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Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu - Tested negative

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  • Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu - Tested negative

    From West Kalimantan; H5N1 outbreaks in poultry were reported recently in this region.

    google translated

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    Toddler suspected to have bird flu

    Treated in Intensive Care in Soedarso Hospital

    PONTIANAK - A four-year-old boy who lived in the District of North Pontiac
    allegedly infected with bird flu. When these patients were isolated in dr Soedarso Pontianak.

    Kepala Health Service Pontiac City Multi Juto Bhatarendo who was in Bandung claimed to have
    obtain information about patients suspected of bird flu. "One patient was isolated. Swab
    throat had been taken and sent to Research and Development. Epidemiological investigation was conducted,
    no similar case.

    Wait Litbangkes positive results. Because there is no certainty, wait for the results are complete, "said Multi,
    Tuesday (22 / 6) dr siang.Pihak Soedarso not deny the existence of allegations of suspected patients
    infected with bird flu. "Today (Tuesday, red) one pediatrician told me that
    there is one 4.5-year-old patient suspected suspect bird flu. Therefore
    We anticipate by entering directly into the patient's isolation room this afternoon, "
    Tita said Selati Sundari, Head of Hospital Services Soedarso to Pontianak Post, yesterday.
    In addition to the symptoms, suspected was caused by the location where the patient lived in North Pontianak,
    a location where there are many chickens died suddenly.

    With the discovery of suspected bird flu patients, the parties shall coordinate with the Department Soedarso
    Health City and the Province, as well as bird flu prevention team to the next treatment.
    In addition to be placed in isolation room, the patient also has taken samples to identify bacteria
    from throat swab samples of patients. "Samples were brought to Jakarta to get the result
    the truth. Is it positive or not suffering from bird flu. About three days
    Next we'll get answers, "said Tita.Sebelumnya, Tita explains, party
    Soedarso Hospital has prepared everything for the anticipated bird flu patients.
    This is done since diberitakannya chickens died suddenly.

    For isolation rooms, which are prepared specifically for communicable diseases ruanganan
    dangerous. Ward or a special room for patients suspected of bird flu this use of space
    isolation of swine influenza patients who have previously existed. With the number of beds as much as seven
    for the number of normal patients. In anticipation of the increase in patients, the hospital also
    prepare a backup as many as four beds and three cots.

    While the response team that has been formed, Tita explains, consists of teams of doctors and
    nurses. At the doctor's own team there are six doctors, including physicians Anesthetic, Pathology
    Clinically, the disease, children, and general practitioners. While for the team consisted of 21 nurses nurses,
    with one chairman and coordinator. "Everything has been shaped and governed since the alleged existence of flu
    birds in West Kalimantan some time ago. We are always vigilant and monitor every patient who entered.
    If experiencing symptoms of suspected bird flu, then we will do direct action, "
    Pontiac City Health concluded Tita.Kadis Multi Juto Bhatarendo explain his side through
    clinics in each region continued to coordinate with the community. In fact, today if there is a chicken
    died suddenly people report directly to the local health clinic. Then, the team Dinkes
    coordinate with other relevant agencies directly down to the location.

    Another effort is to fetch the ball. This means that epidemiological surveillance officers to pass up
    seeking information and data collection started from the tendency of a disease diagnosis, counseling,
    until the outbreak there. Related suspected bird flu, doctors and other health workers continue
    dissemination of an awareness of early detection of disease. Each clinic also
    Tamiflu prepared. "The most important thing is to refer. When this referral is suspect bird flu
    Sudarso Hospital. It's appropriate if there are patients who dicuriagi taken there, "said Multi.Ia
    urged the community to maintain the health of themselves and their environment. If there is a dead chicken
    suddenly, use masks and gloves to hold. "It could also bask
    ie a quarter hour from 08:00 until 09:00. The virus would die with the sun, "
    he said.

    Rabu, 23 Juni 2010 ,

    Bocah Diduga Flu Burung

    Dirawat Intensif di Ruang Isolasi RSUD Soedarso

    PONTIANAK--Seorang bocah berumur empat tahun yang tinggal di Kecamatan Pontianak Utara diduga terinfeksi flu burung. Saat ini pasien diisolasi di RSUD dr Soedarso Pontianak.Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pontianak Multi Juto Bhatarendo yang sedang berada di Bandung mengaku sudah mendapatkan informasi tentang pasien yang diduga flu burung tersebut. “Satu pasien diisolasi. Swab tenggorokan sudah diambil dan dikirim ke Litbangkes. Penyelidikan epidemiologis sudah dilakukan, tidak ada kasus serupa.

    Positifnya tunggu hasil Litbangkes. Karena belum pasti, tunggu hasilnya secara lengkap,” ujar Multi, Selasa (22/6) siang.Pihak RSUD dr Soedarso tak membantah adanya dugaan pasien diduga terinfeksi flu burung. ”Hari ini (Selasa, red) salah seorang dokter anak memberitahukan bahwa terdapat salah seorang pasiennya yang berumur 4,5 tahun diduga suspect flu burung. Oleh sebab itu kita langsung melakukan antisipasi dengan memasukkan pasien itu ke ruang isolasi siang tadi,” ungkap Tita Selati Sundari, Kabid Pelayanan RSUD Soedarso kepada Pontianak Post, kemarin. Selain gejala, dugaan tersebut disebabkan karena lokasi tempat tinggal pasien di Pontianak Utara, merupakan lokasi dimana banyak terdapat ayam mati mendadak.

    Dengan ditemukannya pasien diduga flu burung tersebut, pihak Soedarso berkoordinasi dengan Dinas Kesehatan Kota dan Provinsi, serta tim penanggulangan flu burung untuk penanganan berikutnya. Selain ditempatkan di ruang isolasi, pasien juga telah diambil sampel untuk mengidentifikasi kuman dari sampel swab tenggorokan pasien. ”Sampel tersebut dibawa ke Jakarta untuk didapatkan hasil yang sebenarnya. Apakah memang positif menderita flu burung atau tidak. Sekitar tiga hari berikutnya kita akan mendapatkan jawaban,” ungkap Tita.Sebelumnya, Tita menjelaskan, pihak RSUD Soedarso telah mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya untuk mengantisipasi pasien flu burung. Hal tersebut dilakukan semenjak diberitakannya ayam mati mendadak.

    Untuk ruangan isolasi, yang dipersiapkan merupakan ruanganan khusus untuk penyakit menular berbahaya. Bangsal atau ruang khusus bagi pasien yang diduga flu burung ini menggunakan ruang isolasi pasien flu babi yang sebelumnya telah ada. Dengan jumlah tempat tidur sebanyak tujuh buah untuk jumlah pasien normal. Dalam mengantisipasi bertambahnya pasien, pihak rumah sakit juga mempersiapkan cadangan sebanyak empat tempat tidur dan tiga pelbet.

    Sedangkan tim penanggulangan yang telah terbentuk, Tita menjelaskan, terdiri dari tim dokter dan perawat. Di dalam tim dokter sendiri terdapat enam dokter, diantaranya dokter Anastesi, Patologi Klinis, penyakit dalam, anak, dan dokter umum. Sedangkan untuk tim perawat terdiri dari 21 perawat, dengan satu ketua dan koordinator.”Semuanya telah dibentuk dan diatur semenjak diduga adanya flu burung di Kalbar beberapa waktu lalu. Kita selalu waspada dan memantau setiap pasien yang masuk. Apabila mengalami gejala yang diduga flu burung, maka akan kita langsung lakukan tindakan,” pungkas Tita.Kadis Kesehatan Kota Pontianak Multi Juto Bhatarendo menjelaskan pihaknya melalui puskesmas di setiap wilayah terus berkoordinasi dengan masyarakat. Bahkan, saat ini jika ada ayam mati mendadak warga langsung melapor ke puskesmas setempat. Kemudian, tim Dinkes berkoordinasi dengan instansi terkait lainnya langsung turun ke lokasi.

    Upaya lainnya adalah jemput bola. Artinya petugas melalukan surveilans epidemiologi dengan mencari informasi dan pendataan mulai dari kecenderungan diagnosa suatu penyakit, penyuluhan, hingga wabah yang ada. Terkait dugaan flu burung, dokter dan petugas puskesmas lainnya terus melakukan sosialisasi tentang kewaspadaan dini terhadap penyakit tersebut. Setiap puskesmas juga disiapkan Tamiflu.“Yang paling penting adalah merujuk. Saat ini rujukan suspect flu burung adalah RSUD Sudarso. Sudah tepat jika ada pasien yang dicuriagi dibawa ke sana,” kata Multi.Ia mengimbau masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan diri dan lingkungannya. Jika ada ayam yang mati mendadak, gunakan masker dan sarung tangan untuk memegangnya. “Bisa juga berjemur seperempat jam yakni dari pukul 08.00 sampai 09.00. Virus akan mati dengan sinar matahari,” ujarnya. is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu

    Pontianak, West Kalimantan ::: Outbreak continues. A boy is under treatment.

    Posted by Ida on June 23, 2010

    West Kalimantan, an officially certified bird flu free province in Indonesia, keep reporting bird flu outbreak. -adm-.

    Pontianak ? A 4-year-old boy from Kecamatan (sub-district) North Pontianak suspected of having bird flu/avian influenza (H5N1) infection. Patient is currently isolated in dr Soedarso regional hospital in Pontianak. ?One patient is under isolation. Throat swab has been sent to Laboratory of Health Research and Development (Litbangkes). Epidemiology investigation didn?t show other similar case,? confirmed Head of Health Service of Pontianak, Multi Juto Batharendo.

    Many birds reported to have died lately in North Pontianak. Soedarso regional hospital is a bird flu referral hospital is West Kalimantan. Since sudden death in birds reported, the hospital has prepared facilities for anticipating bird flu patients, such as an isolation unit for bird flu patient and disease control medical team.

    In the meantime, Health Service has done prevention measures such as epidemiology investigation, public socialization and Tamiflu distribution to public health centers.

    Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Pontianak Post.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu


      Kamis, 24 Juni 2010 , 07:51:00
      Pasien Diduga Flu Burung Membaik

      Google tranaslation:

      Thursday, June 24, 2010, 07:51:00
      Suspected Bird Flu Patients Improving

      TREATED: 4.8-year-old boy who allegedly suspect bird flu got in the intensive care isolation room dr Soedarso Pontianak.Wahyu Ismir / Pontianak Post

      PONIANAK - The development of bird flu patients is indicated, Deby, who is currently hospitalized in isolation room dr Soedarso Pontiac improved health. According to Ida Royani, coordinator of the team nurses who specialize in bird flu patients, said the condition of 4.8-year-old boy was kept healthy compared to the time of admission to hospital. "At this time his temperature 36 degrees centigrade. Pulse 112 times a minute, breathing 28 times a minute, and blood tension 110 per 60. Better than when he first entered the body temperature 39 degrees, "explains this Royani.Saat Ida, Ida explains, patients are given treatment in the form of therapy and delivery of injectable drugs and oral drugs. In addition, the provision containing oseltamivir Tamiflu is an antiviral treatment. This drug is proven to suppress the ability of the virus to spread from infected cells to healthy cells.

      "The weight depends Tamiflu bird flu patients who are indicated. For patients Deby, given 2x30 mg in one day, with scheduled hours of 07:00 and 19:00 hrs. Until now we are still monitoring the patient's progress, "he explained. Sedangkat according to the patient's mother, Delina Elijah (36), both the child's condition is now improving. In fact every time he visited, Deby was always asking to go home. Unlike at the new entrance to the hospital on Monday (21 / 6) evening. At that time, high heat conditions experienced Deby interspersed cough up phlegm.

      "Later that afternoon complaining Deby himself sick. After I check the heat was high and his condition is very weak. Even he could not move. So I take it directly to the clinic, and then referred to Soedarso, "said the native of Sanggau ini.Delina told, before the hit indication of bird flu, chickens reared in the back of the rented house in the Gang swasembada I, Jalan Situt Machmud, the exact cause of sudden death without . However, that did not care. Considered something wonderful. "I did not know about bird flu. It's my chicken died suddenly when it gradually. Starting two weeks ago in one day I would have a dead chicken. Not knowing anything, I buried the chickens are just behind the house, "tuturnya.Namun so, he felt confident that her youngest child is not experiencing bird flu. Because based on its monitoring, Deby has improved conditions since the entry into the hospital. (Whew)


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu


        Kamis, 24 Juni 2010 , 06:44:00
        Bocah Suspect Flu Burung Membaik
        Didahului Puluhan Ayam Mati Mendadak

        Google translation:

        Thursday, June 24, 2010, 06:44:00
        Boy Suspect Bird Flu Recovery
        Sudden preceded Dozens Dead Chicken

        PONTIANAK. 4.5-year-old boy suspected of (suspect) infected with bird flu (H5N1) began to show signs of improving. He was treated in hospital isolation room Soedarso.

        "Now her body temperature 36 degrees centigrade," said Ida Royani MCA, Nursing Team Coordinator Special Isolation Room Dr Soedarso to a number of reporters in his office, Wednesday (23 / 6).

        When signed two days ago the little girl's temperature reached 39 degrees Celsius, accompanied by a cough, runny nose and shortness of breath. Yesterday his condition gradually recovered although still in intensive care.

        Other anatomical conditions also showed improvement. Vibrating pulse 112 times per minute, respiration 28 times per minute, and blood pressure 110/60 mmgh. "Over here, we have been providing therapy in accordance with the symptoms
        illness is experienced, "he said.

        Therapy through the provision of injection, infusion, oral, and tamiflu. "Special tamiflu, given two meals a day (at 7:00 am and 19:00). 30 Mg dose, adjusted for body weight of 15 kilograms DD, "explains Ida.

        Hospital doctors do not want to Soedarso's suppose certainty about illnesses suffered by DD. Kalbar Health Department sent a swab (saliva sample) dd Research and Development laboratory for research in Jakarta, two days ago. Within a day or two ahead, the new results can be known.

        Dd undergoing intensive treatment at Dr Soedarso since Tuesday (22 / 6) at around 09:30. Residents Gang swasembada I, Jalan Mahmud Siantan Gusti Situt experienced high fever.

        "I brought him (DD) to Soedarso Tuesday night (21 / 6) at around 20:00. He complained of fever since Monday afternoon at around 14:00, "says De, 36, DD biological mother while visiting her son, yesterday.

        Result of her marriage with her second child Il, 38, has a brother named Ok that was five years older. "Initially I brought my child to a clinic in Siantan Rainbow. Because she complained of weakness, the clinics advised to take to Soedarso, "De beber.

        Head of Medical and Non Medical Services Dr Soedarso, Dr Hj Tita Selati Sundari disclose, before being put into isolation, DD had undergone treatment in child care spaces.

        'By Dina Frida SpA doctors who handle it, this patient should not be treated in the same space with other children. Dd treated in a private room, "said Tita.

        Dina decision to separate DD treatment room after doing Anamneses about conditions before DD was sick. "From the description of the patient's family, about a week before DD was sick, a lot of chickens that died suddenly and was buried in the vicinity where they lived," said Tita.

        On the basis of the patient's family details, contact Tita Dina also had the chance. "Dr. Dina said, there are patients who allegedly infected with bird flu, and asked the team deployed to the field," said Tita Dina quotes.

        Soedarso Dr parties seemed to have anticipated events. Once cases of sudden death of chicken sticking out, they have created a special treatment room picket team Dr Soedarso.

        This government hospital also has a Case Management Team / Suspect Avian Influenza (H5N1) and Avian Influenza or Swim Pigs (H1N1). The team consists of seven doctors, 21 nurses, and nine other medical personnel, who have the authority if there are patients who are forced to be treated in a special treatment room at Dr Soedarso.

        Related to question the readiness of facilities and infrastructure special treatment room at any time if there are additional patients, according to Tita, no problem. Existing space is normally able to accommodate seven patients. If there are additional patients, in a room that can treat up to 11 people. "Even if you insist, we have isolation rooms that can accommodate three more people with the condition, only in velbed. Inventories tamiflu also quite a lot, over 1000 tablets, "said Tita.

        20 Chicken Dead

        A few moments before she was taken to RSUDS munggil still look healthy. "Monday morning (21 / 6) until the afternoon, my daughter seemed fine," said De.

        Women Bodok birth, district, there are already six years old live in Pontianak and sign in the alley swasembada I. De everyday at home taking care of only 20 male chicken. "About a week ago, the chickens that died suddenly without pain. Chickens owned by my neighbors also died suddenly, "he said.

        De hoping things do not happen against unwanted children. "Thank god condition is better now after taking the drug here. But for certainty, tell your doctor waiting lab results, "he said. (Bdu)


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu

          "Pontianak suspect bird flu patient already healthy"

          Friday, 25 June, 2010

          Pontiac, 25 / 6 (Between / FINROLL News) - Chief Medical Officer of Pontianak, Multi juncto
          states, De (4.8) citizen Gang swasembada I, Jalan Mahmud Gusti Situt alleged suspect flu
          birds are healthy.

          "If I see De was allowed to go home because it was healthy. In fact, so I had to visit
          AM, De can already laughing with his family,
          "said Multi juncto at Pontianak, Friday.

          Multi explained, since the beginning he had suspected that De did not experience or infected with virus
          bird flu. "De only experienced the common cold coincidence chickens owned by his parents died suddenly
          so that when subjected to high fever and suspected suspect bird flu, "he said.

          According to Multi, step parents bring their children to De District General Hospital Sudarso
          Pontianak is right, because the hospital designated to treat bird flu cases.

          "However, not De allowed to go home while awaiting results of blood tests
          laboratory to determine whether negative or positive bird flu,
          "he said.

          Chief Medical Officer of Pontianak city, said this time his side has carried out various
          step in preventing the spread of bird flu virus that can not be transmitted from birds to humans,
          by extension to society increase endurance and maintain
          surrounding environment.

          "If a strong immune system, any disease is difficult entry into the body.'d Better society
          in a day always take time for sports and sunbathing, so that bacteria or germs-
          death penalty because of hot sun, "said Multi Finance.

          Pontiac City Health Department also has trained all doctors who have either served in the
          Health centers and in hospitals to improve their knowledge in handling when
          no bird flu patients.

          Multi also called on people not to panic with the discovery of bird flu patients susfect,
          because by keeping the immune system so difficult diseases into human body.

          Previously, Head of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Health Abdul Manaf Mustafa Kalbar
          states, of 40 blood samples tested were 32 blood samples that the results are ND (newcastle
          diseaseganas) and the remaining eight positive samples of bird flu.

          "Results of laboratory tests that I received Monday (21 / 6). Until now, prevention is still done
          to destroy infected poultry suspected of bird flu virus and squirts
          disinfectants, "he said.

          According to him, the Governor of West Kalimantan has not been ordered to close by the city in total
          case. "We were asked to tighten exit and entry of poultry from outside, especially in the area
          Kalbar land borders - Malaysia.

          Kalimantan along the 1500 kilometer border, said Abdul Manaf is prone areas
          for the entry of disease-carrying birds.

          While the ordinance on January 25 and has been certified free of bird flu
          Ministry of Agriculture. Certificate acquired after January 2007 in Kalbar filed
          request for bird flu-free certificates.


          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu

            credits to bgw in MT for this article and translation . . .

            Soedarso suspect Bird Flu Patients Hospitalized?
            Written by Fikri Akbar Thursday, June 24, 2010
            Isolation room dr District General Hospital. Soedarso, since Monday (21 / 6) treating patients with suspected influenza virus infection afian aka the bird flu virus (H5N1).
            Viruses that become frightening specter that 'walked' a four-year-old Deborah Deby, residents Siantan Street Gang swasembada I Situt Mahmud North Pontianak.
            Deby nursed reinforce the issue of bird flu that could stir the City of Pontianak some time past.
            Party Soedarso Hospital, said Deby had high fever viruses such as avian flu. It reinforced the fact that Deby has a history of having contact with dead birds. Because Deby had direct contact with the disease pathogenik.
            This is justified Ismail (30) father of Deby who keep poultry types of chicken daily. "About ten days ago my 20 dead chickens, dead chickens last I found beneath the toilet, I at that time the grave," said Ismail met in hospitals Soedarso, Wednesday (23 / 6).
            [b] Ismail explains, the distance between poultry deaths and a high fever suffered by her youngest daughter was about a week. However, Ismail did not want to speculate, he quickly took steps to bring their children to Soedarso.
            "Last Monday I immediately brought here, a child specialist installation space. Tuesday around 9:00 pm my son was treated in the isolation room / pig, "added Ismail was accompanied by his wife Delina Elia (37).
            Ida Royani as coordinator of the nursing team Soedarso Deby declared conditions starting from a four-day run, is relatively normal.
            "It's been a little better than yesterday, blood tension has also been nornal, 36 degrees on Tuesday, tensinya reached 39.5 degrees. Water clear urine, flu and mild cough only, no longer dizzy. It's a little healthier, "said Ida, doctors who treat Deby.
            Smentara it, Kabid Soedarso Hospital services, Drg. Hj. Tita Selati Sundari when met in his office said he still can not be sure whether the H5N1 virus positive Deby. "We still do not know whether these patients had positive or not, because we are still waiting for test results on blood samples Balitbang MOH Jakarta," Tita light in his office, Wednesday (23 / 6).
            To find out how long the blood test sample processing Balitbang Deby, Tita predicted Friday (25 / 6) This result can already be known. "The possibility of three days, probably Friday," said Tita.
            Tita added that the party itself has been far in preparing for medical efforts in overcoming the impact of bird flu outbreaks with cooked. "Prior to the fanfare in the paper about a week earlier we had formed a special team to handle this, we also make a special schedule of nurses office, preparing the room isolation rooms with seven beds," said Tita.
            Meanwhile Chief Medical Officer (Health) Pontianak, Multi Juto Batarendro stating that what was done by Ismail is a very appropriate action to bring their children to Soedarso soon. Because Soedarso Hospital is the only hospital designated the Ministry of Health to handle bird flu cases.
            "Reference is made is right, because Soedarso specifically designated in the handling of H5N1 (bird flu) and H1N1 (swine flu)," Multi said.
            She explains, with the discovery of cases of Deby's, City Health Office to do more vigorous preventive measures, although previously said Multi efforts have been made, such as socialization to the community, counseling efforts and 40 doctors, health centers etc..
            "We have formed a special team to investigate etibemiologis, we will make efforts to prevent infected around the house. For example, such as neighbors, clinics, health environment, in addition to counseling who also frequent. Provide logistics to the health center, Tami flu drug administration. We have appropriate protection protab, "Ashrafi said.
            However, Multi already believed that Deby is not the case with bird flu, although the test results became known only later. "I'm sure it's not bird flu, because usually when someone is infected with bird flu, sometimes the victim can not survive long (died). And hopefully it's not bird flu, "said Multi.
            Another reason that strengthens the belief Multi, weather conditions and Udaya very transition like this now, so the virus would be more easily attacked. In addition, further analysis that the average flu viruses often live in winter as November, September and December.
            "The winter as in China, widely spread (virus). The virus would not survive in hot weather. Therefore I suggest (as therapy) in order to bask 10-15 minutes at 8 am to 9 am each day. In addition to the expected B vitamins, it also helps to spread the flu virus, "explained Multi while urge society to always implement healthy lifestyles in their own environment.


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia - Kalimantan - Child suspected to have bird flu - Tested negative

              The 4 year old child is cleared from bird flu. In the meantime four other children are in hospital, they are tested to rule out bird flu.

              Follow up reports on the childeren in this thread:

              Pontianak, West Kalimantan ::: 4-year-old negative bird flu. Four other children under isolation

              Posted by Ida on June 30, 2010

              Pontianak ? Following to avian influenza (AI) outbreak in chickens, four people from different areas in Pontianak are under intensive treatment of alleged bird flu infection. Patients were reported to develop fever and flu symptoms after chickens suddenly died around their neighborhood.

              Patients are being treated in dr Soedarso hospital, Pontianak. A patient has recovered and discharged from hospital, while four patients are still isolated, Ad (10), Ap (15), Da (10) and Wt (9). Da and Wt are cousins, and neighbors of Ap residing in Karya Bhakti street. Ad is resident of Pak Benceng of Pontianak city.

              Head of Medic and Non-Medic Service Division, Dr Soedarso hospital, Dr Hj Tita Selati said patients had been taken care according standard procedure (protap). ?They are isolated and given Tamiflu?, said Tita.

              In the meantime, patients? swab samples have been sent to research and development laboratory of Ministry of Health (Litbangkes) in Jakarta for bird flu confirmation.

              Ap was referred from Gang Sehat public health center and Wt was from Purnama public health center.

              Previously, Dd (4.5), a bird flu suspect patient in dr Soedarso had been confirmed negative by Litbangkes, and discharged from hospital.

              Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Equator News.

              "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
              Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

