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Russia - 1000+ birds found dead in Krasnoyarsk lake

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  • Russia - 1000+ birds found dead in Krasnoyarsk lake


    Unknown virus in Krasnoyarsk lake killed 500 birds

    KRASNOYARSK, September 20. On the shore of Lake Tagar in the Krasnoyarsk Territory ornithologists found dead migratory birds.

    Among the dead birds - ducks (mallard, Cherokee, shelohvost) and crows. According EMERCOM Russia in Krasnoyarsk region, only found about 500 animals.

    In connection with the emergency on the lake and 100-meter zone of sanitary quarantine. 2 posts were put up DPS and get information boards. Moreover, in Minusinsk District banned the hunting passes

    Causes of death of the birds are being investigated. Presumably, the death of the birds could occur as a result of acute viral disease. In this regard, there are already several reports on the return of bird flu.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Russia - Unknown virus in Krasnoyarsk lake killed 500 birds

    21.09.2010 | 06:38
    The cause of mass deaths of migratory birds in the area of Lake Tagar in the Krasnoyarsk Territory became virus type "A"

    These are the preliminary findings of the Professional Regional Veterinary Service. According to ITAR-TASS, they completed this morning blood tests dead birds. It is reported that the general form of the virus. Its varieties are numerous / avian, swine flu, etc. / and represent a significant risk in epidemiological terms. Currently Minusinsk region, where there was an emergency, completed a survey area, the collection of biomass dead birds, which will subsequently be burned. All poultry entered the edge closure of birds.


    • #3
      Re: Russia - Virus "type A" killed 1000+ birds in Krasnoyarsk lake


      Has bird flu returned?


      In the Krasnoyarsk region trying to find out what caused the mass deaths of migratory birds in the southern region.

      In the Lake Tagar found about thousands of dead ducks. Specialists suggest that they died from the virus that is dangerous not only for birds but for the man.

      - snip -

      Among the dead and sick birds, biologists have discovered not just different species of ducks: mallards, teal, sorokonosku, but even a few crows and wagtails. All dead birds feed in different ways, and this fact is called into question the original version of the epidemic - the poisoning of ducks, blue-green algae.

      No companies with environmentally dangerous production next either. Xiii and version of the intentional poisoning of ducks. Such mass mortality of wild birds in the Krasnoyarsk region has never been. And the epidemic is local in character.

      More (machinetranslation in English)
      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Russia - Virus "type A" killed 1000+ birds in Krasnoyarsk lake



        Not always easy to read a machinetranslation; also when reading official quotes, you often have to read "between the lines", or "guess".
        Read what they say and what they don't say.

        I read this article like this: "avian flu is not the cause of death of the birds" .

        This could mean (low pathogenic) avian flu was found , however apparently "this could not be the cause of death" of the birds. LP bird flu in wild birds is not unusual.

        Research is ongoing.


        Diagnosis of mass death of birds in the Krasnoyarsk region of the avian flu virus has not been confirmed

        24. 09. 2010 |

        KRASNOYARSK, September 24. / Corr. ITAR-TASS Victor Khrebtov.

        Presumptive diagnosis of mass death of birds in the Lake Tagar in the Krasnoyarsk region of the avian flu virus has not been confirmed. This was reported today the deputy head of the regional veterinary service Alexander Chernov.

        According to him, "research protocols obtained from the boundary vetlaboratorii, Novosibirsk enterprises" Vector "and the All-Russian Research Institute for Animal Welfare, which is uniquely excluded from the causes of death of avian bird flu.

        In the coming days, specialists from all three laboratories again went to the site of an emergency situation to continue research . Special attention will be drawn to the possible poisoning, toxicology infected dead birds. "

        According to recent data, about a thousand birds were killed on September 19 in the Lake Tagar the southern edge. At the lake in the 100-meter sanitary zone was quarantined, in Minusinsk District banned hunting. In the area of a regime of emergency. Traffic police officers are on duty around the clock on the roads near the scene of emergencies. Clothes patrol police patrolling the area around the lake. In three rural roads is limited vehicular traffic. On all poultry farms edge regime introduced the content of birds closed.

        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5
          Re: Russia - 1000+ birds found dead in Krasnoyarsk lake

          edit: machinetranslation (Google) said; H5N1 has been found; this should be: has NOT been found. This is a typical bug of Google Language Tool.


          Cause of death is unknown ...

          Boundary-value service for a week already struggling to solve the mystery of dead birds on the lake Tagar.

          The number of dead birds has increased to 1500. Although initially, 19 September, ornithologists, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University have discovered about 500. Lake Tagar sanitary and hundred-meter zone around immediately fell under quarantine. On the territory there traffic police posts, entered emergency mode.

          To identify the causes of different samples were taken. Every day we receive conflicting information. Then talked about bird flu, then its variety. Some local residents hastily cut their chickens and geese. In the districts of the region have expressed an urgent mass vaccination of poultry.

          For help in this strange business edge experts appealed to colleagues in Novosibirsk and Moscow. However, to say definitely what killed the birds are still unable to none of the three independent laboratories.

          - The situation is not completely clear, - says Alexander Chernykh, Deputy Head of the Veterinary Surveillance on the edge. - regional veterinary laboratory excluded the avian flu. This was confirmed by other laboratories.

          The originator of the H5N1 virus has not been found. The fact that the neighboring lakes and in the private sector is not dead birds - also spoke in favor of this version.

          In any case, vaccination to poultry have been made. Research is being conducted, the experts once again take samples - water, plants, algae, etc. etc.

          We are looking for pesticides, toxins. Perhaps the reason in the lake or poisoning. But while all the events on the quarantine remains in force.

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          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

