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Padang, West Sumatra ::: 4 Suspected Bird flu patients, 1 dies

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  • Padang, West Sumatra ::: 4 Suspected Bird flu patients, 1 dies

    Padang, West Sumatera ::: Bird flu suspect dies
    Posted by Ida on July 28, 2010

    Padang ? A sand miner named Yenpa Yenti (24), resident of Kampung Sawah Taratak Mudiak Muaro Kalaban, Sawah Lunto, West Sumatera, allegedly died of H5N1 infection in M Djamil hospital, Padang, Wednesday (28/7).

    Victim?s parent, Rosmaniar (60) described her son started to experience high fever and chill of hand and feet on 22 July.

    Next, Rosmaniar brought Yenti to a local health worker, of where she was recommended to bring her son to Sawah Lunto hospital. Because medical team of Sawah Lunto hospital suspected bird flu infection on Yenti, victim was transferred to M Djamil hospital in Padang.

    Yenti was admitted to M Djamil hospital on 24 July and placed in special unit until the death on 28 July.

    Director of M Djamil hospital, Irayanti said Yenti was suspected of having bird flu infection with symptoms such as fever up to 38℃ and breathing difficulty. Chest x-ray also showed evidence of lung infection. ?According to patient?s parents, he had contact with chickens?, added Irayanti.

    Yenpa Yenti is first fatal bird flu suspect patient in M Djamil hospital during 2010.

    Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Era Baru.

    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.

  • #2
    Re: Padang, West Sumatera ::: Bird flu suspect dies

    Google: Indonesian to English translation
    Bird Flu Kills Workers Sand
    New Era News Wednesday, July 28, 2010

    Padang - Yenpa Yenti (24), river sand transport workers, residents of Kampung Sawah Taratak Mudiak, Muaro Kalaban, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, died in the Hospital M Djamil Padang, Wednesday (28/07) at 6:00 pm, allegedly due to bird flu .

    Info collected from parents sacrifice called Rosmaniar (60), before the victim had no contact with poultry poultry species (chicken, red) at his home.

    However, from dozens of pet chickens, no one else gets sick, especially sudden death.

    Rosmaniar said, the victim initially had a high fever on July 22, 2010, with features, among others, the body heat but his right foot was cold as ice.

    Knowing her child was sick, he took her to the local village health (Mantari, red), but after review it was asked immediately taken to the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Sawahlunto, Sawahlunto.

    Arriving at the hospital, the victim's family returned confused, because the hospital says not able to overcome the victims experienced fever.

    "The hospital Sawahlunto ask us immediately bring the victim to the M Djamil Hospital in Padang, for allegedly suffering from bird flu, we also made the referral," he said.

    As a result, Yenti (name of victim, red) was rushed to the Hospital M Djamil of Padang on 24 July, and immediately put into a special room.

    "But, life Yenti seemed beyond help, he was our last breath this morning, the doctor said Yenti suspect bird flu," sobbed Rosmaniar, the RSU M Djamil Padang, Wednesday afternoon.

    Meanwhile, the Hospital M Djamil Padang admitted if the victim was suspected of bird flu.

    "The results of medical examination, the victim was suspect (suspected) bird flu," said General Director RSU M Djamil Padang, Irayanti, in Padang, Wednesday.

    Where, found the victim suffering from a fever (hot) to 38 degrees Celsius, shortness of breath, added rountgent data revealed the presence of infection in the lungs of victims.

    "Parents also recognize that child victims of no contact with poultry pet chicken, and logs," he said.

    Data RSU M Djamil Padang, in the year 2010, Yenpa Yenti represents the first diagnosed patient suspect bird flu has died in Padang. (Ant / yan)
    Twitter: @RonanKelly13
    The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


    • #3
      Re: Padang, West Sumatra ::: Bird flu suspect dies

      West Sumatra
      Thursday, July 29, 2010, 12:54:00
      Patient Suspect Bird Flu Deaths

      PADANG - After four days of treatment in isolation rooms in the disease Dr M Djamil Padang, the patient suspect (allegedly, red) bird flu, died. Residents Sawahtaratak Muarokalaban, Sawahlunto initials YY, 24, became the first suspect bird flu patient dies while undergoing treatment at Dr M Djamil Padang during 2010. Previously two other patients are allowed to go home.

      The patient died at around 6:00 pm, Wednesday (28 / 7). Before getting treatment in isolation rooms in the department of disease M Djamil Padang, YY had undergone treatment in hospitals Sawahlunto.

      But because his condition was not being recovered, the medical team referred to Dr M Djamil Padang, with suspected bird flu. So when I got Dr M Djamil Padang, YY directly receive care in isolation rooms.

      This room is specifically intended for patients who come with suspected bird flu. The first day of treatment, Saturday (24 / 7) direct the medical team did some checking. Such as blood tests, swab throats and lungs.

      For the blood and throat examination conducted at the Ministry of Health Research and Development Department, until recently the medical team Dr M Djamil Padang is still awaiting the results of these inspections. While lung examination was conducted in Dr M Djamil Padang, the results showed the presence of symptoms of bird flu direction.

      "The lung X-ray showed the presence of pneumonia in the lungs YY. Although this leads to the symptoms of bird flu, but this should not be used as a guide. Guides know the positive results, whether based on PCR results from the Ministry of Health Research and Development Department," said Director of Medical and Nursing Dr M Djamil Padang, Irayanti, during a press conference yesterday.

      So that the organization remains YY, enforced by default, not as the positive patient bird flu. As is known, if a patient tested positive, then the corpse was wrapped using plastic.

      Meanwhile, when asked, why YY designated as suspect bird flu although no dead birds in the surrounding "According Irayanti, it can not be a benchmark. It could be, around the house there are no birds died suddenly. But in the work environment, who knows no birds died suddenly. Moreover, symptoms which indicated YY, similar to the patient suspect bird flu.

      Sudden Death Not There Poultry
      Meanwhile Rosmaniar, 53, mother YY states, did not expect her child would suspect bird flu. Section, the fourth child of five brothers, was initially only complained about joint pain in his left leg, then her fever and she brings to the nearest health center. Directly referring to health centers and hospitals Sawahlunto Dr M Djamil ending at the Padang.

      "I can be of information, if it was caused by bird flu chickens died suddenly. But in our house there are no chickens died suddenly. Fourth chickens are still alive," he said.

      However, Ros daily laborers in the river with sand diggers YY, resigned to this calamity. He just hopes his daughter's funeral took place smoothly process is planned to be interred yesterday afternoon in Silungkang Sawahlunto.

      NUSANTARA - SUMBAR Kamis, 29 Juli 2010 , 12:54:00
      Pasien Suspect Flu Burung Meninggal

      PADANG - Setelah mendapatkan perawatan empat hari di ruangan isolasi penyakit dalam RSUP M Djamil Padang, pasien suspect (diduga, red) flu burung, meninggal dunia. Warga Sawahtaratak Muarokalaban, Kota Sawahlunto berinisial YY, 24, jadi pasien pertama suspect flu burung meninggal dunia ketika menjalani perawatan di RSUP M Djamil Padang selama 2010. Sebelumya dua pasien lainnya diperbolehkan pulang.

      Pasien meninggal sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB, Rabu (28/7). Sebelum mendapatkan perawatan di ruangan isolasi penyakit dalam RSUP M Djamil Padang, YY sempat menjalani perawatan di RSUD Sawahlunto.

      Namun karena kondisinya tidak kunjung pulih, maka tim medis merujuk ke RSUP M Djamil Padang, dengan dugaan flu burung. Maka begitu sampai di RSUP M Djamil Padang, YY langsung mendapatkan perawatan di ruangan isolasi.

      Ruangan ini memang khusus diperuntukan untuk pasien yang datang dengan dugaan menderita flu burung. Hari pertama menjalani perawatan, Sabtu (24/7) tim medis langsung melakukan sejumlah pemeriksaan. Seperti pemeriksaan darah, swab tenggorokan dan paru-paru.

      Untuk darah dan tenggorokan, pemeriksaan dilakukan di Balitbang Depkes RI, hingga saat ini tim medis RSUP M Djamil Padang masih menunggu hasil pemeriksaan tersebut. Sedangkan pemeriksaan paru-paru dilakukan di RSUP M Djamil Padang, hasil pemeriksaan menunjukan adanya gejala ke arah flu burung.

      "Hasil ronsen paru, menunjukan adanya pneumonia di paru-paru YY. Meski ini mengarah kepada gejala penyakit flu burung, namun hal tersebut tidak bisa dijadikan pedoman. Panduan mengetahui hasil positif, tidaknya berdasarkan hasil PCR dari Balitbang Depkes RI," ujar Direktur Medis dan Keperawatan RSUP M Djamil Padang, Irayanti, saat jumpa pers, kemarin.

      Sehingga penyelenggaraan jenazah YY, diberlakukan secara standar, bukan seperti pasien positif flu burung. Seperti diketahui, jika seorang pasien dinyatakan positif, maka jenazah dibalut menggunakan plastik.

      Sementara itu ketika ditanya, mengapa YY ditetapkan sebagai suspect flu burung padahal tidak ada unggas yang mati di sekitarnya" Menurut Irayanti, hal tersebut tidak bisa jadi patokan. Bisa saja, di sekitar rumahnya tidak ada unggas mati mendadak. Tetapi di lingkungan kerjanya, siapa tahu ada unggas mati mendadak. Apalagi gejala yang ditunjukan YY, mirip dengan pasien suspect flu burung.

      Tidak Ada Unggas Mati Mendadak
      Sementara itu Rosmaniar, 53, ibu YY menyatakan, tidak menduga anaknya bakal suspect flu burung. Pasalnya, anak ke empat dari lima saudara tersebut awalnya hanya mengeluhkan nyeri sendi di kaki kirinya, kemudian tubuhnya meriang dan ia pun membawa ke puskesmas terdekat. Puskesmas langsung merujuk ke RSUD Sawahlunto dan berakhir di RSUP M Djamil Padang.

      "Saya dapat informasi, kalau flu burung itu akibat ayam mati mendadak. Tetapi di rumah kami tidak ada ayam mati mendadak. Keempat ekor ayam saat ini masih hidup," ujarnya.

      Meski demikian, Ros sehari-hari buruh penggali pasir di sungai bersama YY, pasrah dengan musibah ini. Ia hanya berharap, proses pemakaman putrinya berlangsung lancar yang rencananya akan dikebumikan sore kemarin di Silungkang Sawahlunto. (nia)
      Last edited by Laidback Al; July 29, 2010, 10:24 PM. Reason: add original Bahasa Indonesia report


      • #4
        Re: Padang, West Sumatra ::: Bird flu suspect dies

        Padang Dr Rawat Four Probable AI
        Thursday, July 29, 2010 00:52 pm 0 Comments 0 0

        PADANG - MI: General Hospital Center M Djamil Padang unexpected treat four patients with avian influenza during the January to late July 2010.

        According to the Director General Dr M Djamil Irayanti Padang in Padang, Wednesday (28 / 7) of the patients were suspected of having bird flu symptoms of fever over 38 degrees Celsius, cold cough, shortness of breath, there is direct contact with flu patients who are positive birds.

        "Diagnosing while showing acute respiratory infections (ARI), to make sure that we send a blood sample to the center, we give patients antibiotics, ceftriaxone, and antiviral drugs osaltamiver or tamiflu," said Irayanti

        He added that the spread of the H5N1 virus can occur in various ways, including mucus poultry, poultry droppings and chicken feed the sick place. "Through the air with a distance of one meter can also be taxable. Karenaitu, I appealed the public to always wash up after contact with poultry," he said.

        He said the four suspects bird flu patient hospitalized in Dr M. Djamil Padang, one patient died, namely Yenpa Yenti (24), river sand transport workers, residents of Kampung Sawah Taratak Mudiak, Muaro Kalaban, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. "The blood samples of patients have been sent to the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) The Ministry of Health and the results can be known a week anymore," he said.

        Areas in West Sumatra who otherwise vulnerable bird flu spread among District 50 City, Payakumbuh, Agam regency, Sijunjung, County and City Sawahlunto Dhamasraya. "The county was declared a bird flu endemic because in these areas found many dead birds for avian flu," he said.

        In connection with the financing, said Irayanti, patients who fall into special penanggulanghan programs such as bird flu and swine flu, are not charged a penny from the hospital. "For patients who are in special handling, such as avian flu and swine flu, the financing we leave it to the Ministry of Health. So we do not burden the patient nothing," said Irayanti.

        RSUP Padang Rawat Empat Terduga Flu Burung Kamis, 29 Juli 2010 00:52 WIB

        PADANG--MI: Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat M Djamil Padang merawat empat pasien terduga flu burung selama Januari hingga akhir Juli 2010.

        Menurut Direktur Umum RSUP M Djamil Padang Irayanti di Padang, Rabu (28/7) para pasien itu diduga terjangkit flu burung karena memiliki gejala demam lebih dari 38 derajat Celcius, mengalami batuk pilek, sesak nafas, ada kontak langsung dengan pasien yang positif terserang flu burung.

        "Diagnosa sementara menunjukkan infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA), untuk memastikan itu kami mengirim sampel darah ke pusat, pasien kami beri obat anti biotik ceftriaxone, dan obat antivirus osaltamiver atau tamiflu," kata Irayanti

        Ditambahkannya, penyebaran virus H5N1 dapat terjadi dengan berbagai cara, di antaranya lendir unggas, kotoran unggas dan tempat pakan ayam yang sakit. "Melalui udara dengan jarak satu meter juga bisa kena. Karenaitu, saya imbau masyarakat untuk selalu membersihkan diri setelah kontak dengan unggas," katanya.

        Dia mengatakan, dari empat pasien terduga flu burung yang dirawat di RSUP M.Djamil Padang, satu pasien meninggal dunia, yaitu Yenpa Yenti (24), buruh pengangkut pasir sungai, warga Kampung Sawah Taratak Mudiak, Muaro Kalaban, Kota Sawahlunto, Sumatera Barat. "Sampel darah pasien sudah dikirim ke Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Balitbangkes) Kementerian Kesehatan dan hasilnya bisa diketahui sepekan lagi," katanya.

        Daerah di Sumbar yang dinyatakan rawan penyebaran flu burung di antaranya Kabupaten 50 Kota, Kota Payakumbuh, Kabupaten Agam, Sijunjung, Kabupaten Dhamasraya serta Kota Sawahlunto. "Daerah tersebut dinyatakan sebagai endemis flu burung karena pada daerah-daerah tersebut ditemukan banyak unggas yang mati karena flu burung," katanya.

        Terkait dengan pembiayaan, kata Irayanti, pasien yang masuk dalam program penanggulanghan khusus seperti flu burung dan flu babi, tidak dikenakan biaya sepeserpun dari rumah sakit. "Untuk pasien yang dalam penanganan khusus, seperti flu burung dan flu babi, pembiayaan kami serahkan semuanya ke Departemen Kesehatan. Jadi pasien tidak kami bebani apa-apa," kata Irayanti. (Ant/OL-04)
        Last edited by Laidback Al; July 29, 2010, 10:28 PM. Reason: added Bahasa Indonesia report


        • #5
          Re: Padang, West Sumatra ::: 4 Suspected Bird flu patients, 1 dies

          Analysis by dbg at PFI about Yenti (Yanti) and contact with chickens.
          Originally posted by dbg

          One of the articles about Yenpa Yanti says she had no contact with poultry, but the others all say Yenpa did have contact with chickens, but that the chickens weren't sick. I don't remember this permutation before; it's always been that either there was contact or there wasn't. The possibilities that occur to me are that the parent was trying to avoid the stigma of flu burung, or the reporters are telling more of the story, or the chickens were infected but asymptomatic.


          From the Metro TV News:
          3rd paragraph:
          Yenpa was the patient of RSUD Sawahlunto reconciliation. However, the Yenpa family claimed his child did not have the story of contact with the poultry. Currently the side of RSUP Muhammad Djamil waits for results of the blood test from the Ministry of the Health in Jakarta. They still could not confirm correctly-not him Yenpa died because of bird flu.


          From Surya:
          2nd paragraph:
          Information was assembled from Yenti parents named Rosmaniar (60), beforehand casualties indeed had contact with the chicken in his house. However, from dozens of tails of the chicken kept him, not one then that was sick, let alone dying suddenly.


          From Era Baru:
          2nd paragraph:
          Information was assembled from parents of casualties named Rosmaniar (60), beforehand casualties indeed had contact with the poultry of the chicken kind (the nonpedigreed chicken, red) in his house.

          3rd paragraph:
          However, from dozens of tails of the chicken kept him, not one then that was sick, let alone dying suddenly.


          From Berita 2
          2nd paragraph:
          That was believed in by parents of casualties, Rosmaniar (60 years), that said his child before falling ill, had made contact with the poultry of the nonpedigreed chicken kind. Because in the house, his child took care of this poultry.

          3rd paragraph:
          "But then, the nonpedigreed chicken that we took care of before and after contact with the deceased, none died suddenly or even fell ill," obviously Rosmaniar, by untangling the tear, when being asked in the hospital M. Djamil Padang, on Wednesday (28/7/2010).


          • #6
            Re: Padang, West Sumatra ::: 4 Suspected Bird flu patients, 1 dies

            Treated 5 Days
            Suspect Bird Flu Patient Dies
  , Kildare - After a long sound, the H5N1 virus or bird flu, is heard again. Even a patient suspect bird flu in the Valley, Thursday (29,07,10) yesterday finally dies, after a time to get treatment for five days in hospital Muhammad Jamil Padang. The patient is a patient referral from the Regional Hospital Sawahlunto.

            Having had time to undergo treatment for five days, finally Eva Yanti, 26 years old, died in hospital Muhammad Jamil Padang. This patient went into Muhammad Jamil Hospital, Padang, with the condition of high fever and shortness of breath. Previously, patients treated at the Regional General Hospital Sawahlunto, West Sumatra.

            Allegedly, Eva Yanti is bird flu patients. This conjecture is based on reports Sawahlunto Regional Hospital, received by the General Hospital of Muhammad Jamil Padang. However, this allegation is recognized parties Muhammad Jamil Hospital, still need to be retested.

            But this doubt alleged Rosmaniar patient's mother. According Rosmaniar child develops symptoms of fever since Thursday last week. Rosmaniar also recognizes maintain the four chickens at home, but uggas pet in healthy condition.


