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Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals, Friedemann Freund, NASA Ames
Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals, Friedemann Freund, NASA Ames
Earthquake Science Center Seminars (USGS)
Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals
Presented by: Friedemann Freund, NASA Ames
Date: February 04, 2009
"...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party
(My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.) Never forget Excalibur.
Re: Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals, Friedemann Freund, NASA Ames
thanks, Emily, for the fascinating PP. Finally - an apparently reliable forecasting tool. Does the IR effect occur for every earthquake?
I didn't go back and check each quake mentioned, but I wonder if they're all surface horizontal movements and how many are plates sliding at great depths.
The one Alaska quake (6.7 Nenana Mts. 2002) has IR effect showing in the same general area as that effected by the HAARP antena array near Gakona - designed to disturb the ionisphere. Interesting coincidence, eh?
Do you know if there were IR photos taken prior to the Indonesian earthquake that generated the current volcanic eruption?
"The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Re: Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals, Friedemann Freund, NASA Ames
I'm glad you're interested in this, AD. The ionosphere research looks hopeful, but you are way ahead of me as far as your questions indicate. I noticed that Friedemann Freund has a page at NASA and seems to encourage questions. And I noticed that NOAA is into this and invites questions here:
Ionospheric data available from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information Solar-Terrestrial Physics and collocated World Data Service for Geophysics.
It says that the 1964 Alaska earthquake is what got research into relationships between the ionosphere and seismic events going. I saw a comment, (anonymous unverified, though), about people near Homer seeing strange lights in late September, and this article describes what sounds like EQL's seen in the area in 2007.
"...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party
(My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.) Never forget Excalibur.