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Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

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  • Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

    hat tip MERScoV

    Unknown virus infects and kills a physician colleague Dakahlia .. And health "revealing"
    Friday, January 17th, 2014 - 16:46
    D. Maha Rabat Health Minister

    Dakahlia _ Sharif and Osama Mr. Deeb
    Sources said, "for the seventh day," The Health Directorate in Dakahlia opened an investigation into the death of a doctor after entering the hospital Sinbillawain after being infected with HIV is unknown. has entered Dr. Doaa Ahmed Ismail to intensive care hospital Sinbillawain for several days after being infected with an unknown respiratory and suspended killed on the spot. The report said the initial death she was poisoned in pregnancy being pregnant at 32 weeks, while pointed out one of the doctors to enter Dr intensive care for infected with HIV as a result of infection from one patient. pointed to one source, the doctor that there is a doctor, another detainee hospital Mansoura Chest result of injury in the same infection and Directorate Health Dakahlia keep quiet about the subject. source confirmed the spread of HIV Corona and the emergence of more than one case to him in did not take the ministry any action on it.

    بوابة اليوم السابع الاخبارية تقدم احدث واهم اخبار مصر على مدار اليوم كما نقدم اهم اخبار الرياضة والفن والاقتصاد والحوادث

    Also please see:

    Egypt - Doctor, 37, hospitalized suspected novel coronavirus - tests pending - Mansoura, Dakahlia govenorate - January 8

    Egypt - Ministry of Health closes private hospital after death of a doctor from pneumonia - negligence alleged - Banha, Qalyubia governorate - December 28

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

    Ghost ?MRSA? chasing Egyptians .. ?4 dead? the proceeds of the mysterious bacteria .. ?Virus? attacks the respiratory and fall ill, paralyzed .. And ?cocci cluster? stop the effect of antibiotic .. People yelling and Health ?den of clay and other dough?

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    Saturday 18 / January / 2014 - 22:31
    File photo Ghada Naim
    The Egyptians were injured in a state of panic and panic after the fall of four doctors dead, three in Luxor and fourth Balqlliopip, as a result of being infected with the mysterious so-called "mrsa", a type of bacteria Staphylococcus aureus resistant to the drug Almschlesm respiratory paralysis and can not resist the flesh.

    The discovery dates back staph bacteria infection mrsa or "M, R, S, E." severe immune to antibiotics to Europe in the late sixties of the last century, and since 1975 has become the spread of infection is on the increase, especially among the corridors of hospitals.

    According to global statistics escalating incidence of infection with this bacteria in hospitals after it became this tiny organism leading cause of infection in public hospitals, and the role of convalescence, and hospitals that provide health care for acute cases.

    Transmitted staph bacteria "mrsa" to any hospital by a patient with this type of infection or someone else's bus for spores of the disease, and considered those persons injured or Carriers of the disease the main source of his, including the whereabouts of germs in the body nostrils front, nasopharynx, the wounds of operations or burns, sputum, sores arising from the lie long on the bed, perineum, rectum, hole stomach surgery, and transmitted the bacteria between patients via the hands of health care providers after making contact with a patient infected with this infection, has caused the spread in some hospitals that provide health care for cases chronic.

    The proliferation of germs mrsa M, R, S, E in the nostrils front too dangerous to transfer the infection compared to reproducibly strain Staphylococcus aureus that have sensitivity to methicillin "arsa" The injured are mrsa "" discharge in the slot breathing at the bottom of the neck, and wounds transported in fast because of the need to use your hands and continuous center through the provision of health care to recipients of.

    Nor is transmission through the air of importance in the way of moving, but in patients with burns large who hold or complain of injury b mrsa may have a role in the spread of infection through the air, and the transmission through the environment of non-living inanimate objects may be of importance also a special type of patients, such as burn patients and patients with an intensive care unit where contamination is likely to occur to those inclusive environment.

    Symptoms of infection with this virus when you can bacterial infection of the body, so that it appears in place of the infection a small bump or something like Blister, changing the incubation period of the bacteria from one person to another, but it usually takes a few days to be able to flesh, and the man becomes then a source of infection.

    Then turn these pimples to boils "any become hollow and contain liquid purulent infect", this boils extremely painful and may spread within the body to reach the bone, and internal tissues, blood vessels and organs, and that up the infection to the blood vessels or internal organs to become threatening the life of the infected person, the patient suffers from the trauma of poisoning, "it affects the functions of some of the members of the body", or inflammation of the lining of the heart and may also lead to blood poisoning.
    The main problem of MRSA in that it spreads easily, it passes through the tissue in the nose or skin, when patients are exposed to the germ mrsa 30 to 60% of them had become ill from the bacteria, such as chronic lung inflammation in the blood, inflammation of the urinary tract.

    It is worth noting that the term "mrsa" refers to a strain of staph bacteria that secrete an enzyme Abannslinen which inhibits the effect of antibiotics, penicillin and other penicillin compounds such as methicillin, and nafcillin Klokaslin and all vehicles Sifalo Sporenz.


    • #3
      Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

      Physician chest diseases: prevention of "MARS" tough with critical situations

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      Saturday 18 / January / 2014 - 18:32
      File photo Reham El Sawaf
      Horror experienced by the sector doctors, particularly Chest Physicians, due to the exposure 3 doctors of death yet, after being infected is not known for the respiratory system, and confirms that many doctors as a result of the emergence of an unknown virus called "mars" infects the respiratory tract.

      Says Dr. Rania Sheikh, a specialist respiratory diseases that even now there are not any news about the fact that this virus, it is difficult to be cases of avian influenza or even pigs, because the cases that have been discovered must have been the work of a tinge of avian and swine virus and Corona.

      And the possibility of prevention of infection, doctors, Dr. Rania to indicate that the most important action is to wear catcher with all cases of respiratory diseases, especially with serious illnesses, and the catcher catches, there are types of high quality, which are worn with cases of swine flu and bird.

      Dr. Rania adds that difficult issue for the prevention of Chest Physicians sometimes require that the patient's condition laryngeal tube fitting, in this case close to the patient's mouth and nose dramatically is almost adjacent to them, making it easier for the issue of infection.

      Advises Dr. Rania average citizen that protects itself from infection respiratory diseases by not delay in treatment, whatever the case is simple, especially with cases of pneumonia, as well as the lifting of immunity, and treatment of chronic diseases and malnutrition.


      • #4
        Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

        For Hoadwi : death as a result of a stroke physician Sinbillawain sudden heart arteries and pregnancy problems
        Saturday, January 18th, 2014 21:23
        Ahawadvy : the death of a doctor Sinbillawain arteries as a result of stroke, sudden heart problems and pregnancy
        Dakahlia Rami Qanawi

        General Omar denied Ahawadvy , Dakahlia governor , to be the death of the doctor " joke Ismail Mohammed," 27 years old , working loneliness health center in the village of Kafr El Mujahid Sinbillawain , was due to virus infection is unknown.
        The governor said that the doctor was pregnant at the thirty-seventh week and the cause of death due to poisoning in pregnancy and her sudden stroke one of the arteries of the heart , has been receiving hospital Sinbillawain and death occurs within minutes .
        He referred to the report of the World Health Organization , who visited the hospital , which confirmed that the deaths have nothing to do with any virus .
        Dr. Magdi Hijazi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health to maintain that it is not true also for the frequency in some news sites about the high number of invalids avian and swine virus or Corona hospital issued Mansoura to 16 people, stressing that the tests that have been a factor " Alnmarw " and the Ministry of Health confirmed the absence of any injury and that there is no hospital , only 3 cases infected with seasonal flu and lung infections and that many of these cases get daily infections and the intervention of the hospital and treated immediately . He added that the total number of bird flu cases that have appeared in Egypt during the past three years , was 3 cases only , and do not include any case in Dakahlia .


        • #5
          Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

          Health denies what was published about the injury to the deceased doctor Dakahlia killer virus


          Saturday, January 18th, 2014 - 12:19:24 PM

          The Ministry of Health and Population to the death of the doctor joke Ismail Mohammed Ahmed operating unit of health Kafr El-Mujahid - Center Sinbillawain, Dakahlia province, came as a result of the deterioration in the red zone vital after being infected with a cough and shortness of breath, denying what was published by news sites and social networking sites on the transmission of a virus killer to .
          The ministry said, in a statement issued this morning, "Saturday", he was dispatched a specialized team from the ministry supported by an expert from the World Health Organization to hospital Sinbillawain year to investigate the causes of the death of the doctor, and stand on the level of services and the actions taken by the medical team at the hospital to try to save her life and review the level of services hospital in general.
          She said the doctor of the deceased at the age of 25 years, and she was pregnant at 37 weeks and do not suffer any diseases, and on Friday, January 10 this felt short of breath with a cough and dealt with treatment personally at home is an antibiotic lotion medical its expanded people's respiratory and there was some improvement , according to the findings of the team.
          The ministry statement said that in the morning the next day Saturday, January 11 being felt doctor deceased malaise and contacted a doctor and Gynecology observer of the condition, so he visited home-and signing medical examination on them, and recorded an increase in blood pressure (180/120) with the presence of the blue of the body, and is suspected of being infected with stroke acute pulmonary, and around the hospital Sinbillawain year has reached at 12 o'clock and thirty minutes, with continued indicators vital to deteriorate, and dropped her blood pressure to 90/60, with the acceleration of the heartbeat rate (100 beats / min), the percentage of oxygen saturation to 79%.

          The statement emphasized that it was the introduction of the doctor of the deceased intensive care unit and connected to a ventilator, and shortly after I stopped the heart muscle to work, and the team conducted intensive care process cardiopulmonary resuscitation with giving drugs needed not respond case, was declared a death at one and fifteen minutes .
          The ministry said that the team specialist who sent to a hospital Sinbillawain year conducted a rapid assessment of intensive care services for adults and children's section premature and infection control procedures at the hospital, and was reassured to the quality of services provided and the efficiency of the health team at the hospital and regularity of work and communication with civil society to improve the services provided to the citizens of the province of Dakahlia and some provinces neighbors.
          Last edited by sharon sanders; January 18, 2014, 09:57 PM. Reason: snipped photo


          • #6
            Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

            ....Said Hijazi that medical was in the pregnancy and the follow-up with one of the doctors Baiadth own, and went to the hospital Sinbillawain suffering from shortness of breath and a sharp drop in blood circulation, and with a swollen foot, commenting that this seems normal has been transferred doctor upon arrival to the room ICU.
            The deal with the situation, two specialists, intensive care, and two doctors deputies hospital, was to give it the necessary drugs and when he did not respond were the work of massage and massage of the heart in an attempt to restore breathing, and within 25 minutes all the doctors attempts strenuous to save the situation, but the will of God is above all, not a short in his work.
            Said Dr. Hisham Massoud, General Manager of hospitals in Dakahlia that care appliances operate efficiently with evidence that the medical team sent by Dr. Maha Rabat and the Minister of Health, headed by Dr. Nasr Tantawi university professor and a member of the World Health Organization at the level of Egypt, who was accompanied by two doctors from the Department of Infection Control in the ministry headed by Dr. Mohammed Bayoumi, Director, and Dr. Mohamed Abdel Fattah, a member of the management of infection control, they have a field visit to discuss the matter on the ground were found on the medical file of the deceased in terms of the (medical supervision, and drugs), as well as a fact-finding scans of cases associated with
            Doctors, nurses and attendants of the people of the deceased and found safety escorts "contacts," As for the devices has been shown that the medical team of medical devices, hospital Sinbillawain operate efficiently evidence they had seen with their own eyes and the presence of two carefully cardiac care and other public bodies on the ventilator...

            اقرأ المقال الأصلي علي بوابة الو? د الاليكترونية The delegation - the fact that the death of a doctor and a common Sinbillawain "crowns"



            • #7
              Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

              Corona? infects and kills a doctor last Mansoura .. ?Health? and visiting denies report of death .. Move some doctors after news leaked of the virus .. The warnings of the spread of the deadly disease in the various provinces

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              Sunday 19 / January / 2014 - 3:55
              File photo Amani Awad
              Unknown virus that affects the respiratory system, similar to the symptoms of a cold normal, but infected with the virus die after only 24 hours of injury.
              Virus ?Koruna? hit province of Dakahlia panic and horror after the death of a doctor Balsnellawin, and injuring another doctor detained Mansoura University Hospital, but the Ministry of Health denied this and confirmed that the doctor infected with ?clot in the pulmonary artery?.

              Denied the Ministry of Health has been discredited, where he died the next day a child and another person the same symptoms of the disease, but the death report which stated that the reason ?cardiac arrest?, and became residents of Dakahlia threatened with death in ignoring ?Health? see the quality of the virus and how to address it.

              The virus ?Koruna? mitral virus was discovered in September 24, 2012 by Dr Zakaria Mohammed Masri, a specialist in virology in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The virus is the sixth species of viruses coronary, and he was in the beginning a number of different names such as ?similar to SARS, and SARS Saudi? in some foreign newspapers, and recently agreed to call it a virus ?Corona? that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East and symbolizes his short (MERS-CoV ).

              And lead infection ?Corona? in the habit to inflammation channel breathing upper and symptoms similar to the flu, such as sneezing, coughing, stuffy sinuses, and mucous discharge from the nose with a high temperature and may also lead to injury severe lower respiratory tract, and pneumonia.

              Between the Ministry of Health denied the assertions and parents, was able to ?veto? transfer of what is going on within the Department of Health, to know the truth about the disease.
              In the beginning, said a hospital workers Sinbillawain Central General Dakahlia, the doctor joke Ahmed Ismail, 25, in the ninth month of pregnancy, was hospitalized and has symptoms of cyanosis in the body, shortness of breath, and her later, and just minutes from placed on a respirator in intensive care died.

              And asked her doctor, who follows her pregnancy, he said: ?I was contacted by the death the day complaining of the symptoms of a bad cold, and Sgunah, and cough, and cough, wrote her antipyretic, but her body did not respond, and attended the clinic own and found her body blue and condition of late, ordered the detaining hospital Sinbillawain Central, but they died minutes after entering the hospital ?, pointing out that the hospital started because of death? eclampsia ?which is contrary to the truth.

              According to Dr. Mahmoud Raef, Doctor chest diseases hospital Mansoura Chest, that the main reason of the death of the doctor and wounding her colleague the other is a virus ?Corona? that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East, it does not respond to any type of antibiotic and thus pneumonia, which will result in injury Belvirs fatal inevitably , in addition to negligence by officials of others interested in the health of doctors and do not provide the necessary treatment, adding: ?the virus began to spread in Egypt and wounded many of the young people however did not issue the Ministry of Health data or awareness of citizens?.

              The sources said the Directorate of Health in Dakahlia, that Dr. Osama Rashid, who was wounded in the same symptoms of the disease, and was transferred from a hospital to a hospital in Sadr Mansoura University.

              The sources pointed out, it was transferred to a number of doctors Bmstvy Sinbillawain Central after the news leaked virus ?Koruna?, stressing that the Ministry of Health has not yet recognize the quality of the disease.



              • #8
                Re: Egypt - Unknown respiratory virus killed pregnant doctor - alleged to be coronavirus - another hospitalized - in Dakahia govenorate

                Ahawadvy: the death of a doctor Sinbillawain arteries as a result of stroke, sudden heart problems and pregnancy

                Saturday, January 18th, 2014 21:23

                General Omar denied Ahawadvy, Dakahlia governor, to be the death of the doctor "joke Ismail Mohammed," 27 years old, working loneliness health center in the village of Kafr El Mujahid Sinbillawain, was due to virus infection is unknown.

                The governor said that the doctor was pregnant at the thirty-seventh week and the cause of death due to poisoning in pregnancy and her sudden stroke one of the arteries of the heart, has been receiving hospital Sinbillawain and death occurs within minutes.

                He referred to the report of the World Health Organization, who visited the hospital, which confirmed that the deaths have nothing to do with any virus.

                Dr. Magdi Hijazi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health to maintain that it is not true also for the frequency in some news sites about the high number of invalids avian and swine virus or Corona hospital issued Mansoura to 16 people, stressing that the tests that have been a factor "Alnmarw" and the Ministry of Health confirmed the absence of any injury and that there is no hospital, only 3 cases infected with seasonal flu and lung infections and that many of these cases get daily infections and the intervention of the hospital and treated immediately.

                He added that the total number of bird flu cases that have appeared in Egypt during the past three years, was 3 cases only, and do not include any case in Dakahlia.

                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

