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Netherlands: Tamiflu resistant flu strain kills two
UTRECHT - Two Dutch youngsters are deceased to flu strain which appeared to be resistant for the prevailing anti-viral tamiflu. The magazine Medical Contact has published.
The young people came from Utrecht and Rotterdam. They were in a very weak condition.
The Rotterdam virologists Charles Boucher urges doctors to be alert to the dangerous flustrains that are resistant to tamiflu.
The government has large quantities of the antiviral saved as the first remedy for a pandemic. This is a global outbreak of a new influenza virus against which no drugs still are available.
A few years ago showed that in Asia already tamiflu not always worked as an inhibitor of influenza virus.
Influenza viruse requires young lives By RONALD OF GEENEN
An influenza virus strain that is the most commonly used anti viral, the lives of two young patients demanded.
One patient was in a Rotterdam hospital, the other in Utrecht.
They had a strong immune system weakened and were treated with the anti viral Tamiflu.
But the flu virus appeared insensitive to the drug.
That requires the Medical Journal Medical Contact today.
The news is a significant damper for doctors and virusfighters. Until recently, Tamiflu was seen as a last resort. The plea is our country's millions of doses stored to cope with large, life-influenza preparedness.
,, Until recently we thought that there was no flu strains were resistant to Tamiflu. This is incorrect. It is important that hospitals consider them,''says Charles Boucher Rotterdam virologists in Medical Contact.
Boucher:,, Each year thousand people die to the flu, but that his elderly. It was hard to lose these young people with flu.''
According to virologists Ab Osterhaus is still not entirely clear why the anti viral to the young patients offered no relief. ,, The virus goes very quickly around them in people with a weak immune system. Sometimes we see that Tamiflu than no control over the disease.''
Osterhaus can not exclude that the young patients were hit by a flu virus that is immune to Tamiflu. He urges doctors in hospitals, therefore, to be extra vigilant. ,, Now it is clear that Tamiflu is not helped, I recommend them to other virusremmers to deploy, as Relenza.''
Early this year it became known that a flu virus that is insensitive to Tamiflu is circulating in our country. Information provided by the Dutch Influenza Center proved to be the fourth of the surveyed flu samples.
[Automatic translation by Google - Eurosurveillance has not to date report any death of patient with influenza virus strain resistant to oseltamivir. IOH]
Two young deaths from flu virus
Publication: Journal. May 21 to 23, 2008
Column: NieuwsReflex
Source (s): 886
Both in Utrecht and Rotterdam is a deceased patient with flu, by resistance to oseltamivir (Tamiflu). The victims were young patients with a weakened immune system strong.
The Rotterdam virology professor Charles Boucher reported victims of the flu virus resistant to the Congress pharmacology'100 years' on May 16 in Utrecht. 'Yearly death thousand people to the flu, but that his elderly. It was hard to lose these young patients to flu, "Boucher light to
"Until recently we thought that there were no resistant griepvirussen against oseltamivir. This is incorrect. For clinical practice, it is important to take into account the possibility of resistance. "
On January 31, 2008 reported the journal Eurosurveillance for the first resistance of oseltamivir against the H1N1 influenza virus. Those viruses were still sensitive to zanamivir (Relenza) and amantadine or rimantadine. In the Netherlands was 6 percent of the measured H1N1 viruses resistant.
Oseltamivir has a clear place in the prevention of influenza in immunocompromised patients, for example after a transplant. A 'normal' flu virus can be lethal for these patients. In general, in the Netherlands far too little attention given to flu, according to virologists Boucher. HC
[Automatic translation by Google - Eurosurveillance has not to date report any death of patient with influenza virus strain resistant to oseltamivir. IOH]
Two young deaths from flu virus
Publication: Journal. May 21 to 23, 2008
Column: NieuwsReflex
Source (s): 886
Both in Utrecht and Rotterdam is a deceased patient with flu, by resistance to oseltamivir (Tamiflu). The victims were young patients with a weakened immune system strong.
The Rotterdam virology professor Charles Boucher reported victims of the flu virus resistant to the Congress pharmacology'100 years' on May 16 in Utrecht. 'Yearly death thousand people to the flu, but that his elderly. It was hard to lose these young patients to flu, "Boucher light to
"Until recently we thought that there were no resistant griepvirussen against oseltamivir.This is incorrect.For clinical practice, it is important to take into account the possibility of resistance. "
On January 31, 2008 reported the journal Eurosurveillance for the first resistance of oseltamivir against the H1N1 influenza virus. Those viruses were still sensitive to zanamivir (Relenza) and amantadine or rimantadine. In the Netherlands was 6 percent of the measured H1N1 viruses resistant.
Oseltamivir has a clear place in the prevention of influenza in immunocompromised patients, for example after a transplant. A 'normal' flu virus can be lethal for these patients. In general, in the Netherlands far too little attention given to flu, according to virologists Boucher. HC
Not good.
Additionaly, looking at the last web releases of Eurosurveillance:
Eurosurveillance, Volume 13, Issue 21, 22 May 2008
and the date of the professor reported it - 16 May "The Rotterdam virology professor Charles Boucher reported victims of the flu virus resistant to the Congress pharmacology'100 years' on May 16 in Utrecht."
Maybe this web site could be connected more quickly with inf. of death flu reports from the field (by e-mails), if it want's to aware EU citizens on Internet more quickly.
Re: Netherlands: Tamiflu resistant flu strain kills two
To add some perspective a snip from the warning of ECDC, posted before :
Resistance to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) found in some European influenza virus samples
Updated 7th May 2008
- snip -
Following the observation of a high level of resistance to oseltamivir in the A H1N1 viruses circulating in Norway, the Norwegian authorities notified their EU partners and the World Health Organization (WHO) of this situation at the end of January.
The Norwegian Public Health Institute also published an advisory to doctors and the public.
The country with the second highest proportion has been France with 231 (47%) of 496 specimens showing the marker for oseltamivir resistance.
This was followed by the Netherlands and Luxembourg with proportions of 30% and 26% respectively.
There is no evidence that the appearance of these new viruses are related to use of oseltamivir which is currently seemingly not widely prescribed in most European countries.
ECDC is now working with the manufacturer and national authorities to gather more information on routine oseltamivir use in Europe.
Not good.
Additionaly, looking at the last web releases of Eurosurveillance:
Eurosurveillance, Volume 13, Issue 21, 22 May 2008
and the date of the professor reported it - 16 May "The Rotterdam virology professor Charles Boucher reported victims of the flu virus resistant to the Congress pharmacology'100 years' on May 16 in Utrecht."
Maybe this web site could be connected more quickly with inf. of death flu reports from the field (by e-mails), if it want's to aware EU citizens on Internet more quickly.
There isn't a clear link between the death of one or two immunocompromised patients with underlying diseases and oseltamivir resistant H1N1 seasonal human influenza virus emergence at this point.
Be careful to avoid speculation when there is a lack of data.
Eurosurveillance will update its weekly review when researchers' work will be ready for publication.
There isn't a clear link between the death of one or two immunocompromised patients with underlying diseases and oseltamivir resistant H1N1 seasonal human influenza virus emergence at this point.
Be careful to avoid speculation when there is a lack of data.
Eurosurveillance will update its weekly review when researchers' work will be ready for publication.
I think the link is the treatement, not the virus. No one has said the virus is more lethal. If the patients were treated with Tamiflu, and the H1N1 is resistant, then there is a problem (and the problem is H274Y awareness and consequences).
Re: Netherlands: Tamiflu resistant flu strain kills two
...and because this takes quite some time, we have to speculate.
We had seen resistance in immunocomprimized childs before,
I remember one flu-case, which developed resistance to several
drugs over several months with persistant flu.
But resistance seems to be easier to develope with current
circulating strains, so I speculate they had indeed H274Y - resistance.
Hmm, they are not ready yet for publication, but couldn't keep
it longer secret ?
I speculate the cases are from the season-peak , which was week 7 at
the German-Dutch border
...and because this takes quite some time, we have to speculate.
We had seen resistance in immunocomprimized childs before,
I remember one flu-case, which developed resistance to several
drugs over several months with persistant flu.
But resistance seems to be easier to develope with current
circulating strains, so I speculate they had indeed H274Y - resistance.
Hmm, they are not ready yet for publication, but couldn't keep
it longer secret ?
I speculate the cases are from the season-peak , which was week 7 at
the German-Dutch border
H274Y has nothing to do with DEVELOPING resistance. H1N1 with H274Y is quite fit and in wide circulation. It does NOT develop in these patients.
Re: Netherlands: Tamiflu resistant flu strain kills two
I think that oseltamivir treatment in severely ill patient like those above described was established for only ethical consideration, for compasionate purpose. As the drug label states that no data about safety and effectiveness of treatment are available for this patients.
Perhaps, it may be more useful to use a parenteral drug or a combination with the aim to reduce probability of treatment failure in a setting with widespread circulation of H1N1 oseltamivir resistant virus.