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Senegal - Mysterious disease in Kayar: more than 100 cases recorded - Norovirus and salmonella according to chief medical officer

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  • Senegal - Mysterious disease in Kayar: more than 100 cases recorded - Norovirus and salmonella according to chief medical officer

    Translation Google

    A mysterious disease detected in Senegal: 74 cases were reported in 48 hours

    SeneNews Logo
    Published on 6/7/2021 8:26 AM - Updated on 06/07/2021 at 08:31

    As the coronavirus disease is being conquered in Senegal, another, rather, mysterious disease is said to have emerged in the country.

    This mysterious disease located in the region of Thiès, more precisely in the locality of Kayar, was detected in 74 people within 48 hours. Those affected suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.

    However, samples were taken for possible analyzes, informs Liberation.

    Cette mystérieuse maladie localisée dans la région de Thiès, plus précisément dans la localité de Kayar a été détectée chez 74 personnes en l'espace de 48


    Mysterious disease in Kayar: more than 100 cases recorded this weekend

    By Actusen06/07/2021 - 14:29

    An enigmatic disease worries the health district of Kayar. According to information from the Rfm, this mysterious disease manifests itself in diarrhea followed by vomiting. In total, more than a hundred cases have been identified in the health district of the locality which in collaboration with the hygiene service of Thiès has already taken samples for analysis to know the origin of this disease. According to the mayor, the patients identified are fishermen and residents who ate in the taverns near the local fishing wharf.

    Aissata TALL ( Intern)

  • #2
    Translation Google

    Mysterious disease in Kayar: A fish meal factory pointed at

    By: Absa HANE (intern) | June 07, 2021 at 11:06:25 |
    We know a little more about the mysterious disease that appeared in Kayar, a locality located in the department of Thiès and 58 km north of the region of Dakar. According to Seneweb sources, people have pointed to a fishmeal manufacturing plant that emits a foul odor. This factory, installed 5 months ago, has started its activities and operates from midnight to 6 a.m.

    The first thesis advanced was that related to the water consumed in the locality. But this thesis was quickly abandoned since other localities in the vicinity consume the same water and show no symptoms.

    As a reminder, the symptoms of the mysterious disease are diarrhea and vomiting. The disease, the origin of which is still unknown, mainly attacks pregnant women and children.


    • #3
      Translation Google

      Cayar / Supposedly dangerous disease: "There is nothing mysterious about it, people with the disease generally do well after treatment" (Dr Malick Badiane)

      More fear than harm concerning the mysterious and dangerous disease which appeared in Cayar (Thiès). Indeed, according to the chief medical officer of the district of Pout, Doctor Malick Badiane, "it is a disease which manifests itself by diarrhea and vomiting".

      The samples, he says, showed neuroviruses and saprophytic salmonella, probably linked to food hygiene problems. Also, for him, the concerns of the populations indexing the water and the fishmeal factory are unfounded. There is no connection, he confirms, with the borehole water.

      According to him, "sufferers are generally doing very well after treatment".


      • #4
        Translation Google

        More than 350 cases: The whole truth about the “mysterious” disease in Kayar (video)

        ThroughAmath DIOUF 06/10/2021 at 10:15 PM

        In Kayar, more than 350 people are affected by an illness which manifests itself in stomach aches, vomiting and fever. The information that it came from water was quickly denied by the association of borehole users (ASUFOR) and the health authorities.

        While waiting to discover the origin of the disease, the nurse at the Kayar health post, Amadi Kâ, asks the populations to better respect hygiene measures in order to avoid any risk of contamination.

        A Kayar, plus de 350 personnes sont touchées par une maladie qui se manifeste par des maux de ventre, des vomissements, de la fièvre. L’information selon laquelle elle proviendrait de l’eau a été vite démentie par l’association des usagers de forages (ASUFOR) et les autorités de la santé.

