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Faratsiho: Suspicions of pulmonary plague on nine people
August 13, 2019 Miangaly Ralitera
Two districts of Antananarivo province registered suspected cases of plague in a matter of days. The number of victims is twelve.
Panic around a suspicion of epidemic of Faratsiho lung plague. Nine suspected cases are treated in a district health facility. The youngest would be only 4 months old, but there would also be adults, including a 45-year-old. "Supported in time, the victims survived. The treatments continue, and there is a favorable evolution of their state of health. Our care teams are superb, "reported Dr. Solofoniaina Armand Rafalimanantsoa, Director of Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Surveillance and Response (DVSSER) at the Ministry of Public Health, yesterday.
The victims would have presented the evocative signs, namely fever, cough, migraine, fatigue, breathing problem. "The evolution of the disease has been very fast," he adds, while stressing that we can not yet confirm that it is really lung plague.
These cases were listed on August 8th and 9th. Alerted by this evolving, spreading and rapidly killing disease, health workers have been combing through to identify other likely victims. "We did some kind of police investigation of people who have been in contact with patients," the source said. Since Sunday, no new cases have been identified.
Twelve cases in a few days
These patients live in three villages in Faratsiho District. They would be parents and neighbors. The reason for this disease, which has claimed nine lives in the space of a few days, remains unknown. "The link of the disease with the practice of exhumation is not excluded". Exhumation increases the risk of transmission of pulmonary plague, if ever, a plague victim was buried in the family tomb.
Faratsiho: Suspicions of pulmonary plague on nine people
August 13, 2019 Miangaly Ralitera
Two districts of Antananarivo province registered suspected cases of plague in a matter of days. The number of victims is twelve.
Panic around a suspicion of epidemic of Faratsiho lung plague. Nine suspected cases are treated in a district health facility. The youngest would be only 4 months old, but there would also be adults, including a 45-year-old. "Supported in time, the victims survived. The treatments continue, and there is a favorable evolution of their state of health. Our care teams are superb, "reported Dr. Solofoniaina Armand Rafalimanantsoa, Director of Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Surveillance and Response (DVSSER) at the Ministry of Public Health, yesterday.
The victims would have presented the evocative signs, namely fever, cough, migraine, fatigue, breathing problem. "The evolution of the disease has been very fast," he adds, while stressing that we can not yet confirm that it is really lung plague.
These cases were listed on August 8th and 9th. Alerted by this evolving, spreading and rapidly killing disease, health workers have been combing through to identify other likely victims. "We did some kind of police investigation of people who have been in contact with patients," the source said. Since Sunday, no new cases have been identified.
Twelve cases in a few days
These patients live in three villages in Faratsiho District. They would be parents and neighbors. The reason for this disease, which has claimed nine lives in the space of a few days, remains unknown. "The link of the disease with the practice of exhumation is not excluded". Exhumation increases the risk of transmission of pulmonary plague, if ever, a plague victim was buried in the family tomb.