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Detect resistant pneumococci in Mexico

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  • Detect resistant pneumococci in Mexico

    Spanish to English translation

    Detect resistant pneumococci in Mexico

    One in four patients not be treated with traditional antibiotics.
    Guillermo Ruiz Palacios, head of Infectious Diseases of the INN.

    Wed, 15/09/2010 - 7:24

    Penicillin resistance almost reaches 80%. The National Institute of Nutrition carried out a study of infectious diseases with around 10 000 infants assigned to sentinel hospitals in Chiapas, Aguascalientes, Durango, Hermosillo, and found that 80% have developed infections invasive and a quarter, 25%, resistance occurs with "very high" to traditional antibiotics.

    "In analyzing the resistance to these strains of pneumococcus, penicillin resistance almost reaches 80%, which is inadmissible and could find a high resistance in 25% of cases, ie one in four can not be dealt with traditional antibiotics "said Guillermo Ruiz Palacios, head of Infectious Diseases of the INN.

    Currently, more than 30 million Mexicans have some degree of resistance to penicillin and common treatments, overall one in 10 are very resistant to what is offered in hospitals.

    In an interview, Palacio Ruiz explained that the study reveals that children in Mexico are born with some form of resistance, as a result of the mother's infected with "resistant bugs" as a result of indiscriminate self-medication of antibiotics, which makes their treatment and recovery.

    The specialist said that currently "the strains of these infants are concentrated in a lab, typed and are still a matter of biosafety tests" and, as a preliminary result, we have identified that emerging infectious diseases, which had been controlled, re-emerging and represent a public health problem.

    These emerging infectious diseases that have resulted, he said, influenza A/H1N1 2009, again to cholera, bird flu (of which there is no case in Mexico), and other infectious diseases for which must provide very expensive treatments, and this severely injured the country's finances, in addition to affecting individual increased mortality.

    The anger, he recalled, was sensitive to tetracycline, a common economic and easy to use. "Today we no longer use most of the strains are resistant, and so does the influenza A/H1N1, still do not know what resistance to antiviral drugs developed by the consumer who had to do for prevention and infection, because of the pandemic. In 2010 we'll know. "

    The infection rate of invasive pneumococcal disease, is in the range of 100 to 200 per 100 000 inhabitants. "How much does a complete treatment for meningitis by penicillin? It costs over three thousand dollars with traditional antibiotics, but if they can not be used by strains resistant to cephalosporin, the cost is multiplied to the nth power.

    "And this happens in children and adults with invasive pneumococcal disease, and not protected by vaccines, or have been given an incomplete ending to develop infections that are extremely serious," he said.

    In Denmark, for example, pneumococcal resistance to penicillin is less than 4 percent, and this is a result of this strict control that we have in these countries. "You can control and reduce this resistance and thereby reduce health care costs," said infectious disease.

    Global Warning by bacteria India

    The new superbug in India, thought to be resistant to almost all known antibiotics, represents a global threat, say experts. "We have an urgent need, first, to establish an international monitoring system in the coming months and, secondly, to examine all patients admitted to any health system in many countries as possible," said Patrice Nordmann, Bicetre Hospital in France.

    "At the moment we do not know how quickly the phenomenon is spreading ... It could take months or years, "he said, noting that already agreed measures in France and that they are under discussion in Japan, Singapore and China.

    "It's a bit like a time bomb," he said. The bacteria, called NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1) and its variants, seems to have originated in India and resists almost all types of antibiotics, including carbapenems, usually reserved for emergencies.

    Boston, USA. AFP