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Egypt - Woman, 56, MOH Confirmed as H5N1 Case #116 - Sharqia Governorate.

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  • Egypt - Woman, 56, MOH Confirmed as H5N1 Case #116 - Sharqia Governorate.

    Governorate # 20 Sharqia Governorate (Arabic: محافظة الشرقيّة‎) Also translates to (The Eastern) is reporting case number 116 of h5n1 infection.


    Total casualties up to 116 cases including 38 deaths ..
    "الصحة": إصابة سيدة من الشرقية بـ"أنفلونزا الطيور" "Health":, a woman from East to "bird flu"
    الثلاثاء، 28 ديسمبر 2010 - 14:56 Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 14:56

    د.حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة

    D. The woman and the Minister of Health
    كتبت أميرة عبد السلام Written by Amira Abdel-Salam

    أعلنت وزارة الصحة ارتفاع عدد حالات الإصابة بفيروس أنفلونزا الطيور إلى 116 حالة إصابة، بعد اكتشافها حالة إصابة مؤكدة بالفيروس صباح اليوم الثلاثاء، فى حين وصل عدد الوفيات إلى 38 حالة وفاة منذ بداية ظهور المرض فى عام 2006 حتى الآن. Ministry of Health announced the high number of cases of infection with avian influenza cases to 116, after the discovery confirmed cases of the virus on Tuesday morning, while the number of deaths to 38 deaths since the onset of the disease in 2006 until now.

    وأعلن المتحدث الرسمى باسم وزارة الصحة الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين أن الإصابة الجديدة بأنفلونزا الطيور لسيدة تبلغ من العمر 56 عاماً من محافظة الشرقية، دخلت أحد مستشفيات محافظة الشرقية، وهى تعانى من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة وسعال وصعوبة فى التنفس، وذلك عقب تعرضها لطيور يشتبه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، وتم إعطاؤها عقار "التاميفلو" فور الاشتباه، وأخذت مسحة من الحلق للتحليل المعملى. His official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, that new infections of bird flu, a woman aged 56, from the Eastern province, entered a hospital in Eastern Province, which is suffering from high fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, and that after being exposed to birds suspected of being infected with bird flu, was given the drug "Tamiflu" as soon as suspicion, and took from the throat swab for laboratory analysis.

    وأكد شاهين أن المريضة لديها التهاب رئوى أيسر، وحالتها مستقرة وتم تحويلها إلى مستشفى صدر العباسية بالقاهرة لمتابعة الحالة. Shaheen told that the patient has pneumonia, Acer, and in stable condition, was transferred to a hospital in Cairo, Abbasid to follow the situation.

    Confirmed Via the Mohp media center/google

    New cases of bird flu, bringing the number to 116 cases
    نشر في تاريخ : Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Posted in date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010

    أعلن المتحدث الرسمي باسم وزارة الصحة ? الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين عن حالة اكتشاف إصابة جديدة بأنفلونزا الطيور لسيدة تبلغ من العمر 56 عام من محافظة الشرقية وتعد هذه الحالة ( 116 ) منذ ظهور المرض . Spokesman of the Ministry of Health - Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, on the status of the discovery of new cases of bird flu to a lady at the age of 56 years from the province of East and longer this situation (116) since the onset of illness.

    وأشار شاهين إلى الحالة دخلت إحدى مستشفيات محافظة الشرقية وهى تعانى من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة ، سعال ، صعوبة في التنفس ، وذلك عقب تعرضها لطيور يشتبه في إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور وتم إعطائها عقار التاميفلو فور الاشتباه وأخذت مسحة من الحلق للتحليل المعملي . Shaheen noted the case had entered a hospital in Eastern Province which is suffering from high fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and that after being exposed to birds suspected of being infected with bird flu have been given the drug Tamiflu as soon as suspicion and took a swab from the throat to the analysis laboratory.

    وأكد المتحدث الرسمي أن المريضة لديها التهاب رئوي أيسر وحالتها مستقرة وتم تحويلها الى مستشفى صدر العباسية بالقاهرة . The official spokesman that the patient has pneumonia, easier and in stable condition and was transferred to a hospital in Cairo, Abbasid.

  • #2
    Re: Egypt - Woman, 56, MOH Confirmed as H5N1 Case #116 - Sharqia Governorate.


    New cases of bird flu cases increase to 116


    Cairo - ASHA

    Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health for the discovery of new cases with bird flu of a woman at the age of 56 years from the province of Eastern, noting that this case is the 116 case since the disease appeared in Egypt and even now.

    Shaheen said in a statement distributed by the Ministry of Health Tuesday that the situation has entered a hospital in the eastern province suffering from a very high temperature, cough and difficulty in breathing and that after being exposed to birds suspected of being infected with bird flu.

    The spokesman added that she was given Tamiflu as soon as entering the hospital and suspected of being infected with bird flu were taken from the throat swab for analysis in the laboratories of the ministry and he was transferred to a hospital in Cairo, Abbasid to complete the treatment.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

