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Mpox African region (WHO Africa, Week 22: 22-28 May 2023)

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  • #16

    Week 2: 2 to 8 January 2023
    Data as reported by: 17:00; 8 January 2023


    Mpox (Monkeypox) Multiple Countries

    1 226 cases
    16 Deaths
    1.3% CFR


    Two newly confirmed Monkeypox cases were retrospectively
    reported in Africa in the past week. These cases were parts of
    the samples collected in December 2022 and were recorded for
    week 52 (26 Dec 2022 – 01 Jan 2023). No new cases have been
    confirmed in the first week of 2023.

    Between 1 January 2022 and 7 January 2023, 1 126 laboratory
    confirmed cases have been reported from 13 African countries,
    including Nigeria (756), the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    (279), Ghana (116), Sudan (18), Cameroon (18), CAR (13),
    Liberia (6), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin Republic (3),
    Morocco (3), Egypt (1), and Mozambique (1).

    The top three countries with the highest number of confirmed
    cases of Mpox are Nigeria (61.7%; 756), DRC (22.8%; 279), and
    Ghana (9.5%; 116). Together, the three countries account for
    93.9% (1 151) of all confirmed cases in Africa.

    Eight countries: Benin, Cameroon, CAR, Congo, Morocco,
    Mozambique, South Africa, and Sudan, have not reported any
    new cases in the past six weeks, and Liberia has not reported
    in 21 days. The average age of Monkeypox cases reported in
    Africa is 22.4 years, ranging from 0-87 years, and the majority
    are males (60.2%). Sixteen deaths were reported in the continent
    in 2022 from Nigeria (7), Ghana (4), Cameroon (3), Mozambique
    (1), and Sudan (1).

    Country specific updates

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is one of the
    countries with high MPX burdens in Africa. The country has
    reported 259 confirmed cases since January 2022. Monkeypox
    poses complex challenges to the country as (89%) 23/26
    provinces are being affected. However, the World Health
    Organization (WHO) and other international organizations have
    been working to control the spread of Monkeypox in the DRC and
    other affected countries. These include improving surveillance
    and diagnostic capacity, educating the public about the disease
    and how to prevent it, and identifying and isolating infected
    individuals to prevent further transmission.


    Countries are using the new WHO’s technical surveillance
    guidelines and reporting tools to facilitate case detection,
    reporting, case investigations, contact tracing, and followup.

    Mpox signal detection and verification are being enhanced
    through proactive information and data gathering system
    using the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources.

    WHO is supporting affected countries to improve surveillance
    and laboratory capacity, including genomic surveillance.
    WHO supports countries with vaccination strategies and
    guidelines towards identifying high-risk and priority groups
    for vaccination.


    Two newly confirmed mpox cases were reported from the
    Democratic Republic of the Congo in the past week, with no
    death. WHO AFRO supports countries on mpox surveillance and
    response through the provision of funds and mpox vaccines.


    • #17

      Week 3: 9 to 15 January 2023
      Data as reported by: 17:00; 15 January 2023


      Mpox (Monkeypox) Multiple Countries

      1 238 cases
      16 Deaths
      1.3% CFR


      Five newly confirmed Mpox cases were retrospectively reported
      in Ghana in the past week from laboratory tests conducted in
      Epiweek 51 of December 2022 (19 - 25 Dec 2022). No new cases
      have been confirmed in 2023.

      Between 1 January 2022 and 14 January 2023, 1 138 laboratory
      confirmed cases have been reported from 13 African countries,
      including Nigeria (763), the Democratic Republic of the Congo
      (279), Ghana (121), Sudan (18), Cameroon (18), Central African
      Republic (13), Liberia (6), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin
      Republic (3), Morocco (3), Egypt (1), and Mozambique (1).

      The top three countries with the highest number of confirmed
      cases are Nigeria (61.6%, 763), DRC (22.5%, 279), and Ghana
      (9.8%, 121). The three countries have reported 93.9% (1 163) of
      all confirmed cases (1 238) in Africa.

      Eight countries: Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic,
      Congo, Morocco, Mozambique, South Africa, and Sudan, have
      not reported any new cases in the past seven weeks, while Liberia
      has not reported any new cases in the past 28 days. The average
      age of Mpox cases reported in Africa is 21.0 years, ranging from
      0-87 years, and the majority are males (60.2%).

      Sixteen deaths were reported in the continent in 2022 from
      Nigeria (7), Ghana (4), Cameroon (3), Mozambique (1), and
      Sudan (1). Predominant signs and symptoms include rash
      (18.3%), fever (17.4%), dysphagia (10.1%), pain (10.1%), and
      headache (7.3%).


      No newly confirmed mpox cases or deaths were reported in
      Africa in the past week. The WHO AFRO supports countries in
      investigating modes of transmission and performing genomic
      sequencing to identify the main clades involved in the outbreak.


      • #18

        Week 4: 16 to 22 January 2023
        Data as reported by: 17:00; 22 January 2023


        Mpox (Monkeypox) Multiple Countries

        1 319 cases
        17 Deaths
        1.3% CFR


        Eighty-one newly confirmed mpox cases have been reported in
        Africa since the beginning of the year 2023 from Nigeria and the
        Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

        Nigeria reported 12 newly confirmed cases, nine cases in week
        1 (ending 8 January) and three cases in week 2 (ending 15
        January). Out of the 36 States in Nigeria, mpox cases have been
        reported from 34 states and the Federal Capital Territory FCT
        since 2022. Only Sokoto and Jigawa States have not reported
        mpox cases since the outbreak. Eight states (Lagos, Abia, Imo,
        Bayelsa, Ondo, Ogun, Rivers, and Delta) are responsible for over
        63.4% of all confirmed cases. There is an ongoing contact tracing
        follow-up of the contacts of the newly confirmed cases.

        In the same period, DRC reported 69 newly confirmed cases
        which include, 51 in week 1 and 17 in week 2, respectively. Sixtyfour (92.7%)
        of the 69 cases confirmed in 2023 were from three
        regions (Maniema, Sankuru, and Tshuapa). Almost 90% (23/26)
        of the provinces are being affected.

        However, there is an ongoing collaboration between the WHO,
        The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Environmental
        Surveillance Division team for joint interventions with a OneHealth
        approach in response to mpox in the country.

        Between 1 January 2022 and 22 January 2023, 1 319 laboratory
        confirmed cases have been reported from 13 African countries,
        including Nigeria (775), the Democratic Republic of the Congo
        (348), Ghana (121), Sudan (18), Cameroon (18), Central African
        Republic (CAR) (13), Liberia (6), Congo (5), South Africa (5),
        Benin Republic (3), Morocco (3), Egypt (1), and Mozambique (1).
        The top three countries with the highest number of confirmed
        cases include Nigeria (58.8%; n = 775), DRC (26.4%; n =
        348), and Ghana (9.2%; n = 121). Together, the three countries
        accounted for 94.4% (n = 1,244) of all confirmed cases.

        Nine countries: Benin, Cameroon, CAR, Congo, Liberia, Morocco,
        Mozambique, South Africa, and Sudan, have not reported any
        new cases in the past five weeks. Ghana and Egypt have not
        reported new cases in 28 days.

        Seventeen (17) deaths have been reported in the African
        region since 2022 from Nigeria (8), Ghana (4), Cameroon (3),
        Mozambique (1), and Sudan (1).


        Ongoing finalization of the terms of reference for the WHO
        technical support mission for mpox response in DRC.

        Upcoming workshop for harmonizing response pillar tools in
        the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 26 - 30 January

        Ongoing technical support for the countries to identify target
        groups for mpox vaccination

        The WHO is supporting countries financially and technically
        to investigate modes of transmission and characterize mpox
        cases in the region.


        Newly confirmed mpox were reported from Nigeria and the
        Democratic Republic of the Congo in the past week. An additional
        new mpox death was recored in the past week from Nigeria.


        • #19

          Week 6: 30 January to 5 February 2023
          Data as reported by: 17:00; 5 February 2023


          Mpox Multiple Countries

          1 365 cases
          17 Deaths
          1.2% CFR


          Six newly confirmed mpox cases were reported in Africa in the
          past week as the cases reported in 2023 increased from 118 in
          week 3 (23 -29 January 2023) to 124 within the past week. The
          cases were reported from the Central African Republic (CAR),
          Liberia and Nigeria. One new death was retrospectively reported
          from Nigeria.

          The number of mpox cases in CAR has increased from 20 to
          22 as the country reported two new cases from four suspected
          cases in the past week.

          Liberia also reported the first case in 2023, making a total of
          seven cases since the outbreak in 2022.

          The three new cases reported in Nigeria in the past week have
          increased the number of mpox cases to 26 in 2023. Nigeria has
          reported a cumulative total of 789 cases from 1 January 2022 to
          5 February 2023.

          Between 1 January 2022 and 05 February 2023, 1 365 laboratory
          confirmed cases have been reported from 13 African countries,
          including Nigeria (789), the Democratic Republic of the Congo
          (DRC) (370), Ghana (121), CAR (22), Cameroon (18), Sudan
          (18), Liberia (7), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin Republic (3),
          Morocco (3), Egypt (1), and Mozambique (1). Three countries
          (CAR, DRC, and Nigeria) reported sporadic mpox cases in 2023.
          The top three countries with the highest number of confirmed
          cases include Nigeria (58.8% n = 789), DRC (27.7%; n = 370), and
          Ghana (9.0%; n = 121). Together, the three countries accounted
          for 94.5% (n = 1 341) of all confirmed cases.

          Seven countries that have not reported new mpox cases for more
          than ten weeks include Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Mozambique,
          Morocco, South Africa, and Sudan. Egypt in six weeks and Ghana
          in five weeks. Seventeen (17) deaths have been reported in the
          African region since 2022 from Nigeria (8), Ghana (4), Cameroon
          (3), Mozambique (1), and Sudan (1).


          Workshop for harmonizing response pillar tools was
          concluded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from
          26 - 30 January 2023

          Ongoing technical support for the countries to identify target
          groups for mpox vaccination

          WHO AFRO continues to support countries in strengthening
          Mpox surveillance, laboratory capacity, information
          management, and genomic sequencing


          Six new mpox cases were reported from Central Africa Republic,
          Liberia, and Nigeria in the past week, with no new deaths. Africa
          has been reporting weekly new mpox cases since January 2023.

          Four countries have reported new cases in 2023, including the
          Central Africa Repub


          • #20

            Week 10: 27 February to 5 March 2023
            Data as reported by: 17:00; 5 March 2023


            Multiple Countries


            1 437 Cases
            18 Deaths
            1.3% CFR


            The WHO African region received reports of 39
            retrospectively confirmed mpox cases in the past week
            as the total cases reported in 2023 increased from 162
            to 197 (21.6%), including two deaths. The cases were
            reported for week 7 (ending 19 February 2023) from
            the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ghana
            and Nigeria. Five (5) African countries (Central African
            Republic (CAR), DRC, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria) have
            reported mpox cases in 2023.

            The number of mpox cases in DRC has increased from
            387 to 419 (8.3%) as the country retrospectively reported
            32 new cases in week 7. Since the start of 2023, DRC has
            reported 140 cases, of which more than half 74 (53.2%)
            of the cases are females and most are within 0-19
            age-group 80 (57.1%). Provinces that have been most
            affected are Sankuru, Tshopo, Kasai, Tshuapa, Equateur,
            and Maniema.

            Furthermore, Ghana retrospectively reported two newly
            confirmed cases for the first time in 2023, making a total of
            123 cases, including four deaths (CFR = 3.3%). The new
            cases were reported on 17 January 2023 with no deaths.
            Fourteen out of 16 regions, comprising of 55 districts,
            have confirmed mpox cases in Ghana since the outbreak
            started in 2022. Most cases are concentrated in districts
            located in the southern parts of the country. Greater
            Accra has the highest number of cases (73), followed
            by the Ashanti region (11). Only Ahafo and Savanah
            regions have not recorded mpox cases in Ghana. Males
            constitute 58.5% (71) of all cases; the median age of all
            confirmed cases is 25, however most cases, 93 (75.6%),
            are aged 16-39.

            The five new cases retrospectively reported in Nigeria
            in the past week have increased the number of mpox
            cases to 43 in 2023. Nigeria has reported 805 cases from
            1 January 2022 to 05 March 2023. The top five states
            reporting cases in Nigeria in 2023 include Lagos (15),
            Abia (5), Imo (4), Ogun (3), and Edo (3). Together, the
            five states reported 30 out of 43 (73.2%) cases in 2023.
            Most cases reported in 2023 are males 32 (74.0%), and
            a larger proportion is within the21 – 50 years 32 (74.0%)
            age group.

            Between 1 January 2022 and 05 March 2023, 1 437
            laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported from 13
            African countries, including Nigeria (805), the DRC (419),
            Ghana (123), CAR (27), Cameroon (18), Sudan (18),
            Liberia (7), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin Republic
            (3), Morocco (3), Egypt (1), and Mozambique (1).
            The top three countries with the highest number of
            confirmed cases include Nigeria 805 (56.0%), DRC 419
            (29.2%), and Ghana 123 (8.6%). Together, the three
            countries have reported 1 347 (93.7%) of all confirmed

            There are eight countries that recorded ongoing outbreaks
            in 2022 with no reported new mpox cases in 2023; Benin,
            Cameroon, Congo, Egypt, Mozambique, Morocco, South
            Africa, and Sudan.

            Eighteen (18) deaths have been reported in the African
            region since 2022 from Nigeria (8), Ghana (4), Cameroon
            (3), CAR (1), Mozambique (1), and Sudan (1).


            Efforts are ongoing to strengthen mpox risk
            communication and community engagement in the
            African region

            Identification of target groups for mpox vaccination is
            ongoing in African countries

            WHO Africa regional office is supporting mpox
            surveillance and response.

            The WHO AFRO continues to support countries in
            researching the potential impact of mpox on both
            animal populations and wastewater systems in Africa.

            The WHO AFRO continues to support countries
            in improving laboratory capacity, information
            management, and genomic sequencing


            New mpox cases were retrospectively reported from
            DRC, Ghana, and Nigeria in the past week, with no
            deaths reported. Africa has been reporting weekly new
            mpox cases since January 2023. Five countries have
            reported new cases in 2023, including the Central Africa
            Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana,
            Liberia, and Nigeria.


            • #21

              Week 12: 13 - 19 March 2023
              Data as reported by: 17:00; 19 March 2023


              Multiple Countries Mpox

              1 472 Cases
              19 Deaths
              1.3% CFR


              The WHO African region received reports of seven new
              cases of mpox and 26 retrospectively reported cases in
              the past week bringing the total cases reported in 2023 to
              231 (16.7% increase). There were three deaths reported
              in the past week.

              Twenty-six (26) cases were reported for week 9 (ending 05
              March 2023) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
              (DRC) and Nigeria; the seven newly reported cases were
              for week 10 (ending 12 March) from Nigeria. Five (5)
              African countries (Central African Republic (CAR), DRC,
              Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria) have reported mpox cases
              in 2023 out of 10 countries reporting mpox in the region.
              The number of mpox cases in DRC has increased from
              419 to 439 (4.8% increase) as the country retrospectively
              reported 19 new cases in week 9. Since the start of 2023,
              DRC has reported 192 suspected and 160 laboratory
              confirmed cases, of which more than half, 82 (51.3%) of
              the cases are females, and most are within the 0-19 age
              group 89 (55.8%).

              Provinces that have been most affected in 2023 are
              Tshopo 70 (43.8%), Tshuapa 50 (31.3%) and Sankuru
              21 (13.1%). No laboratory-confirmed death has been
              reported in DRC in 2023.

              The seven retrospectively and seven newly reported
              cases in Nigeria in the past week have increased
              the number of mpox cases to 57 in 2023. Nigeria has
              reported 820 cases from 1 January 2022 to 19 March
              2023. The top five states reporting cases in Nigeria in
              2023 include Lagos (19), Abia (5), Edo (5), Ogun (5), and
              Imo (4). Together, the five states reported 38 out of 57
              (66.7%) cases in 2023. Most cases reported in 2023 are
              males 45 (79.0%), and a larger proportion is within the
              21 – 50 years 45 (79.0%) age group.

              Between 1 January 2022 and 19 March 2023, 1 472
              laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported from 13
              African countries, including Nigeria (820), the DRC (439),
              Ghana (123), CAR (27), Cameroon (18), Sudan (18),
              Liberia (7), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin Republic
              (3), Morocco (3), Egypt (1), and Mozambique (1).

              The top three countries with the highest number of
              confirmed cases include Nigeria, 820 (55.7%), DRC 439
              (29.8%), and Ghana, 123 (8.4%). Together, the three
              countries have reported 1 382 (93.9%) of all confirmed

              There are eight countries that recorded ongoing outbreaks
              in 2022 with no reported new mpox cases in 2023; Benin,
              Cameroon, Congo, Egypt, Mozambique, Morocco, South
              Africa, and Sudan.

              Nineteen (19) deaths have been reported in the African
              region since 2022 from Nigeria (9), Ghana (4), Cameroon
              (3), CAR (1), Mozambique (1), and Sudan (1).

              Efforts to enhance mpox risk communication and
              community engagement and identify priority groups
              for vaccination are underway in several African
              countries. The WHO Africa regional office provides
              technical assistance and coordination to support
              these activities.

              WHO AFRO is leading efforts to strengthen mpox
              surveillance and response across the region, focusing
              on improving laboratory capacity, information
              management, and genomic sequencing.

              WHO AFRO is also working with countries to study
              the potential impact of mpox on animal populations
              and wastewater systems in Africa.


              New mpox cases were retrospectively reported from
              DRC and Nigeria in the past week, with one death from
              Nigeria. Five countries in the African region have reported
              new cases in 2023, including the Central Africa Republic,
              the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Liberia,
              and Nigeria.


              • #22

                Week 18: 24-30 April 2023
                Data as reported by: 17:00; 30 April 2023


                Multiple Countries


                1 319 Cases
                17 Deaths
                1.3% CFR

                EVENT DESCRIPTION

                Four countries in the WHO African region reported 111
                newly confirmed mpox cases in the past two weeks,
                resulting in a 7.4% increase. Of all reported cases, 106
                new cases were reported from the Democratic Republic
                of the Congo (DRC), two from Nigeria, two from Liberia
                and one from Ghana.

                Only five African countries (Central African Republic
                (CAR), DRC, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria) have reported
                mpox cases in 2023.

                The number of mpox cases in DRC increased by 23.6%
                as the country reported 106 new cases in weeks 13, 14
                and 15. Since the start of 2023, DRC has reported 277
                laboratory-confirmed cases. No laboratory-confirmed
                mpox related death has been reported from DRC since
                the outbreak in 2022. About half of the 277 cases reported
                are males, 145 (52.3%), and a larger proportion is within
                the 0 – 19 years, 160 (57.8%) age group.

                The two newly reported cases in Nigeria in the past two
                weeks have increased the number of mpox cases to 72
                in 2023. Nigeria has cumulatively reported 835 cases
                from 1 January 2022 to 23 April 2023. The top five states
                reporting cases in Nigeria in 2023 include Lagos (20),
                Ogun (9), Abia (6), Imo (5), and Edo (4). Together, the
                five states reported (61.1%) cases in 2023. Most cases
                reported in 2023 are males 52 (72%), and a larger
                proportion is within the 21 – 50 years 53 (73.6%) age

                Liberia has cumulatively reported 12 cases from 1 January
                2022 to 23 April 2023, of which seven were reported in
                2023. The five counties reporting cases in Liberia in 2023
                include Rivercess (2), Grand Cape Mount (2), Gbarpolu
                (1), Nimba (1), and Sinoe (1). Most cases reported since
                2022 are males 10 (83.3%), and half are within the 24 – 49
                years 6 (50.0%) age group.

                Furthermore, Ghana retrospectively reported one newly
                confirmed case for week 14 (ending 09 April 2023),
                making a total of 125 cases, including four deaths
                (CFR = 3.3%). The new case was reported on 02 April 2023
                with no deaths. Fourteen out of 16 regions, comprising
                55 districts, have confirmed mpox cases in Ghana 2022.
                Most cases are concentrated in districts located in the
                southern parts of the country. Greater Accra has the
                highest number of cases (74), followed by the Ashanti
                region (11). Only Ahafo and Savanah regions have not
                recorded mpox cases in Ghana. Males constitute 58.9%
                (72) of all cases; the median age of all confirmed cases is
                26. However, 95 (76.0%) cases are aged 16-39.

                Between 1 January 2022 and 30 April 2023, 1 613
                laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported from 13
                African countries, including Nigeria (835), the DRC (556),
                Ghana (125), CAR (29), Cameroon (18), Sudan (18),
                Liberia (12), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin Republic
                (3), Morocco (3), Egypt (3), and Mozambique (1).

                The top three countries with the highest number of
                confirmed cases include Nigeria, 835 (51.8%), DRC 556
                (34.5%), and Ghana, 125 (7.7%). Together, the three
                countries have reported 1 516 (94.0%) of all confirmed

                There are eight countries that recorded ongoing outbreaks
                in 2022 with no reported new mpox cases in 2023; Benin,
                Cameroon, Congo, Egypt, Mozambique, Morocco, South
                Africa, and Sudan.

                Nineteen (19) deaths have been reported in the African
                region since 2022 from Nigeria (9), Ghana (4), Cameroon
                (3), CAR (1), Mozambique (1), and Sudan (1).


                The WHO is supporting countries financially and
                technically to investigate modes of transmission and
                characterize mpox cases in the region.

                Ongoing technical support for the countries to identify
                target groups for mpox vaccination

                WHO is supporting Nigeria and The Democratic
                Republic of the Congo in conducting an extensive
                epidemiological investigation on mpox

                WHO is leading efforts to enhance monkeypox
                surveillance and response across the region, focusing
                on improving laboratory capacity, information
                management, and genomic sequencing.

                WHO is collaborating with countries to study the
                potential impact of monkeypox on animal populations
                and wastewater systems in Africa.


                New mpox cases were reported from the Democratic
                Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria in the
                past two weeks. Five countries have reported new cases
                in 2023, including the Central Africa Republic, the DRC,
                Ghana, Liberia, and Nigeria. DRC and Nigeria have been
                reporting weekly new mpox cases since January 2023.


                • #23
                  AND OTHER EMERGENCIES

                  Week 22: 22-28 May 2023
                  Data as reported by: 17:00; 28 May 2023


                  Multiple countries


                  1 616 Cases
                  19 Deaths
                  1.2% CFR

                  EVENT DESCRIPTION

                  One hundred and thirty-five (135) newly confirmed mpox
                  cases were reported from four countries in the past
                  two weeks, increasing the number of cases in Africa
                  to 1 817 (8.0% increase) since January 2022. Two new
                  mpox related deaths were reported from the Democratic
                  Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the same reporting
                  period. The new cases were reported from DRC (117),
                  Cameroon (11), Nigeria (5) and Ghana (2). Six (6) African
                  countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR),
                  DRC, Ghana, Liberia, and Nigeria) have reported 576
                  mpox cases in 2023.

                  Cameroon reported 11 newly laboratory-confirmed
                  mpox cases for the first time in 2023. Two of the 11
                  cases were reported in week 19 (ending 14 May 2023)
                  and nine in week 20 (ending 21 May 2023). The country
                  has cumulatively reported 29 cases from 1 January 2022
                  to 25 May 2023. The 11 confirmed cases in 2023 were
                  reported from Logbaba district (1) of Litoral region and
                  two districts, Mbonge (7) and South (3) of South Western
                  region. Most cases reported in 2023 are males 8 (72.2%)
                  and 6 (54.5%) are within the 25 – 44 age group.

                  Since the start of 2023, DRC has reported 460 laboratoryconfirmed
                  cases. Cumulatively, the Country has reported 739 cases including
                  117 new cases in weeks 18 (66 cases) and 19 (51 cases).
                  Additionally, two laboratoryconfirmed deaths were reported from the DRC
                  for the first time in 2023. More than half of the cases reported in
                  DRC in 2023 are males (53.5%), and a larger proportion
                  is within the 0 – 19 years (57.8%) age group.

                  Five newly confirmed cases were reported in Nigeria in
                  the past two weeks. Nigeria has cumulatively reported
                  842 cases from 1 January 2022 to 25 May 2023. The
                  top five states reporting cases in Nigeria in 2023 include
                  Lagos (22), Ogun (15), Abia (6), Imo (5), and Rivers (5).
                  The five states reported (67.1%) of cases in 2023. Most
                  cases reported in 2023 are males 53 (71%), and a larger
                  proportion is within the 21 – 50 years 56 (74.7%) age

                  Furthermore, Ghana retrospectively reported two newly
                  confirmed cases for weeks 17 (1) and 18 (1), totalling
                  127 cases, including four deaths (CFR = 3.1%).

                  Fourteen out of 16 regions, comprising 55 districts, have
                  confirmed mpox cases in Ghana since 2022. Most cases
                  are concentrated in districts located in the southern parts
                  of the country. Greater Accra has the highest number
                  of cases (75), followed by the Ashanti region (12). Only
                  Ahafo and Savanah regions have not recorded mpox
                  cases in Ghana. Males constitute 58.3% (74) of all cases;
                  the median age of all confirmed cases is 26. However, 97
                  (76.4%) cases are aged 16-39.

                  Between 1 January 2022 and 28 May 2023, 1 817
                  laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported from 13
                  African countries, including; Nigeria (842), the DRC (739),
                  Ghana (127), CAR (29), Cameroon (29), Sudan (18),
                  Liberia (12), Congo (5), South Africa (5), Benin Republic
                  (3), Morocco (3), Egypt (3), and Mozambique (1).
                  The top three countries with the highest number of
                  confirmed cases include Nigeria, 842 (46.3%), DRC 739
                  (40.7%), and Ghana, 127 (7.0%). The three countries
                  have reported 1 708 (94.0%) of all confirmed cases.
                  There are seven countries that recorded ongoing
                  outbreaks in 2022 with no reported new mpox cases in
                  2023; Benin, Congo, Egypt, Mozambique, Morocco,
                  South Africa, and Sudan.

                  Nineteen (21) deaths have been reported in the African
                  region since 2022 from Nigeria (9), Ghana (4), Cameroon
                  (3), DRC (2), CAR (1), Mozambique (1), and Sudan (1).
                  Five deaths have been reported from three countries DRC
                  (2), Nigeria (2) and CAR (1) in 2023.

                  PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS

                  Efforts to enhance mpox risk communication and
                  community engagement and identify priority groups
                  for vaccination are underway in several African
                  countries. The WHO Africa regional office provides
                  technical assistance and coordination to support
                  these activities.

                  The WHO AFRO is leading efforts to strengthen
                  mpox surveillance and response across the region,
                  focusing on improving laboratory capacity, information
                  management, and genomic sequencing.

                  The WHO AFRO is also working with countries to study
                  the potential impact of mpox on animal populations
                  and wastewater systems in Africa.


                  Mpox cases increased in Africa as four and two countries reported new cases and new deaths respectively in the
                  past two weeks. Six countries have reported new cases in 2023, including Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, the
                  DRC, Ghana, Liberia, and Nigeria. Notably, Cameroon reported eleven mpox cases for the first time in 2023, while two
                  laboratory-confirmed deaths were reported from the DRC for the first time in 2023.


