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Bangladesh: scabies epidemic gains ground in Rohingya refugee camps

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  • Bangladesh: scabies epidemic gains ground in Rohingya refugee camps

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    Bangladesh: scabies epidemic gains ground in Rohingya refugee camps

    MARCH 27, 2023

    MSF teams working with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are alarmed by the upsurge in the number of scabies cases they are treating and the scale of the current epidemic. In unsuitable camps, 950,000 people have been living in precarious conditions for years, especially after fleeing attacks and massacres in Myanmar in 2017. MSF teams, which receive several hundred patients a day, are now reaching the limits of their caring capacity.

    “ Scabies is highly contagious and can spread quickly,” says Dr. Kawsar, deputy medical supervisor at the MSF clinic in Jamtoli. Fighting this disease, in such crowded refugee camps and where people have very little access to hygiene and health care, is a challenge. »

    The number of patients suffering from scabies today exceeds the care capacities of MSF teams, despite an intensification of their efforts from March 2022. Since that date, 135,000 consultations related to the disease have been provided. “ This can represent up to 750 patients per day, while the limit of our maximum reception capacity is 600 to 700 people , continues Dr. Kawsar. For our patients, this epidemic comes on top of extremely difficult living conditions. »

    Les équipes MSF qui travaillent auprès des réfugiés rohingyas au Bangladesh s’alarment de la recrudescence du nombre de cas de gale qu’elles sont amenées à traiter et de l’ampleur de l’épidémie en cours. Dans des camps inadaptés, 950 000 personnes vivent dans des conditions précaires depuis des années, notamment après avoir fui les attaques et les massacres au Myanmar en 2017. Les équipes MSF, qui reçoivent plusieurs centaines de patients par jour, atteignent aujourd'hui les limites de leur capacité de prise en charge.