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EGYPT - Jan 2 - Jan 4, 2008

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  • EGYPT - Jan 2 - Jan 4, 2008

    Previous Egypt thread:


    5 Confirmed cases / 4 deaths

    Oula Yunis Ali Mohamed (25F) - d. Dec 25, 2007 -- Beni Haroun, Beni Suef governorate
    Attorh Hanim Ibrahim [aka Hanem Atwa Ibrahim] (50F) - d. Dec 31, 2007 -- Shatt `Ezbet el-Lahm, Damietta governorate
    Nora Aboul Abbas Mohamed (21/22F) -- Barhim near Minuf city, Al Minufiyah
    Fatma Fathi Mohamed (25F) - d. Dec 30, 2007 -- Dikirnis, Ad Daqahliyah governorate
    Firdaus Mohamed Hadad (26F) - d. Dec 31, 2007 -- Al Minufiyah governorate

    27 (or 28) suspected cases reported in the last week / 1 death / 1 tested neg (not counted)

    Beheira Governorate - (1)

    Dec 30 - Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi (40M) - Ezbet "Notes", [Centre Kom Hamada] Kawm Hamadah:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Al Minufiyah Governorate (10)

    Dec 30 - Nader Said Babylonian (5M) - ["Al Btanoun"] Al Batanun:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Dec 30 - Ahmad Abdulmohsen [aka Roqayya Ahmed Abdul Mohsen] (6M) - from a village "Tnbdi hamlet" ["Kafr Tunbdi"] in Shibin Al Kawm center
    Kafr Tambidi:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Dec 31 - Abdul Rahman Ibrahim (57M)
    Dec 31 - Abed Rabbo (50M?)
    Dec 31 - Mohammad Ferdous (36M)

    Jan 01 - Adel Mohamed Adel - from [Sers Al-Layan] Sirs al Layyanah:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Jan 01 - Doaa - daughter of Adel Mohamed Adel

    Jan 01 - Mohamed Said Abdul Rahman - from Barhim

    Jan 01 - Karim Mohamed Fawzi - from Kafr Sheikh Khalil village in Shibin Al Kawm
    Kafr ash Shaykh Khalil:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Jan 01 - Hamida Abdul Hafiz Rizk - Aboukls village in the Martyrs
    Abu Kullus:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    *Note that confirmed case Nora Aboul Abbas Mohamed above is also from Barhim, Al Minufiyah.

    Amiriya north of Cairo (1)

    Dec 31 - Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali (43M) - d. Dec 29
    Al Amiriyah:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Alexandria (1)

    Dec 31 - Faten (23F)

    Port Said (4)

    Dec 31 - Reza Abdalmugod Abdilkadir (25M) - husband of Radwan - "Satisfaction village in south of Port Said"
    Dec 31 - Radwan - wife of Reza
    Dec 31 - Mohammed (9M) - son of Reza & Radwan
    Dec 31 - Rajab (5M) - son of Reza & Radwan

    Ash Sharqiyah (4)

    Jan 01: Nabil Ahmed Mohamed (8M) - from the village of Hrbit belonging to Aboukbir center - has tested negative

    Jan 02: Samia el-Sayed Awad (55F)
    Jan 02: Menah Mohamed Fathi (3F) - granddaughter of Samia

    Jan 02: Iman Sobhi (25F)
    Jan 02: Mohamed Maher Reda - Iman's son

    Al Qalyubia (3 or 4)

    Jan 01: Safaa Mohamed Abdul Razek - nurse in the health unit - village of Al Alzm belonging to Shibin El Kanatar center
    Shabin al Qanatir:
    Get a better deal with Save money and get access to millions of stays; from cheap hotels and motels to luxury villas.

    Jan 03: 2 (3?) new sus cases admitted to Banha Hosptial -- no names

    Al Gharbiyah (2)

    Jan 01: "34 years" policeman
    Jan 01: Huda Khaled (1M?)

    Beni Suef (1)

    Jan 02: Anwar Ali Sayyad (25M) [unemployed] from Shaweesh Ahnassa village
    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

  • #2
    Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

    Map of human cases updated


    • #3
      Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

      No new cases listed here. Although, they seem to be talking about 6 confirmed cases here. ??

      Google-translated from Arabic:

      Higher Committee to combat avian flu .. Discussed developments disease
      Mountain [Health Minister]: focus on prevention education and the implementation of home health procedures

      Jan 2, 2008

      Review Higher Committee to combat avian influenza today headed by Amin Abaza, and Minister of Agriculture latest developments of the disease after the death of 3 women in less than a week and the wounding of three others after Taamhin birds infected with the disease.

      He said. Hatem Mountain Minister of Health and Population, the Committee will focus on the fight against the disease among poultry and intensive campaigns to eradicate domestic education, which are unsanitary manner and cause of the infection 6 cases of the disease had died lady called loudly Younis Beni Suef and the second alleges ma'am Atwa Damietta and third Fatima Mahmoud Badakkhlih alleges.

      Mountain pointed out that the rapid spread of disease, six cases of H5N1 infection cause for concern and calls from all members of society concerted efforts to prevent the sale of education and household birds in open markets and follow the instructions while dealing with the health of birds, whether infected or not infected.

      Nationwide Round

      On the other hand, the "Evening Gazette" tour of the provinces resulted in a number of facts, including:

      Qalyubiyah - Majdi Rifai Ahmed Mansour:

      Continued illness avian influenza Bakulaiobh his appearance and moved from the center of Kafr thanked the Shubra al-Kheima, in addition to the 17 focus back home where the disease .. Where was the execution of 75 thousand chickens.

      Mohammed - al East [Sharkia]:

      In Eastern [Sharkia] Dr Mr. Mahmoud Abu Kheir, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health had been detained four cases Hospital pathogenesis Zagazig are: Samiha Mr. Darabi 55 years and from Mohamed Fathi 3 years from the village center Tahera Hamid, Zagazig and Maher Mohamed Rajab year and a half, Iman Subhi Mohammed Faraj 25 years of Kafr Hva, Bulbis Center on suspicion of illness after the emergence of bird flu symptoms on them.

      Menya - Nabil Yousef:

      The Major General Fouad Saad Eddin Minya during the governor unite to tackle avian influenza on the need to address to confront disease and avian influenza and concerted efforts of all relevant bodies during the next four months, which is the gravity of the disease and the spread of the virus.

      Alexandria - Abdalaziz benign:

      The Major General Adel Labib Alexandria Governor of the closure of dustbins and funds large areas roots to absorb waste and garbage fund allocation for each place is empty morning and evening to face the bird flu.

      Majdi Al Aqbisi Fayyoum Governor during the Executive Board meeting to maintain that the maintenance of the disease-free birds Anflonz because of the continuing medical immunization campaigns against the disease in villages and hamlets.

      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #4
        Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

        Commentary at


        • #5
          Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

          hi theresa, I think like you : 6 cases


          • #6
            Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

            Commentary at


            • #7
              Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

              Originally posted by Anne View Post
              hi theresa, I think like you : 6 cases
              My guess is Demietta case counted twice (as a confirmed case last week and as a fataity this week). The only question is how many stories will have this error.


              • #8
                Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                Originally posted by niman View Post
                My guess is Demietta case counted twice (as a confirmed case last week and as a fataity this week). The only question is how many stories will have this error.
                Prolly a good guess. I was wondering if it was the schoolteacher. ??
                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                • #9
                  Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                  Hat-tip, Solitaire!
                  Originally posted by Solitaire
                  Anything useful here Theresa?

                  The discovery of 19 focus of a new victim and the death yesterday of 19

                  حفني وافي وخالد وربي Avi, who doubles and Khalid, Ruba
                  تقدمت مصر إلي المركز الخامس عالمياً وباتت منطقة مهددة بأنفلونزا الطيور بعد إعلان وزارة الصحة وفاة الضحية رقم 19 وهي لسيدة من دمياط تدعي هانم عطوة إبراهيم 50 سنة والتي توفيت مساء أمس الأول بمستشفي الصدر بالعباسية. Egypt submitted to the fifth place globally and became the threatened Avian after the announcement of the Ministry of Health and death of the victim No. 19 and is the Lady of Damietta called ma'am Atwa Ibrahim 50 years, who died yesterday evening I Sadr Hospital starts.
                  وقال الدكتور نصر السيد مساعد وزير الصحة للطب الوقائي رئيس اللجنة العليا لمكافحة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور إن المرض انتشر في عشر محافظات هي الشرقية والقليوبية ودمياط وبني سويف والمنوفية وقنا والبحيرة والقاهرة والجيزة والغربية وبورسعيد والدقهلية وأكد وجود 40 بؤرة إصابة بالمرض في تلك المحافظات وأن عدد الحالات التي ظهرت في الأيام الخمس الأخيرة من ديسمبر وصلت إلي خمس حالات توفي منها أربع فيما تماثلت حالة واحدة للشفاء. Dr. Nasr said Mr. Deputy Minister of Health for Preventive Medicine Chairman of the Higher Committee for the fight against bird flu disease that spread the disease in ten provinces are Eastern and Qaliubia, Damietta, Menoufiya, Beni Suef, Qena and the lake, Cairo, Giza and the West and Port Said, Dakahliya, confirmed the presence of 40 focus of the disease in those provinces and the number of cases that have emerged in the last five days of December and arrived at the five cases died four corresponded with one case of the cure.
                  وأشار د. And he added. نصر إلي أن مصر احتلت المركز الخامس بين دول العالم الأكثر تضررا من المرض وهي تايلاند والصين واندونيسيا وكوريا. We insist that Egypt ranked fifth among the countries in the world most affected by the disease are Thailand, China, Indonesia and Korea.
                  وقال د. He d. عمرو قنديل مدير عام مكافحة الأمراض المعدية بوزارة الصحة إن عدد حالات الاشتباه في الإصابة بالمرض بلغ 3775 حالة منذ اكتشاف المرض. Amr Qandil, director general of communicable disease control Health Ministry that the number of cases of suspected infection reached 3775 cases since the discovery of the disease.
                  من جهة أخري احتجز عدد من المواطنين المشتبه في إصابتهم بالمرض وتم عزلهم منهم فاطمة فتحي المهدي بمستشفي الصدر بالمنصورة، كما تم عزل الطفل محمد طلعت مصطفي أبوالفضل ?3 سنوات? لاصابته بأنفلونزا الطيور بمستشفي حميات بنها وتم عزل الطفلة سارة عادل أبوشادي بمستشفي حميات زفتي ومحمد خليل عبدالقوي الحوشي بحميات دمنهور وفي مستشفي حميات المحلة الكبري احتجز هاني العشري ?34 سنة? وهدي خان للاشتباه في إصابتهما بالمرض وقد بلغت البؤر الجديدة المكتشفة حتي أمس 19 بؤرة Elsewhere detained a number of citizens suspected of illness was dismissing them Fatima Fathi Mounsourh Sadr's Mahdi Hospital, was also isolate the child Mohammed Talaat Mostafa Abulfdil ?3 years? because of his injury Avian Hospital pathogenesis Banha isolate girl Sarah was just Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti and Mohammad Khalil Abdalkoi Alhouci Bhmyat In Damanhour hospital pathogenesis Mahala detained Hani El ?34 years?, Huda Khan injured on suspicion of the disease has reached new oilfields discovered until yesterday 19 hotbed
                  من جهة أخري تقدم الدكتور أحمد الخولاني عضو مجلس الشعب ونقيب البيطريين ببورسعيد بطلب إحاطة لرئيس الوزراء حول نية الحكومة إصدار قانون يجرم بيع الطيور الحية في الوقت الذي تعترف فيه الحكومة بنقص في عدد المجازر الموجودة بمصر وبما لا يكفي لتغطية حاجة المستهلكين التي تصل إلي مليوني دجاجة يومياً اتهم النائب في بيانه الحكومة بتدمير صناعة الدواجن في مصر Elsewhere progress Aljulani Dr. Ahmed MP and Port Said captain veterinary request briefing to the Prime Minister about the government's intention to pass a law criminalizing the sale of live birds at a time when the government recognizes the shortage in the number of massacres in Egypt and not enough to cover the needs of consumers, which up to two million chickens daily deputy accused in his government to destroy poultry industry in Egypt

                  ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                  • #10
                    Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                    Originally posted by Solitaire
                    Elsewhere detained a number of citizens suspected of illness was dismissing them Fatima Fathi Mounsourh Sadr's Mahdi Hospital, was also isolate the child Mohammed Talaat Mostafa Abulfdil ?3 years? because of his injury Avian Hospital pathogenesis Banha isolate girl Sarah was just Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti and Mohammad Khalil Abdalkoi Alhouci Bhmyat In Damanhour hospital pathogenesis Mahala detained Hani El ?34 years?, Huda Khan injured on suspicion of the disease has reached new oilfields discovered until yesterday 19 hotbed.
                    Another translation using
                    On the other side a number of citizens suspect of their injury by the disease detained and have been dismissed from them Fatma Fathi Al Mahdi in Al Sadr's Hospital "by the triumphant", as the isolation of child Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl took place "3 years" for his injury by the bird flu in the hospital of Banha Fevers and the isolation of child Sara Adel Aboushadi took place in "my wedding procession" fevers hospital and Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi archaic by the fevers of Damanhur and in the hospital of El-Mahalla El-Kubra fevers the decimal Hani detained "34 years" and khan guidance for the suspicion of their injury by the disease and the discovered new foci [outbreaks in poultry] have reached until yesterday 19 foci.
                    Using both of those, I get -- 6 suspected cases mentioned, but 2 we already have -- so that's 4 new suspected cases. Is that right?:

                    Al Sadr's Hospital Mansoura - Fatma/Fatima Fathi Al Mahdi (F)

                    Banha Fevers - Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl (3M) -- one of the "no names" reported earlier? Or another admission to Banha?

                    "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti] Fevers Hospital - Sara Adel Aboushadi (child)

                    Damanhur Fevers - Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi

                    El-Mahalla El-Kubra Fevers - Hani (34) and "khan guidance" -- that hospital is in Al Gharbiyah and that's the policeman and the child, Huda Khaled -- so we already have them.
                    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                    • #11
                      Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                      Originally posted by Theresa42 View Post
                      Prolly a good guess. I was wondering if it was the schoolteacher. ??
                      Schoolteacher was a fatality - article only has 3 fatalities.


                      • #12
                        Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                        Originally posted by niman View Post
                        Schoolteacher was a fatality - article only has 3 fatalities.
                        Good point!
                        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                        • #13
                          Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                          Originally posted by Theresa42 View Post
                          Using both of those, I get -- 6 suspected cases mentioned, but 2 we already have -- so that's 4 new suspected cases. Is that right?:

                          Al Sadr's Hospital Mansoura - Fatma/Fatima Fathi Al Mahdi (F)

                          Banha Fevers - Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl (3M) -- one of the "no names" reported earlier? Or another admission to Banha?

                          "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti] Fevers Hospital - Sara Adel Aboushadi (child)

                          Damanhur Fevers - Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi

                          El-Mahalla El-Kubra Fevers - Hani (34) and "khan guidance" -- that hospital is in Al Gharbiyah and that's the policeman and the child, Huda Khaled -- so we already have them.
                          "My wedding procession" is in Al Gharbiyah
                          ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                          • #14
                            Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                            Originally posted by Theresa42 View Post
                            Using both of those, I get -- 6 suspected cases mentioned, but 2 we already have -- so that's 4 new suspected cases. Is that right?:

                            Al Sadr's Hospital Mansoura - Fatma/Fatima Fathi Al Mahdi (F)

                            Banha Fevers - Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl (3M) -- one of the "no names" reported earlier? Or another admission to Banha?

                            "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti] Fevers Hospital - Sara Adel Aboushadi (child)

                            Damanhur Fevers - Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi

                            El-Mahalla El-Kubra Fevers - Hani (34) and "khan guidance" -- that hospital is in Al Gharbiyah and that's the policeman and the child, Huda Khaled -- so we already have them.
                            We have this guy, too -- he's in Beheira governorate.
                            ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                            • #15
                              Re: EGYPT - Jan 2, 2008+

                              Originally posted by Theresa42 View Post
                              Another translation using both of those, I get -- 6 suspected cases mentioned, but 2 we already have -- so that's 4 new suspected cases. Is that right?:

                              Al Sadr's Hospital Mansoura - Fatma/Fatima Fathi Al Mahdi (F)

                              Banha Fevers - Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl (3M) -- one of the "no names" reported earlier? Or another admission to Banha?

                              "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti] Fevers Hospital - Sara Adel Aboushadi (child)

                              Damanhur Fevers - Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi

                              El-Mahalla El-Kubra Fevers - Hani (34) and "khan guidance" -- that hospital is in Al Gharbiyah and that's the policeman and the child, Huda Khaled -- so we already have them.
                              Updated map

