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Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected

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  • Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected


    Suspected Ebola in the DRC: a suspected case died in Boende

    KINSHASA - A patient with clinical symptoms similar to Ebola haemorrhagic fever passed away last week in Equateur, north-west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), it was learned Tuesday with local health authorities.

    This case has been registered in the area of health Boende, the Tshuapa district, 300 km east of the provincial capital Mbandaka, said the chief doctor zone, Dr. Cesar Moyeli, quoted by Radio Okapi, sponsored by the United Nations.

    The patient, a young woman suffering from hemorrhage, died May 29, 48 hours after his admission to the General Hospital of Boende, according to the same source.

    Members of his family and other people who have been in contact with the patient are currently under observation in hospital for a period of three weeks (incubation period of Ebola).

    Questioned by AFP, the World Health Organization (WHO) in the DRC claims to have fielded its provincial teams to take samples and establish a "serious diagnosis."

    "We do not know right now what disease it is," said the Commission responsible for the WHO in Kinshasa, Eugene Kabambi.

    Highly contagious disease, fatal in 50 to 90% of cases, Ebola has struck the former Zaire three times.

    In 1976, the virus has killed nearly 500 people on both sides of the border between Sudan and north-eastern Zaire, where he had resurfaced in 1995, causing 245 deaths in the province of Bandundu (west).

    In 2007, 26 confirmed cases of Ebola have been recorded in the province of Kasai Occidental (centre), where several outbreaks associated (Ebola, typhoid fever, malaria, dysentery) killed 187 people.

    (? AFP / 03 June 2008 17h48)

    Suspicion d'Ebola en RDC: un cas suspect d?c?d? ? Boende

    KINSHASA - Une malade pr?sentant des sympt?mes cliniques similaires ? ceux de la fi?vre h?morragique Ebola est d?c?d?e la semaine derni?re en Equateur, r?gion du nord-ouest de la R?publique d?mocratique du Congo (RDC), a-t-on appris mardi aupr?s des autorit?s santinaires locales.

    Ce cas a ?t? enregistr? dans la zone de sant? de Boende, district de la Tshuapa, ? 300 km ? l'est de la capitale provinciale Mbandaka, indique le m?decin chef de zone, Dr C?sar Moyeli, cit? par la radio Okapi, parrain?e par l'ONU.

    La patiente, une jeune femme souffrant d'hemorragie, est d?c?d?e le 29 mai, 48 heures apr?s son admission ? l'h?pital g?n?ral de Boende, selon la m?me source.

    Les membres de sa famille ainsi que d'autres personnes ayant ?t? en contact avec la malade sont actuellement en observation ? l'h?pital, pour une dur?e de trois semaines (temps d'incubation d'Ebola).

    Interrog?e par l'AFP, l'Organisation mondiale de la sant? (OMS) en RDC affirme avoir d?p?ch? sur le terrain ses ?quipes provinciales en vue d'effectuer des pr?l?vements et ?tablir un "diagnostic s?rieux".

    "Nous ne savons pas pour le moment de quelle maladie il s'agit", a soulign? le charg? de communication de l'OMS ? Kinshasa, Eug?ne Kabambi.

    Maladie tr?s contagieuse, mortelle dans 50 ? 90% des cas, Ebola a frapp? l'ex-Za?re ? trois reprises.

    En 1976, le virus a tu? pr?s de 500 personnes de part et d'autre de la fronti?re entre le Soudan et le nord-est du Za?re, o? il avait ressurgi en 1995, faisant 245 morts dans la province du Bandundu (ouest).

    En 2007, 26 cas confirm?s d'Ebola ont ?t? enregistr?s dans la province du Kasa? occidental (centre), o? plusieurs ?pid?mies associ?es (Ebola, fi?vre typho?de, malaria, dysenterie) ont tu? 187 personnes.

    (?AFP / 03 juin 2008 17h48)

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

  • #2
    Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected


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    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


    • #3
      Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected



      Boende: the dreaded Ebola haemorrhagic fever

      03 June 2008 at 12:28:56

      A case of haemorrhagic fever was recorded in the area of health Boende, district of the Tshuapa. The chief doctor of health zone fears that the symptoms presented by a woman admitted to the hospital of reference are close to those of Ebola haemorrhagic fever, reports

      Dr. Cesar Moyeli, chief doctor of health zone of Boende, explains: "After 2 days, she began to present hemorrhage. First genital level, at eye level, the level of gums, and even at the ears. She even presented red blotches on the skin. It is from this table that has finally found a hemorrhagic fever. We did not want to release the sick. We have informed his family about the danger of this disease, so that it n'emm?ne not the corpse at home. It was used aseptic measures to disinfect the body, and then put it in the coffin taken by the family. He was taken directly to the cemetery. It was also burned all the equipment used. Even the room is closed for now. "

      The patient passed away last Thursday. Samples were taken from her to be sent to the laboratory in Kinshasa for identification of the virus. But they still hang Boende, in the absence of flight on the Chief instead of the Tshuapa. In the meantime, the family of the deceased and others who had contact with her are under observation for a period of three weeks.

      Boende : la fi?vre h?morragique Ebola redout?e

      03 Juin 2008 ? 12:28:56

      Un cas de fi?vre h?morragique a ?t? enregistr? dans la zone de sant? de Boende, district de la Tshuapa. Le m?decin chef de zone de sant? craint que les sympt?mes pr?sent?s par une femme admise ? l'h?pital g?n?ral de r?f?rence ne soient proches de celles de la fi?vre h?morragique Ebola, rapporte

      Docteur C?sar Moyeli, m?decin chef de zone de sant? de Boende, explique : ? Apr?s 2 jours, elle a commenc? ? pr?senter des h?morragies. D?abord au niveau g?nital, au niveau de l??il, au niveau des gencives, puis m?me au niveau des oreilles. Elle a m?me pr?sent? des t?ches rouges sur la peau. C?est ? partir de ce tableau qu?on a finalement conclu ? une fi?vre h?morragique. Nous n?avons pas voulu lib?rer la malade. Nous avons inform? sa famille sur le danger de cette maladie, pour qu?elle n?emm?ne pas le cadavre ? la maison. On a utilis? les mesures d?asepsie pour d?sinfecter le cadavre, et ensuite le mettre dans le cercueil emmen? par la famille. On l?a directement emmen? au cimeti?re. On a aussi br?l? tout le mat?riel utilis?. M?me la chambre est ferm?e pour le moment. ?

      La malade est d?c?d?e jeudi dernier. Des ?chantillons ont ?t? pr?lev?s sur elle pour ?tre envoy?s au laboratoire ? Kinshasa pour identification du virus. Mais ils tra?nent encore ? Boende, faute de vol sur le Chef-lieu de la Tshuapa. Entre-temps, la famille de la d?funte et d?autres personnes qui ?taient en contact avec elle sont actuellement en observation pour une dur?e de trois semaines.

      Par Editeur Web


      • #4
        Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected

        Three die from suspected hemorrhagic fever

        June 04 2008 at 07:46PM

        Kinshasa - A medical official says three people have died from what is believed to be hemorrhagic fever in a remote Congolese province.

        District Medical Inspector Jacques Mokange has declined to speculate on whether the illness could be Ebola, a type of hemorrhagic fever that killed six people in Congo last November.

        Mokange said Wednesday all three exhibited the same symptoms - including internal bleeding followed by bleeding from all of the body's orifices.

        The deaths occurred on May 29, June 1 and on Wednesday morning in Boende, around 760 kilometers north east of Kinshasa.

        The World Health Organization is investigating, but a spokesperson said it was too early to label the illness.

        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


        • #5
          Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected


          Congo-Kinshasa: Boende - WHO and UNFPA at bedside of the haemorrhagic fever

          Le Potentiel (Kinshasa)

          June 7, 2008
          Published on the web June 9, 2008

          Hilaire Kayembe

          In Mbandaka, WHO and UNFPA have announced the dispatch of assistance to medicines in the health zone of Boende, where a case of hemorrhagic fever was recorded reported.

          Dr Jean-Pierre Kasereka Makelele, the antenna UNFPA / Ecuador, spoke of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents, disinfectants and gloves for the care of 40 people under observation.

          These people are being quarantined for having been in contact with the patient who died last week of the haemorrhagic fever.

          Among these people, are nurses


          Congo-Kinshasa: Boende - l'OMS et le FNUAP au chevet des malades de la fi?vre h?morragique

          Le Potentiel (Kinshasa)

          7 Juin 2008
          Publi? sur le web le 9 Juin 2008

          Hilaire Kayembe

          A Mbandaka, l'OMS et le FNUAP ont annonc? l'envoi d'une assistance en m?dicaments dans la zone de sant? de Boende, o? un cas de la fi?vre h?morragique a ?t? enregistr?, rapporte

          Le Dr Jean-Pierre Kasereka Makelele, de l'antenne UNFPA/Equateur, parle des antibiotiques, des anti-inflammatoires, des d?sinfectants et des gants pour la prise en charge de 40 personnes en observation.

          Ces personnes sont mises en quarantaine pour avoir ?t? en contact avec la malade d?c?d?e la semaine derni?re de la fi?vre h?morragique.

          Parmi ces personnes, figurent des infirmiers.

          A Mbandaka, l'OMS et le FNUAP ont annoncé l'envoi d'une assistance en médicaments dans la zone de santé de Boende, où un cas de la fièvre hémorragique a été enregistré, rapporte Le Dr Jean-Pierre Kasereka Makelele, de l'antenne UNFPA/Equateur, parle des antibiotiques, des anti-inflammatoires, des désinfectants et des gants pour la prise en charge de 40 personnes en observation. Ces personnes sont mises en quarantaine pour
          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


          • #6
            Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected

            Some discussion from ProMed regarding this and Yellow Fever:

            [This area is a significant distance from the border with Angola.
            While it is also far from Boende, DRC, one cannot help but wonder if
            the earlier case of suspected Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Boende might
            not be YF -- see ProMED ref. below. - Mod.MPP

            Or vice versa -- whether these cases of suspected YF (no lab
            confirmation is reported) might be Ebola or Marburg hemorrhagic fever.
            - Mod.JW.

            Boende is also a significant distance from Lutembo, but should the
            Boende case turn out to be YF, not Ebola, it might signal wide-spread
            transmission of YF virus in the tropical forests of the DRC.

            Unfortunately, neither the numbers of cases over time, dates over
            which the YF outbreak among the miners occurred, nor the dates of
            their expulsion from Angola are given. It is not possible to determine
            if the outbreak began in Angola or if the infections were acquired in
            Lutembo, DRC. It is not clear if there are sufficient YF virus vector
            populations in Lutembo to sustain an ongoing YF outbreak, nor if an
            active vaccination campaign is going on. Additional information about
            this outbreak would be appreciated.

            An interactive map showing the location of Lutembo in the DRC can be
            accessed at:
            - Mod.TY]
            The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


            • #7
              Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected

              DRC: Suspected haemorrhagic fever kills three in Equateur Province

              KINSHASA, 13 June 2008 (IRIN) -

              Three people in the Democratic Republic of Congo?s Equateur Province have died from what is suspected to be haemorrhagic fever, according to medical sources.

              Samples collected in Boende, 300km east of Bandaka, have been sent to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta in the USA, to determine whether or not the disease is viral.

              According to its spokesman, Eugene Kabambi, the UN?s World Health Organization has sent a team of experts to Boende together with government doctors.

              ?The third death, that of a child, was reported on Wednesday? 11 June, said Jacques Mokange, the province?s medical inspector.

              ?The first death was recorded on 29 May after the patient presented with fever, haemorrhage and finally bleeding from all the orifices in his body,? added Mokange, who declined to speculate about whether the deaths were caused by one of the Ebola group of viruses, the fatality rates of which range from 50 to 90 percent.

              ?Our investigations show no evidence of contamination among the four infected people and we are following those they were in contact with - family, friends and nurses - but we tentatively conclude that this could be a haemorrhagic fever but that it is not viral,? said the doctor.

              Various kinds of haemorrhagic fever frequently break out in DRC

              An isolation centre had been set up in Boende just in case the disease did turn out to be viral, he added.

              Other response measures include the provision of free care at a newly established health centre, and local radio broadcasts about the importance of hygiene.

              Various kinds of haemorrhagic fever frequently break out in DRC. The most deadly case took place in 1995, when an Ebola outbreak killed over 250 people in Kikwit, Bandudu Province.




              • #8
                Re: Dem. Republic Congo: Ebola Suspected

                Date: Mon 23 Jun 2008
                Source: AllAfrica, Le Potentiel (Kinshasa) report [in French, trans.
                Mod.JW, edited]
                <HTTP: 200806231578.html stories>

                Boende: Ebola hemorrhagic fever outbreak suspected
                The WHO sub-office based in Mbandaka (Equateur province) reported, on
                2 Jun 2008, a worrying trend of reported cases of suspected viral
                hemorrhagic fever (VHF) at the General Referral Hospital (HGR) Boende,
                in Tshuapa district [see ProMED-mail post Ebola hemorrhagic fever -
                Congo DR: susp., corr. 20080604.1789].

                Indeed, according to the weekly report of activities "Action Health
                Crisis in DR Congo," from 23 May to 13 Jun 2008, 4 suspected cases
                were recorded, all fatal. The 4th case, which was followed in
                isolation, died on the night of 12-13 Jun 2008, bringing the fatality
                rate to 100 percent. The report says that all these cases come from
                the health zone of Boende. Of the 4 cases, 2 are in the age group of
                less than 5 years, all male, while the 2 others are women 18-25 years old.

                The report also stresses that WHO has provided technical, financial,
                and logistical support and facilitated the transport of teams of
                experts from Kinshasa, and other parts of Mbandaka, capital of
                Equateur province, to reach Boende, located 444 km (276 mi) east of
                Mbandaka. The report also notes that WHO has provided basic kits and
                3 other essential medicines at the hospital to improve Boende's care
                for the sick, and personal protection material.

                Samples were taken and sent to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control
                and Prevention)-Atlanta, USA, lab but the results are not yet known.
                Other partners such as UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund),
                Medecins sans Frontieres-Belgium (MSF-B), and ECHO (European
                Commission Humanitarian Aid) have also given their support to monitor
                the suspected viral hemorrhagic fever in Boende.

                [Byline: Raymonde Senga Kosi]

                Communicated by:

