Outbreak in poultry in Beni Suwayf governorate. Sounds like a poultry farm and not backyard poultry. Second story on page.
Google-translated from Arabic:
Execution of 4 thousand chickens in Beni Suef
Dec 19, 2007
Beni Suef Osama Mustafa:
Veterinary Directorate decided jointly with the Directorate of Security of Beni Suef executions 4 thousand chickens poultry farm Bba status of being infected with Avian.
The sample of farm Valjugi safe La Iskandar status Bba proved positive infected contracted the bird flu.
Google-translated from Arabic:
Execution of 4 thousand chickens in Beni Suef
Dec 19, 2007
Beni Suef Osama Mustafa:
Veterinary Directorate decided jointly with the Directorate of Security of Beni Suef executions 4 thousand chickens poultry farm Bba status of being infected with Avian.
The sample of farm Valjugi safe La Iskandar status Bba proved positive infected contracted the bird flu.