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Egypt - Person hospitalized suspected H5N1 bird flu, tests pending, ex-Jordan - Beni Suef governorate - September 5, 2016

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  • Egypt - Person hospitalized suspected H5N1 bird flu, tests pending, ex-Jordan - Beni Suef governorate - September 5, 2016

    Citizen detained for suspected bird flu in Beni Suef

    Monday, 05 / September / 2016 - 23:23

    Detained fevers BPA hospital south of Beni Suef , driver of coming from Jordan , inside the isolation room at the hospital, following the suspicion of having infected with bird flu, and his sense of high fever, sore throat, headache continuously.

    There were symptoms of the patient ones, high temperature , sore throat, headache continuously, he was detained inside a room in the hospital, and thewithdrawal of a sample of the throat, and conducting medical tests for him, as aprelude to sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health for analysis, and tomake sure his injury infected or not.

    احتجزت مستشفى حميات ببا جنوب بني سويف، سائقًا قادمًا من الأردن، داخل غرفة العزل بالمستشفى، عقب الاشتباه في إصابته بعدوى أنفلونزا الطيور، وشعوره بإرتفاع في درجة الحرارة، والتهاب في الحلق، وصداع مستمر. ...

    hat tip Michael Coston for the link