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Angola - Outbreak of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 2024

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  • Angola - Outbreak of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 2024

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    Luanda Province


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    An epidemic of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis rages in Luanda

    Luanda Thursday, February 29, 2024 10:02 a.m.

    Luanda - The city of Luanda is facing, in recent days, an epidemic of contagious hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, said Thursday the director of the National Ophthalmological Institute of Angola (IONA), Luísa Paiva.

    Speaking to Angop, Luísa Paiva stressed that the health centers have recorded different types of conjunctivitis, the most frequent being hemorrhagic, since the IONA treats daily between 8 and 10 cases of this pathology.

    She explained that hemorrhagic conjunctivitis develops at high speed and is in some cases particularly serious.

    The official called on the population to strengthen prevention measures, including washing their hands frequently, avoiding touching or scratching their eyes and avoiding crowded places.

    Causes and symptoms of conjunctivitis

    Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a “highly” contagious disease characterized by subconjunctival hemorrhage, sudden swelling of the eyelids and congestion, redness and pain in the eye.

    The IONA director explained that the causes of conjunctivitis can be of different types, the most common being infection caused by certain types of pathogens. These agents are mainly bacteria, but they can also be viruses and fungi.

    There are several types of conjunctivitis, namely bacterial, viral and allergic.

    The IONA director warned of the risk of blindness due to lack of medical care or the use of inappropriate medications.


  • #2
    Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	1 Size:	35.5 KB ID:	986559
    Uíge Province


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    Uíge records 19 cases of conjunctivitis outbreak

    Uige Friday, 01 March 2024 7:24 p.m.

    Uíge – The province of Uíge has registered, in recent days, 19 cases of an outbreak of contagious hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, reported today, Friday, the head of the Provincial Department of Public Health, Lindeza Chaves.

    He explained that the cases, already under treatment, were diagnosed in several neighborhoods in the province, one of which comes from the municipality of Sanza Pombo.

    Based on these records, Lindeza Chaves said that actions to segment cases of the disease are underway in the 16 municipalities of the province, to find out the level of spread of the disease in the region.

    Because the disease is rapidly contagious, health technicians advise washing your eyes with cold water, avoiding touching your eyes and, if you feel any symptoms, contact an ophthalmological center.


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      • #4
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        Province of Cuanza-Norte records outbreak of conjunctivitis

        Cuanza Norte Monday, March 11, 2024 2:54 p.m.

        Ndalatando – Fifteen cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis have been reported by health services in the province of Cuanza-Norte since last week, reported today, Monday, the head of the Provincial Department of Public Health, Francisco Manuel.

        The cases were confirmed by health units in the municipalities of Cazengo (10 cases), Banga (two) and Bolongongo (three).

        Francisco Manuel reported that, in addition to these patients, surveillance teams reported other cases in some neighborhoods and schools.

        He said that many affected citizens do not use health facilities, making it difficult to control and record the disease.

        For the doctor, this situation “is worrying”, which is why citizens should adopt preventive measures, including constantly washing their hands with soap and water, avoiding hugs, crowds and sharing objects, such as towels, bathtubs and cell phones.
        Quinze casos de conjuntivite hemorrágica foram notificados pelos serviços de saúde na província do Cuanza-Norte, desde a semana passada, informou hoje, segunda-feira, o responsável do Departamento Provincial de Saúde Pública, Francisco Manuel.


        Health in Bié calls for redoubling prevention measures against conjunctivitis

        Bié Tuesday, March 12, 2024 11:29 am

        Cuito – Health authorities in the province of Bié warned of the need for the population to redouble prevention measures against viral conjunctivitis, at a time when the first six cases were reported in the municipality of Cuito.

        The concern was expressed by the provincial director of health in Bié, João Campos, in statements this Tuesday to ANGOP.

        The official asked citizens to go to health units in case of symptoms, as conjunctivitis is a disease with a high risk of contamination.
        The Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, recently warned families to avoid home treatment for hemorrhagic conjunctivitis under penalty of worsening complications resulting from the disease.

        According to Sílvia Lutucuta, health units in Luanda have been registering patients with very serious complications due to the use of homemade medicines, such as urine, soap and others, which irritate the eyes and thus worsen the patient's situation.


        Huila has first cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

        Huíla Tuesday, March 12, 2024 4:06 p.m.

        Lubango – The health authorities of the province of Huíla registered, in Lubango, the first two cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis that was already affecting some provinces of the country, whose patients were under the control of the health authorities.

        Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, generally caused by a virus, is a disease characterized by sudden swelling of the eyelids, congestion, redness and pain in the eyes, and can be transmitted through contact with infected objects and people.

        The first case, according to the director of the provincial health office in Huíla, Paulo Luvangamo, originated from a citizen who lives in Lubango and who went to Benguela for a religious activity.

        The second was detected in Lubango by the Machiqueira health center, on the outskirts of this city, in a young man who had contact with his mother from Luanda.


        • #5
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          Cabinda records fifty cases of conjunctivitis

          Cabinda Friday, March 15, 2024 10:52 am

          Cabinda - Fifty cases of viral conjunctivitis were reported in the last seven days by health authorities in the province of Cabinda, the head of the Public Health Department, Gabriel Nioje, reported on Thursday.

          Speaking to the press, Gabriel Nioje said that the cases were registered at the Cabinda provincial hospital and in the municipality of Cacongo.

          Gabriel Nioje, therefore, appealed to the population to adopt preventive measures, such as constantly washing the eyes with cold water, avoiding touching the eyes, hugging and sharing objects such as towels, bathtubs and cell phones.

          The doctor advised against using medications without a prescription.

          Conjunctivitis is a viral disease that affects and inflames the conjunctiva of the eyes and its symptoms include redness, itching and watery eyes, among others. ING/JFC/ART


          Health in Cuanza Sul reinforces surveillance against hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

          Cuanza Sul Saturday, March 16, 2024 12:22 p.m.

          Sumbe – The Public Health department in Cuanza Sul is increasing awareness against hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, with a view to raising citizens' awareness of precautions to prevent the disease.

          In recent days, the province has registered 55 cases of the disease.

          Speaking to ANGOP, the head of the public health department, Tatiana Lunga, recalled that conjunctivitis is easily contagious, therefore, one should avoid touching their eyes unnecessarily and picking up dirty objects.

          The official said that they are promoting awareness campaigns among the population, with a view to preventing the spread of the disease in the province.

          He called on the population to maintain personal hygiene, wear sunglasses due to dust, wash their hands frequently and avoid rubbing their eyes.

          Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a highly contagious disease, characterized by subconjunctival hemorrhage, swelling of the eyelids, as well as severe redness and pain in the eyes. Sn/Lc/ART


          • #6
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            Malanje records 12 cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

            Malanje Wednesday, March 27, 2024 4:58 p.m.

            Malanje- Twelve cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis were reported at the end of February, in the municipalities of Calandula and Cacuso, reported today, Wednesday, the director of the Provincial Health Office, Ribeiro José.

            The person responsible announced this information on the sidelines of the 1st Ordinary Session of the Provincial Council for the Consultation of Communities, held today, in this city, which aimed to analyze the socio-economic situation of the province, among other aspects.

            According to the person responsible, as a result of this, epidemiological surveillance teams intensified prevention actions in communities, in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

            Meanwhile, he appealed to the population to increase personal hygiene, avoid sharing objects, as well as to refrain from self-medication and seek health services at the first symptoms of illness.

            Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, usually caused by a virus, is a disease characterized by sudden swelling of the eyelids, congestion, redness and pain in the eyes, and can be transmitted through contact with infected objects and people. ACC/NCPBC


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              • #8
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                Uíge records more than 200 cases of conjunctivitis in two months

                Uige Saturday, April 13, 2024 11:21 am

                Uíge - More than 200 cases of conjunctivitis were registered, in the last two months, in the province of Uíge, by local health authorities.

                The information was provided today (Saturday), in the city of Uíge, by the director of the Provincial Health Office in Uíge, Adelaide Kavenaweteco Malavo, at the end of the march celebrating World Health Day, which was celebrated on the 7th of this month.

                The official said that these were cases of normal and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, the situation of which is under control of the health authorities.

                He informed that the aforementioned cases are being treated at the local ophthalmology center. For this reason, he advised the population against resorting to traditional treatment, as well as maintaining preventive measures.

                Regarding the health sector, the director said that the province has 3,250 health professionals, including doctors, nurses, diagnostic technicians and other assistants, who work in 362 health infrastructures.

                He also clarified that 137 doctors are undergoing specialization training (gastroenterology, ENT and ophthalmology), in the provinces of Luanda and Uíge, aiming to improve the service provided to the local population. NM/JAR


                • #9
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                  Huambo records 123 cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

                  Huambo Thursday, April 25, 2024 2:37 p.m.

                  Huambo – One hundred and 23 cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis were registered, in the last three months, by the health authorities of the province of Huambo, who intensified awareness campaigns among the population of the 11 municipalities.

                  The information was provided to ANGOP this Thursday by the head of the Public Health and Endemics department in the province of Huambo, Valentim Catolo, when he mentioned, without presenting comparative data, that five of the 123 cases are undergoing outpatient treatment, while the others recovered.

                  The person responsible explained that the patients' recovery resulted from efforts to raise awareness about the dissemination of prevention methods, primary health care, approaches to the symptoms of the disease and treatment criteria, the process of which involved the population of the entire province.

                  He added that the awareness raising was carried out by health professionals from the 273 health units that make up the Health System in the province of Huambo, through lectures and door-to-door clarifications, to prevent the spread of the disease.

                  Valentim Catolo said that 76 percent of cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis had been diagnosed at the Huambo General Hospital, imported from Luanda

                  Symptoms are usually related to inflammation of the eyelids, secretions, red eyes, difficulty facing light, eye pain, constant tearing, conjunctival hemorrhages, fever and frequent malaise. LT/JSV/ALH


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