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Russia: At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected

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  • Russia: At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected


    Google translation:

    At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected
    06:45 | 24/06/2008

    SOUTH-SAKHALINSK, June 24 - RIA Novosti, Irina Baybarza. Staff Rosselhoznadzora not found in the Kuriles avian influenza virus, RIA Novosti reported the press service officer Rosselhoznadzora on Sakhalin region.

    "On the territory of Sakhalin Region completed its first phase of monitoring studies of influenza and migratory bird species sinatropnyh. The research was carried out on the islands of the Lesser Kuril ridge and the island of Kunashir. Such a complicated expedition was undertaken in connection with the discovery at Cape Notsuke (father of Hokkaido) killed birds, vysokovirulentnym affected by influenza A virus subtype H5 N1 ", - said sobesednitsa Agency.

    According to her, management specialists Rosselhoznadzora Research Institute of Virology and RAMS conducted comprehensive arrangements for the shooting and laboratory analysis of material extracted. On the territory of the Russian island signs of dead or sick birds were found.

    Note: there is video accompanying this story entitled, In Primorye have imposed quarantine: whether the avian flu?

  • #2
    Re: Russia: At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected

    It is worth noting that this island (Sakhalin Region) is just north of the Japanese island of Hokkaido, where H5N1 was confirmed in whooper swans.


    • #3
      Re: Russia: At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected

      Updated map


      • #4
        Re: Russia: At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected

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        • #5
          Re: Russia: At the Kuriles avian influenza virus has not been detected


          Google translation:
          The virus is the Khawr
          The risk of infection in poultry remains high
          Yegor Grishin

          Print version "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - Sakhalin № 4691 from June 25, 2008

          Avian influenza, the threat which did not give peace a veterinarian, from the island of Hokkaido and the Kurils to Sakhalin not pereletel.

          On the territory of Sakhalin Region completed its first phase of monitoring studies of influenza and migratory bird species sinatropnyh.

          According to him, "the Russian newspaper" Head of the regional epizootic welfare administration services for the federal veterinary and phytosanitary control Alexei Kozub.

          According to him, from mid-April to early June specialists Rosselhoznadzora Research Institute of Virology and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in the region conducted comprehensive arrangements for the shooting and laboratory analysis of material extracted. In May, studies were conducted on the islands of the Lesser Kuril ridge and Kunashir.

          -- It is difficult expedition - he said - was made in connection with the discovery at Cape Notsuke Japanese island of Hokkaido killed birds infected with one of the varieties vysokovirulentnogo influenza virus A. Fortunately, the Russian islands in the territory of dead or sick birds were found. All submissions received in the Kuriles, arrived in FGU "Sakhalin interregional veterinary laboratory", the results - negative. Recently completed studies and elsewhere in the area.

          But with the end of spring flight risk of flu infection in poultry is still high. In addition, the conditional risk group includes the so-called sinatropnye poultry, that is living next to a man - crows, pigeons, sparrows and others.

          As told the correspondent "RG" chief of the regional veterinary administration Valentina Dorogokuplya, last year were vaccinated against avian flu, more than 117 thousand heads of poultry. But an analysis of their blood samples showed that many still do not have sufficient immunity. Therefore, in the area continues to re-vaccination, which is scheduled to be 62 thousand chickens, ducks, geese. It will be held until all the poultry will not immunozaschitnoy.

          We remind you that vaccinations against avian flu in the district veterinary offices are free.

