Experimental assessment of houseflies as vectors in avian influenza subtype H5N1
transmission in chickens.
houseflies could serve as vectors in HPAI-H5N1 virus transmission in chickens
flies may harbour the AI virus and could act as a mechanical vector of the AI virus.
house fly can be a potential carrier of AIV.
Persistence of infective AIV in flies differed significantly between the two virus strains
Virus was isolated from fly crops and intestines up to 24h after exposure and from feces
and vomit matter of 1 of 3 blow flies at 48h after exposure
At 14d after exposure, no virus was isolated from any blow fly at 20°C or 10°C.
The H5N1 viral gene could be detected in blow flies up to 14d after exposure,
although no viable virus was detected after 48h after exposure.
Calliphora nigribarbis has a characteristic temperate-zone life cycle.
For example, in Japan, they become more active between winter and
spring for migration and reproduction
blow flies can survive for about one year
C. nigribarbis generally could migrate up to 2-3km in 24h
C. nigribarbis could transport H5N1 virus to poultry farms 2-3km apart.
summer , no house fly in March
C. vicina in particular is adapted to cooler temperatures, appearing most commonly in winter
and less often in the summer months.[9]
cannot fly below 13C
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no google hits for : lowest temperature at which insects can fly
houseflies become inactive below 7.2C, they won't fly below 12C
adult fly activity begins at 6.7°C, still relatively inactive at 7.2-8.9°C can fly at 11.6°C
good pdf about fly-management for farmers :
winter crane flies fly at temperatures around 0C