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Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

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  • Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

    Suspect Bird Flu Patient Treated in Padang Hospital

    Tuesday, April 20, 2010

    PADANG - MI: General Hospital Center (Dr) M Djamil Padang care of a four-year-old child Lubuk cone, Agam regency, West Sumatra, which is suspected of having bird flu (avian influenza / AI).

    "The patient named Salsa Elya Suharya, 4, was referred to Dr M Djamil Padang at around 14:40 pm Tuesday, and is now hospitalized in isolation room A1," said Director of Medical and Nursing department Dr M Djamil Padang. Ira Yanti, Tuesday (20 / 4).

    He explained, the patient suspect bird flu still has high bodyheat and breathing difficulties that continue to be monitored.

    Statement from parents of patients (Eli), the child has fever since three days ago and brought to the PHC. After taking medicine, the heat down, but a day later his body heat back high, so was taken to a local hospital. However, the regional hospital in Lubuk cone refer the boy to Dr M Djamil Padang.

    Ira mentioned, history of fever, the child may also be associated with neighbors of the dead chickens near his home. After examination of blood samples with a rapid test by the local veterinarian, the chicken was stated positive was attacked ciru bird flu (H5N1).

    He said the patient's blood sample has been sent to the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) The Ministry of Health and the results can be known a week longer.

    "Throughout the last four months of Dr M Djamil treating two patients suspect bird flu," he agreed the Director of Human Resources and Education Aguswan M Djamil dr.

    Ira explained further, since the bird flu case found in the territory of Sumatra until now at least Dr M Djamil Padang is treating about 80 patients.

    Of that amount, he added, carrying four people tested positive for bird flu, and one of them dead while the other three recovered.

    Mediaindonesiacom - Merupakan sumber berita terpercaya dan hadir di dunia digital yang memberikan informasi berita terkini seputar berita politik olahraga gaya hidup

    RSUP Padang Rawat Pasien Suspek Flu Burung

    Selasa, 20 April 2010

    PADANG--MI: Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) M Djamil Padang merawat seorang anak berumur empat tahun asal Lubuk Basung, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat, yang diduga menderita flu burung (Avian influenza/AI).

    "Pasien bernama Salsa Elya Suharya, 4, itu dirujuk ke RSUP M Djamil Padang, Selasa sekitar pukul 14:40 WIB, dan kini dirawat di ruang isolasi A1," kata Direktur Medik dan Perawatan RSUP M Djamil Padang Dr. Ira Yanti, Selasa (20/4).

    Ia menjelaskan, pasien suspect flu burung itu panas badannya masih tinggi dan sesak nafas sehingga terus dipantau.

    Keterangan dari orang tua pasien (Eli), anak itu mengalami demam sejak tiga hari lalu dan dibawa ke Puskesmas. Setelah minum obat, panasnya turun, tapi sehari kemudian panas badannya kembali tinggi sehingga dibawa ke rumah sakit setempat. Namun, rumah sakit daerah di Lubuk Basung merujuk anak itu ke RSUP M Djamil Padang.

    Ira menyebutkan, riwayat demam anak itu mungkin berkaitan dengan seekor ayam tetangganya yang mati di dekat rumahnya. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan sample darah dengan rapid test oleh dokter hewan setempat, ayam tersebut dinyatakan positif terserang ciru flu burung (H5N1).

    Ia mengatakan, sampel darah pasien sudah dikirim ke Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Balitbangkes) Kementerian Kesehatan dan hasilnya bisa diketahui sepekan lagi.

    "Sepanjang empat bulan terakhir RSUP M Djamil merawat dua pasien suspect flu burung," katanya yang disetujui Direktur SDM dan Pendidikan M Djamil dr Aguswan.

    Lebih lanjut Ira menjelaskan, sejak ditemukan kasus flu burung di wilayah Sumbar hingga kini sedikitnya RSUP M Djamil Padang sudah merawat sekitar 80 pasien.

    Dari jumlah itu, tambahnya, tercatat empat orang dinyatakan positif menderita flu burung, dan satu orang diantaranya meninggal sedangkan tiga lainnya sembuh.

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital


    Padang | Tuesday, 20/04/2010 17:13 AM
    A boy suspect bird flu
    Irwan Prayitno

    Padang, (AFP) - A boy, Elya Suharya Salsa (4), two dozen residents Lubuk origin, Agam regency, suspect a virus is detected H5N1 (bird flu).

    Salsa was treated in hospital isolation room M. Djamil Padang since Tuesday morning (20 / 4).

    According to one family, Salsa, Armailina, formerly Salsa esophageal high heat. Same time a neighbor found chickens died suddenly.

    "After checking the local vet, the chicken that died of H5N1 virus," said Armailina.

    According to him, because Salsa suffering from high fever, he was immediately rushed to a local midwife, because high heat conditions of the parties requested that health centers Salsa taken to a hospital in Lubuk cone.

    "Having taken to the hospital, the doctor could not bear, so they took out the reference to M. Djamil taken to hospital in Padang," said Armailina.

    According to the Director of Medical and Nursing, dr. Irayanti, based on the Rapid Test (rapid test) was found when Salsa suspected H5N1 virus was detected.

    "To ensure a positive or negative condition of salsa, we have taken blood samples, which will then be sent to Research and Development," he said.

    The test results are said to be out for one week ahead. (Cpw1/wij)

    Padang | Selasa, 20/04/2010 17:13 WIB
    Seorang Bocah Suspek Flu Burung
    Irwan Prayitno
    Padang, (ANTARA) - Seorang bocah, Salsa Elya Suharya (4), warga asal Lubuk Basung, Kabupaten Agam, terdeteksi suspek virus H5N1 (virus flu burung).

    Salsa dirawat di ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit M. Djamil Padang sejak Selasa pagi (20/4).

    Menurut keterangan salah seorang keluarga, Salsa, Armailina, sebelumnya Salsa terserang panas tinggi. Saat bersamaan ditemukan ayam tetangganya mati mendadak.

    "Setelah diperiksa dokter hewan setempat, ayam yang mati tersebut terserang virus H5N1," kata Armailina.

    Menurutnya, karena Salsa mengidap panas tinggi, ia langsung dilarikan ke bidan setempat, karena kondisi panas yang cukup tinggi pihak dari Puskesmas meminta agar Salsa dibawa ke rumah sakit di Lubuk Basung.

    "Setelah dibawa ke rumah sakit, pihak dokter merasa tidak sanggup, sehingga mereka mengeluarkan rujukan untuk dibawa ke RS M. Djamil Padang," kata Armailina.

    Menurut Direktur Medik dan Keperawatan, dr. Irayanti, berdasarkan Rapid Test (tes cepat) ditemukan kalau Salsa terdeteksi suspek virus H5N1.

    "Untuk memastikan positif atau negatifnya kondisi salsa, kita telah mengambil sampel darahnya, yang kemudian akan dikirim ke Litbangkes," katanya.

    Hasil tes ini katanya akan keluar selama satu minggu ke depan. (cpw1/wij)


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

      From Bird Flu Information Corner

      Padang, West Sumatera ::: Four-year-old bird flu suspect

      April 20, 2010

      Padang – Central Public Hospital (RSUP) M Djamil in Padang, West Sumatera treated a 4-year-old bird flu (avian influenza/AI) suspect patient from Lubuk Basung, Kabupaten Agam, West Sumatera.

      “Patient’s name is Salsa Elya Suharya, four years old. She was transferred to M Djamil hospital on Tuesday around 2,40 PM and now is being treated at AI isolation unit,” said Medical Treatment Director of M Djamil hospital, Dr Ira Yanti.

      Patient is still under observation due to high fever and shortens of breath.

      According to patient’s parent, his daughter developed fever three days earlier, and then been brought to public health center. Her temperature fell after taking medicine, but then returned on the next day. Later she was rushed to the regional hospital in Lubuk Basung. The hospital was then referred the patient to M Djamil hospital in Padang.

      Patient was reported of having contact history with a dead chicken nearby her house. The dead chicken was tested positive bird flu H5N1 by rapid test.

      Blood sample of patient has been sent to Research and Development Laboratory of Ministry of Health, and result is expected to be issued within a week.

      M Djamil hospital has treated two bird flu suspect patients in a period of four months.

      Since the introduction of bird flu H5N1 in West Sumatera, M Djamil hospital has treated total 80 suspect patients. Of those, four had been tested positive H5N1 with one fatality.

      Source: Indonesia national newspaper, Media Indonesia.


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

        General location map of this suspected case.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Sumatera Barat 20100420.jpg
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ID:	652215

        As noted in the news articles there have been four previous confirmed human cases of H5N1 in West Sumatra. In 2006 there was a family cluster of a brother and sister, but the brother was only retrospectively confirmed months later. In 2007 a 14 year old male died, and there was one additional case of a 21 month old child from West Sumatra in 2008.

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        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital


          Google translation:

          Bird flu "Eat Victim" in Lubukbasung
          Harmen - People of North Sumatra

          An outbreak of bird flu in Lubukbasung start eating the victim. Tuesday morning (20/04/2010), 1 citizen Jawi-Jawi, Lapau Konsi, Lubukbasung call it Vienna (4-not her real name), was suspected of contracting bird virus.

          For further handling, Vienna had to be referred to the department. M. Djamil Padang for special treatment. Until Tuesday afternoon, had not obtained information about the development of the health condition of the annual 4th kid.

          Cases of bird flu in Lubukbasung himself began shocking residents since last week. Saturday last week, district Lubukbasung Bambang Warsito together related elements went straight to the location of the incident and take steps to handling in the field.

          Even in the Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi, Lubukbasung since Tuesday, expressed as the area of bird flu and alert during the next 5 days, issued a medical officer who will monitor the development of health and community activities.

          Camat Lubukbasung Bambang Warsito explained that the 4-year boy who suspected the bird flu virus, is still in intensive care at the department. M. Djamil, Padang because hospital facilities fairly complete treatment of bird flu.

          Mentioned Bambang, formerly of Vienna had been rushed to hospitals Lubukbasung and directly referred to Padang.

          "But the development of the condition has not been obtained, I have not communicated with his family in the Valley," he said.

          Beware Lubukbasung Bird Flu
          Start barbed berdampaknya bird flu virus before making hundreds of dead chickens owned by residents in the Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi, Lubukbasung related officials already are taking steps to anticipate. Including burn and bury the carcasses of fish that allegedly infected with bird flu.

          Even from today, during the 5 days, a combined medical staff of Lubukbasung health centers, health department and animal husbandry department will open a special post treatment.

          Joint officer, in addition to monitoring the development environment will also guide the people directly engaged in various activities of anticipation, as residents will measure body temperature regularly every day, guiding residents to clean chicken coops or other birds, are calling for residents to wash their hands with soap and dissemination activities in the field .

          "We direct that post to lead bird flu alert in Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi," said Bambang Warsito.[*]


          Kab. Agam | Selasa, 20/04/2010 23:28 WIB

          Flu Burung "Makan Korban" di Lubukbasung
          Harmen - Rakyat Sumbar Utara

          Merebaknya wabah flu burung di Lubukbasung mulai makan korban. Selasa dini hari (20/04/2010), 1 warga Jawi-Jawi, Lapau Konsi, Lubukbasung sebut saja Wina(4-bukan nama sebenarnya), diduga terjangkit virus burung.

          Untuk penanganan lebih lanjut, Wina terpaksa dirujuk ke RSUP. M. Djamil Padang untuk pengobatan khusus. Hingga Selasa sore tadi, belum diperoleh informasi tentang perkembangan kondisi kesehatan bocah 4 tahunan tersebut.

          Kasus flu burung di Lubukbasung sendiri mulai menggemparkan warga sejak sepekan terakhir. Sabtu pekan lalu, camat Lubukbasung Bambang Warsito bersama unsur terkait langsung mendatangi lokasi kejadian dan melakukan langkah-langkah penanganan di lapangan.

          Bahkan di Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi, Lubukbasung sejak Selasa, dinyatakan sebagai kawasan awas flu burung dan selama 5 hari kedepan, ditempatkan petugas medis yang akan memantau perkembangan kesehatan dan kegiatan masyarakat.

          Camat Lubukbasung Bambang Warsito menjelaskan, kondisi bocah 4 tahun yang dicurigai terkena virus flu burung tersebut, masih dalam perawatan intensif di RSUP. M.Djamil, Padang karena di rumah sakit tersebut berbagai fasilitas penanganan flu burung cukup lengkap.

          Disebutkan Bambang, sebelumnya Wina sempat dilarikan ke RSUD Lubukbasung dan langsung dirujuk ke Padang.

          "Namun perkembangan kondisinya belum diperoleh, saya belum berkomunikasi dengan keluarganya di Padang,? sebutnya.

          Lubukbasung Awas Flu Burung
          Berkait mulai berdampaknya virus flu burung yang sebelumnya membuat ratusan ternak ayam milik warga mati di Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi, Lubukbasung aparat terkait sudah melakukan berbagai langkah antisipasi. Termasuk membakar dan menguburkan bangkai ikan yang diduga terjangkit flu burung.

          Bahkan mulai hari ini, selama 5 hari, gabungan petugas medis dari puskemas Lubukbasung, dinas kesehatan dan dinas peternakan akan membuka posko khusus penanganan.

          Petugas gabungan, selain memantau perkembangan lingkungan juga akan langsung memandu warga melakukan berbagai kegiatan antisipasi, seperti akan mengukur suhu tubuh warga secara rutin setiap hari, memandu warga membersihkan kandang ayam atau unggas lain, menghimbau warga untuk mencuci tangan dengan sabun serta kegiatan sosialisasi langsung di lapangan.

          "Kita langsung yang memimpin posko siaga flu burung di Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi,? tegas Bambang Warsito.[*]


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

            The girl was tested negative for bird flu by "rapid test". Testresults from Jakarta are expected in a week time.

            Patient Salsa Elya Suharya In M Djamil Padang Hospital Tested Negative

            Wednesday, April 21, 2010

            Padang, the Condition of the patient suspect bird flu ELYA SUHARYA SALSA is now undergoing treatment
            General Hospital Center M Djamil Padang is getting better. SALSA origin Lubuk cone,
            Agam regency, West Sumatra was referred to Dr M Djamil Padang yesterday.

            Medical and Nursing Services Director Dr Dr M Djamil Padang. IRA Yanti said conditions
            SALSA since this morning getting better, though still a fever and cough, but had SALSA
            not experiencing shortness of breath.

            From the results of rapid tests done by Dr M Djamil Hospital,
            Salsa suspect bird flu is tested negative.

            Although the tests conducted Rapid Dr M Djamil declared negative, but Dr M Djamil
            still have to wait for confirmation of test results of blood samples that have been sent to the Research and
            Health Development - Research and Development Department of Health in Jakarta, to ensure
            SALSA conditions.

            IRA Yanti said blood sample test results will be known to one week


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

              From the results of rapid tests done by Dr M Djamil Hospital,
              Salsa suspect bird flu is tested negative.
              The rapid test is not reliable, the 4 year old girl may still be infected with H5N1. The blood test will provide an accurate assessment, if the results are released.


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital


                Kab. Agam | Jumat, 23/04/2010 00:02 WIB

                Flu Burung di Lubukbasung, Tim BPPV Turun
                Harmen - Rakyat Sumbar Utara

                Toggletext translation:

                Kab. Agam | on Friday, 23/04/2010 00:02 WIB
                Bird flu in Lubuk Basung, Tim BPPV Turun Harmen - the People West Sumatra Utara

                The impact of bird flu that happened in Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi, of Lubuk Basung last week seized special attention of government apparatus. Proven, on last Thursday, the Penanggulangan Body special team of the Spreading of the Virus (BPPV) Regional Ii Bukittinggi deliberate came to the location of the spreading of the virus H5N1 in Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi.

                The special team was brought in by BPPV Regional Ii Bukittinggi was led by Drh. I Gde Eka and Anto at once inspected the location and were involved in the dialogue with the community, including the joint team that was formed by the Lubuk Basung sub-district head to anticipate the spreading of the impact of bird flu in the territory.

                Now the condition for Jasmine (4-not the name in fact), casualties suspect bird flu that underwent the intensive maintenance in RSUP M.Djamil, Padang relatively stable. Till last Thursday, already many changes that were experienced by casualties. However up to now, produced by Labor Party the inspection sample casualties's blood did still not descend from Jakarta.

                The Lubuk Basung sub-district head , Bambang Warsito through his cellular phone, on Thursday (22/04/2010) confirmed, the impact of bird flu that happened in Jawi-Jawi, Lapaukonsi, last week received special attention from various circles.

                This afternoon , the team of BPPV Regional Ii Bukittinggi deliberate came to the location of the spreading of bird flu and immediately carried out steps in anticipation in the field. The case seized attention, post the death of several tails of the resident's chicken Saturday last week, after beforehand was reported hundreds of tails of the resident's chicken also died suddenly, but were not reported to local apparatus .

                Moreover, when being inspected to the field, the team of the subdistrict that brought the medical member from the Lubuk Basung community health centre from the detection of early confirmed, the region was positive terjangkit bird flu. Moreover, Jasmine (not the name in fact-red), the local resident was expected terjangkit the virus H5N1, the cause of bird flu that currently still is undergoing the intensive maintenance in RSUP M.Djamil, Padang.

                We were still carrying out steps in anticipation, moreover the BPPV team has descended to the location and it was hoped could be taken by steps in anticipation, especially so that the similar plague does not creep into the other community, hoped Bambang Warsito. Rsito.

                Till today, the condition in the territory was relatively safe, there was no significant unrest that emerged from the community. Nevertheless, the special team that was formed by the Lubuk Basung sub-district head was still alert in the field, apart from measuring the temperature tubu the resident, also spread out the socialisation of the routine washed the hands with soap, cleaned chicken coops as well as the step in other anticipation.[*]


                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia - West Sumatra - Suspect Bird Flu Patient in Padang Hospital

                  The report on a 4-year-old girl in Pekanbaru Hospital, Riau is moved to another thread (not the same case, not the same region).

                  Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; April 28, 2010, 05:38 AM. Reason: wrong thread

