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EGYPT - Salah Eddin Mohamed Al dying/ sus bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

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  • EGYPT - Salah Eddin Mohamed Al dying/ sus bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

    Teacher Dying of Suspected Bird Flu Spreads Panic in Amiriya

    By Tarek Amin 31/12/2007

    Anti-bird flu inspection and preventive medicine teams and a number of police forces yesterday raided the five-story house [*snip*] in the Amiriya area north of Cairo.

    They silently climbed to the roof and culled all birds there before stuffing them in well-sealed sacks after obtaining samples from them. Then they removed the nests completely before spraying the rooftop and staircase of the house with pesticides and disinfectants.

    When residents asked them about the reason for this measure they said that the house is contaminated with bird flu and the dead man who lived on the second floor was suspected of having contracted the disease. The teams went to the opposite house where they did the same thing before leaving the area amid feelings of worry and fear.

    43-year-old primary school teacher Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali had died of acute pneumonia at dawn the day before yesterday according to the hospital report. As per the information we have obtained, the dead man had told the hospital to which he was taken on Friday that he was raising poultry in his house, prompting the hospital's administration to inform the officials at once.

    Al-Masry Al-Youm quickly moved to the house [*snip*] in al-Fardous city in Amiriya, as inspection teams and police forces had just left. We found the house where silence had reigned. The wife of the deceased, Mrs. Madiha, 41 years, was receiving condolences from women in her neighborhood and was in a terrible condition.

    "My husband was a teacher at Farid al-Taer Primary School on Port Said Street and he started to develop the symptoms of cold and flu on Saturday [Dec 29], prompting him to take a two-day leave from work.

    He began to complain from acute chest pains and inability to breathe normally, but he did not see a doctor. When he fell ill again, we took him to the Manshiyet al-Bakry Hospital where he was brought into the intensive care unit. He died at dawn on Saturday [Dec 29]," she told al-Masry al-Youm.

    "We do not know the cause of his death until now, but they came to the house and told us that the deceased might have died of avian influenza," she said. "I'm very worried about my son Nesma (13 years) and Walid (9 years) because they used to climb to the nest," she added.

    When we went out of the house, the people gathered around us in panic not knowing what to do.

    According to eyewitnesses, doctors did not examine any of the residents of the house or take samples from them or their children, although they used to go up to the roof everyday. And when the residents asked them to give their children vaccination, they replied: "We will wait for 24 hours to verify the samples. Just don't spread panic."

    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

  • #2
    Re: EGYPT - Teacher dying of suspected bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

    My guess is symptoms were on Saturday, December 22 (not Dec 29).


    • #3
      Re: EGYPT - Teacher dying of suspected bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

      Originally posted by niman View Post
      My guess is symptoms were on Saturday, December 22 (not Dec 29).
      Yeah -- you're prolly right.
      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #4
        Re: EGYPT - Teacher dying of suspected bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

        .....died of acute pneumonia at dawn the day before yesterday .....

        .....the dead man had told the hospital to which he was taken on Friday .....

        .....he started to develop the symptoms of cold and flu on Saturday [Dec 29],.....

        He began to complain from acute chest pains and inability to breathe normally, but he did not see a doctor. When he fell ill again, we took him to the Manshiyet al-Bakry Hospital where he was brought into the intensive care unit. He died at dawn on Saturday [Dec 29}.....

        I can't unravel the days here, but it sounds like he died within 24-48 hours of developing symptoms.

        "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


        • #5
          Re: EGYPT - Teacher dying of suspected bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

          The good Doc is correct -- symptom onset date should be Dec 22. Here's the Arabic version of the story.

          Google-translated from Arabic:

          Panic Amir because of the death of a teacher suspected of suffering Avian

          Tarek wrote Secretary 31/12/2007

          Teams raided combat avian flu, inspection and preventive medicine, and a number of police forces, yesterday evening [Dec 30], one of the houses in the area north of Cairo - Amiri - They rose to the roofs of house [*snip*], composed of five floors, without speaking a single word, and executed all existing birds, and collected sacks in court after obtaining the samples, and Ashh removed completely,

          They then sprayed surfaces and staircases house full of disinfectants and pesticides, and when some residents asked them why, they said to them: "house where avian flu .. The deceased, who was housed in the second round suspected infection disease", and then went home to the corresponding difference and reiterated the same thing before they leave the region amid questions parents and their fears.

          The Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali 43 years, primary teacher, had died as a result of acute pneumonia Saturday [Dec 29] at dawn yesterday, according to the report of the hospital, confirmed information we obtained that the deceased had been informed Alfei Bakry Hospital, which was removed on Friday [Dec 28], that mingled birds in the nest and Erbhe home, and informed the hospital administration officials immediately.

          ?Egyptian today? moved immediately to the house [*snip*] city in paradise Amiri, and the inspection teams and police forces had just departed, we found the house in the case of Serenity, and the wife of the deceased Mrs. Madiha 41 years receive condolences from women in her region,

          We talked with them said: "My husband teacher Fred jumper Primary School in Port Said Street, had suffered symptoms of cold and flu on Saturday before last [Dec 22], was absent from work for two days, before once again to go to work, then began to feel severe chest pain, and inability to breathe, but he did not expose himself to a doctor, and then tiring again, to a hospital Venklnah Alfei Bakry, and brought intensive care and died at dawn yesterday, the first Saturday."

          She commented: "We do not know the cause of his death until now, but they came to the house and told us that the deceased might have died of avian influenza disease." She added: "I am very Klkana my son people (13 years old), Walid (9 years), because they were moving to Ashh", and when we emerged from the house and bring the people of the area were in panic and know what they are doing.

          Interestingly, according to some testimony, that doctors did not examine one of the inhabitants of the house, and did not take samples from them or their children, even though they were LINERS STEP UP every day to surfaces, and when asked to give them a vaccine or vaccination for their children, they replied: "We will wait 24 hours to make sure the samples, but what Tamiloc blackmailed."

          ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


          • #6
            Re: EGYPT - Teacher dying of suspected bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

            Commentary at


            • #7
              Re: EGYPT - Teacher dying of suspected bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cairo]

              Originally posted by niman View Post

              Suspect H5N1 Fatality in Cairo Egypt

              Recombinomics Commentary 12:28
              December 31, 2007

              43-year-old primary school teacher Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali had died of acute pneumonia at dawn the day before yesterday according to the hospital report. As per the information we have obtained, the dead man had told the hospital to which he was taken on Friday that he was raising poultry in his house, prompting the hospital's administration to inform the officials at once.

              He began to complain from acute chest pains and inability to breathe normally, but he did not see a doctor. When he fell ill again, we took him to the Manshiyet al-Bakry Hospital where he was brought into the intensive care unit. He died at dawn on Saturday [Dec 29]," she told al-Masry al-Youm.

              The above translation describes a suspect H5N1 fatality in Cairo (see sateliite map). Birds and samples have been collected from the home of the deceased. The acute pneumonia is a classic symptom of bird flu, which when coupled with the age of the patient and the linkage to birds, increases the likelihood of an H5N1 infection. Earlier OIE reports described H5N1 in roof-top holdings in Giza.

              More information of lab test of the fatal case and associated birds would be useful.

              "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


              • #8
                Re: EGYPT - Salah Eddin Mohamed Al dying/ sus bird flu spreads panic in Amiriya [Cai

                I am dismayed by the fact that it sounded like the authorities snuck into this building to cull this man's birds without informing the residents! Way to educate the populace about bf!
                Anti-bird flu inspection and preventive medicine teams and a number of police forces yesterday raided the five-story house [*snip*] in the Amiriya area north of Cairo.

                They silently climbed to the roof and culled all birds there before stuffing them in well-sealed sacks after obtaining samples from them. Then they removed the nests completely before spraying the rooftop and staircase of the house with pesticides and disinfectants.

                When residents asked them about the reason for this measure they said that the house is contaminated with bird flu and the dead man who lived on the second floor was suspected of having contracted the disease. The teams went to the opposite house where they did the same thing before leaving the area amid feelings of worry and fear.
                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

