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Egypt - Nearly 200 people with a "strange disease" in Qena, tests pending - July 16, 2023 - dengue

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  • Egypt - Nearly 200 people with a "strange disease" in Qena, tests pending - July 16, 2023 - dengue

    disease in Qena Governorate

    Monday 17/July/2023 - 12:15 AM

    Mysterious Qena disease

    Esraa Sabry

    Amr Kandil, Assistant Minister of Health for Preventive Medicine, spoke about the fact that a strange disease appeared in Qena , saying: The affected cases range from simple to moderate symptoms, and the number of infected people is close to 200.

    Amr Kandil added, during his phone call to the "Al-Hekaya" program broadcast on MBC Egypt, that the symptoms are very similar to many diseases, whether dengue fever or others, noting that water and blood samples were taken from patients for examination. .

    And he went on: The Ministry will take measures and work to treat the cases, and as soon as the results of the samples appear, the disease will be identified and announced, noting that the health situation is being monitored and all means of prevention and protection are provided.

    And he continued: "The disease does not come from Safaga, and the situation is under control..and there is no stone or prevention to leave the village."

  • #2
    Translation Google

    The reason for the summer vacation is concern in Qena after the increase in cases of dengue fever

    Monday 17/July/2023 - 04:35 PM

    Khalid yousef

    Dengue fever topped social networking sites and the trend of the global search engine, Google, after more than 200 people were infected with this disease in Qena Governorate during the past few days, fearing that the disease would spread to all parts of the Republic.

    The origin of the story and the emergence of the disease

    The beginning of the emergence of dengue fever was for citizens in the village of Al-Aleqat in Qena Governorate, coming from Safaga and Al-Qusayr in the Red Sea, after spending the summer vacation there during Eid Al-Adha, and the proximity of the two cities to Halayeb and Shalatin, which are the cities with the highest temperatures at this time. Mosquitoes, these citizens may have been bitten by mosquitoes, or stuck in luggage.

    And the mayor of the village of Al-Aleqat in the Qus center in Qena governorate explained, during a telephone conversation with the media, Mustafa Bakri: that a disease attacked the village in Qena governorate, and infected 150 to 200 people, in one of the village’s hamlets.

    What is dengue disease?

    With the increase in people infected with dengue fever in Qena Governorate, and the arrival of many cases to the Fever Hospital, the Ministry of Health moved immediately, and the Ministry revealed, in an official statement, the symptoms of dengue fever, which is transmitted from person to person through insects and mosquitoes, and not from person to person.

    Dengue, a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a certain type of mosquito called Aedes, always breeds around any standing water.

    Symptoms of dengue fever

    Medical reports revealed the symptoms of widespread dengue fever, which are represented by “high fever, the temperature reaches 38, headache, broken bones, nausea, and severe fatigue, and these symptoms last for 7 days.

    In adults, it begins with flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, tendency to vomit, very high fever, cracking in the body, pain in the joints and muscles, severe headache and pain behind the eyes, and a rash in the chest, back or abdomen and spreads to the extremities and face except for the hands and feet.

    Symptoms of infection for children are a high temperature of up to 40 degrees Celsius, and it can reach heat cramps, and a rash on the body.

    A number of the injured in Qena are receiving treatment inside their homes with the installation of solutions. Because of the distance between the village and the central hospital.

    Urgent action from the Ministry of Health

    The Ministry of Health moved and took urgent measures to address the matter, as some officials of the Ministry of Health and Preventive Medicine arrived in the village in Qena Governorate, and blood samples were drawn from 68 patients.
    Health officials emphasized that the diagnosis of the disease and its nature depends on the results of the analysis of the samples that were withdrawn.

    تصدر مرض حمى الضنك مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وتريند محرك البحث العالمي جوجل، بعد إصابة أكثر من 200 شخص بهذا المرض بـ محافظة قنا خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية، خشية أن يمتد المرض إلى جميع أنحاء الجمهورية.


    • #3
      Google Translate:

      Al-Sisi's advisor reveals the cause of the mysterious disease in Qena: "a well-known Egyptian mosquito" (video)

      Monday 07-17-2023 21:47 | Written by: Khaled Mustafa

      Dr. Awad Taj El-Din, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, revealed the details of the mysterious disease that afflicted some citizens in Qena Governorate, after a strange disease appeared in Naga Sanad in the village of Al-Aleqat in the city of Qus, a few days ago, its symptoms varied between high temperature , and stomach pain. After deleting the “tweet” .. Amr Adib, on Mido’s accusations against Osama Hosni: “Why do we put Abu Shark on Abu Quraish?”​

      “Taj El-Din” said, during a phone call to the “Akher Al-Nahar” program, on “Al-Nahar” channel, today, Monday, that the disease that appeared in Qena is not an unknown fever, explaining that it is called dengue fever, and it is a well-known fever that is present in about 100 countries - at least. In the world
      He added that "dengue fever" is a viral fever transmitted by mosquitoes and an Egyptian mosquito called "Egyptae".​

      The Presidential Adviser for Health Affairs indicated that the disease is simple, explaining that 99% of its symptoms are treated at home through painkillers such as paracetamol.

      مستشار السيسي يكشف سبب المرض الغامض في قنا: «ناموسة مصرية معروفة» (فيديو)

      الإثنين 17-07-2023 21:47 | كتب: خالد مصطفى


      • #4
        After dengue fever cases.. "Health of Representatives" calls for raising the level of readiness in hospitals

        Dr. Irene Saeed, a member of the Parliament's Health Committee, confirmed that the visit of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, to Qena Governorate led to a great stability and calmness of the situation, with regard to dengue fever.

        She stated that she appealed to the state to raise the level of readiness in hospitals, and to provide supplies, if there is a possibility of the mysterious disease in Qena turning into an epidemic, adding that she stressed the importance of the medical staff's readiness with cases according to the treatment protocol.

        And she stressed that maintaining public security is a very important matter, especially after what the citizen went through from health crises due to the Corona pandemic, commenting: "Citizens have a bad background when suffering from fever or influenza, and they do not have sufficient knowledge that enables them to distinguish the disease."

        The Ministry of Health and Population said that, in light of the ministry's investigation of the epidemiological situation related to the presence of disease cases in Nagaa Sandal, which is affiliated with the village of Al-Aleqat in the Qus Center – Qena Governorate, and after directing central teams of the village to follow up and evaluate the situation and carry out field investigations to discuss suspected cases, conduct field investigations and take environmental samples. Determine the possible cause of the event and take preventive measures.



        • #5

          Villagers in Egypt’s Qena test positive for dengue: Health ministry
          Ahram Online , Tuesday 18 Jul 2023

          Villagers in El-Aliqat village in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Qena have tested positive for the mosquito-borne dengue virus, the Ministry of Health announced in a statement on Tuesday.

          The ministry tested blood samples from individuals exhibiting symptoms, including high fever, and took environmental samples of water, sewage, mosquitoes, and mosquito larvae.

          Some of the blood samples tested positive for the virus, but the ministry did not specify how many.

          ​All of the cases so far have displayed mild symptoms and are receiving treatment at home, with no fatalities or hospitalizations reported, according to the ministry.

          The ministry also noted that some of the patients have connections to other cases that showed similar symptoms in the Red Sea governorate's towns of Safaga and Quseer.

          Speculation set in last week after dozens of people in Upper Egypt began reporting symptoms, including fever, body aches, and headache.

          Russia even tightened health and quarantine protocols on flights arriving from Egypt.

          Presidential Adviser for Health Affairs Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din clarified on Monday that the disease is dengue fever and not an "unidentified disease."​...

