered 6,397 infected people since the beginning of the year, the State Health Institute (SZÚ) reported. According to data from health yearbooks, there were more cases on Czech territory only in 1959, i.e. a year after the start of compulsory vaccination.

                "When interpreting, it should be taken into account that this week's data may be affected by Monday's Easter holiday, when there were no school classes and general practitioners' offices were closed," he said in the SZÚ report. He also assessed 1,044 cases from last week in a similar manner.

                "We are probably at the top so far. However, Denmark had similar cases last year, they immediately introduced vaccination of pregnant women. There was a similar situation in the Netherlands, they again introduced vaccination of pregnant women and reduced morbidity within one year of life very significantly," described epidemiologist Kateřina Fabiánová from SZÚ.

                The majority of patients are in the 15 to 19 age group, accounting for less than a third of cases, according to the SZÚ. The median age of those infected is 25 years. 101 children under one year of age also fell ill, who are more at risk of infection than other groups because they do not yet have to complete the mandatory three-dose vaccination. Protection against whooping cough is part of the so-called hexavaccine administered at approximately nine weeks, four months and a year.

                Pavel Dlouhý, head of the infectious disease department of the Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem, believes that the statistics are not completely accurate because of Easter, and we will see what the morbidity will be in the next two weeks. "On the other hand, we have a large group of receptive people here. In fact, more than fifty percent of all infected people are between the ages of five and twenty. We have to look at the reasons and we have to investigate why these children are not vaccinated. We have a very receptive mass of unvaccinated and unvaccinated children here," he pointed out.

                In this context, he also stated that ten percent of children do not receive a booster dose at five and ten years of age. "And that, from my point of view, is the most important thing that needs to be addressed. We should encourage parents to come for booster shots to break it,” he added.

                The SZÚ has so far recorded three deaths of people who, among other health problems, were also infected with whooping cough. The last was a month-old baby at the end of March who had bilateral pneumonia and four other infections in addition to whooping cough. No other deaths were added to the statistics last week.

                Hospitalization was required for about 2.5 percent of those infected, i.e. 160 people, of whom fifty-three were children under one year of age, eighteen young people in the group with the highest morbidity and twenty-three over 75 years of age.

                Za týden přibylo 1100 nových případů černého kašle, jde letos o druhý nejvyšší týdenní nárůst. Celkem lékaři od začátku roku evidují 6397 nakažených, informoval Státní zdravotní ústav (SZÚ). Podle údajů ze zdravotnických ročenek bylo více případů na českém území jen v roce 1959, tedy rok po zahájení povinného očkování.


                • #9
                  Translation Google

                  Almost 1,500 new cases of whooping cough have been added in a week

                  5 hours ago

                  According to the statistics of the State Health Institute, there were 1,494 cases of whooping cough in the Czech Republic in one week. This is the highest weekly increase since the beginning of this year. Since January, doctors have registered a total of 7,888 infected people. According to information from the Health Yearbook, the last time more people were infected in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic was in 1959, when 18,978 people became infected, i.e. a year after the start of vaccination.

                  Due to the high number of cases, this year, according to the Ministry of Health, there is also a higher interest in vaccination, this year more than 45,000 people were revaccinated, compared to less than 24,000 for the whole year last year. According to the information provided by the Ministry, doctors cannot currently order new vaccines for adults, except for the vaccination of pregnant women, for which about 4,000 vaccines are available. The ministry added that 90,000 doses of the adult revaccination vaccine will arrive this week.

                  Experts point out that neither vaccinations nor an acquired disease provide life-long protection, the protection gradually decreases. Since 2009, therefore, children have been revaccinated even at the age of ten or 11. "We introduced vaccination for school children because we were recording more and more ill adolescents. These statistics pointed to the fact that vaccination provides time-limited protection for four to 12 years and it is therefore necessary to re-vaccinate," epidemiologist Kateřina Fabiánová said on the institute's website.

                  Even at the present time, the most infected people are between the ages of 15 and 19, they make up a third of the sick. Among the sick are also 119 children under one year of age who do not yet need to be fully vaccinated. Approximately 2.3 percent of those infected have so far required hospitalization, three infected have died. No new deaths have been added to the statistics over the past week.


                  • #10
                    Translation Google

                    Whooping cough continues to spread in the Czech Republic. Most among teenagers

                    Jan Hrabé
                    April 23, 2024 3:56 p.m

                    1,476 new cases of whooping cough were registered in the Czech Republic last week, the State Health Institute (SZÚ) reported. This year, 9,370 cases of pertussis have already been detected.

                    The disease occurs in all age groups, the median age of patients is 23 years and is still decreasing. 128 cases of pertussis have already been reported in children under one year of age. The most cases of the disease and the highest morbidity are among teenagers, with a maximum in the age group of 15 to 19 years.

                    The highest morbidity is in the South Bohemian Region, which also registers the most cases, specifically 1323 cases, in the Vysočín Region and in the Pardubice Region. The Central Bohemian region reports over a thousand cases of the disease.

                    Whooping cough or pertussis is a highly infectious bacterial disease that affects the lungs and respiratory tract. It is caused by bacteria in the mouth, nose and throat of an infected person. Symptoms usually appear 7 to 10 days after infection, but can occur as late as 21 days.

                    At first, the symptoms are similar to a common cold, such as sneezing, runny nose or fever. A weak cough becomes more serious over time, the attacks are more intense. The infected person coughs up thick transparent mucus, often accompanied by vomiting.

                    The most serious forms of the disease affect young children, who can develop serious complications. They include pneumonia and encephalopathy (brain disease), and can be fatal. Short-term inability to breathe, broken ribs, rectal prolapse and hernia may occur in adults or adolescents.



                    • #11
                      Translation Google

                      SZÚ: 14,832 people were infected with whooping cough this year, six died

                      may 20, 2024

                      Over the past week, 1,383 new cases of whooping cough have been added, since the beginning of the year there have been almost 15,000. This follows from data published on the website of the State Health Institute (SZÚ). This is the fourth highest weekly increase this year, the previous two weeks were affected by the public holiday. According to spokesperson Štěpánka Čechová, the SZÚ expects more than 1,000 new cases per week in the coming weeks as well. Doctors also record the sixth death this year, a 71-year-old senior woman from the Moravian-Silesian region died.

                      »Persons with chronic diseases and the elderly are more fragile and susceptible to infections in general, due to the weakening of their immune systems. They should consider vaccination," SZÚ representatives said in a comment on the data. In particular, according to them, the recommendations apply to people living in social care facilities, such as homes for the elderly.

                      Of the six deaths this year, four are over the age of 70, one in their sixties and a newborn. A new death was added to the statistics on May 4. »Like in previous cases, it was a woman who, in addition to pertussis, also suffered from a serious chronic illness,« added Čechová.

                      This year, 210 children under one year of age, whose disease can also be life-threatening, were infected. According to earlier statements by experts, the youngest children do not know how to cough, which is why they often suffocate when infected, and at the same time they do not have completed vaccinations, which are mandatory in the Czech Republic, by the time they are one year old. The highest morbidity is still among young people aged 15 to 19, who usually have a mild course.

                      "The situation has stabilized in recent weeks, the reported numbers are oscillating above 1,000 cases per week, and we can probably expect this development in the following weeks," the spokeswoman said in a press release. The current number of patients is the highest since 1959, the year before pertussis vaccination began. Last year, 494 people were infected.
                      Za uplynulý týden přibylo 1383 nových případů černého kašle, od začátku roku jich je téměř 15 000. Vyplývá to z údajů, které publikoval na webu Státní zdravotní ústav (SZÚ). Jde o čtvrtý nejvyšší týdenní nárůst v letošním roce, předchozí dva týdny ovlivnil státní svátek. I v dalších týdnech SZÚ podle mluvčí Štěpánky Čechové očekává počty vyšší než

                      Pertussis (whooping cough), dg. A37.0 in the Czech Republic from 1/1/2024 to 5/19/2024

                      Total numbers and weekly increase
                       A total of 14,832 cases of pertussis were reported to ISIN in the period from 1/1/2024 to 5/19/2024;
                       Of these, 1,383 new cases were registered in the 20th calendar week; chart #1.
                      The situation has stabilized in recent weeks; the number of reported cases has been hovering above the 1,000 mark in recent weeks of cases per week

                      Pertussis by age groups
                       The disease occurs in all age groups; Chart No. 2;
                       The disease occurs at the age of 0-96 years, the median age is 20 years;
                       In 2024*, 210 cases of pertussis are already reported in children under one year of age;
                       The most cases of disease and the highest morbidity are still in the age group of 15-19 years.; Chart No. 3.


                      Stručný přehled o aktuální epidemiologické situace ve výskytu černého kašle do 19. 5. 2024 (20. KT)


                      • #12
                        Translation Google

                        Current epidemiological situation in the incidence of whooping cough in the Czech Republic

                        A brief overview of the current epidemiological situation in the occurrence of whooping cough until 16/06/2024 (24th KT)

                        Pertussis (whooping cough), dg. A37.0 in the Czech Republic from 1/1/2024 to 6/16/2024

                        Total numbers and weekly increase

                         A total of 20,114 cases of pertussis were reported to ISIN in the period from 1/1/2024 to 6/16/2024;
                         Of these, 1,154 new cases were registered in the 24th calendar week*; chart #1.

                        Note: When analyzing reported cases in ISIN by date of first symptoms, we see that there is a significant
                        decrease, graph no. 0. However, due to the incubation period of the disease, which can be up to 21 days, and to a certain latency
                        between the first symptoms and the reporting of cases to the ISIN, which is most often 4 to 11 days, but even longer, there is a certain
                        delay compared to the real situation. The clear expected decrease in the number of reported cases is not yet reflected in the data and
                        in addition, cases from previous weeks are still being reported graph no. 1. Cause of the disease, Bordetella bacteria
                        pertussis, however, still circulates in the population and due to mild courses, the disease can be extensive
                        signed up.
                        Pertussis by age groups

                         The disease occurs in all age groups; Chart No. 2;
                         The disease occurs at the age of 0-96 years, the median age is 19 years;
                         In 2024*, a total of 295 cases of pertussis were reported in children under one year of age, for the last
                        another 19 smallest children with pertussis were registered during the week;
                         The most cases of disease and the highest morbidity are still in the age group of 15-19 years.; Chart No. 3.
                        Note: The number of reported children with pertussis under one year of age is a reflection of the circulation of the infection in the adult population.
                        Because pertussis disease can have a mild to subclinical course in the vaccinated population, adolescents may be
                        and adults a source of infection for the smallest children.
                        Hospitalization in patients with pertussis

                         In this year*, 2.3% of all reported cases were hospitalized;
                         Out of the total number of 295 children reported with pertussis under the age of 1 year were hospitalized
                        138 children (46.8%);
                        table no. 2 and 3
                        Note: Treatment of pertussis in the smallest children should be due to possible serious complications of the disease and their
                        rapid onset should always take place under professional supervision in a specialized medical facility.
                        Deaths of pertussis

                        No further deaths were reported in the 24th calendar week; a total of 6 deaths were reported in *2024;
                         woman, 71 years old, Moravian-Silesian region, first symptoms on 26/04/2024, hospitalized on 27/04, development of cardiac
                        failure and pneumonia, date of death 5/4/2024;
                         male, 83 years old, Olomouc region, first symptoms (shortness of breath and cough) 18/04/2024, hospitalized on 20/04, respiratory
                        failure, date of death 4/28/2024;
                         woman, 79 years old, Central Bohemia region, polymorbid, chest pains for 3 weeks, hospitalized on 5/3/2024, cardiac
                        shock and development of multiorgan failure, date of death 5/6/2024;
                         female, less than a month old, Ústí nad Orlicí district, simultaneously confirmed Streptococcus pneumoniae infection,
                        Haemophilus influenzae, adenovirus, date of death 30/03/2024, concurrent infections confirmed in
                        other members of a large family.
                         woman, 84 years old, from DPS, Chrudim district, hospitalization on 8 March 2024, bilateral pneumonia with respiratory
                        insufficiency, dual infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae, date of death 3/14/2024;
                         male, 62 years old, Náchod district, date of death 10/02/2024;

                        Note: People with chronic illnesses and the elderly are more fragile and prone to infections in general, due to
                        a weakening of their immune system; they should consider vaccination or be recommended by their treating physician
                        vaccination against selected diseases, especially if these persons are institutionalized.

                        Vaccination and pre-vaccination

                         out of the total number of 20,114 cases reported in 2024*, according to data in the ISIN, 15,077 people were vaccinated,
                        1,492 persons unvaccinated and information on vaccination missing for 3,545 persons;

                        Note: information on vaccination in this form does not allow to distinguish whether the sick person has been fully vaccinated
                        no matter how long after the vaccination she got sick.
                        Due to the low number of hospitalized people with pertussis, it can be assumed that most people do not have the disease
                        serious course. This also corresponds to the conclusions of many studies, that in a well-vaccinated population there is a potential
                        disease usually with a mild course.

                        Pertussis in foreigners

                         a small percentage of persons have information about refugee status or importation;
                         in the column refugee 27x Ukraine;
                         in the import box 35x (import = the disease was brought by Czech citizens from abroad, on vacation or
                        business stay).


