Jan 21 2009 - 11:30
Epidemic requires the establishment of special unit
Angola: Collection of blood by suspected Ebola
Were collected and sent to a laboratory the blood samples from people
died in the Angolan province of Malange, with internal bleeding, the suspect of the case
the Ebola virus.
The coordinator of the team of the Ministry of Health, Eusebio Manuel, investigated the cases disclosed
of deaths that have the symptoms. Given the difficulty in fighting the disease, the Government
Angola established a special hospital in the province of Malange to examine cases
suspected haemorrhagic fever
Also in the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDCongo) emerged last month to 40
victims, of which 14 resulted in the death of patients. Both the Ministry of Health in Angola
as the representation of the World Health Organization in the country deny the existence of cases of
Ebola in the region.
Epidemic requires the establishment of special unit
Angola: Collection of blood by suspected Ebola
Were collected and sent to a laboratory the blood samples from people
died in the Angolan province of Malange, with internal bleeding, the suspect of the case
the Ebola virus.
The coordinator of the team of the Ministry of Health, Eusebio Manuel, investigated the cases disclosed
of deaths that have the symptoms. Given the difficulty in fighting the disease, the Government
Angola established a special hospital in the province of Malange to examine cases
suspected haemorrhagic fever
Also in the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDCongo) emerged last month to 40
victims, of which 14 resulted in the death of patients. Both the Ministry of Health in Angola
as the representation of the World Health Organization in the country deny the existence of cases of
Ebola in the region.