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Lepto outbreak feared at puppy adoption party in New Hampshire after two pups died

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  • Lepto outbreak feared at puppy adoption party in New Hampshire after two pups died


    Disease outbreak feared at puppy adoption party in New Hampshire after two died from rare bacterial infection

    Families that fostered or played with puppies at an adoption fair in New Hampshire may have been exposed to leptospirosis
    Two of the ten puppies imported from Puerto Rico have died, one has tested positive, and two have tested negative for the bacteria
    The bacteria typically causes a mild infection, but if untreated it can cause potentially fatal kidney and liver failure
    No humans have reported symptoms so far
    The puppies were given exams and vaccinations before being flown to Puerto Rico, but had probably already been infected

    By Natalie Rahhal For
    Published: 15:48 GMT, 23 November 2017 | Updated: 16:43 GMT, 23 November 2017

    American families may have been exposed to a rare bacteria after playing with and fostering puppies rescued from Puerto Rico.

    Two of the puppies, Tito and Chili, developed symptoms and abruptly died of leptospirosis days after they were brought to the US. No symptoms have been reported in humans.

    Leptospirosis is a bacteria found in tropical regions and can fatally damage the kidneys and liver. In rare cases, humans can catch the disease from being exposed to the urine of infected animals.

    One other puppy has tested positive for the bacteria, but the remaining seven appear to be healthy.
    The batch of 10 puppies arrived in New Hampshire from Puerto Rico on November 9.

    The puppies were accepted by Surfin' Sato, a nonprofit in New Hampshire, which kept them isolated for two nights before distributing eight of the ten animals to foster families in the region.

    On November 12, Ramunto?s Brick and Brew Pizzeria in Hanover, New Hampshire hosted a fundraiser and adoption fair, where some 200 local families may have played with the newly-imported pups...
