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Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

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  • Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

    ************************************************** ***
    A ProMED-mail post
    ProMED-mail is a program of the
    International Society for Infectious Diseases

    Date: 19 Apr 2008
    From: Mirian M. De Moura <>
    Source: G1 [in Portuguese, trans. Mod.JW, edited]
    <http:"" noticias="" mundo="" 0,,mul418593-5602,00-suspeita+de+virus+mortal+faz+peru+isolar+navio+chi nes.html="">

    2 people died on board a vessel with suspected flu virus.Ship stranded on the high seas near the port of Callao, Peru.

    Peruvian health authorities declared an epidemic alert and quarantined
    at sea the crew of a fishing vessel in which 2 Chinese people died,
    apparently due to a type of influenza virus, the newspaper "La
    Republica" reported this Saturday [19 Apr 2008].

    The alert forced the Peruvian Navy to isolate the 22 crew members of
    the ship on the high seas and 30 Peruvians, among sailors and health
    staff, who entered the ship when the death of the cook and a fisherman
    was reported, 9 Apr 2008.

    According to "La Republica", "a strange mutant virus was the cause of
    the agonizing death of 2 Chinese crew of the fishing vessel 'Chan An
    168', who died on 9 Apr 2008, off the coast of the port of Callao."

    </http:></></http:></http:> The vessel was isolated 12 km off the main Peruvian port and is
    guarded by the Navy,<http:""><http:""><><http:"" noticias="" mundo="" 0,,mul418593-5602,00-suspeita+de+virus+mortal+faz+peru+isolar+navio+chi nes.html=""> while Peruvian sailors and medical personnel are
    being observed to see if they have been infected.

    Communicated by:

    [There is no mention of any lab tests confirming the diagnosis of any
    type of influenza virus etiology, let alone "a strange mutant virus".
    I suspect the fact that these were apparently sudden deaths of Chinese
    led to a perhaps understandable over-reaction by Peruvian health
    authorities, fearing bird flu. It must have taken the fishing vessel
    a number of days to reach the Peruvian coast from China, and the
    incubation period of human influenza is 2-5 days. Assuming the same
    holds for bird flu, the fatal illness was probably not contracted in
    China. Perhaps the cook prepared a meal from stored chicken that had
    been infected with bird flu before freezing, although I'd always
    thought that fishermen lived on fish. A violent attack of food
    poisoning could have been the cause. We would like to hear about the
    lab results. - Mod.JW] K_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,72277</http:></></http:></http:>

  • #2

    LIMA, 20 (ANSA) - The Peruvian health authorities ruled today that a fishing vessel of Chinese flag, which killed two crew members for a condition which was not given, is contaminated with the bird flu virus.
    The ship "Chan An" is quarantined against the port of Callao, Peru's main, and is subjected to a series of laboratory tests to determine the cause of death of two crew members.
    The crew of the boat were landed and undergo treatment to determine whether they were infected with a lethal virus, the sources said. ACZ

    LIMA, 20 (ANSA) - Las autoridades sanitarias peruanas descartaron hoy que un buque pesquero de bandera china, en el que murieron dos tripulantes por una afecci?n que no fue determinada, est? contaminado con el virus de la gripe aviar.
    La nave "Chan An" se encuentra en cuarentena frente al puerto del Callao, el principal de Per?, y es sometido a una serie de pruebas de laboratorio para determinar las causas de la muerte de los dos tripulantes.
    Los tripulantes del barco fueron desembarcados y sometidos a tratamiento para determinar si est?n infectados con alg?n virus letal, dijeron las fuentes. ACZ
    20/04/2008 18:47

    Scopri sul sito dell'Agenzia ANSA le ultime notizie su cronaca, politica, economia, sport, calcio e cultura dall'Italia e da tutto il mondo.


    • #3
      Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

      This article says they did not have the symptoms of bird flu....

      Buque chino est&#225; en cuarentena por intervenci&#243;n sanitaria preventiva

      S&#225;bado, 19 de Abril del 2008 - 14:30:03
      1678 Lecturas I 0 Comentarios II

      <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="470"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="center">
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      Tripulantes de "Chan An" e investigadores del MINSA se quedar&#225;n en cuarentena preventiva dentro del buque hasta que se conozcan los resultados de las investigaciones. (Foto: Archivo)
      </td></tr><tr><td height="10"></td></tr></tbody></table>El Ministerio de Salud no ha dado una alerta de epidemia en el Callao a consecuencia de la muerte de dos ciudadanos chinos a bordo del buque pesquero Chan An, seg&#250;n declaraciones de la directora general de epidemiolog&#237;a, Gladys Ram&#237;rez para RPP.
      "El Per&#250;, como estado miembro de la Organizaci&#243;n Mundial de la Salud y en cumplimiento del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional, ha hecho una intervenci&#243;n sanitaria a esta embarcaci&#243;n china el 9 de abril en coordinaci&#243;n con la Capitan&#237;a Mar&#237;tima y el Ministerio P&#250;blico", dijo Ram&#237;rez.
      "Se ha realizado una inspecci&#243;n para determinar el fallecimiento de los tripulantes chinos ca&#237;dos entre el 6 y 8 de abril como medida de tipo preventiva, de acuerdo a la regulaci&#243;n", a&#241;adi&#243;.
      Razones de fallecimiento
      En la necroscopia de ley realizada a los dos chinos se encontr&#243; que fallecieron a causa de neumon&#237;a. Paralelamente se hall&#243; tambi&#233;n la presencia del "adenovirus".
      Es un virus que se trasmite por v&#237;a respiratoria y que es m&#225;s com&#250;n en los ni&#241;os. "Es extremadamente raro que se presenten muertes a causa de este virus", dijo la epidemi&#243;loga.
      La DIRINCRI actualmente realiza la investigaci&#243;n de los medicamentos y alimentos ingeridos por los fallecidos. La pr&#243;xima semana se dar&#225;n a conocer los resultados de las pesquisas.
      No hay similitudes con gripe aviar
      Seg&#250;n la doctora Ram&#237;rez estas muertes no tienen las mismas caracter&#237;sticas que la gripe aviar. "Cuando se hizo la inspecci&#243;n se tomaron las muestras y en base a eso el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia ha hecho el descarte para todo tipo de Influenza. Todo eso est&#225; descartado ya que lo &#250;nico que se encontr&#243; fue un cuadro de resfr&#237;o com&#250;n".
      Todas las personas que subieron a la embarcaci&#243;n para realizar las investigaciones est&#225;n en buen estado de salud, al igual que los otros tripulantes chinos. "&#218;nicamente por t&#233;rminos de precauci&#243;n se hace el seguimiento hasta dos semanas despu&#233;s", dijo Ram&#237;rez.
      "No hay que alarmar a la poblaci&#243;n pero s&#237; hay que tener conocimiento de este tipo de medidas sanitarias. La embarcaci&#243;n hasta que se conozcan los resultados de la necroscopia estar&#225; en cuarentena como medida preventiva", recalc&#243;

      <table id="texttable"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="almost_half_cell">Chinese ship was quarantined for preventive health intervention
      Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 14:30:03
      In 1678 Reading 0 Comments II ImprimirEnviar

      Crew "Chan An" MINSA and investigators will remain in preventive quarantine inside the ship pending the outcome of investigations. (Photo: File)

      The Ministry of Health has not given a warning of epidemics in Callao as a result of the death of two Chinese citizens on board the fishing vessel Chan An, according to statements by the director general of epidemiology, Gladys Ramirez for RPP.

      "Peru, as a member state of the World Health Organization and in compliance with the International Health Regulations, health intervention has done to this boat china on April 9 in coordination with the Maritime Captaincy and the Public Ministry," said Ramirez.

      "It has made an inspection to determine the death of the Chinese crew fallen between 6 and April 8 as a preventive type, according to the regulation," he added.

      Reasons for death

      The bill necroscopia done to the two Chinese were found died of pneumonia. Parallel also found the presence of the "adenovirus."


      It is a virus that is transmitted through inhalation, and is more common in children. "It is extremely rare to be presented deaths from the virus," said epidemiologist.

      The DIRINCRI currently conducts research into medicines and foods eaten by the deceased. Next week we will know the results of the investigation.

      There are no similarities with bird flu

      According to Dr. Ramirez these deaths do not have the same characteristics as the bird flu.
      "When it became inspection and samples were taken on the basis that the National Reference Laboratory has discards for all types of influenza. Everything that is ruled out because the only thing they found was a pattern of common cold."

      Everyone who got on the ship to conduct investigations are in good health, like the other Chinese sailors. "Only by words of caution is monitoring until two weeks later," said Ramirez.

      "We should not frighten people but we must be aware of these kinds of health measures. Vessel pending the outcome of the necroscopia be quarantined as a precautionary measure, she said.
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      • #4
        Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

        This article says the sailors died from adenovirus....there were 8 others...?

        Alerta por presencia de adenovirus en Per&#250;

        por: Ricardo Burgos
        Fuente: Noticieros Televisa

        Decretan cuarentena en un barco chino que lleg&#243; a Per&#250; por adenovirus que caus&#243; la muerte a dos de sus tripulantes; &#233;ste se transmite por la v&#237;a respiratoria

        <script> if(plecas['smsbtn'][0] != "") { document.write(""); } </script>
        LIMA, Per&#250;, abr. 20, 2008.- El buque chino Chan An 186, con 22 tripulantes a bordo, parti&#243; de su pa&#237;s en agosto del a&#241;o pasado. Es una embarcaci&#243;n acondicionada para la pesca de pota y camar&#243;n.
        Tras una traves&#237;a de ocho meses por mares del mundo, lleg&#243; el pasado 8 de abril al puerto del Callao, en el departamento de Lima, capital del Per&#250;.
        El barco chino no tuvo otro contacto en tierra, aunque en diciembre y marzo se encontr&#243; en alta mar con otros barcos, a los que traslad&#243; su carga.
        Todo parec&#237;a normal, rutinario como suele ocurrir en esas largas y tediosas faenas de pesca internacional.
        Lo que no se sab&#237;a, entonces, es que al interior del barco una peligrosa y silenciosa enfermedad recorr&#237;a sus cubiertas.
        El 8 de abril cuando el Chan An 186 acoder&#243; a 10 kil&#243;metros del puerto, reci&#233;n se supo que un mal desconocido hab&#237;a provocado la muerte de dos marineros chinos de 40 y 38 a&#241;os de edad y estaba diezmando la salud de otros tripulantes.
        A d&#237;a siguiente, el 9 de abril, las autoridades peruanas, en cumplimiento del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional, realizaron una intervenci&#243;n sanitaria a la embarcaci&#243;n. En la necropsia de ley se estableci&#243; que los pescadores murieron a causa de neumon&#237;a, pero las alarmas se encendieron al confirmarse la presencia de un adenovirus mutado que da&#241;a el aparato respiratorio y los intestinos.
        El adenovirus es un virus que se trasmite por v&#237;a respiratoria y es m&#225;s com&#250;n en los ni&#241;os. Los epidemi&#243;logos sostienen que es extremadamente raro que se presenten muertes a causa de este virus.
        La Direcci&#243;n de Investigaci&#243;n Criminal est&#225; analizando los medicamentos y alimentos ingeridos por los fallecidos, pero reci&#233;n la pr&#243;xima semana se conocer&#225;n los resultados de esta investigaci&#243;n.
        En tanto, el Ministerio de Salud decret&#243; la orden de cuarentena. Portavoces del Instituto de Medicina Legal indicaron que el barco chino permanecer&#225; en aislamiento, mientras se determinen los alcances de la enfermedad.
        El temor es que se trate de un virus de r&#225;pida expansi&#243;n que se propaga no s&#243;lo por contacto f&#237;sico, sino tambi&#233;n por el aire.
        La Directora General de Epidemiolog&#237;a, Gladys Ram&#237;rez, ha dicho que estas muertes no tienen las mismas caracter&#237;sticas que la temida gripe aviar.
        Cuando se hizo la inspecci&#243;n se tomaron las muestras y en base a eso el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia ha hecho el descarte para todo tipo de Influenza. Todo eso est&#225; descartado ya que lo &#250;nico que se encontr&#243; fue un cuadro de resfr&#237;o com&#250;n se&#241;al&#243;.
        Hasta ahora, todas las personas que subieron a la embarcaci&#243;n para realizar las investigaciones est&#225;n en buen estado de salud, al igual que la mayor&#237;a de los tripulantes.
        &#191;Por qu&#233; murieron entonces dos marineros chinos, v&#237;ctimas de un resfr&#237;o com&#250;n, poco antes de llegar a aguas territoriales del Per&#250;?
        &#191;Por qu&#233; otros 8 marineros chinos presentan s&#237;ntomas similares a los que ocasionaron la muerte a sus compa&#241;eros, a&#250;n cuando afortunadamente no han desarrollado la enfermedad?
        Son preguntas que todav&#237;a no tienen respuesta, pero en previsi&#243;n de cualquier epidemia el buque chino Chan An 186 seguir&#225; en cuarentena y la Marina de Guerra peruana tiene la orden de vigilarlo las 24 horas del d&#237;a para evitar que sus tripulantes intenten salir de la embarcaci&#243;n.

        Decretan quarantined in a Chinese ship that arrived in Peru by adenovirus, which killed two of its crew, which is transmitted through the airway

        LIMA, Peru, April. 20, 2008 .- The Chinese vessel Chan An 186, with 22 crew members on board, departed from his country in August last year. It is a ship fitted for fishing pota and shrimp.

        After an eight-month voyage by sea in the world, arrived last April 8 at the port of Callao, in the department of Lima, the capital of Peru.

        The Chinese ship had no other contact on the ground, although in December and March were found at sea to other ships, which moved its cargo.

        Everything seemed normal, routine as usually happens in these long and tedious fishing operations.

        What no one knew then was that the interior of the ship and a dangerous disease silently walked its decks.

        On 8 April when Chan An 186 acoder&#243; 10 kilometres from the port, it was revealed recently that a bad stranger had caused the death of two Chinese sailors of 40 and 38 years old and decimating health of other crew members.

        A day after the April 9, the Peruvian authorities, in compliance with the International Health Regulations, conducted a health intervention into the boat. The necropsy was established law that fishermen died from pneumonia, but the alarms were lit to confirm the presence of a mutated adenovirus that damages the respiratory system and intestines.

        The adenovirus is a virus that is transmitted through inhalation, and is more common in children. Epidemiologists say that it is extremely rare to be presented deaths from the virus.

        The Bureau of Criminal Investigation is analyzing medicines and food eaten by the deceased, but only next week will be announced the results of this investigation.

        Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health ordered the quarantine order. Spokespersons of the Institute of Forensic Medicine indicated that the Chinese ship will remain in isolation, while identifying the scope of the disease.

        The fear is that this is a virus that spreads rapidly expanding not only by physical contact, but also through the air.

        The Director General of Epidemiology, Gladys Ramirez, said that these deaths do not have the same characteristics as the dreaded avian flu.

        At the time of the inspection and samples were taken on the basis that the National Reference Laboratory has discards for all types of influenza. All that is discarded because the only thing that was found was a pattern of common cold noted.

        Until now, all the people who got on the ship to conduct investigations are in good health, like most of the crew.

        Why then two Chinese sailors died, victims of a common cold, shortly before coming to Peru's territorial waters?

        Why 8 other Chinese sailors symptoms similar to those that resulted in the deaths of his companions, even though fortunately have not developed the disease?

        These are questions that still have no answer, but in anticipation of any epidemic, the Chinese ship Chan An 186 remain in quarantine and the Peruvian Navy has an order to monitor 24 hours a day to prevent their crews try to leave the boat.


        • #5
          Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

          Peruvian authorities dismiss alert epidemic deaths in Chinese boat
          Sunday, April 20, 2008

          The Republic
          In the image, the local Ministry of Health. (Photo: The Republic).

          (19:30 pm) The Ministry of Health in Peru ruled that the information indicated that he had given a warning of epidemics in the port of Callao Lima after two Chinese citizens died in a fishing boat.

          The head of the General Directorate for Epidemiology ministry, Gladys Ramirez, explained that it has been ordered that the ship remain in quarantine as a precautionary measure, said an official statement.

          Also that the tests performed on the crew have revealed that the 22 crew members are in good health, "with no fever and no signs of alarm."

          Ramirez said that the ministry conducts health research and has taken "all measures that fall," according to national and international standards, to safeguard the population.

          A Lima newspaper reported last Saturday that health authorities had declared the epidemiological alert and isolated crew of the Chinese fishing.

          According to this information, had been isolated on the high seas to the 22 crew of the ship and ashore 30 Peruvians, including marine and health personnel who entered the boat when it reported the death of a fisherman and cook, last April 9 .

          He noted further that "a strange mutant adenovirus was the cause of death of two crew members ag&#243;nica Chinese fishing vessel Chan An 168, ninth of (Fla1 clarification) last April off the coast of the port of Callao."

          The head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Luis Bromley, also stated that eight other crewmen of the ship were infected and are under observation, without receiving treatment because they "do not know how to fight this virus."

          The Chan An is a fishing vessel that sailed from China in August 2007 and since then has had no contact with land, which, apparently, was that the immune system of its crew were affected, the doctor said. (Lima, EFE).

          Autoridades peruanas descartan alerta de epidemia por muertes en barco chino
          domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

          La Rep&#250;blica
          En la imagen, local del Ministerio de Salud. (Foto: La Rep&#250;blica).

          (19:30 hrs) El Ministerio de Salud de Per&#250; descart&#243; las informaciones que indicaron que hab&#237;a dado una alerta de epidemia en el puerto lime&#241;o del Callao despu&#233;s de que dos ciudadanos chinos murieran en un barco de pesca.

          La jefa de la Direcci&#243;n General de Epidemiolog&#237;a del ministerio, Gladys Ram&#237;rez, precis&#243; que se ha ordenado que el barco permanezca en cuarentena como medida preventiva, se&#241;al&#243; un comunicado.

          Tambi&#233;n que los ex&#225;menes practicados a la tripulaci&#243;n han permitido determinar que los 22 tripulantes se encuentran en buen estado salud, "sin fiebre y sin signos de alarma".

          Ram&#237;rez dijo que el ministerio realiza la investigaci&#243;n sanitaria y ha tomado "todas las medidas que corresponden", de acuerdo a las normas nacionales e internacionales, en salvaguarda de la poblaci&#243;n.

          Un diario lime&#241;o se&#241;al&#243; el s&#225;bado &#250;ltimo que las autoridades sanitarias hab&#237;an declarado la alerta epidemiol&#243;gica y aislado a los tripulantes del pesquero chino.

          Seg&#250;n esa informaci&#243;n, se hab&#237;a aislado en alta mar a los 22 tripulantes de la nave y en tierra a 30 peruanos, entre marinos y personal de salud que ingresaron al barco cuando se comunic&#243; la muerte del cocinero y un pescador, el pasado 9 de abril.

          Se&#241;al&#243;, adem&#225;s, que "un extra&#241;o adenovirus mutante fue la causa de la muerte ag&#243;nica de dos tripulantes chinos del buque pesquero Chan An 168, quienes fallecieron el nueve de abril &#250;ltimo frente a las costas del puerto del Callao".

          El jefe del Instituto de Medicina Legal, Luis Bromley, tambi&#233;n declar&#243; que otros ocho tripulantes del barco estaban infectados y se encuentran en observaci&#243;n, sin recibir un tratamiento porque "no se sabe c&#243;mo combatir este virus".

          El Chan An es un buque pesquero que zarp&#243; de China en agosto del 2007 y desde entonces no ha tenido contacto con tierra, lo que, al parecer, hizo que el sistema inmunol&#243;gico de sus tripulantes se afectara, se&#241;al&#243; el m&#233;dico. (Lima, EFE).


          • #6
            Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

            Adenovirus 14 thread:


            • #7
              Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

              Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
              And human metapneumovirus? In Hong Kong SAR at least two children experienced respiratory symptoms and GI tract infection last week. However, can a respiratory virus circulate for months in a restricted area such as a ship and suddenly emerges with two deaths?
              A vector-borne illness, or presence of rats may also explain in part this event (perhaps, Hantavirus or plague).


              • #8
                Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
                However, can a respiratory virus circulate for months in a restricted area such as a ship and suddenly emerges with two deaths?
                Some fishing boats can take on food and fuel at sea and even new crew.


                • #9
                  Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                  Originally posted by Sally View Post
                  Some fishing boats can take on food and fuel at sea and even new crew.
                  (from the above post)
                  (...) After an eight-month voyage by sea in the world, arrived last April 8 at the port of Callao, in the department of Lima, the capital of Peru.

                  The Chinese ship had no other contact on the ground, although in December and March were found at sea to other ships, which moved its cargo. (...)


                  • #10
                    Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                    ( 2008/4/19) Health authorities of Peru launched an alarm of a possible epidemic in Callao, after off its coast two crew members of the Chinese vessel Chan An 168 die on April 9, victims of a strange disease that caused them fever for several hours.

                    Los peritos del Instituto de Medicina Legal (IML) del Ministerio P&#250;blico indicaron que la causa habr&#237;a sido un 'adenovirus' que mut&#243; y se ha vuelto sumamente mortal y que podr&#237;a contagiarse tanto por contacto f&#237;sico como a trav&#233;s del aire.

                    Experts from the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML) of the Public Prosecutor's Office indicated that the cause was a 'adenovirus' mut&#243; and has become extremely deadly and could be infected both by physical contact or through the air.

                    Por estas razones, el buque pesquero Chan An y sus 22 tripulantes sobrevivientes han sido puestos en cuarentena en una zona aislada a 10 kil&#243;metros del puerto mientras se realizan las investigaciones y se determina c&#243;mo adquirieron la enfermedad.

                    For these reasons, Chan An fishing vessel and its 22 crew survivors have been quarantined in an isolated area 10 kilometres from the port while conducting investigations and determining how acquired the disease.

                    Hasta el momento se ha establecido que otros ocho pasajeros de la embarcaci&#243;n, que parti&#243; desde China en agosto del a&#241;o pasado, est&#225;n contagiados con el virus, aunque todav&#237;a no la han desarrollado.

                    So far it has been established that eight other passengers on the boat, which departed from China in August last year, are infected with the virus, but have not yet developed.

                    Por su parte, los especialistas del IML, de Epidemiolog&#237;a del Ministerio de Defensa, de la Marina de Guerra y del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) mantuvieron una reuni&#243;n el &#250;ltimo viernes para analizar los resultados de los ex&#225;menes biol&#243;gicos y patol&#243;gicos para determinar las medidas preventivas necesarias para evitar la propagaci&#243;n del virus a nuestro pa&#237;s.

                    For their part, specialists IML Epidemiology at the Ministry of Defense, the Navy and the Ministry of Health (MINSA) held a meeting last Friday to discuss the results of the biological and pathological examinations to determine preventive measures necessary to prevent the spread of the virus in our country.

                    En tanto, Gladys Ram&#237;rez, directora general de Epidemiolog&#237;a del MINSA, indic&#243; que la declaratoria de alerta epidemiol&#243;gica es una medida preventiva mientras se investigan las causas de los decesos de los tripulantes extranjeros, aunque descart&#243; que se trate de gripe aviar.

                    Meanwhile, Gladys Ramirez, director general of the Ministry of Health Epidemiology, indicated that the declaration of epidemiological alert is a precautionary measure while investigating the causes of the deaths of the crew members, but ruled that the case of bird flu.

                    "Es una inspecci&#243;n se ha determinado la muerte de dos pesqueros entre el 6 y 8 de abril. Hasta que se concluya con la necropsia de ley, el barco estar&#225; en cuarentena. Se ha encontrado que (las v&#237;ctimas) habr&#237;an fallecido de neumon&#237;a", expres&#243;.

                    "It's an inspection has determined the death of two fishing between 6 and April 8. Pending the completion of the autopsy law, the ship will be quarantined. It has been found that (the victims) would have died of pneumonia," said.

                    Refiri&#243; que los dem&#225;s pescadores se encuentran bien y constantemente vienen siendo evaluados por personal de dicho portafolio, labor que se prolongar&#225; durante dos semanas, hasta que se detecte la cepa.

                    She complained that the other fishermen are well and are being constantly evaluated by staff of the portfolio, work which will run for two weeks, until it is detected the strain.

                    "No hay que alarmar a la poblaci&#243;n", dijo la especialista.

                    "We should not frighten people," said the specialist.

           iedad%2Farticulo%2Fautoridades_peruanas_descartan_ alerta_epidemia_2413104.htm&langpair=es%7Cen&hl=en &ie=UTF8


                    • #11
                      Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                      Por el caso de barco chino
                      For the case of Chinese boat
                      <!-- fecha -->
                      Domingo, 20 de Abril de 2008
                      Sunday, April 20, 2008 <!-- /fecha -->
                      Ministerio de Salud descarta alerta de epidemia en el Callao
                      Health Ministry dismisses warning of epidemics in Callao

                      El Ministerio de Salud no ha dado una alerta de epidemia en el Callao a consecuencia de la muerte de dos ciudadanos chinos a bordo de la embarcaci?n Chan An 168 el pasado 6 y 8 de abril, precis? ese portafolio.
                      The Ministry of Health has not given a warning of epidemics in Callao as a result of the death of two Chinese citizens on board the vessel Chan An 168 the past 6 and April 8, stated that portfolio.
                      <!-- caja imagenes --><!-- Foto -->

                      <!-- / Foto --><!-- Destacado -->
                      La directora general de Epidemiolog?a (DGE) del Minsa, Gladys Ramirez, explic? que el citado buque se mantiene en cuarentena como medida preventiva.

                      The director general of Epidemiology (EDM) Minsa, Gladys Ramirez, explained that the said vessel is kept in quarantine as a precautionary measure.

                      <!-- / Destacado -->
                      <!-- / caja imagenes --><!-- Articulos Relacionados --><!-- / Articulos Relacionados -->
                      La directora general de Epidemiolog?a (DGE) del Minsa, Gladys Ramirez, explic? que el citado buque se mantiene en cuarentena como medida preventiva.

                      The director general of Epidemiology (EDM) Minsa, Gladys Ramirez, explained that the said vessel is kept in quarantine as a precautionary measure.

                      ?El Per? ha hecho una intervenci?n sanitaria a esta embarcaci?n china el 9 de abril en coordinaci?n con la Capitan?a Mar?tima y el Ministerio P?blico, para determinar el fallecimiento de los tripulantes chinos como medida de tipo preventiva, de acuerdo a la regulaci?n?, manifest?.

                      "Peru has made a health intervention to this Chinese vessel on April 9 in coordination with the Maritime Captaincy and the Public Prosecutor to determine the death of the Chinese crew as a measure of preventive kind, according to the regulation," he said.

                      Mencion? que dicha intervenci?n se hizo debido a que el Per? es un estado miembro de la Organizaci?n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y en cumplimiento del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional.

                      He said that such intervention was due to the fact that Peru is a member state of the World Health Organization (WHO) and in compliance with the International Health Regulations.

                      Asimismo, indic? que la investigaci?n realizada con los ex?menes cl?nicos practicados a la tripulaci?n dio como resultado que los 21 tripulantes del barco se encontraban en buen estado salud sin fiebre y sin signos de alarma.

                      It also indicated that the investigation conducted with the clinical examinations performed the crew resulted in the ship's 21 crew members were in good health with no fever and no signs of alarm.

                      Seg?n los resultados de laboratorio disponibles a la fecha, se ha identificado adenovirus en 8 de los 21 tripulantes.

                      According to the laboratory results available to date, we have identified adenovirus in 8 of the 21 crew members.

                      Sin embargo, precis? que el adenovirus es un germen com?n en la poblaci?n general y es causa de infecciones respiratorias no graves ni mortales.

                      However, he pointed out that the adenovirus is a germ common in the general population and causes respiratory infections not serious or fatal.

                      A la fecha no se tiene evidencia que el adenovirus identificado sea la causa directa muerte de dos tripulantes.

                      To date there is no evidence that the adenovirus identified as the direct cause death of two crew members.

                      La epidemi?loga a?adi? que han transcurrido 14 d?as desde la muerte del primer caso, y ninguno de los 21 tripulantes present? evidencia de una enfermedad grave.

                      The epidemiologist said that 14 days have passed since the death of the first case, and none of the 21 crew members presented evidence of a serious illness.

                      Incluso, continu?, el tripulante que asisti? a uno de los fallecidos brind?ndole respiraci?n boca a boca se encuentra actualmente asintom?tico y goza de buena salud.

                      Even he continued, the crew member who attended one of the deceased giving mouth-to-mouth is currently asymptomatic and enjoys good health.

                      Finalmente, inform? que el Minsa a trav?s de sus ?rganos competentes viene realizando la investigaci?n correspondiente y se ha tomado todas las medidas que corresponden seg?n lo establecido en la normatividad nacional e internacional de salud p?blica, en salvaguarda de la poblaci?n en general.

                      Finally, reported that Minsa through their bodies has been conducting the investigation and has taken all the steps that are as set out in national regulations and international public health, safeguarding the general population.



                      • #12
                        Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                        We can see that quarantine payed.

                        "So far it has been established that eight other passengers on the boat, which departed from China in August last year, are infected with the virus, but have not yet developed."

                        new mutant virus -> (9 April + 40 days) => quarantine needed release date from the ship to the coast must be ~ 19 May - to be sure

                        "For these reasons, Chan An fishing vessel and its 22 crew survivors have been quarantined in an isolated area 10 kilometres from the port while conducting investigations and determining how acquired the disease."

                        Now not at the ocean but on the coast?
                        Lacked biosecurity during the transport?
                        Can be readed in that visure the official's current statement:

                        "( 2008/4/19) Health authorities of Peru launched an alarm of a possible epidemic in Callao ..."

                        If yes, the error was to translate the crew from the ocean to the coast, instead remaining off shore.

                        Isn't adenovirus propagate more easily than bird flu (at the moment)?


                        • #13
                          Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                          Food for thought. Birds can be a problem concerning boats at dock or sea. Below is a sample product designed for such purpose to eliminate a bio hazard for sailors. Migrating birds have at times taken a break resting on boats at sea. Here is an advertisment of a product below that addresses the problem.

                          Our Specialty Bird Control Products Keep Birds Off Boats!
                          Watch seagulls, pigeons, pelicans and other problem birds sail away from your boat with our quality, durable bird control products for boats. Our easy to install, removable bird deterrents will keep your boat in shipshape condition!

                          Our specialty bird control products for boats are made from durable, marine-grade stainless steel, U.V. resistant polycarbonate, Delrin plastic and other long lasting durable materials designed to withstand the harsh marine environment. To view our catalog of bird deterrent products to keep birds off boats and dock areas, click here.


                          "We tell everyone who will listen about how great your product is and how wonderful the company and customer service is as well!"

                          K. LaCroix , MA


                          • #14
                            Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                            More on the Peruvian boat (Readymom at P4P)
                            (From FW: ) AlohaOR

                            Here's the source from La Republica in Peru (translated)
                            Epidemic Alert in Callao

                            Copied at P4P here

                            Medical monitoring extended to 30 Peruvians of the Navy and Maritime Health that boarded the boat that was in quarantine.

                            A dangerous and strange mutant "adenovirus" was the cause of the death of two Chinese crew of the fishing ship "Chan An 168", who passed away last April ninth off the coast of the port of the Callao.

                            This has raised the epidemic alarms. The health authorities of the country have imposed a quarantine and medical monitoring on 30 medical professionals and personal of the Navy that went to the aid of the fishing boat as a precautionary measurement. Until now none of them presents/displays symptoms of the disease.

                            Meanwhile, the fishing ship "Chan An 168" and its 22 surviving crew remain in quarantine, in an isolated zone to eight miles (10 kilometers approximately) off the port of the Callao, until it is determined how they acquired the disease. Patrol boats of Navy military watch that nobody boards nor leaves the boat.

                            DEADLY V&#205;RUS

                            The medical examinations have determined that eight of the other Chinese crew have the deadly virus, although they have not developed [symptoms]. Cook Jiang Dexin (40) and the crew member Che Caiqiang (38 ) of this boat died April 9th, after presenting/displaying high fevers during hours. No medicine could delay the advance of the disease.

                            The experts of the Legal Medicine Institute of the Public Ministry have determined that the cause of the death was "adenovirus" that has become extremely deadly.

                            Adenovirus is spread by physical contact or through the air and is endemic in the population, and is one of the causes of the common influenza, but it is usually not considered deadly. At least not until now.

                            One [possible cause of death] that has been ruled out is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARS by its abbreviations in English), atypical pneumonia that appeared for the first time in November of 2002 in the province of Guangdong, China.

                            The head of the IML, Luis Bromley Coloma, indicated that "we are faced with an adenovirus that mutated and has become deadly, but still it is not known what caused the mutation and how fast it is possible to be spread", which is why the health alert has been declared.

                            The autopsies performed on the two victims showed multi-organ edema in the brain, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys and microhemorrhages in all the organs. Toxicological, biological and pathological examinations determined the presence of the mutated adenovirus.

                            Now, the health authorities are working to establish where and what generated the mutation to find a way to cure or contain it.

                            EMERGENCY MEETING

                            The "Chan An 168" is a fishing ship of [pota] and shrimp that weighed anchor off the port of Yautay in China on August 19, 2007 with 23 people. Since then they have not landed. On December 13 they delivered their products to another boat and received two other crew. The same it happened on March 15, 2008.

                            On April 9th the harbor authorities of the Callao received the distress call of the captain of the "Chan An", Uquin Zhipeng. That morning two Chinese crew, the cook and a fisherman, had died.

                            [AlohaOR's note: The two crewmen died 25 days after last contact with anyone other than the ship's crew.]

                            The only symptom that presented/displayed was a high fever that lasted two to five hours, for which none of the medicines on board did anything.

                            Lamentably, personnel of Navy and the International Marine Health boarded the Chinese boat to provide assistance, without taking the necessary precautions to avoid infection, for which reason it was decided to quarantine those personnel. The disease can incubate for 14 days to three months.

                            Specialists of the IML, Epidemiolog&#237;a of the Ministry of Defense, Navy military and the Ministry of Health met yesterday to evaluate the results of the biological and pathological examinations in order to adopt the preventive measures necessary to avoid the spread of the virus.


                            The virus. "Adenovirus" was described for the first time as a viral agent in 1953. It is endemic in the pediatric population. There are more than 40 strains of adenovirus and can cause illnesses of varied severity, although most frequently they occur in the respiratory tract and the intestine, the skin or at ocular level. At the present time their properties are used in the therapy of diseases like the cystic fibrosis and lung cancer.

                            "It is a deadly and very aggressive virus"

                            "The autopsies indicate that both Chinese crew died because of a pneumonia, resulting from adenovirus, a characteristic of the influenza that usually is not mortal. What happens in this case is that the virus has mutated and has become lethal and, for that reason we are on epidemiological alert, declared the head of the Legal Medicine Institute, Luis Bromley, yesterday.

                            The specialist added that the disease presents/displays two characteristics: a trait that has been found is that the victims are people with weakened immune systems from almost a year at sea, isolated and living in subhuman conditions. The other factor is under study, we do not know what the cause that led to the mutation and how to fight it.

                            "For that reason all the crew has been evaluated and eight crew members were found to be infected, they present/display the mutated adenovirus and they are under observation; it is not possible to treat them, because it is not known how to fight this virus. Normally that would disappear [not be the case?], but it has mutated [to become] deadly, [and] is extremely aggressive'', emphasized Bromley.

                            [...The] 30 Peruvian people who boarded the ship to provide help and came into contact with patients [mut] remain in epidemiological surveillance, isolated and without contact with their families until they have ruled out the deadly disease.

                            In these cases "security measures may sound extreme, but prevention is better than later having to bear the consequences if nothing was done", the head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine asserted emphatically.


                            • #15
                              Re: Undiagnosed Deaths, Chinese Fisherman - Peru (Callao)

                              "That morning two Chinese crew, the cook and a fisherman, had died."

                              I wonder if he was cooking for everyone while he was sick?
                              The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918

