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France - 1st confirmed case of nCoV coronavirus travel history from UAE - 4 suspected cases - 3 tested negative - additional tests needed for roommate

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  • France - 1st confirmed case of nCoV coronavirus travel history from UAE - 4 suspected cases - 3 tested negative - additional tests needed for roommate

    Gregory Hartl has identified this patient as a man.

    First confirmed case of coronavirus in France
    May 8, 2013

    An acute respiratory infection linked to the new coronavirus (NCoV) has been reported to the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (VS) by the National Reference Center (NRC) at the Pasteur Institute who carried out the virological analyzes. This is the first and only confirmed case in France to this day.
    It concerns a person returning from a trip to the United Arab Emirates. She is currently hospitalized in intensive care and placed in isolation.

    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has immediately launched a thorough epidemiological investigation surrounding this case.

    Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, held a press conference today at 24:00

    In the presence of:

    Dr. Jean-Yves Grall, Director General of Health
    Dr. Françoise Weber, Director of the Institute of Health
    Newsroom 1, Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris

    Information and accreditations :

    Press contact DGS:
    Mission Information and Communication:
    press dgs [@]
    Last edited by sharon sanders; May 8, 2013, 06:30 AM. Reason: added top comment
    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.

  • #2
    Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

    SARS Coronavirus: first case detected in France, a 65 year old man hospitalized in Douai
    One case of acute respiratory infection again close the SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) has been confirmed. The person is hospitalized in the North announced Wednesday, May 8 the Ministry of Health.
    EP with AFPPosted on 08/05/2013 | 11:41

    "What will happen now is the case search contact" (among people who had contact with the patient), says it does the Department of Health.

    "The data available to date indicate a possible human transmission of the virus," the ministry said on its website. "However, several factors argue for a relatively low infectivity of the virus," he adds.

    According to preliminary information, the patient, who had to stay in the United Arab Emirates from April 9 to 17, is 65 years old. It was "hospitalized in intensive care and placed in solitary confinement," Valenciennes on April 23, before being transferred to hospital in Douai 29, the ministry of Health. An investigation was launched to determine whether persons in contact with patients are also suceptibles to be infected.

    The patient was hospitalized on April 23 in Valenciennes, Douai and then transferred to 29 April, where he is in intensive care and benefits of "respite care" or respiratory assistance and "blood trade," said Jean-Yves Grall, Director General of Health at a press conference.


    • #3
      Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

      A hotline open this afternoon

      A freephone number 0800 13 00 00, "will open this afternoon for the French find answers to their questions," said for his part the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine

      "My course of action is clear: surveillance, transparency, information," she added. "This is an imported case, one that requires precautionary measures recommended by international authorities," she said again.


      • #4
        Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

        First confirmed case of coronavirus in France - Point location and establishment of a hotline
        May 8, 2013

        An acute respiratory infection linked to the new coronavirus (NCoV) was reported at the Institute of Health Surveillance (VS) by the National Reference Center (NRC) at the Pasteur Institute who carried out the virological analyzes. This is the first and only confirmed case in France to this day.
        Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, held a press conference this morning in the presence of the Director General of Health, Dr. Jean-Yves Grall, the Director of the Institute of Health, Dr. . Fran?oise Weber, and the head of the National Reference Centre at the Pasteur Institute, Prof. Sylvie van der Werf.

        The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health launched a thorough epidemiological investigation surrounding this case. According to the first element, as in the vast majority of cases reported by the World Health Organization, the patient contracted the virus during a trip in the Arabian Peninsula, the source has not been specifically identified. All persons in contact with the patient have been or will be contacted.

        The Ministry has, since December 2012, put in place the necessary measures to monitor these coronavirus infections. The Directorate General of Health informed the regional health agencies, learned societies, health professionals and the companies support and repatriation. In the event of the occurrence of the event on the French territory, the DGS has also seized the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) that made March 19, 2013 its opinion on the management of patients with suspected infections due to the new coronavirus (HCoV-EMC). InVS posted on its website recommendations to practitioners on the identification of possible cases and laboratory confirmation.

        A green public information number will be operational from today 16h
        0800 13 00 00
        and available Monday to Saturday from 9h to 19h (including Thursday, May 9)

        For more information:

        Ministry of Social Affairs and Health "Folder coronavirus"
        World Health Organization (WHO)
        European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
        Institute for Public Health Surveillance (VS)


        • #5
          Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

          May 8, 2013

          Speech Marisol Touraine on the coronavirus - Wednesday, May 8, 2013
          Ladies and Gentlemen,

          Thank you for that data point. With me, the Director General of Health, Dr. Jean-Yves Grall, the director of the Institute for Public Health, Dr. Fran?oise Weber, and Professor Sylvie van der Werf of the Pasteur Institute.

          As you know, an acute respiratory infection linked to the new coronavirus (NCoV) has been reported to the Institute of Health by the National Reference Center of the Pasteur Institute, who carried out the virological analyzes. This is the first and only confirmed case in France to this day.

          I want to begin to tell you that this case has nothing to do with the bird flu called H7N9 flu, outbreak in China.

          This case concerns a coronavirus person returning from a trip to the United Arab Emirates. She was hospitalized first in Valenciennes on April 23 and then transferred to hospital Douai 29. She is in intensive care and placed in isolation.

          Identifying the cause of the disease has been slow. Yesterday that the Pasteur Institute was confirmed and the case was brought to the attention of the Ministry.

          I wanted to inform you in accordance with the line I apply for my arrival surveillance, transparency information. It is in this spirit that I called family. I also warned politicians and doctors' unions.

          I immediately asked my services, in particular the Directorate General of Health and the regional health agency Nord-Pas de Calais, which is the region to take urgent safety measures laid down by the Organization World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Control.

          The Institute of Health has, at my request, launched in last night, a thorough epidemiological investigation surrounding this case. It is to look for people who have been in contact with the patient.

          International health authorities, as we have a duty, were informed.

          I will ask the officials who are with me to give you, as each is concerned, the elements detailed information. I wish indeed to respond seamlessly to the questions you ask legitimately.

          That's my line of conduct. You know.

          I also decided to open a hotline to answer questions that may arise our citizens. It will be operational today.

          The number is 0800 13 00 00 , it will run from Monday to Saturday, including tomorrow, Thursday, from 9 am to 19 pm.

          A press conference will be provided by the Director General of the ARS in Lille early afternoon.

          The hospital is obviously mobilized Douai. I ask that the work of caregivers, who have specifically requested to be able to concentrate on their patients are respected. I want to express my support in these circumstances and thank them for their commitment confirmed every day.

          At the time when I speak to you and according to the information I have, I insist on the fact that it is so far an imported and unique, requiring precautionary measures required by Regulation International Health.

          I wish to emphasize the total mobilization of state services to support this optimally, in close collaboration with international health authorities. I want to assure you of my full vigilance and commitment to the public more transparent government.

          I suggest you pass successively speech:

          the Director General of Health who will talk about the patient and measures;
          the Director InVS that address the international situation and epidemiological investigation;
          and finally to Professor van der Werf of the Pasteur Institute, which explain the characteristics of the virus.,15813.html


          • #6
            Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

            ************************************************** ************************************************** ***
            A ProMED-mail post
            ProMED is the largest publicly-available surveillance system conducting global reporting of infectious diseases outbreaks. Subscribe today.

            ProMED-mail is a program of the
            International Society for Infectious Diseases
            The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) brings together a network of individuals from around the world.

            Date: 8 May 2013
            Source: [Edited]

            France reports first case of new SARS-like virus
            France has identified its 1st case of a new strain of coronavirus emerging from the Middle East in a person recently returned from the United Arab Emirates, the health ministry said on Wednesday [8 May 2013].

            The ministry said it had opened an investigation into what it said was the 1st and only confirmed case of the virus in France and would hold a news conference later in the day.

            "The person has been placed in isolation in an intensive care ward," the ministry said in a statement.

            The Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) said it had been informed of the French case but had no further details.

            Worldwide, there have been 30 laboratory-confirmed cases of the virus, including 18 deaths, since it came to scientists' attention in September [2012], according to WHO data.

            The coronavirus is from the same viral family as the common cold and triggered the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that swept the world from Asia in late 2003, killing 775 people.

            There is no evidence yet of sustained human-to-human spread of the new virus, but there are concerns about clusters of cases reported by the WHO in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Britain.

            [Reporting by Catherine Bremer; editing by Louise Ireland]

            Communicated by:

            [This is the 1st reported case of illness attributable to infection with the nCoV in France, and the 4th reported case in Europe with history of contact in the UAE prior to arriving in Europe; 2 cases were transferred from Qatar to Europe -- one to the UK and one to Germany- - and another was transferred from Abu Dhabi to Germany.

            More information on this current case would be greatly appreciated -- age, sex, location of presumed transmission, animal exposures, possible contacts. - Mod.MPP

            A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at:]



            • #7
              Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

              PARIS (Reuters) - The first case of acute respiratory infection linked to again close to the head of the SARS coronavirus was reported Wednesday in France .

              The patient, a 65-year-old from Nord-Pas-de-Calais who stayed in Dubai from 9 to 17 April this year, was hospitalized in isolation Douai (Nord) in an "alarming" state, said the health authorities.

              The patient, who suffered from severe breathing problems, was hospitalized on April 23 in Valenciennes and then transferred on April 29 at Douai, where he was placed on a ventilator and has a "blood exchange".

              "The situation is worrying," said the Director General of Health, Dr. Jean-Yves Grall, at a press conference alongside the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine .

              The ministry said in a statement that it was to this day the "first and only confirmed case in France."

              An epidemiological investigation was launched. All persons in contact with the patient have been or will be contacted. The research is for negative time.

              "From the first elements, as in the vast majority of cases reported by the World Health Organization , the patient contracted the virus during a trip in the Arabian Peninsula, but the source has been specifically identified " the ministry said...



              • #8
                Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

                the patient is under ECMO

                TF1 INFO, toute l’information des rédactions du groupe TF1. Avec TF1 INFO (TF1 et LCI) suivez l’actualité en direct 7J/7 et 24/24.

                and had a gastrointestinal disease.
                he was in valenciennes hospital, after in Douai hospital, and yet in Lille hospital (more and more big hospital )

                The individual was particularly fragile as he was regularly monitored in the hospital of Valenciennes for a gastrointestinal disease before being contaminated.


                • #9
                  Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

                  Thank you Anne for that local report.


                  • #10
                    Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France


                    May 8, 2013 Updated: May 8, 2013 | 5:04 pm
                    Toronto SARS expert heads to Saudi Arabia to probe coronavirus outbreak
                    By Helen Branswell The Canadian Press

                    ...The news came on the same day as France reported it had confirmed a case in one of its citizens, a 65-year-old man who got sick in late April after travelling to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. His infection was confirmed May 7.

                    It was reported that the man was in the Middle Eastern country on a package tour, a fact that suggests his case may help disease investigators in their efforts to track down the source of the virus. That key fact has to date evaded detection.

                    Piecing together possible exposures with this coronavirus has been tough. Of the 31 confirmed cases, 18 have died. Of the others, many remain in hospital in critical condition, often on breathing machines. So questioning cases about what they did in the days before they fell ill can be difficult or impossible.

                    But the activities of a tour are generally highly regimented. A schedule should be available outlining where the group went, what type of activities or events they took in, what and where they ate as well as whether they had any animal contacts and what those animals were. With a tour, there are built-in witnesses and likely photos and videos documenting the man’s activities.

                    “I think this could be a very important case,” said infectious diseases expert Michael Osterholm.

                    “I would think that it would be probably one of the best opportunities (to help find the source), because it would be so highly scripted,” he added. “Animal contacts, etc., they should know that. … In this case, they should be able to go back day by day and say: ‘Exactly what did you do what day?’

                    “This is not someone living in the environment. It’s not someone who is an animal caretaker. It’s not someone who is working in a health-care facility in the area. So it really should give you what we would call more the kind of rare exposure phenomenon...”


                    • #11
                      Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

                      [SARS Coronavirus: the 65 year old man hospitalized in Douai, transferred to Lille
                      The University Hospital of Lille has more appropriate than Douai way to treat a patient whose lungs work more practically.
                      By Emmanuel PallPublished 08/05/2013 | 4:17 p.m. , updated on 08/05/2013 | 7:05 p.m.

                      His blood is being oxygenated by a machine. Unconscious, he is being transferred to the University Hospital of Lille in resuscitation in the emergency department. His departure from Douai delayed his arrival in Lille should be done in the evening. His prognosis is engaged. It was during an accreditation from 9 to 17 April in the United Arab that this 65 year old man contracted Coronavirus Emirates travel.

                      It is presented for digestive disorders Valenciennes Hospital on April 23. Respiratory disorders arrived around April 28 with significant impairment of respiratory functions April 30. He, between these two dates was transferred to Douai.

                      "The passengers of the plane are all safe"

                      Early May analyzes allowed to know that the patient had Coronavirus. His family and those who flew with him were contacted by the Regional Health Agency. They are healthy and will remain, according to the ARS, as virus symptoms appear after 10 days.



                      • #12
                        Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

                        Coronavirus: the patient transferred to Lille in serious condition

                        HEALTH - First confirmed case in France, the man reached the close of the novel coronavirus SARS was transferred overnight at Lille University Hospital. In extracorporeal oxygenation, it is in a serious condition.
                        For now, it is the only confirmed case of infection in France with a new coronavirus, SARS close. The 65 year old man, who was hospitalized in Douai, was transferred to the University Hospital of Lille in the night from Wednesday to Thursday in a serious condition still, it was learned from the regional health agency (ARS) . "He is currently in intensive care at Calmette hospital," said Dr. Sandrine Segovia Kueny, Deputy Director General of the LRA. "As has been transferred, that he was in a stable condition, but it is like all ICU patients in a very serious condition," she said. On Wednesday, the patient underwent in Douai laying an extra-corporeal oxygenation system, because his lungs did not allow more oxygen to the tissues and organs properly. coronavirus No patient in his entourage..!KUd0MFqrRSTA/



                        • #13
                          Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France

                          machine translated;

                          France's first novel coronavirus infection before the onset of the travel history of the Middle East, the CDC continues to closely monitor the development of the epidemic and to strengthen border quarantine, calls upon physicians to be vigilant to strengthen the notification

                          Subscribe to the Department of Health RSS Focus news

                          filing time: 2013/05/09 15:56:17
                          Updated Date: 2013/05/09 15:57:10

                          Disease Control, Department of Health, the World Health Organization received notification, France reported the country's first novel coronavirus infection cases, after investigation and patients before the onset of the travel history of the Middle East. The first stage of the council in the Middle East has been * included in the tourism epidemic proposal: Note (Watch) range, and continues to closely monitor the epidemic development and strengthening of border quarantine measures, and calls upon physicians to be vigilant to strengthen the notification of suspected cases, also remind tour leader and people abroad to do their own protection.
                          The patient is a 65-year-old French national men have done a kidney transplant. April 9 to 17 to Dubai, April 23 with fever, diarrhea, low back pain, medical hospitalization, radiology display pneumonia. April 28 symptoms of acute respiratory infections, respiratory specimens (throat swab) test novel coronavirus negative, then test respiratory specimens (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid) for the acquisition on April 26 under novel coronavirus rendering positive, was confirmed on May 7.
                          Saudi Arabia novel coronavirus epidemic confirmed a total of 13 cases (7 deaths), in most cases as a hospital patient, the patient's family in two of the two cases for the hospital medical care; staff infection. The investigations are still continuing in.
                          The world since April last year has accumulated 31 new cases of coronavirus infection (18 deaths), namely Saudi Arabia, 22 cases (13 deaths), Jordan 2 cases (2 deaths), United Kingdom 4 cases (2 deaths ), Germany 2 cases (1 death), France 1. China since September last year, so far, a total of three suspected informed novel coronavirus infections, infections were excluded after inspection. In order to expand the monitoring, pneumonia of unknown causes for hospital laboratory specimen of 227 test results were excluded from the novel coronavirus infection.
                          CDC remind physicians the "unexplained severe pneumonia cases", "unexplained pneumonia outbreak", "healthcare the unexplained pneumonia" and "clinical appeared 10 days with acute respiratory symptoms before the onset of the Middle East travel history "cases, such as suspected novel coronavirus infection in the clinical care of patients should wear goggles, and a case to take appropriate protection measures for air, contact and droplets, and communicated to the Health Unit as soon as possible. Medical institution (thing) should be novel coronavirus infection prevention and control measures please refer to the Bureau "WWW / Professional / introduction of infectious diseases / fifth category of notifiable infectious diseases / novel coronavirus infection / disease prevention measures / hospital infection prevention and control" .
                          CDC called on the public to the Middle East, should be vigilant and pay attention to hand hygiene (soap and water or alcohol hand sanitizer hand hygiene) and cough etiquette, and avoid crowded or poorly ventilated place Do not close contact with respiratory symptoms. Immigration people from the Middle East, such as fever or acute respiratory symptoms, immigrants should take the initiative and quarantine officers, and with the accepted quarantine and evacuation medical operations, specimen collection and medical evaluation; immigrants to return home, such as fever or acute respiratory symptoms, you should wear general surgical masks medical treatment as soon as possible treatment, and take the initiative to inform the medical staff travel history.
                          CDC will continue to closely monitor the development of international epidemic, acquire the relevant message, and ongoing novel coronavirus prevention as recommended by WHO, the future will depend on the development of the epidemic and the evidence, the flexibility to adjust the relevant control measures. Related information, please refer to the council the WWW (, or call people Outbreak Alert and Care Line 1922 may vary.
                          * Note: herein, the Middle East, including Bahrain, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen and other 14 countries.

                          Novel coronavirus infection - update

                          8 MAY 2013 - The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in France has informed WHO of one confirmed case with infection of the novel coronavirus (NCoV).

                          The patient had an underlying medical condition, including an immunocompromised state. The patient became ill on 23 April 2013 and later developed respiratory symptoms. Laboratory confirmation with nCoV was confirmed on 7 May 2013 by Institut Pasteur. The laboratory confirmation was obtained from a bronchoalveolar lavage specimen (a medical procedure in which bronchoscope is passed through the mouth or nose into the lungs to obtain fluid for examination) after a nasopharyngeal specimen (secretion from the uppermost part of the throat) tested negative. The patient is currently hospitalized. Preliminary investigation reveals that the patient had a history of travel to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Further investigation into the case is ongoing.

                          From September 2012 to date, WHO has been informed of a global total of 31 laboratory confirmed cases of human infection with nCoV, including 18 deaths.

                          Based on the current situation and available information, WHO encourages all Member States (MS) to continue their surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) and to carefully review any unusual patterns. The newest case re-emphasizes the need for vigilance in recent travelers returning from areas affected by the virus and the need to use lower respiratory tract specimens for diagnosis when they can be obtained.

                          All MS are reminded to promptly assess and notify WHO of any new case of infection with nCoV, along with information about potential exposures that may have resulted in infection and a description of the clinical course.

                          WHO does not advise special screening at points of entry with regard to this event nor does it currently recommend the application of any travel or trade restrictions.

                          WHO continues to closely monitor the situation.
                          Last edited by Ronan Kelly; May 9, 2013, 05:33 AM. Reason: added WHO statement
                          Twitter: @RonanKelly13
                          The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


                          • #14
                            Re: First confirmed case of coronavirus in France - Hospital roommate and doctor hospitalized

                            </SPAN>Translation Google

                            Virus similar to SARS. A former roommate of the patient and a doctor contaminated?

                            Sant?jeudi May 9, 2013

                            Health officials fear that a doctor and a former roommate of the first patient with the new French nearest SARS coronavirus have in turn been contaminated, said on Thursday at the Regional Health Agency (ARS).

                            Tests conducted

                            The neighboring room and the doctor were hospitalized in Lille and Tourcoing to undergo such samples.

                            Test results will be available soon, according to a statement from the LRA.
                            The roommate, who had rubbed the patient during his stay in CH Valenciennes from 27 to 29 April "since Wednesday has symptoms requiring specialized consulting infectious diseases, completed sampling and monitored inpatient Room individual, "says ARS in a statement.

                            One of the doctors CH Valenciennes, who was also in contact with the patient coronavirus infection, "developed symptoms requiring hospitalization within the infectious diseases service CH Tourcoing order to take samples, "says the LRA.

                            By contrast, hospital Douai, where also lived from April 29 infected until his transfer in the night from Wednesday to Thursday at University Hospital of Lille patient, "indicates the absence of symptoms to date among contact subjects identified in this property, "says the LRA.

                            Stable condition for the patient

                            The northerner patient with novel coronavirus, SARS close, first confirmed case in France, was on Thursday in stable condition but still very serious, the ICU of University Hospital of Lille, where he was transferred in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

                            This 65 year old patient transferred to 1:30 in the morning, "was immediately placed in a chamber designed to allow its isolation."

                            It was supported by a dedicated team, said the Lille University Hospital.



                            • #15
                              Re: France - 1st confirmed case of nCoV coronavirus travel history from UAE - Roommate and doctor hospitalized

                              good translation
                              CH means "hospital" ( crude translation : hospital center ) and CHU is for university hospital center ( bigger )

