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Inde: cas humain suspect (?tat de Meghalaya)

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  • Inde: cas humain suspect (?tat de Meghalaya)

    Traduction automatique

    Cas suspect? de grippe aviaire dans Meghalaya

    21 f?v. 2008, 2053 heures d'IST,PTI

    SHILLONG : Une fille suspect?e souffrir de la grippe d'oiseau a ?t? admise ? l'h?pital civil de Shillong jeudi envoyant le d?partement de sant? de Meghalaya dans un tizzy.

    ?noncez que le directeur des services de sant? DR K H Lakiang a dit la fille 21-year-old, Anjalina Paslain a ?t? admis avec la fi?vre et les ?ruptions et avait ?t? maintenu dans la salle d'isolement.

    La fille, qui gr?le de Sipung dans la zone de collines de Jaintia a ?t? admise la premi?re fois au centre local de sant?, apr?s quoi ? elle a ?t? prise ? un h?pital priv? dans Shillong, qui pendant le jour l'a renvoy?e ? l'h?pital civil de gouvernement.

    DR Lakiang dit : "le sang et les ?chantillons de selles ont ?t? rassembl?s et seront envoy?s pour des essais pour le virus de grippe d'oiseau ? l'institut national des maladies contagieuses ? Delhi le vendredi," il a dit.

    "Rien ne peut ?tre dit en date de maintenant," il a dit, tout en n'?liminant pas la possibilit? de grippe d'oiseau.

    L'officier de surveillance de zone (cellule int?gr?e de surveillance des maladies) DR M Basaiawmoit et d'autres hauts fonctionnaires du d?partement de sant? ?galement n'a pas ?limin? la possibilit?, mais dit rien pourrait ?tre confirm? jusqu'? ce que les r?sultats d'essai aient ?t? re?us.


    Suspected bird-flu case in Meghalaya

    21 Feb 2008, 2053 hrs IST,PTI

    SHILLONG: A girl suspected to be suffering from bird flu was admitted at Shillong Civil Hospital on Thursday sending Meghalaya health department into a tizzy.

    State Director of Health Services Dr K H Lakiang said the 21-year-old girl, Anjalina Paslain was admitted with fever and rashes and had been kept in the isolation ward.

    The girl, who hails from Sipung in the Jaintia Hills district was first admitted at the local health center, after which she was taken to a private hospital in Shillong, which during the day referred her to the government civil hospital.

    Dr Lakiang said: "The blood and stool samples have been collected and will be sent for tests for bird flu virus to the National Institute of Communicable Diseases in Delhi on Friday," he said.

    "Nothing can be said as of now," he said, while not ruling out the possibility of bird flu.

    District Surveillance Officer (Integrated Diseases Surveillance Cell) Dr M Basaiawmoit and other senior officials of the health department also did not rule out the possibility, but said nothing could be confirmed till the test results were received.

    A girl suspected to be suffering from bird flu was admitted at Shillong Civil Hospital sending Meghalaya health department into a tizzy.

  • #2
    Re: Inde: cas humain suspect (?tat de Meghalaya)

    Traduction automatique

    Cas suspect? de grippe aviaire dans Meghalaya

    Vendredi 22 f?vrier 2008 00:00 IST

    SHILLONG : Une fille suspect?e souffrir de la grippe d'oiseau a ?t? admise ? l'h?pital civil de Shillong jeudi envoyant le d?partement de sant? de Meghalaya dans un tizzy.

    ?noncez que le directeur des services de sant? DR K H Lakiang a dit la fille de 21 ans, Anjalina Paslain a ?t? admis avec la fi?vre et les ?ruptions et avait ?t? maintenu dans la salle d'isolement.

    La fille, qui gr?le de Sipung dans la zone de collines de Jaintia a ?t? admise la premi?re fois au centre local de sant?, apr?s lequel elle a ?t? port?e ? un h?pital priv? dans Shillong, qui pendant le jour l'a renvoy?e ? l'h?pital civil de gouvernement.

    DR Lakiang a indiqu? : le sang et les ?chantillons de selles ont ?t? rassembl?s et seront envoy?s pour des essais pour le virus de grippe d'oiseau ? l'institut national des maladies contagieuses ? Delhi demain, ? il a dit.

    ? Rien ne peut ?tre dit en date de maintenant, ? il a dit, tout en n'?liminant pas la possibilit? de grippe d'oiseau.

    Le dirigeant de surveillance de zone (cellule int?gr?e de surveillance des maladies) DR M Basaiawmoit et d'autres hauts fonctionnaires du d?partement de sant? ?galement n'a pas ?limin? la possibilit?, mais dit rien pourrait ?tre confirm? jusqu'? ce que les r?sultats d'essai aient ?t? re?us.

    Deux m?decins de sp?cialistes servant la fille ont refus? de divulguer beaucoup. ? Rien ne peut ?tre dit. Certains probl?mes respiratoires ont ?galement les sympt?mes semblables. Nous devons attendre les r?sultats d'essai. Cela prendra trois ? quatre jours, ? ils ont dit, demandant de ne pas ?tre appel?.

    Il y avait la mort de masse de la volaille dans la r?gion de Siung la semaine derni?re, mais des analyses de sang sont av?r?es n?gatives pour le virus H5N1.

    Le directeur v?t?rinaire DR D Khonglah d'?tat dit ? la mort de la volaille chez Sipung ?tait d? ? la maladie de Ranikhet. Nous avons effectu? des essais et les avons confirm?s. ?

    Le surveillant de l'h?pital civil ne pourrait pas ?tre contact? en d?pit de plusieurs tentatives.

    Meghalaya ?tait le premier ?tat dans le pays pour retentir ? une alerte apr?s la manifestation de grippe d'oiseau au Bangladesh voisin cette ann?e.

    La zone de collines de Jaintia, d'o? la fille gr?le, partage ses fronti?res avec le Bangladesh.

    Apr?s la manifestation de la maladie au Bengale occidental, l'?tat a interdit l'importation du poulet de l'ext?rieur.


    Suspected bird-flu case in Meghalaya
    Friday February 22 2008 00:00 IST

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    SHILLONG: A girl suspected to be suffering from bird flu was admitted at Shillong civil hospital on Thursday sending Meghalaya health department into a tizzy.

    State director of health services Dr K H Lakiang said the 21-year-old girl, Anjalina Paslain was admitted with fever and rashes and had been kept in the isolation ward.

    The girl, who hails from Sipung in the Jaintia hills district was first admitted at the local health center, after which she was taken to a private hospital in Shillong, which during the day referred her to the government civil hospital.

    Dr Lakiang said: the blood and stool samples have been collected and will be sent for tests for bird flu virus to the National institute of communicable diseases in Delhi tomorrow,? he said.

    ?Nothing can be said as of now,? he said, while not ruling out the possibility of bird flu.

    District surveillance officer (integrated diseases surveillance cell) Dr M Basaiawmoit and other senior officials of the health department also did not rule out the possibility, but said nothing could be confirmed till the test results were received.

    Two specialists doctors attending the girl refused to divulge much. ?Nothing can be said. Certain respiratory problems also have similar symptoms. We have to wait for the test results. It will take three to four days,? they said, requesting not to be named.

    There were mass death of poultry in the Siung area last week, but blood tests were found to be negative for the H5N1 virus.

    State veterinary director Dr D Khonglah said ?the death of the poultry at Sipung was due to Ranikhet disease. We have conducted tests and confirmed it.?

    The superintendent of the civil hospital could not be contacted despite several attempts.

    Meghalaya was the first state in the country to sound an alert after the outbreak of bird flu in neighbouring Bangladesh this year.

    The Jaintia hills district, from where the girl hails, shares its borders with Bangladesh.

    Following the outbreak of the disease in West Bengal, the state banned import of chicken from outside.

