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Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

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  • Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

    Hat tip Niman

    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="NewsDetailsTitle">Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="NewsDetailsCategory">Health 3/2/2008 9:03:00 PM</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ArticleDetails"> <table class="ImageFloat" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td>
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="tdCaption" class="pictureCaption" align="center" width="180">
    </td> </tr> </tbody></table> BAGHDAD, March 2 (KUNA) -- A case of Bird Flu has been discovered on Sunday in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.
    An Iraqi higher committee Secretariat in combating Bird Flu from the Iraqi cabinet council said the new discovery is in Al-Fedagiya village in the Fao area.
    The committee, based on the discovery, prohibited all transfers of poultry and live birds to other provinces before getting permission from local Vet hospitals.
    The committee also issued an order prohibiting the selling and dealing of birds and poultry in the area, including taking all the precautionary measures needed.
    The committee also called on citizens in the area to avoid bird hunting the area for their own safety. (end) ahh.mb KUNA 022103 Mar 08NNNN


  • #2
    Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra



    • #3
      Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

      Discovery of cases of avian influenza in Basra in southern Iraq

      Baghdad - 2 - 3 (KUNA) - announced here today the discovery of a new hotbed of bird flu in the governorate of Basra in southern Iraq.

      The Supreme Committee for the fight against bird flu in the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in the Iraqi statement that the discovery was the focus of the new bird flu in the village (Fadaghiyah) region (FAO) Basra Governorate.

      The statement added that the committee has Accordingly, the prevention of poultry and live birds among all Iraqi provinces only after obtaining a permit from the veterinary hospital.

      It also ordered the prevention of the sale and circulation of any wild birds or water or alive Massadh security authorities claim prevention and follow-up actions to prevent them within the market.

      It also urged the citizens of the population in remote rural areas or marsh refrain from hunting of wild birds to protect them from disease avian influenza.

      It is worth noting that Iraq was preventing earlier in the import of poultry from Iran and Saudi Arabia, for the emergence of a number of cases in both countries.


      P h e / d and

      KUNA 021902 GMT Mar 08

      [MAP - Possible position of village, near Iranian border]



      • #4
        Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

        News isolated from Iraq and the avian influenza threat to the territory of Kurdistan again

        Monday 18 2008 18:37 GMT
        -- In the Kurdistan region, the Ministry of Health has prepared a series of measures and preventive measures to cope with bird flu following the announcement of the appearance of some cases in the border areas with Tehran.



        • #5
          Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra


          H5N1 Re-emerges in Iraq

          Recombinomics Commentary 19:04
          March 2, 2008

          A case of Bird Flu has been discovered on Sunday in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.

          An Iraqi higher committee Secretariat in combating Bird Flu from the Iraqi cabinet council said the new discovery is in Al-Fedagiya village in the Fao area.

          The above comments suggest H5N1 has been identified in southern Iraq. The location is close to Kuwait (see satellite map), where there was an H5N1 outbreak a year ago. The sequences from that outbreak were recently released and were clade 2.2.3 which traced back to the Uvs Lake outbreak. Recently an H5N1 HA and NA sequences were published from the more recent outbreak in Saudi Arabia. Those sequences are also closely related to the earlier sequences from Kuwait.

          Therefore, it is likely that the H5N1 will be closely related to these sequences and reflect increased H5N1 activity in the region. Iran has also recently reported H5N1 to the north, along the shores of the Caspian Sea.

          This is the first confirmed outbreak in Iraq since 2006.

          "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


          • #6
            Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

            It sounds from this article as if the infected poultry were actually found last month -- Feb 18. ?? This article also mentions that there are no human cases.

            Posted 8 hours ago to Google Arabic news.

            Google-translated from Arabic:

            Political first: Health announces the presence of avian influenza infections contracted in Basra

            Prevented the transport of live poultry and birds among provinces
            Baghdad Saadi Ghazali

            The Minister of Health, Dr. Saleh Al_husnanwi the discovery of avian influenza infections disease among a number of domestic poultry in the province of Basra, saying that no human case whether to maintain or mentioned remaining governorates.

            He said during a press conference held in a small building ministry attended by "Assabah" [the newspaper]: Health monitoring teams discovered the existence of a sudden loss in domestic poultry in the area of juvenile Fadaghiyah Fao Basra Governorate, a 7 out of 50 chickens chickens home in the history of 2/18 of the last month. In addition to the discovery of the centre after ten days of the emergence of the first after 50 meters, explaining that the examination showed her Pfyrus avian influenza H5 type. Higher Committee for the control of avian influenza in collaboration with the Sub-Commission to maintain taken precautionary and preventive measures to prevent the spread of the disease which was to destroy all poultry in the region on an area of 3 kilometers as a preventive measure and to develop the region and 10 kilometres under surveillance, in addition to preventing the transport of live poultry and birds among all provinces only after obtaining a permit from veterinary hospitals and the prevention of the sale and circulation of wild birds and aquatic living or capture all prevention traded within the market.

            At the level of health-related Service Basra collaboration with veterinary hospital in Basra, and the Directorate of veterinary hospital in Baghdad, the campaign range of research and investigation on the presence of avian influenza infections in the south of Faw city of Basra.

            Said Dr Hassan Jabr director of health protection in Basra, in a press statement that there are doubts [suspicions of] the existence of injuries in FAO, and health teams are doing their job in the investigation and auditing in this daily for more than a week and teams are doing preventive and spreading awareness among citizens in that region.

            Another invited by the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird Flu citizens residents of remote rural areas or marsh refrain from hunting of wild birds in order to protect them from illness bird flu and report any loss in poultry or domestic birds in cages and seizure to prevent them from mixing with wild birds.

            The Commission urged citizens to contact the telephones listed below to report any loss of new birds and poultry, Basra 07801413399, 07802815919 Dhi Qar, Maysan 07801127056, the remaining governorates 07702889366.

            ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


            • #7
              Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

              <TABLE id=Table7 style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=420 bgColor=#266590 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=nhlr id=tdTitle align=middle bgColor=#ffffff>New infections contracted avian influenza in Basra </TD><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff></TD></TR><TR><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD><TD align=middle bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD></TR><TR><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff></TD><TD id=dd align=middle bgColor=#ffffff><TABLE id=Table3 style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD id=tdPic></TD></TR><TR><TD class=nhs id=tdPicComment align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff></TD></TR><TR><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD><TD align=middle bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD></TR><TR><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff height=7></TD><TD align=middle bgColor=#ffffff></TD><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff height=7></TD></TR><TR><TD width="1%" bgColor=#ffffff></TD><TD class=ntl id=tdBody align=right bgColor=#ffffff>
              بغداد : أعلنت اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور في الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء العراقي، عن أكتشاف بؤرة إصابة جديدة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور في قرية "الفداغية" بمنطقة الفاو بمحافظة البصرة.
              BAGHDAD: The Higher Committee for the fight against bird flu in the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Iraq, the discovery of the centre of new infections disease bird flu in the village "Fadaghiyah" zone FAO Basra Governorate.
              وقررت اللجنة على خلفية الاكتشاف منع نقل الدواجن والطيور الحية بين المحافظات كافة، إلا بعد الحصول على تصريح من المستشفيات البيطرية، كما قررت منع بيع وتداول الطيور البرية والمائية الحية أو المصادة كافة واتخاذ الاجراءات لمنعها داخل الاسواق، واهابت اللجنة بالمواطنين من سكان المناطق الريفية النائية أو الاهوار الامتناع عن صيد الطيور البرية وذلك لحمايتهم من الإصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، طبقاً لما ورد بوكالة "الأنباء القطرية".
              The Committee decided on the background of discovery prevent the transfer of live poultry and birds among all provinces, but after obtaining a permit from the veterinary hospital, and decided to prevent the sale and circulation of wild birds and aquatic living or catch all the action to prevent them within the market, the Commission called on citizens and residents of remote rural areas or Marsh refrain from hunting of wild birds in order to protect them from disease bird flu, according to the agency "Qatari News."


              • #8
                Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

                Veterinarian source: the emergence of a focus for avian influenza in Basra
                02 /03 /2008 م 11:54 مساء
                02 03 2008 m 11:54 p.m.
                قال مدير المستشفى البيطري في البصرة اليوم الأحد إن بؤرة لمرض انفلونزا الطيور اكتشفت جنوب البصرة بعد نفوق العديد من الدواجن المنزلية فيها، بينما قامت فرق صحية باحراق كل الدواجن في المنطقة التي ظهرت فيها البؤرة فضلا عن اتخاذ إجراءات احترازية أخرى.
                The director of veterinary hospital in Basra today, Sunday, that hotbed of avian influenza discovered south of Basra after the deaths of many domestic poultry, while the teams healthy burned all poultry in the region that have emerged in focus as well as to take other precautionary measures. <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=normal width="100%">
                وأوضح الدكتور مشتاق عبد المهدي أن بؤرة مرضية ظهرت منتصف شباط/ فبراير الماضي في منطقة الفداغية التابعة لقضاء الفاو 100 كم جنوب البصرة إذ نفقت فيها العديد من الدواجن دون ظهور أية إصابات بشرية.
                He explained Dr. Mushtaq Abdul-Mahdi, the epicentre appeared satisfactory mid-February last Fadaghiyah area of the Faw district 100 km south of Basra since died where many poultry without the emergence of any casualties.

                وأضاف: أثبتت التحليلات المختبرية التي أجريت على الدواجن النافقة في مختبرات البصرة وبغداد أن هذه الطيور نفقت بسبب إصابتها بمرض انفلونزا الطيور.
                He added: proven laboratory analyses conducted on the dead chickens in the laboratories of Basra and Baghdad that the birds died because of illness avian influenza.

                وأشار إلى أن عينات أرسلت إلى المختبرات العالمية في القاهرة بمصر للتأكد القطعي من نتائج الفحص.
                He pointed out that the samples sent to laboratories in Cairo, Egypt World to make sure the results of the examination of deterministic.

                واستدرك عبد المهدي: لكن الإصابة بالمرض مؤكدة إذ جاءت فحوصات مختبرات البصرة وفحوصات المختبرات المركزية في بغداد متطابقة.
                However, Abdul-Mahdi: But the disease was confirmed as testing laboratories Basra and laboratory tests in central Baghdad identical.

                وتابع ان مديرية البيطرة والمستشفى البيطري والمحافظة واللجنة الأمنية ودائرة الزراعة وجميع الجهات ذات الاختصاص اتخذت الاحتياطات اللازمة.
                He continued that the Directorate of veterinary and veterinary hospital and the governorate and security committee and the Department of Agriculture and all competent taken the necessary precautions.

                ولفت إلى أن الفرق الصحية قامت باحراق جميع الدواجن في تلك المنطقة واتخذت اجراءت احترازية اخرى كالقيام بعملية مسح شاملة للمناطق القريبة من المنطقة التي ظهرت فيها البؤرة، واقامت ندوات تثقيفية للتعريف بمخاطر هذا المرض فضلا عن إقامة الجهات الصحية والحكومية ندوة شاملة عن مرض انفلونزا الطيور اليوم الأحد.
                He noted that the health teams have burned all poultry in the area and taken other precautionary procedures of such a comprehensive survey of the areas near the region where the focus appeared, and set up educational seminars to publicize the dangers of the disease as well as health authorities and government symposium on the comprehensive avian influenza today, Sunday, .

                ومرض أنفلونزا الطيور مرض فيروسي حاد ومعد يصيب الطيور بمختلف أنواعها مسببا هلاكات عالية تصل أحيانا الى 100%، ولا تقف العدوى عند الطيور بل تتعدى حاجز النوع ليصيب الحيوانات، كما يصيب الإنسان أيضا إذ ظهرت حالات عدوى بشرية وبعض الوفيات في عدد قليل من الدول الاسيوية ثم امتدت الى أوربا.
                The bird flu acute viral illness and is prepared affects birds of various kinds, causing loss sometimes high up to 100%, and stands infection when birds but only kind of barrier affects animals, also affect humans also emerged as human cases of infection and some deaths in a small number of Asian countries, then spread to Europe.

                وتقع مدينة البصرة، مركز محافظة البصرة، على بعد 590 كم إلى الجنوب من العاصمة بغداد.
                It is the city of Basra, centre of Basra province, a distance of 590 km to the south of the capital Baghdad.

                اصوات العراق
                Voices of Iraq



                • #9
                  Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

                  <FORM id=frmArticle style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" name=frmArticle action=arabic_news.aspx?id=1528949&cid=24 method=post>
                  03/03/2008 15:53 GMT:

                  </FORM><!-- Repeat body sections -->
                  أكد صباح جاسم موزان مدير عام الشركة العامة للبيطرة أن فرق التحري عن وباء إنفلونزا الطيور شخصت إصابة ثالثة بالمرض في قرية الفداقية الواقعة بمحاذاة الحدود العراقية الإيرانية جنوب البصرة، وهي المنطقة التي سبق أن سـُجلت فيها إصابة سابقة بهذا الوباء.
                  The morning Jassim Mozan general manager of the company General Veterinary teams are investigating the epidemic of avian influenza infection diagnosed the disease in a third village Alfdaekaya along the Iraqi-Iranian border south of Basra, a region previously recorded by the injury earlier this epidemic.

                  وقال موازان في حديث مع "راديو سوا" إن الفرق البيطرية قامت بإجراء مسح ميداني لجميع القرى المحيطة بمحل الإصابة، واتخذت جميع الوسائل الصحية المطلوبة من رش وحرق لمسافة تصل إلى 30 كم عن مكان الإصابة، وذلك في خطوة احترازية ضمن خطة مركزية مرسومة في وزارة الزراعة، وهي معتمدة في جميع دول العالم، حسب قوله.
                  Moisan said in an interview with "Radio Sawa" The veterinary teams conducted a field survey of all the villages surrounding the whereabouts of infection, and has taken all the required sanitary means of spraying and burning to a distance of up to 30 kilometers from the place of infection, in a precautionary step in the decentralization plan painted in the Ministry of Agriculture , is accredited in all countries of the world, as saying.

                  وأضاف موزان أن الفرق البيطرية قامت بإحراق آلاف الدواجن والطيور في منطقة الإصابة والمناطق المجاورة لها.
                  He added that the difference veterinary Mozan has burned thousands of poultry and birds in the area of injury and the surrounding area.

                  وأكد أن اللجنة العليا لمرض إنفلونزا الطيور في أمانة مجلس الوزارء خولت اللجان الفرعية وغرف العمليات بتعويض الأهالي عن الدواجن التي تـُتلف سواء أكانت مصابة بالمرض أم غير مصابة، لأن الهدف إحتواء الإصابة، على حد قوله.
                  He stressed that the Higher Committee of avian influenza in the secretariat of the Council of Ministers empowered sub-committees and operating rooms to compensate residents for poultry destroyed by the disease, whether infected or not infected, because the objective to contain infection, he said.

                  وأشار موزان إلى أن المبالغ ليست رمزية وإنما مجزية والهدف منها سلامة الانسان.
                  Mozan pointed out that the amounts are not symbolic but rewarding and their objective integrity of the human being.

                  وفي المقابل، اشتكى علي حسين رئيس المجلس البلدي في ناحية البحار من قلة التعويضات المقدمة إلى الأهالي، قائلا إن المستشفى البيطري يقدم مبلغ 10 آلاف دينار عن كل دجاجة في حين يبلغ سعر الواحدة في الأسواق المحلية 20 ألف دينار.
                  In contrast, Hussein complained to the Head of the Municipal Council in terms of the sea a few awards to the families, saying that the veterinary hospital provides $ 10 thousand dinars for each chickens while the same rate in the domestic market 20 thousand dinars.

                  وطالب علي حسين الحكومة المحلية بالتدخل لمنع تكبد المزارعين خسارة فادحة قد تجبرهم على نقل دواجنهم الى مناطق أخرى، على حد قوله.
                  He called on Hussein local government to intervene to prevent farmers suffered heavy loss may force them to transport birds to other areas, he said.

                  التفاصيل في تقرير مراسل "راديو سوا" في البصرة ماجد البريكان:
                  Details in the report correspondent "Radio Sawa" in Basra Majid Brekan:


                  • #10
                    Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

                    Higher Committee to combat avian influenza: the discovery of new infections epicentre of bird flu disease in the Faw area Basra
                    أعلنت اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض انفلونزا الطيور في الامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء عن أكتشاف بؤرة اصابة جديدة بمرض انفلونزا الطيور في قرية الفداغية بمنطقة الفاو بمحافظة البصرة وعلى خلفية اكتشاف هذه البؤرة قررت اللجنة مايلي :
                    The Supreme Committee for the fight against bird flu in the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers focus on the discovery of new infections contracted bird flu in the village area Fadaghiyah FAO Basra Governorate and the background of the discovery of these focus Commission decided:

                    1- منع نقل الدواجن والطيور الحية بين المحافظات كافة الا بعد الحصول على تصريح من المستشفيات البيطرية .
                    1 - preventing the transport of live poultry and birds among all provinces only after obtaining a permit from the veterinary hospital.

                    2- منع بيع وتداول الطيور البرية والمائية الحية أو المصادة كافة وعلى الجهات الامنية متابعة ذلك واتخاذ الاجراءات لمنعها داخل الاسواق .
                    2 - preventing the sale and circulation of wild birds and aquatic living or capture all the security authorities follow up and take action to prevent them within the market.

                    3- نهيب المواطنين من سكان المناطق الريفية النائية أو الاهوار الامتناع عن صيد الطيور البرية وذلك لحمايتهم من الاصابة بمرض انفلونزا الطيور .
                    3 - call upon the citizens of the population in remote rural areas or marsh refrain from hunting of wild birds in order to protect them from disease avian influenza.

                    4- نهيب بالواطنين الكرام كافة الابلاغ عن أية هلاكات في الدواجن او الطيور المنزلية والاتصال على الهواتف التالية البصرة ( 07801413399 ) ذي قـار ( 07802815919 ) مـيـسـان ( 07801127056 ) باقي المحافظـات ( 07702889366 ) .
                    4 - We call on all honorable Ballowatunain report any loss in poultry or domestic birds and contact the following telephone (07801413399) Basra, Dhi Qar (07802815919) Maysan (07801127056) remaining governorates (07702889366).

                    5- نهيب بالمواطنين الكرام حجز الدواجن والطيور المنزلية في الاقفاص ومنعها من الاختلاط بالطيور البرية .
                    5 - We call upon citizens honored booking domestic poultry and birds in cages and prevent them from mixing with wild birds.

                    2 ? 3 ? 2008
                    2 - 3 - 2008


                    • #11
                      Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra



                      • #12
                        Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra


                        H5N1 Spread in Iraq

                        Recombinomics Commentary 20:30
                        March 3, 2008

                        The morning Jassim Mozan general manager of the company General Veterinary teams are investigating the epidemic of avian influenza infection diagnosed the disease in a third village Alfdaekaya along the Iraqi-Iranian border south of Basra, a region previously recorded by the injury earlier this epidemic.

                        He added that the difference veterinary Mozan has burned thousands of poultry and birds in the area of injury and the surrounding area.

                        The above translation describes the spread of H5N1 in southern Iraq (see satellite map) and associated culling efforts. The area being culled is large and the above translation indicates at least two villages have tested positive.

                        The above is supported by other local media reports on new outbreaks in the area.

                        It is likely that the H5N1 is clade 2.2.3. Clade 2.2.3 was responsible for the 2007 outbreak in Kuwait and is also involved in the more recent outbreak in Saudi Arabia.

                        Similarly, recently released sequences confirm the Uvs Lake strain in the Czech Republic over the summer. In addition, a partial sequence from the 2008 outbreak in the Ukraine is also from clade 2.2.3.

                        Although clade 2.2.3 has become increasingly common in Europe and the Middle East, the H5N1 in Egypt is still clade 2.2.1, although the recent sequences in Egypt have acquired clade 2.2.3 polymorphisms.

                        "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                        • #13
                          Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

                          <table class="contentpaneopen"><tbody><tr><td class="contentheading" width="100%"> Basra?Red Crescent on Alert Due to H5N1 Virus </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%">
                          </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%">
                          </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%">
                          </td> </tr> </tbody></table> PUKmedia 05-03-2008 13:51:31
                          The Red Crescent Directorate in Basra is on alert after Bird Flu (H5N1) cases were confirmed in the city.Mr. Falih Humood, the head of Basra Read Crescent Directorate, told PUKmedia website that his directorate has started awareness campaign to warn the people of this disease and ways of avoiding infection by it.
                          On the other hand, Dr. Sakena Falak the member of the health committee in Basra Province Council demanded to form a cell from all concerned sides in order to combat the disease.
                          Meanwhile, a source in Shalameja crossing point on the border with Iran said, that poultry import from Iran is stopped.


                          • #14
                            Re: Bird Flu case found in S. Iraqi city of Basra

                            Found to be infected with avian influenza chicken Basra
                            Neighbors - Basra - The director of the National Company for Veterinary Sabah Jassim Mozan concluding that the tests have been models of the safety of poultry suspected bird flu disease held last Tuesday in Cairo proved that her Balvyrus killer known as H5N1.
                            Mozan added that the results of tests showed that those models infected with another type of advantage not worsened and semi lack of opportunities transmission to humans and that Iraq free of the deadly virus and that the Central Committee of the Supreme combat the disease took a decision Wednesday to lift the ban imposed recently on the transfer of poultry and their products between provinces.
                            He Mozan that all actions taken no more than precautionary measures came within a framework of a plan for the prevention of the disease.
                            Mozan mentioned that the previously announced three injuries diagnosed illness bird flu in the village Alfdaekaya adjacent to the Iraqi-Iranian border from the southern province of Basra, which had been expressed at the time for not knowing the type of the virus.
                            According to veterinary experts, there are 15 types of viruses that cause avian influenza H5 and H7 most dangerous.
                            It is noteworthy that Iraq has witnessed the death of two persons cases of illness suffered avian flu in the north of the country in 2006.

