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La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

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  • La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

    Archive Number 20100428.1373
    Published Date 28-APR-2010
    Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Plague, bubonic - Peru: (LL) RFI

    A ProMED-mail post
    ProMED-mail is a program of the
    International Society for Infectious Diseases

    Date: Mon 26 Apr 2010
    Source: Correo Peru [in Spanish, trans. Corr.SB, edited]
    < nt=0&txtNota_id=338096>

    The outbreak of bubonic plague in the Chicama district of La
    Libertad, Peru has been increasing rapidly, specifically in the
    Libertad settlement, where 3 new cases of infection have been confirmed.

    This was revealed by the chief epidemiologist of the Belen Hospital,
    Pedro Diaz Camacho, who came to that area to assess the critical
    condition of those affected, aged 8, 9, and 14.

    "The presence of rats has increased in the settlement, and we ask the
    intervention of local and regional authorities," emphasizes the epidemiologist.

    Diaz Camacho also said that the 9-year-old patient is in serious
    condition and the prognosis is guarded.

    [Byline: Lucia Ortecho]

    Communicated by:
    HealthMap Alerts via ProMED-mail

    [Most cases of _Yersinia pestis_ infection in the Western Hemisphere
    are reported from the southwestern part of the USA. Cases from South
    America do occur and have been previously reported in ProMED-mail
    from Brazil and Ecuador. ProMED would appreciate more clinical
    information about the cases as well as the total number of identified
    cases. - Mod.LL]

  • #2
    Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

    5 cases of bubonic plague, four in one family and one child died in the Chicama Valley
    Escrito por Administrator Written by Administrator
    lunes, 26 de abril de 2010 Monday, April 26, 2010

    El jefe de Epidemiolog?a del Hospital Bel?n de Trujillo. The head of Bethlehem Hospital Epidemiology of Trujillo. Pedro D?az Camacho, confirm? que hay cinco casos probables infectados con la peste bub?nica en el distrito de Chicama, provincia de Ascope, departamento de La Libertad. Pedro Diaz Camacho, confirmed that there were five probable cases infected with bubonic plague in the district of Chicama, Ascope province, department of La Libertad.

    Cuatro de estos casos pertenecen a una misma familia debido a que los infectados son primos hermanos y adem?s un ni?o de cuatro a?os falleci? con s?ntomas similares a esta enfermedad. Hoy se confirmar? si es que hay un rebrote de la peste bub?nica en el Valle Chicama. Four of these cases belong to one family because the infected are cousins and also a four year old child died with similar symptoms to this disease. Today will be confirmed if there is an outbreak of bubonic plague in the Chicama Valley


    • #3
      Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

      Outbreak of bubonic plague in the region
      jueves,, 22 de abril del 2010 Thursday, April 22, 2010

      Un nuevo brote de peste bub?nica detect? el personal de Salud del establecimiento de Chicama, jurisdicci?n de Ascope. A new outbreak of bubonic plague detected Health staff establishment of Chicama, Ascope jurisdiction. Hasta el momento se han reportado tres casos en menores de edad, de 10,12 y14 a?os, todos miembros de una familia. (Foto: difusi?n) So far three cases have been reported in children under age of 10,12 and 14 years, all family members. (Photo: diffusion)

      El gerente Regional, Henry Rebaza Iparraguirre, expres? a su preocupaci?n y dijo que existe un probable muerto, a consecuencia de la enfermedad, que los m?dicos especialistas buscan confirmar la presunci?n, a trav?s de investigaciones en el laboratorio. Regional manager, Henry Rebaza Iparraguirre, told his concern and said there is likely died as a result of the disease, seek medical specialists confirm the suspicion, through research in the laboratory.

      La enfermedad vuelve a reaparecer despu?s de ocho meses que se focaliz? un brote en el sector Santa Clara, donde se registraron 15 casos, pero fue controlado con una serie de medidas sanitarias. The disease reappears after eight months of an outbreak focused on the Santa Clara area, which registered 15 cases, but was controlled with a series of health. Esta aparici?n de casos estuvo asociado a un brote en Cajamarca. The appearance of cases was associated with an outbreak in Cajamarca. ?Este mal reaparece en el Per? despu?s de 12 a?os?, dijo el epidemi?logo Pedro D?az Camacho. "This evil reappears in Peru after 12 years," said epidemiologist Pedro Diaz Camacho.
      La peste es una enfermedad infecciosa aguda, provocada por una bacteria la Yersinia Pestis, perteneciente a la familia de las Enterobacterias. Plague is an acute infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae.

      Una vez que las c?lulas bacterianas han sido introducidas mediante la picadura de la pulga de rata dentro del ser humano, las c?lulas bacterianas se desplazan por el torrente sangu?neo hasta los n?dulos linf?ticos, donde generan peque?as hinchazones denominadas bubones. Once the bacterial cells were introduced by the bite of rat fleas in the human, bacterial cells travel through the bloodstream to the lymph nodes, where they produce small swellings called buboes.

      Personal del centro de salud de Chicama, el 21 del corriente, identific? a los pacientes con ganglios linf?ticos (bubones) en el cuerpo, s?ntoma de la peste.. Health center staff Chicama, 21 instant, identified patients with lymph nodes (buboes) in the body, a symptom of the plague .. La sospecha moviliz? al personal de salud ya adoptar acciones inmediatas. The suspect moved to health personnel and to take immediate action. Aunque los pacientes informaron que los s?ntomas aparecieron el 15 de abril. Although patients reported that symptoms on 15 April.

      Los especialistas realizan el diagn?stico en el laboratorio para confirmar la enfermedad, pero por las caracter?sticas, los m?dicos no dudan que se trata de la temible peste que se trasmite a trav?s pulga de la rata negra o silvestre. The specialists made the diagnosis in the laboratory to confirm the disease, but by the characteristics, doctors do not doubt that this is the terrible plague that is transmitted by black rat flea or wild.

      Rebaza Iparraguirre inform? que el personal de salud, tanto de la zona como especialistas de la Gerencia de Salud desarrollan una serie de actividades preventivas y de control. Iparraguirre Rebaza reported that health staff, both specialists in the area of Health Management, a series of preventive and control activities. ?Hacemos diagn?stico de laboratorio, b?squeda activa de casos a 300 metros de las viviendas de los pacientes, tratamiento para 14 probables contactos, captura de roedores en el ?mbito interno y externo de las viviendas para capturar al o animales enfermos?, expres?. "We laboratory diagnosis, active case 300 meters from the homes of patients, treatment for 14 probable contacts, trapping rodents in the domestic and external of the housing to capture or sick animals," he said.

      El funcionario cont? que tambi?n realizan educaci?n sanitaria en la zona para prevenir la enfermedad. The official was also carried out health education in the area to prevent the disease. ?La recomendaci?n es que toda persona con fiebre y ganglios linf?ticos acuda al centro de salud m?s cercano?, anot? Rebaza Iparraguirre. "The recommendation is that anyone with a fever and swollen go to the nearest health center," noted Rebaza Iparraguirre.

      Por. For. Hern?n Flores Rodr?guez Hernan Flores Rodr?guez


      • #4
        Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

        Archive Number 20100503.1442
        Published Date 03-MAY-2010
        Subject PRO / ESP> Plague Bubi ?? ? ?? nica, family outbreak - Peri ?? ? ?? (Chicama) (02)

        Bubonic plague, family outbreak - PERU (CHICAMA) (02)
        ************************************************** ****
        A statement by ProMED-mail
        ProMED-mail is a program
        International Society for Infectious Diseases

        Date: May 3, 2010
        Source: SD News, Peru
        <> [Edited
        by J. Torres]

        Peruvian health authorities said today on''red alert''
        to hospitals in the port of Chicama, north of the country, because
        of bubonic plague that affects so far at least five

        The regional manager of the Ministry of Health, Genrry Rebaza, I inform
        Lima radio station that the five affected are part of a
        same family who lived surrounded by garbage.

        Chicama is a port on the Peruvian coast located in the Region of
        Freedom and is located north of the city of Trujillo.

        Rebaza I emphasize that asked local authorities fumigated and
        clusters eliminate waste in order to end the burrows
        of rodents in the sector.

        Bubonic plague is an acute infectious disease caused by
        pestis_ _Yersinia bacteria, which is found in rodents
        young wild and their fleas.

        The disease can be transmitted to humans through
        bites of infected fleas, directly from rodents or
        through direct contact with the tissues of animals

        Reported by: Jaime R. Torres <>

        - ProMED-ESP


        • #5
          Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

          Rebrote de peste bub&#243;nica en Ascope Outbreak of bubonic plague in Ascope
          04 de Mayo del 2010 May 4, 2010


          Dato Datum
          La declaratoria de alerta roja permite que las autoridades municipales de los distritos de Ascope puedan disponer de presupuesto para realizar actividades de prevenci&#243;n de peste bub&#243;nica en sus localidades. The declaration of red alert allows municipal authorities to Ascope districts have budget for prevention of bubonic plague in their localities.

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          LA LIBERTAD | La epidemia de peste bub&#243;nica que se ha desatado en Ascope ha originado que la gerencia regional de Salud declare en alerta roja a esta provincia del valle Chicama, y ponga en alerta al personal m&#233;dico de los diferentes hospitales. LIBERTY | The bubonic plague has been unleashed in Ascope has caused regional health management declare red alert this Chicama Valley Province, and alert medical staff of various hospitals.

          As&#237; lo asegura la autoridad regional de Salud, Henry Rebaza Yparraguirre, quien revela la existencia de cinco infectados con la peste, de los cuales se presume que uno ha fallecido con este mal. So says the regional health authority, Henry Rebaza Yparraguirre, who revealed the existence of five infected with the plague, of which it is presumed that one had died with the disease.

          Como se sabe, la peste bub&#243;nica es una enfermedad infecciosa aguda causada por ratas y otros roedores que la portan y afecta al hombre a trav&#233;s de las pulgas de estos animales. As you know, bubonic plague is an acute infectious disease caused by rats and other rodents that carry and affect humans through fleas from these animals.

          ROTAN PERSONAL. PERSONAL ROTAN. Seg&#250;n Rebaza Yparraguirre, la declaratoria de alerta roja busca declarar prioritario el trabajo contra la peste, para evitar un mayor n&#250;mero de contagiados. According Rebaza Yparraguirre, the declaration of priority declare red alert looking for work against the plague, to prevent a greater number of infections. Asimismo, tal medida permitir&#225; la rotaci&#243;n de personal m&#233;dico hacia Ascope. Also, it will enable medical staff rotation to Ascope.

          "La declaratoria de alerta roja facilitar&#225; que el personal capacitado pueda ser rotado hacia la provincia de Ascope para el diagn&#243;stico, tratamiento y referencia oportuna de los contagiados", se&#241;ala el galeno. "The declaration of red alert, provided that trained personnel can be rotated to the province of Ascope for diagnosis, treatment and timely referral of those infected," says the doctor.

          Finalmente, Henry Rebaza record&#243; que hace un a&#241;o ya se present&#243; la misma enfermedad en el distrito de Casa Grande, por lo que es urgente la erradicaci&#243;n de basura cerca de la poblaci&#243;n. Finally, Henry Rebaza recalled that a year ago and was presented with the same disease in the district of Casa Grande, so it is urgent eradication of trash near the town.


          • #6
            Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

            Child who died would suffer plague

            | CPN RADIO - 03 MAY| Uno de los ni?os que conformaba la familia que presuntamente habr?a adquirido peste bub?nica en Chicama, distrito de Ascope, provincia de La Libertad, falleci? esta tarde. | CPN RADIO - MAY 03 | One of the children who formed the family who presumably had acquired bubonic plague in Chicama, Ascope district, province of La Libertad, died this afternoon.

            Lo inform? en exclusiva para CPN Radio, el director regional de Salud, Henry Rebaza, quien reiter? que los hospitales de la provincia de Ascope permanecen en ?alerta roja? y evaluando otros casos similares. The CPN reported exclusively for Radio, regional health director, Henry Rebaza, who reiterated that hospitals in the province of Ascope remain on "red alert" and assessing other similar cases.

            Asimismo, recomend? a las municipalidades del pa?s a aplicar pol?ticas de higiene p?blica a fin de proteger la salud de la poblaci?n. It also recommended that the country's municipalities to implement public health policies to protect the health of the population.

            Record? que la peste bub?nica es causada por la picadura de pulgas que atacan el cuero cabelludo de roedores, causando fiebres y un abultamiento en la zona ganglionar a la altura del cuello. He recalled that the bubonic plague is caused by the bite of fleas that attack the scalp of rodents, causing fever and a swelling in the lymph node region to the neck.


            • #7
              Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

              It is worth noting that the sources do not agree on when the cases took ill, how many there are, or when one might have died. One of the more recent articles indicates that the death was on the afternoon of May 3, but the article that started this thread was published on April 22, and already mentions it. Or were there two deaths?

              And this article indicates that preliminary tests have come back negative. Odd.

              Health authorities in La Libertad declared red alert medical stations Chicama district to three probable cases of bubonic plague. The affected are three children belonging to the same family, who have the symptoms of the disease, although preliminary tests were negative. The patients were two boys and a girl between 8 and 14 years, said the regional health director, Henry Rebaza.


              • #8
                Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

                Children affected with bubonic plague are out of danger
                Mi?, 05/05/2010 - 13:49 Wed, 05/05/2010 - 13:49


                Select ratingBadGoodVery GoodExcellentThe BestBadGoodVery GoodExcellentThe Best

                Los cuatro menores afectados por peste bub?nica en el distrito de Chicama, provincia de Ascope, en la Libertad, se encuentran en buen estado de salud al terminar con ?xito el tratamiento al que fueron sometidos, as? lo confirm? esta ma?ana, el gerente regional de salud de La Libertad (Geresa ? La Libertad), Henry Rebaza Iparraguirre. The four children affected by bubonic plague in the Chicama district, province of Ascope in Liberty, are in good health to successfully complete the treatment they were submitted and confirmed this morning, the regional health manager La Libertad (Geres - La Libertad), Henry Rebaza Iparraguirre.

                El funcionario recalc? que ahora lo m?s importante es que esta enfermedad no se urbanice; es decir, que la peste no pase de la zona rural a la ciudad, lo que ser?a muy peligroso. The official stressed that the most important thing now is that this disease is not Urbanic, ie that the plague did not pass the countryside to the city, which would be very dangerous. Por ello solicit? el trabajo coordinado con el gobierno local y las municipalidades en actividades de prevenci?n y educaci?n de la poblaci?n. Therefore requested the coordinated work with local government and municipalities in prevention and public education.

                Precis? que una mejor planificaci?n urbana y campa?as de limpieza frecuentes, son tambi?n necesarios para evitar que la situaci?n vuelva a repetirse. He said that better urban planning and frequent clean-up campaigns, are also needed to prevent the situation repeated. En tal sentido, recomend? la implementaci?n de un relleno sanitario para toda la provincia, y de esta forma evitar la formaci?n de botaderos de basura en distintos puntos. In this regard, recommended the implementation of a landfill for the entire province, and thereby prevent the formation of waste dumps at various places.

                Estas acciones deben contar con la asesor?a del sector Salud, para controlar tanto al vector (la pulga) como al roedor infectado con la bacteria Yersinia. These actions should have the advice of health sector, to control both the vector (the flea) as the rodent infected with the bacteria Yersinia. Felicit? que algunos municipios hayan iniciado labores de limpieza, desratizaci?n y desinsectaci?n de las zonas de riesgo. Commended that some municipalities have begun housekeeping, pest control and disinfestation of the risk areas.

                Insisti? en que el control del vector y del roedor, a trav?s de una estrategia intersectorial coordinada con asistencia t?cnica de la Geresa, es la principal medida para enfrentar esta enfermedad. He insisted that the control of vector and rodent, through a coordinated cross-sectoral strategy with technical assistance from the Geres, is the main measure to deal with this disease. Rebaza Iparraguirre destac? el trabajo realizado por los profesionales de la salud, un epidemi?logo, un pediatra y un infect?logo, quienes se dirigieron hasta las viviendas de los afectados para darles atenci?n inmediata. Iparraguirre Rebaza highlighted the work done by health professionals, an epidemiologist, a pediatrician and an infectious disease specialist who went to the homes of those affected to give them immediate attention.

                Peste bub?nica Bubonic plague

                Con se informara, la peste bub?nica se transmite por la picadura de la pulga (vector mec?nico) que ha estado en contacto con roedores infectados con la bacteria Yersinia. To be informed, bubonic plague is transmitted by the bite of the flea (vector mechanic) who has been in contact with rodents infected with the bacteria Yersinia. Es a trav?s de la pulga que se inicia la infecci?n en las personas que desarrollan en tres o cuatro d?as, fiebre alta de improviso (entre 39 y 40 grados), dolores de cabeza, e inflamaci?n ganglionaria dolorosa, a la que tambi?n se le llama bub?n. It is through flea initiating infection in people who develop in three or four days, a sudden high fever (between 39 and 40 degrees), headaches, painful and swollen ganglion, which is also called bubo.

                Si no se da una atenci?n oportuna, la enfermedad progresa a peste septic?mica y muerte. If not given timely care, the disease progresses to septicemic plague and death. La peste bub?nica sin tratamiento puede convertirse en peste neum?nica y el contagio se producir?a mucho m?s r?pido, en el plazo de dos d?as, y por v?a a?rea, a trav?s de las gotitas de saliva. Untreated bubonic plague can become pneumonic plague and contagion would occur much faster, within two days, and by air through droplets of saliva. La letalidad de esta enfermedad puede alcanzar el 50 o 60 por ciento de los casos. The lethality of this disease may reach 50 or 60 percent of cases.

                Toda persona con los s?ntomas de peste bub?nica, en cualquier estado de evoluci?n, en la zona del brote debe acudir de inmediato al establecimiento de salud m?s cercano, en donde el personal de salud evaluar? su situaci?n e iniciar? un tratamiento con antibi?ticos. Any person with symptoms of bubonic plague, at any stage of evolution in the outbreak area should go immediately to nearest health facility, where health staff will evaluate your situation and begin antibiotic treatment. La enfermedad ceder? r?pidamente. The disease will transfer quickly.


                • #9
                  Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

                  In La Libertad
                  Logran estabilizar a menores infectados con peste bub?nica They manage to stabilize children infected with bubonic plague

                  | CPN RADIO - 05 MAY| Cuatro menores afectados por la peste bub?nica en el distrito de Chicama, regi?n La Libertad, se encuentran estables al terminar con ?xito el tratamiento al que fueron sometidos. | CPN RADIO - MAY 05 | Four children affected by the bubonic plague in the district of Chicama, La Libertad region, are stable to successfully complete the treatment they were subjected. Lo confirm? el gerente regional de salud, Henry Rebaza. Confirmed by the regional health manager, Henry Rebaza.

                  El funcionario destac? el trabajo realizado por los profesionales de la salud, quienes se dirigieron hasta las viviendas de los afectados para darles atenci?n inmediata; logrando detener la enfermedad de alta propagaci?n. The official highlighted the work done by health professionals, who went to the homes of those affected to give immediate attention to stop making high-spread disease.

                  Tras recordar que en la v?spera un ni?o muri? con signos de esta enfermedad, la autoridad pidi? tomar acciones conjuntas a las autoridades para combatir a los transmisores de peste con labores de desratizaci?n y desinsectaci?n de las zonas de riesgo. Recalling that on the eve of one child died with signs of the disease, the authority asked to take joint actions to the authorities to fight the plague transmitters with the work of pest control and disinfestation of the risk areas.


                  • #10
                    Re: La Libertad, Peru: Possible bubonic plague outbreak

                    Note: Spanish to English machine translation

                    Bubonic plague round barn
                    May 12, 2010

                    According to the governor of Magdalena de Cao, Nelson Salas Torres, stable company in the Casa Grande dario encloses about 15 horses. The property in mention is located in the Vera Cruz area, within walking distance of homes, secure in Mag

                    Bubonic plague is causing fear in the Chicama valley, to the point that the governor of Magdalena de Cao, Nelson Salas Torres, on behalf of a group of people from this district, has requested the immediate closure of a horse corral Company-owned Casa Grande, as it ensures that the waste generated horses foul odors and attract rats.

                    As you know, recently the province of Ascope emergency was declared in the presence of bubonic plague (caused by the presence of rats), so that a group of residents of Magdalena de Cao argues that the horses of the company Casa Grande can not continue staying at the yard which is located a few meters from the houses of this district.

                    "These horses should be somewhere else because they can end up creating conditions for the bubonic plague.

                    . On several occasions we have asked the company moved their horses Casa Grande, but so far have no response "complaint that authority.

                    For their part, company officials say Casa Grande have requested that the Municipality of Magdalena de Cao provided an area with similar conditions to move their horses.


                    • #11
                      Re: La Libertad, Peru: Bubonic plague outbreak

                      Spanish to English translationShow romanization

                      Archive Number 20100710.2310
                      Published Date 10-JUL-2010
                      Subject PRO / POR> Plague: Peru (02) (Chicama, Ascope)

                      PLAGUE: PERU (02) (CHICAMA, Ascope)
                      Uma Mensagem / A Message / of ProMED-mail <>
                      ProMED-mail e um program da / is a program of the International Society
                      Infectious Diseases <>

                      Date: Saturday, 10 julho / July 2010
                      De: Promed-Port <>
                      Fonte: E Liberty [07/01/2010]


                      Confirmed another case of bubonic plague in Ascope

                      Regional Health Management purchased 20 bags for Carbaryl

                      At the national level has not been provided for the acquisition of this insecticide
                      Although there is risk areas throughout the country.

                      Despite the actions undertaken by the Regional Health Management
                      La Libertad, yesterday confirmed the spread of a resident with fever
                      . "This first case was registered in the district of Chicama and
                      currently, the patient is 32 years supervised by a team
                      from doctors, "said V?ctor Peralta, top regional official

                      He stated further that there is a chance that another seven people
                      are infected.

                      There are three boys and four girls ranging between eight and
                      fourteen years of age, and belong to AA.HH. The Freedom of the

                      Incineration. For executive director of Environmental Health, Aristides
                      Aurora Prado, the presence of rats in Chicama could be controlled if
                      Casa Grande agribusiness company ceases to burn the cane fields

                      "We made a call to Casa Grande to stop incinerating what
                      remains in the sugar cane plantations, because with all this
                      you get is that rats leave their dens and are routed to the
                      peoples, "said Aurora Prado.

                      FUMIGATION. Up to now, 425 homes were sprayed Chicama and
                      also has been 1210 deworm guinea pigs, 232 dogs, 128 cats and 73

                      Yesterday, officials met Ascope health sector and
                      Provincial municipality to define actions that will continue in other
                      districts. Furthermore, in the coming weeks will continue with the fumigation
                      for which used 20 machines that will accelerate dusters
                      the process.

                      [Chicama ao fica a 583 km north of Lima, province of Ascope na e ? uma das
                      "Meccas" do international surf - LJS]

                      Plague alert: China (Qinghai) 20100417.1246
                      Plague: India 20100429.1388]
                      [Visit nosso site, e com vers?o em portugues search mechanism, tambem em
             [clique na bandeira Portuguese] - LJS]
                      .................................................. LJS .................

