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Egypt: Girl isolate suspected bird flu in pigs

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  • Egypt: Girl isolate suspected bird flu in pigs

    Egyptian girl isolate suspected bird flu in pigs

    Monday, June 8, 2009 - 13:14
    Isolated quarantine authorities at Cairo International Airport on Sunday evening, the family of an Egyptian suspected of being infected with swine influenza virus, showing symptoms of suspicion on the girl child Yasmin Sharif Abdel Wahab (5 years), and a doctor decided to isolate and quarantine mother Siham Abu Zaid Omar (39 years) , Sarah and brothers (13 years), Hossam (13 years), Shirin (years) as Mkhaltin them.

    حيث ظهر على الطفلة المشتبه فيها ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة والتهاب فى الحلق، وتم نقل الأسرة لمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية لسحب عينات منهم للتأكد من إصابتهم بالفيروس من عدمه.
    As shown on the girl suspected in the high temperature and a sore throat, the family were taken to a hospital diets بالعباسية to withdraw their samples to confirm infection with HIV or not.
    كانت الأسرة على متن طائرة مصر للطيران القادمة من مالبنزا بإيطاليا، وتم فحص 103 ركاب الذين كانوا على متن الطائرة وتبين سلامتهم، وتم تسجيل بياناتهم وأماكن إقامتهم فى مصر لمراقبتهم صحياً خلال فترة تواجدهم.
    The family was on board the aircraft to EgyptAir Malpenza from Italy, were examined 103 passengers were on board the plane and found their safety, their statements were recorded and places of residence in Egypt to keep tabs on their health during the period.

    يذكر أن الحجر الصحى بالمطار قد استقبل حتى أمس الأحد، 6700 راكب من 63 رحلة طيران قادمين من الدول الموبوءة التى حددتها منظمة الصحة العالمية ضمن دائرة الاشتباه.
    Is noteworthy that the quarantine had been received until the airport on Sunday, 63 of the 6700 passenger flights from countries affected by identified by WHO within the circle of suspicion.