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Canada - 1 new outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N2 in a turkey breeder commercial farm in Bright, Ontario (OIE, April 28, 2015)
Canada - 1 new outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N2 in a turkey breeder commercial farm in Bright, Ontario (OIE, April 28, 2015)
Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
Information received on 28/04/2015 from Dr Martine Dubuc, OIE Delegate for Canada, Chief Food Safety Officer Vice-President, Science Branch, Health Ministry, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Canada
ONT-2015-NAI-003 Turkey breeder commercial farm with four barns. One barn affected. Birds affected are 45 weeks of age.
Summary of outbreaks
Total outbreaks: 1
Total animals affected
Outbreak statistics
Apparent morbidity rate
Apparent mortality rate
Apparent case fatality rate
Proportion susceptible animals lost*
*Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
Unknown or inconclusive
Contact with wild species
Epidemiological comments
One additional farm with clinical signs has been confirmed as infected with the H5N2 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (ONT-2015-NAI-003). On 22 April 2015, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced the establishment of a second Avian Influenza Control Zone (AICZ) in Ontario to control the movement of poultry, poultry products and equipment in contact with poultry in the area to minimize disease spread. The boundary of this second AICZ covers a 10km radius from the ONT-2015-NAI-002 premises confirmed to be infected with avian influenza. The zone spans across a portion of Oxford County and Waterloo County, Ontario. Infected premises ONT-2015-NAI-003 is located in Oxford County within the second AICZ. All premises located within the AICZ have been placed under quarantine. The CFIA is monitoring these premises closely for any signs of disease. Humane depopulation of all susceptible animals was completed on infected premises ONT-2015-NAI-002 on 20 April 2015 and on infected premises ONT-2015-NAI-003 on 26 April 2015. The process for disposal in all barns has started. All activities on farm are under the direct supervision of the CFIA.
Control measures
Measures applied
Stamping out
Movement control inside the country
Vaccination prohibited
No treatment of affected animals
Measures to be applied
Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
Future Reporting
The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.