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Japan - H3N2 - Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita Hospital - 8 fatalities

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  • Japan - H3N2 - Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita Hospital - 8 fatalities

    6 Nov. 2010, publish by Akita prefecture

    5 men and 2 women died from Influenza A virus subtype H3N2
    7 persons from sixties to nineties
    more than 30 persons are suffering from influenza at an Hospital of Kita-Akita(unknown hospital)

    2 Nov., this hospital informed the public health center of Kita-Akita
    "49 persons are suffering from influenza, 4 persons died"

    Kita-Akita city
    sakigake on the web Fnational.jsp%3Fkc%3D20101106j&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
    daily sports online

  • #2
    Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita

    follow-up reports arrived

    an eighties man died today
    but his reaction to the flu simple-test was negative

    5 men and 2 women died from Influenza A virus subtype H3N2
    4 men and 2 women died from Influenza A virus subtype H3N2

    the hospital is a mental hospital of 鷹巣"TAKANOSU"
    Takanosu hospital
    <iframe width="300" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_q&amp;hl=fr&amp;geocode=&amp ;q=40.251495,140.377928&amp;sll=46.362093,9.036255 &amp;sspn=5.481358,9.700928&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=k&am p;ll=40.251429,140.378065&amp;spn=0.002457,0.00321 9&amp;z=17&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=fr&amp;geocode=&a mp;q=40.251495,140.377928&amp;sll=46.362093,9.0362 55&amp;sspn=5.481358,9.700928&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=k& amp;ll=40.251429,140.378065&amp;spn=0.002457,0.003 219&amp;z=17" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Takanosu hospital</a></small>

    yomiuri online 2Fnews%2F20101106-OYT1T00517.htm%3Ffrom%3Dtop&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
    mainichi jp
    Last edited by makoto; December 6, 2010, 01:40 AM. Reason: add map


    • #3
      Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita

      follow-up reports arrived

      25 patients and 8 staffs are suffering from influenza now

      29 Oct., vaccinated against the flu
      31 Oct., a man died(eighties)
      2 Nov., 2 men died(sixties, nineties) a woman died(seventies), informed the public health center of Kita-Akita
      4 Nov., a woman died(eighties)
      5 Nov., a man died(eighties)
      6 Nov., Akita prefecture announced nosocomial infection date%2F1106%2FTKY201011060208.html&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_d is=2
      Last edited by makoto; November 24, 2010, 08:07 PM. Reason: add news


      • #4
        Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

        Are there any indications that the fatalities are tied to the vaccinations that occurred only a few days earlier?

        Would someone recently vaccinated give a positive rapid test?
        Twitter: @RonanKelly13
        The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


        • #5
          Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities


          Six die at Japanese hospital from suspected Hong Kong flu
          BNO News twitter
          Saturday, November 6th, 2010 at 5:47 pm |

          ...Kyodo reported that a total of more than forty people are still suffering from flu-like systems, all whom are patients or staff at the hospital, and have been given influenza vaccinations...


          • #6
            Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

            Originally posted by RoRo View Post
            Are there any indications that the fatalities are tied to the vaccinations that occurred only a few days earlier?

            Would someone recently vaccinated give a positive rapid test?
            Good questions. I do not know.


            • #7
              Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

              Death Flu outbreaks, "I do not care to apologize" <!--// headline_end //--><!--// article_start //--><!-- google_ad_region_start=region1 -->
              Megumi Hiroshi Society Institute Medical Corporation, Akita City, Akita Kita six patients died in the influenza outbreak, "Takanosu hospital" on June 7 press conference, Chairman of the Board said Akira Motoe Kan (47) is a nosocomial infection acknowledged factors "be considered closed psychiatric ward. latency period patient cafeteria gathering, could spread," he said.Also, "I should apologize for not medical," the opinion of this.
              Takanosu hospital ward has four types of H, there is a restaurant in the center. According to the president of Korea, because the symptoms such as fever on October 27 in one hospital patients and three staff to stop work to the three officials, inpatient wards as patients who develop three different transferred to a ward. However, the expanding epidemics in the destination. The disease has reached 50 people, including 31 staff. At that point, "but not seriously ill, less able to think" he said. http://translate.googleusercontent.c...cm8D1nKsdRt9wg



              • #8
                Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

                follow-up reports arrived
                the mental hospital held a press conference

                24 patients are suffering from influenza now
                the total number of patients amounted to 86
                86 patients from 18 years old to 101 years old
                (number of staffs is not clear)

                Boldface type is follow-up reports
                27 Oct., 4 persons(patients and staffs) infected, isolated
                29 Oct., vaccinated against the flu
                31 Oct., a man died(eighties), 50 persons infected
                2 Nov., 2 men died(sixties, nineties) a woman died(seventies), gave tamiflu to patients fifties and over, informed the public health center of Kita-Akita
                4 Nov., a woman died(eighties)
                5 Nov., a man died(eighties)
                6 Nov., Akita prefecture announced nosocomial infection

                Akita prefecture decided to visit the mental hospital to inspect conditions there

                kyoto newspaper
                Last edited by makoto; November 24, 2010, 07:21 PM. Reason: add news


                • #9
                  Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

                  follow-up reports arrived

                  the mental hospital hold 4 closure divisions, total 144 beds
                  133 inpatients now
                  1 doctor full-time, 7 or 8 doctors part-time and 50 nurses there

                  Boldface type is follow-up reports
                  23 inpatients and 1 staff are suffering from influenza now
                  the total number amounted to 86, 66 inpatients and 20 staffs
                  86 from 18 years old to 101 years old

                  The vaccination for all person from 22 to 29 October
                  27 Oct., 1 inpatient and 3 staffs infected, isolated
                  28 Oct., 8 persons(inpatients and staffs) infected
                  29 Oct., 10 persons(inpatients and staffs) infected
                  31 Oct., a man died(eighties, 29 Oct., vaccinated), 40 inpatients and 10 staffs infected
                  2 Nov., 2 men died(sixties, nineties) a woman died(seventies), gave tamiflu to inpatients fifties and over, informed the public health center of Kita-Akita
                  4 Nov., a woman died(eighties)
                  5 Nov., a man died(eighties)
                  6 Nov., Akita prefecture announced nosocomial infection

                  sakigake on the web
                  yomiuri online
                  Last edited by makoto; November 24, 2010, 07:23 PM. Reason: add news


                  • #10
                    Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

                    follow-up reports arrived

                    Yesterday, the mental hospital held a press conference
                    however, it prohibited all camera in the conference

                    "Our treatment was appropriate"
                    "The infection of flu was a speed to exceed our prospects"
                    "We put treatment before the inform
                    though maybe we should have informed Akita Prefecture at that time(29 Oct., 10 persons infected)"

                    6 inpatients had dementia, they were each at their ward
                    "The inpatient have many complications, we can't determine the cause of death"
                    about the seventh man, "he was not concerned with the flu" The chief director, 47 years old, **** Myong-gi said

                    Boldface type is follow-up reports
                    The vaccination for all person from 22 to 29 October
                    27 Oct., 1 inpatient and 3 staffs infected, isolated
                    28 Oct., 8 persons(inpatients and staffs) infected
                    29 Oct., 10 persons(inpatients and staffs) infected
                    30 Oct., not allowed visitors, suspended to accept new inpatient
                    31 Oct., a man died(eighties, 29 Oct., vaccinated), 40 inpatients and 10 staffs infected
                    2 Nov., 2 men died(sixties, nineties) a woman died(seventies), gave tamiflu to inpatients fifties and over,
                    informed the public health center of Kita-Akita
                    4 Nov., a woman died(eighties), the public health center of Kita-Akita visited
                    5 Nov., a man died(eighties), the public health center of Kita-Akita visited
                    6 Nov., Akita prefecture announced nosocomial infection
                    8 Nov., suspended to accept new patient

                    and 80 staffs work there
                    Akita prefecture not visit the mental hospital to inspect conditions

                    kol net 0%2F11%2F20101108t43017.htm&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
                    sankei news

                    6 inpatients had positive by simple-test, and examined one specimen by PCR

                    press release by Akita prefecture
           PDF at Japanese
           PDF by google translated...not good

                    about the seventh man,
                    "we can't deny infection from the flu though his simple-test was negative"
                    The public health section of Akita commented

                    chunichi web
                    Last edited by makoto; November 24, 2010, 07:55 PM. Reason: je n'aime pas l'anglais...


                    • #11
                      Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

                      CIDRAP has referenced this thread as a source:

                      H3N2 outbreak kills six at Japanese hospital

                      An outbreak of influenza A (H3N2) has killed six older people and sickened about 80 others at a hospital in Japan's Akita prefecture, Kyodo News reported today. According to the prefecture government, the patients tested positive in "simple" flu tests before they died between Oct 31 and Nov 5, Kyodo reported. A local health center confirmed that one of the patients from Takanosu Hospital in Kitaakita had the H3N2 strain. Others infected at the hospital include patients and healthcare staff. Ages of the fatal cases ranged from 60 to 90. FluTrackers, a Web message board that focuses on flu and other infectious diseases, has been monitoring and translating Japanese-language media reports on the outbreak since Nov 6. Translations, which are sometimes unclear, suggest the facility is a psychiatric hospital and that the outbreak reportedly occurred in a vaccinated population.

                      Nov 8 Kyodo News story

                      FluTrackers thread on nosocomial H3N2 outbreak


                      • #12
                        Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 6 fatalities

                        follow-up reports arrived

                        2 Nov., the public health center of Kita-Akita city visited there

                        and the public health center informed about nosocomial infection to the public health section of Akita prefecture
                        but they did not take specimens from inpatients

                        4 Nov., the public health center requested specimen to the mental hospital
                        5 Nov., the public health center received one specimen
                        6 Nov., the public health center requested PCR to Akita prefecture center for public health
                        and this center examined one specimen by PCR at AM, detected A/H3N2

                        "there were short of hands in the hospital"
                        "first of all, we directed to treatments with prevention to the hospital"
                        the public health section of Akita prefecture commented

                        "henceforth, we would consider about our conduct by after inquiry in the hospital"
                        the public health center of Kita-Akita city commented

                        kol net 0%2F11%2F20101109t43031.htm&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
                        Last edited by makoto; November 9, 2010, 09:07 AM. Reason: je n'aime pas l'anglais...


                        • #13
                          Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 7 fatalities

                          follow-up reports arrived

                          publish by Akita prefecture

                          9 Nov., a man in his eighties died from A/H3N2
                          he not vaccinated because of a pneumonia and a fever

                          mainichi jp e%2Fnews%2F20101110k0000m040088000c.html&wb_lp=JAE N&wb_dis=2


                          the deceased

                          31 Oct., a man died(eighties, 29 Oct., vaccinated)
                          2 Nov., 2 men died(sixties, nineties) a woman died(seventies)
                          4 Nov., a woman died(eighties)
                          5 Nov., a man died(eighties)
                          6 Nov., a man died(eighties, not included in the number of fatality because his simple-test was negative)
                          9 Nov., a man died(eighties, not vaccinated)

                          mental hospital

                          the vaccination for all person from 22 to 29 October

                          27 Oct., 1 inpatient and 3 staffs infected, isolated
                          28 Oct., 8 persons(inpatients and staffs) infected
                          29 Oct., 10 persons(inpatients and staffs) infected
                          30 Oct., not allowed visitors, suspended to accept new inpatient
                          31 Oct., 40 inpatients and 10 staffs infected
                          2 Nov., gave tamiflu to inpatients in their fifties and over, informed the public health center of Kita-Akita at 11:45 AM 
                          7 Nov., held a press conference at 05:00 PM
                          8 Nov., suspended to accept new patient

                          public institution

                          Kita-Akita = the public health center of Kita-Akita city
                          Akita = the public health section of Akita prefecture
                          Center = Akita prefecture center for public health(Akita institutes of health)

                          2 Nov., Kita-Akita visited in the mental hospital by the contact from mental hospital at 02:00 PM
                          and Kita-Akita informed about nosocomial infection to Akita at 05:00 PM, but they did not take specimens from inpatients
                          4 Nov., Kita-Akita requested specimen to the mental hospital
                          5 Nov., Kita-Akita received one specimen on the evening
                          6 Nov., Kita-Akita requested PCR to Center, and this Center examined one specimen by PCR at AM, detected A/H3N2
                          Akita prefecture announced about nosocomial infection at 02:00 PM
                          7 Nov., Akita prefecture decided to visit the mental hospital

                          sakigake on the web
                          Last edited by makoto; November 24, 2010, 07:59 PM. Reason: je n'aime pas l'anglais...


                          • #14
                            Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 8 fatalities

                            follow-up reports arrived

                            publish by Akita prefecture

                            9 Nov., a man in his nineties died from A/H3N2 at 09:40 PM

                            about the new seventh man,
                            28 Oct., he had fever, took tamiflu
                            7 Nov., his simple-test was negative
                            and but his condition became critical
                            9 Nov., he died at past 03:00 AM

                            examined specimens from both inpatients by PCR

                            10 inpatients are suffering from influenza now
                            (number of staffs is not clear)
                            2 inpatients are in serious condition

                            47 news FCN2010110901000770.html&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2

                            the deceased

                            31 Oct., a man died(eighties, 29 Oct., vaccinated)
                            2 Nov., 2 men died(sixties, nineties) a woman died(seventies)
                            4 Nov., a woman died(eighties)
                            5 Nov., a man died(eighties)
                            6 Nov., a man died(eighties, not included in the number of fatality because his simple-test was negative)
                            9 Nov., a man died(eighties, not vaccinated), a man died(nineties)
                            Last edited by makoto; November 24, 2010, 08:00 PM. Reason: je n'aime pas l'anglais...


                            • #15
                              Re: Nosocomial infection at Kita-Akita - H3N2, 8 fatalities

                              follow-up reports arrived

                              publish by Akita prefecture

                              The mental hospital did not keep specimens of the first 6 fatalities
                              10 inpatients and 1 staff are suffering from influenza now

                              Boldface type is follow-up reports
                              about the new seventh man,
                              28 Oct., he had fever, took tamiflu because his simple-test was positive, and fever goes down
                              7 Nov., he had fever again, his simple-test was negative
                              9 Nov., his condition became critical at past 02:00 AM
                              he died at past 03:00 AM

                              sankei news tohoku%2Fakita%2F101110%2Fakt1011100310000-n1.htm&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2
                              yomiuri online

