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China - Reports of "Air Conditioning" Disease in Chengdu, Sichuan province

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  • China - Reports of "Air Conditioning" Disease in Chengdu, Sichuan province

    The nurse is wearing a surgical mask. An infectious disease perhaps?

    夏日谨防?空调病? 吹走了热却吹出了病(图)

    2010-07-31 06:49:00 来源: 华西都市报(成都) 跟贴 0 条 手机看新闻

    Outside and too hot to go out on a trip sweaty. Room temperature is too low, the slightest breeze is blowing hot blown away by a variety of diseases. Recently, the office workers Xiaoxia dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, which makes the body tired and sleep at night, go into the reasons for blowing air is blown too far.

    "Air conditioning disease" no longer a new term, although many people are unaware of the need for prevention, however, is more and more patients with the disease. It is understood that patients suffering from air-conditioning may appear flustered shortness of breath, fatigue, aching limbs may be, mobility and other symptoms, may also trigger serious respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatism, bone disease, cervical spondylosis, rhinitis, pharyngitis disease.

    Not suited to the incidence of hot and cold easily

    Switching hot and cold will affect the whole body, but because each person's sensitive parts of the different symptoms shown will be different. Experts believe that high summer air conditioning disease the "culprit" is the frequent and rapid switching of hot and cold.

    High temperature, the human body through the expansion of blood vessels, skin pores to heat, perspiration, body temperature regulation system to work properly. After high temperature suddenly into the air conditioner indoor, blood vessels and smooth muscle distributed throughout the human body will shrink when cooled rapidly, especially distributed in the limbs, abdomen, etc. of the peripheral. Then, when the body back to the outdoor hot, the blood vessels and muscles will re-diastolic, blood vessels and muscle relaxation, but takes a long time, if they have not time to complete relaxation, the body once again cold, there will be smooth muscle, blood vessels spasm, leading to difficulties caused by the body heat of heat stroke. Meanwhile, the peripheral will narrow due to abnormal contraction, increased blood pressure; because of abdominal and peripheral vascular smooth muscle of hot and cold in the high frequency switching, the interaction will lead to gastrointestinal spasm, causing diarrhea.

    Experts, hot and cold in a rapidly changing external environment will stimulate people to mouth, pharynx mucous secretion, leading to accelerated propagation of bacteria and viruses, some people are easy physical weak with fever, cold symptoms. For high blood pressure, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases were the basis for abnormal elevation of blood pressure increases myocardial infarction, the risk of cerebral infarction.

