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H5 in Portugal

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  • H5 in Portugal

    Lisbon, December 22 (PL) Seven thousand partridge will be slaughtered today in the Portuguese town of Mafra due to the detection of subtype H5de bird flu virus, although, according to the authorities, does not represent a danger to human health.

    Same measure was applied on the eve of a thousand birds in such elárea of Lourinha, in the district of Lisbon like Mafra, la misma (the same - Fla1) reason.

    According to the director general of Veterinary Carlos Agrela Pinheiro, the tests carried out so far indicate that there is an abnormal situation mortality flu, but must be maintained lavigilancia in the region.

    The two places where the virus was detected facilities are dedicated to the breeding of partridges for restocking for hunting, said a communique from the ministry of Agriculture.

    According to experts, the H5 subtype normally circulates between birds living free and does not constitute a threat to people's health.

    Lisboa, 22 dic (PL) Siete mil perdices serán sacrificadas hoy en la localidad de portuguesa de Mafra debido a la detección del subtipo H5de virus de gripe aviaria, aunque, según las autoridades, no representa peligro para la salud humana.
    Igual medida fue aplicada la víspera a mil aves de ese tipo en elárea de Lourinha, en el distrito de Lisboa al igual que Mafra, por lamisma razón.
    De acuerdo con el director general de Veterinaria, Carlos Agrela Pinheiro, los análisis realizados hasta ahora indican que no existe una situación anormal de mortalidad aviaria, pero hay que mantener lavigilancia en la región.
    Los dos lugares en que se detectó el virus son instalaciones dedicadas a la cría de perdices para la repoblación con fines de caza, explicó un comunicado del ministerio de Agricultura.
    Según los expertos, el subtipo H5 circula normalmente entre las aves de vida libre y no constituye una amenaza para la salud de las personas.

  • #2
    Re: H5 in Portugal?


    Partridges contaminated with virus of avian influenza

    Four one thousand birds slaughtered in Mafra

    Four one thousand partridges brigades have already been slaughtered by the Directorate-General of Veterinary (DGV) on the holding of Mafra, where the day yesterday, Friday, ten thousand birds were infected with the H5 avian virus, which does not constituted a danger to human health.

    The authorities expect that the transaction is completed by the end of the day today. After slaughtered, the partridges are buried within the small bags landfill created for that purpose, under the guidance of the services of the Ministry of Environment.

    In zone was established a perimeter of safety to prohibit the movement of people, which could undermine the work of the brigades of the DGV. The security measures were also imposed to prevent the spread of the virus to neighbouring farms.

    In operating closer, are more than a thousand chickens, which also remain under sequestration, although no question of his killing.

    Authorities advise people who have poultry to keep them confined so that there is no contact with birds outside. The fair is prohibited.

    After the end of the operation, the farm will be disinfected and removed all the droppings of the birds, leaving the quarantine for 21 days.

    The detection of the virus this farm, located in the parish of Saint Stephen from Galés, happened after analysis of routine, under the Plan Monitoring of Avian Influenza.

    As últimas notícias sobre Portugal e o Mundo. Cm ao minuto, sociedade, insólitos, desporto. Entrevistas e opinião. Multimedia e videos em


    • #3
      Re: H5 in Portugal

      Location of Mafra and Lourinha

      Click image for larger version

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      • #4
        Re: H5 in Portugal

        Commentary at


        • #5
          Re: H5 in Portugal


          Report says:" Lowpathogenic", may be H5N2? There was a H5N2 outbreak in Portugal this year.

          22 de Dezembro de 2007

          Four one thousand partridges already slaughtered in Mafra
          Ten thousand were infected with a strain of the virus of avian influenza

          Four one thousand partridges have been slaughtered by brigades of the General Directorate of Veterinary (DGV) on the holding of Mafra, where ten thousand were infected with a strain of the H5 virus of avian influenza.
          "There are four thousand eliminated" after more than twelve hours of work, showed the Agency Lusa the veterinarian municipal Mafra, Carvalhão Gil.

          After the interruption of work at 04:00, the operation was resumed in the morning with the capture of partridges, which resumed in the afternoon "to euthanasia in animals," to do "end of the day is completed."

          The amount of partridges, ten thousand, is forcing the extension of the operation of large slaughtering during hours by DGV, because "animals are clinging, arranged inside a container called 'bigbag', where it introduced a product that releases gas carbon that causes anesthesia and after the death, "explained the municipal veterinarian. Then bags are buried within the small landfill created for that purpose, under the guidance of the services of the Ministry of Environment.

          The farm has remained isolated, and prohibited the entry or exit of people and animals, and has established a perimeter health, which is responsible for military surveillance of the GNR.

          The security measures also aim to prevent the spread of the virus to neighbouring farms. The one that is closest, where there are more than a thousand chickens, also remains under sequestration.

          The virus has a very high degree of contagion, despite being of low pathogenicity, "stressed Carvalhão Gil. "There is no question of the slaughter of chickens," he said, even for a month this exploitation is to be subject to periodic reviews "as a matter of precaution".

          The detection of the virus this farm, located in the parish of Saint Stephen from Galés, happened after analysis of routine, under the Plan Monitoring of Avian Influenza. In Lourinhã, last night, were also slaughtered one thousand partridges for the same reason.

          In both farms, the birds were playing, and the production for the restocking of game zones.

          Atualidade, Saúde, Futebol, Finanças, Lifestyle, Famosos, Tecnologia, Local, Ambiente, Opinião, Jornais e Revistas, Promoções, Mail, Emprego e Carros.


          • #6
            Re: H5 in Portugal

            This could be low path. The first report just said abnormal mortality, but the use of the term low path could mean almost anything.


            • #7
              Re: H5 in Portugal


              Mil perdizes de reprodução abatidas com vírus H5 na Atalaia
              Mil partridges of reproduction slaughtered with H5 virus in Atalaia

              <TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffffff 2px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 2px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffffff 2px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffffff 2px solid; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=25 width=600 bgColor=#f2f7f2 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="100&#37;"><TABLE style="LEFT: -6px; FLOAT: left; POSITION: relative; TOP: -6px" height=204 cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width=266 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle width="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
              J&#225; terminou a opera&#231;&#227;o de limpeza da explora&#231;&#227;o de perdizes, reprodutoras em cativeiro, na localidade de Atalaia, concelho da Lourinh&#227;, afectada com v&#237;rus da gripe H5, um v&#237;rus de baixa intensidade e sem perigo para a sa&#250;de humana.
              We ended the operation of cleaning of the holding of partridges, breeding in captivity, in the town of Atalaia, county of Lourinh&#227;, affected by the influenza virus H5, a virus of low intensity and no danger to human health.

              Numa outra explora&#231;&#227;o, no concelho de Mafra, por ter maior n&#250;mero de aves da mesma esp&#233;cie em explora&#231;&#227;o extensiva, a opera&#231;&#227;o vai decorrer ainda durante o dia de s&#225;bado, segundo a Direc&#231;&#227;o Geral de Veterin&#225;ria.
              In another farm in the county of Mafra, for many of the same species of birds in extensive farm, the operation will take place even during the day on Saturday, according to the Directorate General of Veterinary.

              Para o propriet&#225;rio da explora&#231;&#227;o da Lourinh&#227;, que falou com os jornalistas sob anonimato, &#233; necess&#225;rio que a Direc&#231;&#227;o Geral de Veterin&#225;ria “ crie vacinas sen&#227;o &#233; impens&#225;vel produzir mais ”.
              For the owner of the holding of Lourinh&#227;, who spoke with journalists on anonymity, it is necessary that the Directorate General of Veterinary "create vaccines but it is unthinkable produce more."

              O produtor, com 24 anos de experi&#234;ncia, foi apanhado de “ surpresa ” com o resultado da contra-an&#225;lise positiva que determinou a interven&#231;&#227;o de uma equipa de t&#233;cnicos da DGV.
              The producer, with 24 years of experience, was caught in "surprise" with the outcome of the counter-analysis that determined the positive intervention of a team of technicians from the DGV.

              As aves foram incineradas na pr&#243;pria explora&#231;&#227;o depois de anestesiadas.
              The birds were incinerated at the farm after anesthetized.

              A opera&#231;&#227;o foi acompanhada por equipas da GNR, Bombeiros, Protec&#231;&#227;o Civil e pelo Veterin&#225;rio Municipal.
              The operation was accompanied by teams of the GNR, Fire Brigade, Civil Protection and Veterinary Hall.



              • #8
                Re: H5 in Portugal

                Detected H5 virus of low danger on two farms in Mafra and Lourinh&#227;

                21.12.2007 - 18h46 PUBLICO.PT
                21.12.2007 - 18h46 PUBLICO.PT

                A Direc&#231;&#227;o-Geral de Veterin&#225;ria detectou o v&#237;rus da gripe aviaria do sub-tipo H5 de baixa patogenicidade em duas explora&#231;&#245;es de perdizes para repovoamento cineg&#233;tico em Mafra e na Lourinh&#227;, informa esta tarde o Minist&#233;rio da Agricultura, em comunicado.
                The Directorate General of Veterinary detected the avian influenza virus of H5 sub-type of low pathogenicity in two farms of partridges for restocking cineg&#233;tico in Mafra and Lourinh&#227;, informed this afternoon the Ministry of Agriculture, reported.

                As explora&#231;&#245;es localizam-se na freguesia da Atalaia (Lourinh&#227 e na freguesia de Santo Est&#234;v&#227;o das Gal&#233;s, (Mafra).
                The farms located in the parish of Atalaia (Lourinh&#227 and the parish of St. Stephen of Gal&#233;s, (Mafra).

                As amostras foram colhidas nestas explora&#231;&#245;es no &#226;mbito de ac&#231;&#245;es de rotina do Plano de Vigil&#226;ncia da Gripe Aviaria.
                The samples were collected on these holdings as part of the routine actions of the Plan Monitoring of Avian Influenza.

                As autoridades determinaram o abate e destrui&#231;&#227;o dos animais daquelas duas explora&#231;&#245;es e estabeleceram zonas de restri&#231;&#227;o com raio de um quil&#243;metro.
                Authorities determined the slaughter and destruction of animals from those two farms and established a restricted zone with the radius of one kilometre.

                "Nos per&#237;metros determinados foi identificada uma explora&#231;&#227;o av&#237;cola de produ&#231;&#227;o de frango de carne, &#224; qual tamb&#233;m foi aplicado sequestro", informa a nota do Minist&#233;rio da Agricultura.
                "In certain perimeters was identified a farm poultry production of chicken meat, which was also applied kidnapping," the note informs the Ministry of Agriculture.

                Segundo o Minist&#233;rio, "os v&#237;rus da gripe aviaria de baixa patogenicidade circulam habitualmente entre as aves de vida livre".
                According to the Ministry, "the virus Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza usually circulate among birds of living free."


                • #9
                  Re: H5 in Portugal

                  Eight a thousand partridges had been yesterday abated for determination of Direc??o-Geral de Veterin?ria, in the sequ?ncia of the detention of the virus of the avi?ria grippe in two av?colas explorations, disclosed the director-generality, Agrela Pine. The analyses to the materials harvested in two explorations - in the clientele of the Atalaia (Lourinh?) in Est?v?o Saint of the Welshman (Mafra) - had confirmed the existence of the genoma of the virus of the avi?ria grippe of the H5 subtype, of low pathogenicity. "Although to be about avi?ria grippe, this subtype of the virus has low a pathogenicity and it is not transmissible to the species human being", guaranteed Agrela Pine, in a meeting with journalists. That controller remembered that exactly the lineage most contagious of the virus alone is transmissible to the human beings in conditions very special of somewhat promiscuous conviviality with the infectadas birds. To prevent the propagation of the virus to other explorations, the DGV determined the sequestration to the cited explorations, as well as one another one that if found in the one ray quil?metro of the establishment of Mafra. This is a dedicated exploration to the production of chickens. The accomplishment of the analyses to those two partridge explorations occurred in the scope of the normal shares of routine of the Plan of Monitoring of the Grippe Avi?ria, having Agrela moved away Pine, in declaration to the DN, the hypothesis to result of one any alert one. The controller advanced that, in the terms of that plan, they are made about 10 500 analyses the birds per year, as much of aviary, as the cinegetic species and wild birds. This year is the second time that is identified in Portugal the H5 virus, of the avi?ria grippe, after in September having been detected in an exploration of ducks in Santar?m. But, so far, "still never if it identified the virus most dangerous for the men in Portugal", clarified the director-generality of Veterinary medicine. The sequestration of the explorations goes to remain itself later per 21 days, followed of operations of cleanness and desinfesta??o, being raised. The viruses of the avi?ria grippe of low pathogenicity circulate habitually enter the birds of free life. The taken measures respect the legislation of the UE.|
                  Atualidade, Saúde, Futebol, Finanças, Lifestyle, Famosos, Tecnologia, Local, Ambiente, Opinião, Jornais e Revistas, Promoções, Mail, Emprego e Carros.


                  • #10
                    Re: H5 in Portugal

                    Commentary at


                    • #11
                      Re: H5 in Portugal

                      Originally posted by niman View Post

                      H5 on Two Partridge Farms in Portugal

                      Recombinomics Commentary
                      December 22, 2007

                      Seven thousand partridge will be slaughtered today in the Portuguese town of Mafra due to the detection of subtype H5

                      Same measure was applied on the eve of a thousand birds in such el?rea of Lourinha

                      there is an abnormal situation mortality flu

                      The two places where the virus was detected facilities are dedicated to the breeding of partridges for restocking for hunting, said a communique from the ministry of Agriculture.

                      The above translation describes the detection of H5 at two partridge breeding facilities along the coast of Portugal northwest of Lisbon (see satellie map). The large number of birds schedules for culling, coupled with abnormal mortality suggests the H5 will be Qinghai H5N1.

                      Portugal has not reported H5N1 infections previously, but the number of H5N1 reports in Europe is unusually high for this time of year. Therefore, and H5N1 infections in neighboring countries is not a surprise. Over the summer France reported the Uva Lake strain of H5N1. More recently, England has also reported H5N1.

                      More information on the serotype of H5 in Portugal would be useful.

                      "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                      • #12
                        Re: H5 in Portugal

                        Originally posted by niman View Post

                        Low Path H5 on Two Partridge Farms in Portugal?

                        Recombinomics Commentary
                        December 22, 2007

                        This year is the second time that is identified in Portugal the H5 virus, of the avi?ria grippe, after in September having been detected in an exploration of ducks in Santar?m. But, so far, "still never if it identified the virus most dangerous for the men in Portugal", clarified the director-generality of Veterinary medicine.

                        The above translation suggests the H5 detected on two partridge farms in Portugal is ?low path? H5 and is similar to low path identified in September in Santarem.

                        Some media reports indicate that over 41,000 birds have been culled in Mafra.

                        More information on the full subtype and sequence data on the cleavage site would be useful.

                        "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                        • #13
                          Re: H5 in Portugal

                          Originally posted by niman View Post

                          Mil perdizes de reprodu??o abatidas com v?rus H5 na Atalaia
                          Mil partridges of reproduction slaughtered with H5 virus in Atalaia

                          <table style="border: 2px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); border-collapse: collapse;" bgcolor="#f2f7f2" border="0" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="25" cellspacing="0" width="600"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="100%">We ended the operation of cleaning the holding of perdizes, breeders in captivity, in the town of Atalaia, the county Lourinh?, affected by influenza virus H5, a virus of low intensity and no danger to human health.

                          In another operation, in the county of Mafra, for many of the same species of birds in extensive farming, the operation will take place even during the day on Saturday, according to the Directorate General of Veterinary Medicine.

                          For the owner of the farm's Lourinh?, who spoke with journalists on anonymity, it is necessary that the Directorate General of Veterinary "create vaccines produce more than is unthinkable."

                          The producer, with 24 years of experience, was taken by "surprise" with the result of the counter-analysis that determined the positive intervention of a team of technicians from the DGV.

                          The birds were incinerated on the farm after anesthetized.

                          The operation was accompanied by teams of the GNR, Fire Brigade, Civil Protection and Veterinary Hall.

                          Translate via google
                          "In the beginning of change, the patriot is a scarce man (or woman, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for it then costs nothing to be a patriot."- Mark TwainReason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it. -Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Re: H5 in Portugal

                            After partridges now chickens in Mafra, Portugal


                            Authorities sacrifice 16 thousand chickens in Portugal


                            More than 16 thousand chickens in a farm of County Mafra, about 40 kilometres from Lisbon, began today to be slaughtered after being detected a variant of H5 avian influenza virus, informed reported in the Veterinary Directorate General (DGV) ports.

                            The note indicates that the farm is within the security perimeter established by DGV after being found on 21 other variant of H5 - which was not the N1, the most contagious - in a farm in the region for the creation of partridges.

                            The Portuguese health authorities announced that was established a new perimeter security of one kilometer from the new focus, among other measures.

                            From ProMed mail:

                            AVIAN INFLUENZA (05): PORTUGAL (MAFRA) H5 RFI

                            Date: Mon 31 Dec 2007

                            Source: [in Spanish, trans. Mod.TY, edited]


                            The culling of more than 16 000 chickens on a farm belonging to the
                            Mafra town council, 40 km [24.8 miles] from Lisbon, began today [31
                            Dec 2007] after detection of the H5 strain of avian influenza,
                            according to information released by the office of the Portuguese
                            Veterinary Director General (DGV).

                            The [official] note signaled that the farm is located within the
                            security perimeter established by the DGV after another [avian
                            influenza virus] strain of H5 -- not the virulent [H5] N1 strain --
                            was detected this past 21 Dec [2007] in a farm raising partridges.

                            The Portuguese authorities announced that they have established a new
                            security perimeter one km around the new outbreak, among other
                            sanitary measures.


                            • #15
                              Re: H5 in Portugal

                              Snips from OIE report:

                              Causal agent Low pathogenic avian influenza virus (serotype H5)


                              Total outbreaks: 3

